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[行业软件]OpenBridge Designer CONNECT Edition 2021 R2 ( [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2021-09-11 23:09:40

OpenBridge Designer CONNECT Edition 2021 R2| 7.9 Gb

The Bentley Systems Incorporated development team is pleased to announce the availability of OpenBridge Designer CONNECT Edition 2021 Release 2 ( is a unique application that combines modeling, analysis, and design into one comprehensive bridge product.

What's New in OBD CONNECT Edition, 2021 Release 2
OpenBridge Designer (OBD) CONNECT Edition 2021 Release 2 (v10.10.20.XX) and its components OpenBridge Modeler (OBM), RM Bridge, LEAP Bridge Concrete (LBC), and LEAP Bridge Steel (LBS) contains the following enhancements and error corrections:

- Merge option. This new function gives the option to merge data between 2 .obdx files. The function will copy data from the selected .obdx file into the active .obdx file.

What’s New in OpenBridge Designer (OBD) CONNECT Edition 2021 Release 1 - Date: July, 2021
This topic summarizes the new enhancements in OpenBridge Designer CONNECT Edition v10 Update 10 and its components 1) OpenBridge Modeler (OBM), 2) RM Bridge, 3) LEAP Bridge Concrete (LBC), and 4) LEAP Bridge Steel (LBS).
- Side-by-Side Installation
- New online resources tab in the OBD main window

Enhancements in the Components:

1) OpenBridge Modeler (OBM)
- Model Steel Tubs
- Model Steel Cross Frames for Concrete Beams
- Model Column Cross Section using Template variation
- Foundation Decorators
- Bridge specific Item Types (Technology Preview)
- Side-by-Side Installation
- Descartes Functionality
Additional Enhancements:
- Product Release Name changed to 2021 Release 1
- Model Bent Plate Diaphragms
- Display Element Volume in Bridge Object Properties
- Re-organized Ribbon Tool Bar to improve workflow
- New Collaborate Tab for iTwin workflow
- Place Parametric Pier/Abutment now have an option to ignore skew
- Options to send more than one bridge or unit to RM Bridge
- Option to hide Unit Cost Data in Quantities Report
- Additional Tags for Functional Components
- Model Drilled Shaft w/ or w/o Rock Socket under Footing
- Enhanced Steel CrossFrame/Stiffener dialogs
- Steel CrossFrames: new Apply to all Bays option
- Tool Tips on Members display length, type, etc.
- New VUE rendering engine instead of Luxology
- New Configuration variable for DV settings
- Improved "Place Custom Pier/Abutment" dialog
- Additional EU Beam Templates added to Libraries in Metric workspace
- Place Deck Template shows slider to show Template cross-sections variation
- Edit Barrier Placement now shows the Guideline(Path) name used
Technology Stack
- Built on MicroStation PowerPlatform Update 16 (v10.16.00.80)
- Built on Civil Platform (OpenRoads Designer) 2021 Release 1 (v10.10.01.02)
- Updated to ProStructures Update 5.2 (v10.05.02.39)
- Updated to gINT Civil Tools (
- Optional install of Generative Components
- Optional install of LumenRT Designer Edition Update 14

2) RM Bridge
BIM Workflow (OBM-RM):
- Send more than one bridge unit from OBM toRM
- Read shear studs from OBM as analytical spring elements
- Support connecting multi-columns directly to deck
Enhancements in GUI:
- Copying temperature reference sets in RM Modeler
- Generate multiple tendons in Modeler for Grid Points defined in cross-section
- New Plot Action (PIEIUlt) for plotting ultimate bending capacity in the cross-section for load cases and envelops
- Removed CONNECT Advisor. CONNECTION Client is replacing it’s functionality.

3) LEAP Bridge Concrete (LBC)
- Added 21 ALDOT concrete girder sections.
- Removed the Bridge Parametric Layout (formerly GEOMATH) . It’s functionalities are provided through OpenBridge Modeler.
- Removed the Drawing tab. The drawing functionalities are provided through OpenBridge Modeler.
- Removed CONNECT Advisor. CONNECTION Client is replacing it’s functionality.

4) LEAP Bridge Steel (LBS)
- Removed CONNECT Advisor. CONNECTION Client is replacing its functionality.
- Implemented BridgeQViewer in the user interface. It supports faster and easier control of 3D/2D bridge models.
What’s New in OpenBridge Modeler (OBD) CONNECT Edition 2021 Release 1 - Date: July, 2021

Side-by-Side Installation
Starting with 2021 Release 1, OpenBridge Modeler now supports side-by-side installation. This means you could have a previous version of OBM on the same machine, and without uninstalling it, you could install the new version on the same machine. You simply chose the version you wish to run. For our users familiar with the MicroStation ecosystem, this is something new that both the Civil Products (OpenRoads/OpenRail) and the OpenBridge products are now offering. When installing the software, you are no longer prompted with an option to upgrade the previous installation, and instead the new product is installed in a new directory ( by default - C:\Program Files\Bentley\OpenBridge Modeler CE 10.10).

The benefits of side-by-side installation include the ability to have multiple versions of the software on the same machine, either for the purpose of testing the new releases or for being able to work on different projects using different versions of the software (perhaps compliance with project mandates). However please note that design files once opened in new versions of the software cannot be opened with older versions of the software. A warning is shown and a back-up file is created when opening older version files in the newer release. However please note that at this time OpenBridge Modeler does not support downgrading of files (unlike the OpenRoads products).

Item Types in OpenBridge Modeler
While Item Types have always been part of the MicroStation CONNECT Edition, specific support for Bridge object properties has been added in this release. Broadly Item Types are user defined set of properties used to augment properties for graphical objects or elements. While users were successful in modeling bridges using OpenBridge Modeler, extracting information from these models is now possible with the introduction of Bridge Item Types.

Workspace Updates OpenBridge Modeler CONNECT Edition 2021 Release 1
This release now supports side-by-side installations. The software is designed and intended to work with your existing workspace. If you are working in a mixed environment where some users are upgrading to 2021 Release 1 and others are remaining on a previous release you should not upgrade your workspace. Keep files in the format of the previous release and choose to update your workspace to incorporate new capabilities.

YouTube Playlist of new features
Please watch the videos on YouTube for an overview of the new features introduced in OpenBridge Modeler

What's New in OpenBridge Modeler (OBM) CONNECT Edition, 2021 Release 1

This topic summarizes the new enhancements in OpenBridge Modeler CONNECT Edition v10.10.00.8x.

- Model Steel Tubs
- Model Steel Cross Frames for Concrete Beams
- Model Column Cross Section using Template variation
- Foundation Decorators
- Bridge Specific Item Types (Technology Preview)
- Side-by-Side Installation
- Descartes Functionality
Additional Enhancements:
- Product Release Name changed to 2021 Release 1
- Model Bent Plate Diaphragm
- Display Element Volume in Bridge Object Properties
- Re-organized Ribbon Tool Bar to improve work flow
- New Collaborate Tab for iTwin workflow
- Place Parametric Pier/Abutment now have an option to ignore skew
- Options to send more than one bridge or unit to RM Bridge
- Option to hide Unit Cost Data in Quantities Report
- Additional Tags for Functional Components
- Model Drilled Shaft w/ or w/o Rock Socket under Footing
- Steel CrossFrame/Stiffener dialogs enhanced
- Steel CrossFrames: new Apply to all bays option
- Tool Tips on Members display length, type etc.
- New VUE rendering engine instead of Luxology (Platform)
- New Configuration variable for DV settings
- Improved "Place Custom Pier/Abutment" dialog
- Additional EU Beam Templates added to Libraries in Metric workspace
- Place Deck Template shows slider to show Template cross-sections variation
- Edit Barrier Placement now shows the Guideline(Path) name used
Technology Stack
- Built on MicroStation PowerPlatform Update 16 (v10.16.00.80)
- Built on Civil Platform (OpenRoads Designer) 2021 Release 1 (v10.10.01.02)
- Updated to ProStructures Update 5.2 (v10.05.02.38)
- Updated to gINT Civil Tools (
- Optional install of Generative Components
- Optional install of LumenRT Designer Edition Update 14
OpenBridge Designer CONNECT Edition is a suite of products that encompass both the modeling and design of bridges. OpenBridge Designer CONNECT Edition is a unique application that combines modeling, analysis, and design into one comprehensive bridge product. The application utilizes the modeling capabilities of OpenBridge Modeler and the analysis and design features of LEAP Bridge Concrete, LEAP Bridge Steel and RM Bridge to meet the design and construction needs of all types of bridges. OpenBridge Designer offers direct interoperability for analysis and design, produce detailed reports, clash detection and construction simulation, quantities, geometry reports, and more. The application provides 3D parametric modeling, analysis, and load-rating software for bridges. Integrates with OpenRoads design applications, ProStructures for concrete rebar detailing and LumenRT for leveraging enhanced visualization.

Bentley OpenBridge (Video channel)

Bentley Systems is a software development company that supports the professional needs of those responsible for creating and managing the world’s infrastructure, including roadways, bridges, airports, skyscrapers, industrial and power plants as well as utility networks. Bentley delivers solutions for the entire lifecycle of the infrastructure asset, tailored to the needs of the various professions.

Product: OpenBridge Designer (OBD)
Version: Bentley OpenBridge Designer Suite CONNECT Edition Release 2 version    
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.bentley.com
Language: english
System Requirements: PC *
Size: 7.9 Gb

* System Requirements:


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只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2021-09-11 23:17:15

只看该作者 板凳  发表于: 2021-09-12 01:54:35

只看该作者 地板  发表于: 2021-09-12 07:42:19

只看该作者 地下室  发表于: 2021-09-12 09:59:58

只看该作者 5 发表于: 2021-09-12 17:01:54
软件下载咨询邮箱: sdbeta@qq.com (回复及时)

只看该作者 6 发表于: 2021-09-12 17:27:11
楼主  激活怎么用啊

只看该作者 7 发表于: 2021-09-12 20:42:44

只看该作者 8 发表于: 2021-09-13 08:14:38

如图所示  激活要输入账号密码  麻烦楼主帮忙看下  不方便回复私信给我也行,急!
[ 此帖被zz4393520在2021-09-13 08:17重新编辑 ]

只看该作者 9 发表于: 2021-09-13 14:58:24