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[行业软件]Trimble Tekla Tedds 2021 SP2 with Library Update (May 2021) [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2021-06-02 20:10:04

Trimble Tekla Tedds 2021 SP2 with Library Update (May 2021) | 107.7 mb

Trimble launched Tekla Tedds 2021 SP2 (23.2.0000) with Engineering Library (August 2021). This release includes a number of enhancements and issue resolutions.

Tekla Tedds 2021 - Service Pack 2


Writing Custom Calculations

New optimization processing when Word Calc Items are stored in Calc Libraries which can reduce the storage size of individual calc items by up to 75%. Smaller items will calculate more quickly due to the reduced data which needs to be processed.

Tedds content authored in Microsoft Word is saved to a Calc Library in Rich Text Format (RTF). This plain text format uses special tags to define the formatting and other document information. Microsoft Word aims to maintain a high fidelity of data retention when importing and exporting data in the RTF format and as such includes a lot of tags in the RTF which is often superfluous in the Tedds context.

Now when RTF data is saved to a Calc Library it is pre-processed in order to remove unnecessary information in the RTF which would not affect how the content is calculated or merged back into a Tedds document.

Tedds for Word

User interfaces embedded in documents now support the _CalcUI variable. This variable can be used to conditionally show or hide the user interface which allows the calculation to be automated, for example using the Tedds batch design.

User Interfaces created using the Interface Designer Pro application can use a new optional Debug command button on the toolbar which can be used to execute a custom expression to perform operations which help to resolve bugs.

Enhanced Save Marked Up Calc Items command. The command has been optimized to ensure that Calc Items are only saved if the item content of properties have been modified and the document insertion point is now restored to its original location when the command has finished.

Progress Log

New option to indent the items listed in the progress log. The displayed indent increases as each Calc Item is calculated and decreases when an item has finished calculating so that you can visually determine which items in the log relate to which parent calc item.

Debug events for example when using WatchVar and WatchFunction are now logged using their own Debug Item in the log.

Update the styling and default color scheme used by the progress log for improved visual fidelity and overall consistency with the rest of the product.


Eight new functions which can be used when writing custom calculations.

Calculates the cube root of a value including support for negative values.

CubeRoot( 8 ) = 2
CubeRoot( -8 ) = -2

String List Functions
String list functions allow a list of values to be managed as a single string value where each item in the string is separated by the list separator (normally a comma). For example you might use such a list for recording the positions on a beam where results of interest occur.
The new functions included in this service pack make it easier to manipulate such data.

Two separate operations have resulted in two lists of positions of interest on a beam which are not currently sorted, create a new list which contains all the positions (in mm) from both lists in order from smallest to largest without any duplicates.

a1 = 0.0m; a2 = 0.575m; a3 = 0.63m; a4 = 1.2m
list1 = StringList( "F0", "mm", a1, a2, a3, a4 ) = "0,575,630,1200"
b1 = 0.0m; b2 = 0.325m; b3 = 0.63m; b4 = 0.2m
list2 = StringList( "F0", "mm", b1, b2, b3, b4 ) = "0,325,630,200"
positions = StrListUnion( StrListSort(list1), StrListSort(list2) ) = "0,200,325,575,630,1200"

StrListJoin can be used to concatenate two string lists.

list1 = StrList( 1, 2, 3 )
list2 = StrList( 4, 5, 6 )
StrListJoin( list1, list2 ) = "1,2,3,4,5,6"
StrListJoin( list2, list1 ) = "4,5,6,1,2,3"

Removes all consecutive duplicate elements from a sorted string list.

list = StrList( 1, 2, 3, 3, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10, 11 )
StrListUnique( list ) = "1,2,3,7,8,9,10,11"

Merges two sorted string lists into a single string list.

list1 = StrList( 1, 3, 7 )
list2 = StrList( 2, 6, 8 )
StrListMerge( list1, list2 ) = "1,2,3,6,7,8"

Creates a sorted string list consisting of the elements that exist in one or both sorted string lists.

list1 = StrList ( 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 )
list2 = StrList( 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 )
StrListUnion( list1, list2 ) = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9"

Creates a sorted string list from two sorted string lists which consists of the elements that exist in both lists.

list1 = StrList ( 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 )
list2 = StrList( 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 )
StrListIntersection( list1, list2 ) = "2,5,9"

Creates a sorted string list from two sorted string lists consisting of the elements which exist in the first list but not in the second list.

list1 = StrList ( 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 )
list2 = StrList( 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 )
StrListDifference( list1, list2 ) = "1,3,7"
StrListDifference( list2, list1 ) = "4,6,8"

Creates a sorted string list consisting of the elements which exist in either of two sorted string lists but not both.

list1 = StrList ( 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 )
list2 = StrList( 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 )
StrListSymmetricDifference( list1, list2 ) = "1,3,4,6,7,8"

Other Updates

[TEDDS-5564] Updated embedded Chromium browser (CEF) to address security vulnerabilities
[TEDDS-5558] Updated System.Text.Encodings.Web to 4.7.2

Writing Custom Calculations
[TEDDS-5619] Modified the behavior of the developer commands for creating calculation examples to always save the variables in SI units so that numeric precision issues are avoided when saving US examples using US units.
[TEDDS-5620] Enhanced VerifyEqual so that when the result is different the warning message indicates the percentage difference between the two values.
[TEDDS-5546] Fixed the Data List design application not initialising the "Hide grid" and "Fixed splitter" options correctly which resulted in these options being applied randomly when building a data list.
Tekla Tedds Engineering Library (May 2021)


UK and Asia

Concrete specification (BS8500)
Updated in accordance with BS8500-1:2015+A2:2019. Improved user experience so that the majority of the input can be entered on the main page of the user interface.

Other Updates

Calculation writing documentation
Updated the documentation for new and updated functions in Tedds 2021 Service Pack 1, including:
- New CubeRoot function.
- New StrListJoin, StrListMerge, StrListUnique, StrListUnion, StrListIntersection, StrListDifference and StrListSymmetricDifference functions
- Updated sqrt to include the new alias SquareRoot.
- Updated SaveSectionVarsCalcItem and SaveSectionVarsTextFile to save values in SI units by default.
Foundation analysis & design (EN1992/EN1997)
[Tedds-5588] - Corrected item used to display passive sliding resistance check in summary output.
[Tedds-5532] - Corrected analysis model for pad foundations with multiple columns and strip foundations with multiple walls.
[Tedds-5531] - Adjusted user interface to allow users to select which axis the analysis model, moment and shear diagrams are displayed for.
Sketch updates for global compatibility.
Timber frame racking panel design (EN1995)
[TEDDS-5589] - Corrected incorrect argument in function error associated with output control variables.


Footing analysis & design (ACI318)
Enhanced to allow an optional pedestal to be defined for each column or wall. The user experience has also been improved when a design is beyond scope so that more detailed information is provided in the user interface and the output document, results that can be calculated are also now presented for the partial design.

Other Updates

Calculation writing documentation
Updated the documentation for new and updated functions in Tedds 2021 Service Pack 1, including:
- New CubeRoot function.
- New StrListJoin, StrListMerge, StrListUnique, StrListUnion, StrListIntersection, StrListDifference and StrListSymmetricDifference functions
- Updated sqrt to include the new alias SquareRoot.
- Updated SaveSectionVarsCalcItem and SaveSectionVarsTextFile to save values in SI units by default.
Footing analysis & design (ACI318)
[TEDDS-5596]1 - Fixed expression error "Undefined variable '_CriticalSLSLC'"
Fixed overall design preview utilization ratios to consider results for both directions.
Small improvements to user interface.
RC wall design (ACI318)
[TEDDS-5616]1 - Corrected error falsely identifying unbraced slender wall design.


Calculation writing documentation
Updated the documentation for new and updated functions in Tedds 2021 Service Pack 1, including:
- New CubeRoot function.
- New StrListJoin, StrListMerge, StrListUnique, StrListUnion, StrListIntersection, StrListDifference and StrListSymmetricDifference functions
- Updated sqrt to include the new alias SquareRoot.
- Updated SaveSectionVarsCalcItem and SaveSectionVarsTextFile to save values in SI units by default.
Foundation analysis & design (EN1992/EN1997)
[Tedds-5588]1 - Corrected item used to display passive sliding resistance check in summary output.
[Tedds-5532]1 - Corrected analysis model for pad foundations with multiple columns and strip foundations with multiple walls.
[Tedds-5531]1 - Adjusted user interface to allow users to select which axis the analysis model, moment and shear diagrams are displayed for.
Sketch updates for global compatibility.


Calculation writing documentation
Updated the documentation for new and updated functions in Tedds 2021 Service Pack 1, including:
- New CubeRoot function.
- New StrListJoin, StrListMerge, StrListUnique, StrListUnion, StrListIntersection, StrListDifference and StrListSymmetricDifference functions
- Updated sqrt to include the new alias SquareRoot.
- Updated SaveSectionVarsCalcItem and SaveSectionVarsTextFile to save values in SI units by default.


Calculation writing documentation
Updated the documentation for new and updated functions in Tedds 2021 Service Pack 1, including:
- New CubeRoot function.
- New StrListJoin, StrListMerge, StrListUnique, StrListUnion, StrListIntersection, StrListDifference and StrListSymmetricDifference functions
- Updated sqrt to include the new alias SquareRoot.
- Updated SaveSectionVarsCalcItem and SaveSectionVarsTextFile to save values in SI units by default.

Tekla Tedds is powerful software developed to meet the needs of the structural engineering workflow and designed to help you automate your repetitive structural calculations. Choose from one or more of our regularly updated calculation libraries or write your own, and create professional documentation every time. Combine your structural calculations with 2D frame analysis.

Tekla Tedds 2021 structural analysis and design calculation software offers new and improved calculations, including base plate, precast hollow core slab, concrete foundation and timber racking loads, to satisfy multiple design codes.

Tekla Structural Designer - Design using Tekla Tedds - Wood member design (NDS)

Tekla software solutions for advanced BIM and structural engineering are produced by Trimble. Trimble’s construction offering ranges from total stations to advanced software, giving the industry tools to transform planning, design, construction and operation of buildings. Tekla software is at the heart of the design and construction workflow, building on the free flow of information, constructible models and collaboration.

Product: Trimble Tekla Tedds
Version: 2021 SP1 (23.1.0000) with Library Update (May 2021)
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.tekla.com
Language: english
System Requirements: PC *
Software Prerequisites: Tekla Tedds 2021 version 23.0.0000 & Engineering Library version 23.1.0000
Size: 107.7 mb

** System Requirements:

Tekla Structural Designer 2021 hardware recommendations.

System requirements for effective operation

CPU: Multi core Intel i5 Series or above, Xeon or AMD equivalent
- Highest affordable performance recommended.

Memory: 16GB (32GB or more recommended)
- Memory requirements are highly dependent on model content.

OS: 64-bit Microsoft Windows 8.1 / 10
- Operating systems must be running the latest service packs / updates.

Graphics: 1600 x 900 resolution (1920 x 1080 or higher recommended)
- 1GB or higher of dedicated RAM.
- Utilizes HOOPS Visualize, a third party graphics engine available from Tech Soft 3D. To check your adapter’s compatibility visit the HOOPS developer website for HOOPS 20.x, DirectX and OpenGL requirements.

Disk space: 1GB or more of free space for installation
- Operational disk space requirements are highly dependent on model content.

Internet connection: Required for access to Online Services and some documentation.

License Service:
- Tekla Structural License Service 3.00 including Sentinel RMS 9.5

License Server: The latest version of the Tekla Structural Licence Service, at time of release, is shipped and installed with the software. If you have chosen to have a separate licence server, it is always our recommendation that you also run the latest version of the Tekla Structural License Service on it to ensure compatibility. Please see System Requirements for specific version details.

Test environments

The application is tested and supported on the following business versions of Microsoft Windows with the latest updates applied:

- Windows 10 64-bit
- Windows 8.1 64-bit

Tekla Tedds 2021 hardware recommendations:

CPU: Multi core Intel i3 Series or above, Xeon or AMD equivalent
- Highest affordable performance recommended.

Memory: 2GB
- Memory requirements are dependant on document content.

OS: 32-bit or 64bit Microsoft Windows 8.1 / 10
- Operating systems must be running the latest service packs / updates.
- See Test Environments (below) for full details of supported operating systems.

Graphics: 1920 x 1080 resolution
- 1GB or higher of dedicated RAM.

Disk space: 1GB or more of free space for installation.
- Operational disk space requirements are highly dependant on model content.

Internet connection: Required for access to Online Services and some documentation.

Microsoft Word: 32-bit or 64-bit of Microsoft Word 2013, 2016 or 2019.
- Microsoft Word needs to be fully service packed.

License Service:
- Tekla Structural License Service 3.00 including Sentinel RMS 9.5

License Server: The latest version of the Tekla Structural Licence Service, at time of release, is shipped and installed with the software. If you have chosen to have a separate licence server, it is always our recommendation that you also run the latest version of the Tekla Structural License Service on it to ensure compatibility. Please see System Requirements for specific version details.

The application is tested and supported on the following business versions of Microsoft Windows with the latest updates applied:

- Windows 10 32-bit & 64-bit
- Windows 8.1 32-bit & 64-bit
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Tekla Structures Design Suite