The FMSoft uniGUI framework extends the web application development experience to the next level. This tool enables developers to create, design and troubleshoot their Delphi projects as a regular desktop application and then select one of the available options for development. This is exactly the same as Windows or ISAPI services. Developed on the basis of Java library standards, this framework creates a simple and usable environment for web applications by maintaining application status and automated use of Delphi modules. Features and Features of FMSoft uniGUI Programming Framework: - It is based on industry standards for Java Ext JS libraries
- Ext JS bindings are performed using ExtPascal library cleanup ( ExtPascal internally translates Pascal objects to ExtPascal JavaScript objects).
- Create state-of-the-art web applications
- Delphi maintenance status
- Enhanced client side logging
- Automatically use Delphi data modules per session
- Extension options: ISAPI web applications, unique web applications, Windows service applications
System required uniGUI Supported Delphi versions: Turbo Delphi Pro, Delphi 2006, Delphi 2007, Delphi 2009, Delphi 2009, Delphi 2010, Delphi XE, Delphi XE2, XE3, XE4, X5, XE6 and XE7 – XE8 – XE10 – 10.1 – 10.2 – 10.3Supported C ++ Builder versions: C ++ Builder 2006 – XE8 – XE10 – 10.1 – 10.2 – 10.3 UniGUI images
Installation guide Some versions are activated by Cijan and some by Crack.Due to the impossibility of testing, different versions are available. 购买后,将显示帖子中所有出售内容。
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