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[行业软件]RAM SBeam CONNECT Edition V7 ( [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2021-09-14 21:16:45

RAM SBeam CONNECT Edition V7 ( | 482.9 mb

The Bentley Systems development team is pleased to announce the availability of RAM SBeam CONNECT Edition V7 (build is a powerful and versatile program for the design of steel beams.

An overview of some of the new features in RAM SBeam v7.0

Launch from RAM Structural System
RAM SBeam v7.0 can be launched from RAM StructuralSystem. When launched from the RAM Steel Beam module, all of the necessary data,including geometry, composite properties, loads, bracing, and criteria, is passed to RAM SBeam where any of that can be modified asdesired. For this capability, update to the latest version of RAM Structural System;it is not available in v17.02.01 or earlier.

AISC 360-16
The requirements of AISC 360-16, "Specification for Structural Steel Buildings," as found in theAISC Steel Construction Manual, 15th Edition, have beenimplemented. This includes the new requirement for composite beam design toconsider stud ductility.

Canada CAN/CSA-S16-14 Design
The requirements of CAN/CSA S16-14, "Design of Steel Structures," have been implemented.

India IS 800-07 WSD and LSD
The requirements of IS 800-07 "General Construction in Steel – Code ofPractice" have been implemented.

Eurocode Design of Steel Beams with Web Openings
The design of steel beams with web openings has been implemented for the Eurocode,based on the recommendations of SCI Publication P355 Design of Composite Beamswith Large Web Openings. Round and rectangular openings are allowed. Theneed for web reinforcement is investigated, and if needed is designed by theprogram.

User-Specified Demand / Capacity Limits
You can now specify the limit on the demand/capacity ratio used in design, on theDemand/Capacity tab of the Design Criteria dialog. Previouslythe program designed to a ratio limit of 1.0. This now allows you to specify lowervalues, resulting in designs of members with an extra margin of capacity for futurechanges in loads, for example. Separate values can be specified for steel beams and C-Beam™s, with limits for both strength anddeflection.

Composite Beam Stud Criteria
Several powerful enhancements have been made to the Studs criteria:
- Previously, a Minimum % of Full Composite Allowed could be specified, applicable to allcomposite beams. Separate minimum % values can now be specified for beams withshort spans versus those with long spans, as well as the span length thatdelineates the two. This feature was implemented mainly to provide one methodfor satisfying the new AISC 360-16 requirement for composite beam design toconsider the effect of the ductility of the shear stud connection. TheCommentary indicates that one method for doing that is to design beams withspans greater than 30 ft to be at least 50% of full composite. The option isavailable for all of the codes, for anyone who desires to specify differentminimum values for longer beams versus shorter beams.
Note that it is notnecessary to specify any minimum % values; the program will automaticallysatisfy the code-specified minimums. These options are provided only forthose that desire to design to a higher minimum % value.
- Previously there was the ability to specify maximum stud spacing, with options to limit thespacing per the code requirements or to a more stringent value, applicable toall composite beams. This has now been split into two sets of options: one forthe case of the deck parallel to the beam and one for the case when the deck isnot parallel to the beam (perpendicular or at some angle). For this secondoption this, you may also now specify that the maximum spacing equal the ribspacing. This latter option will result in a stud in every rib, properlyconsidering the number of ribs that actually cross the beam, whetherperpendicular or at some skewed angle. When the deck is perpendicular, thisoption provides another way of satisfying the new AISC 360-16 requirement forcomposite beam design to consider the effect of the ductility of the shear studconnection. However, this will not necessarily satisfy the requirementif the deck is skewed with respect to the beams.
- When designing to any of the AISC 360 Specifications there is an option for satisfying theAISC 360-16 requirement for composite beam design to consider the effect of theductility of the shear stud connection by enforcing the method given in theCommentary. This method indicates that for beams with spans greater than 30 ftthe beam must either be at least 50% composite or have shear studs that provideat least 16kip/ft of capacity (roughly one stud per foot). It is recommendedthat this option be selected, otherwise you must verify some other way that thestud ductility requirement is satisfied. If this option is selected, it is notnecessary to also specify a minimum of 50% for long spans nor to specify themaximum stud spacing; the program will determine how best to satisfy therequirement automatically.
Note: This is a new specification requirement in AISC360-16, but this option is recommended when designing to any AISCspecification.

Web Openings
Several enhancements have been incorporated for the design of beams with webopenings:
- As indicated above, the design of steel beams with web openings has beenimplemented for the Eurocode.
- Previously, the modeling of the openings in the beam required the definition andplacement of each opening individually, one at a time. The Beam > WebOpenings command has been enhanced to allow generation of openings alonga portion of the beam length or along the entire length.

Updated Steel and Deck Tables
- The AISC steel tables have been updated, based on the steel shapes listed in theAISC Steel Construction Manual, 15th Edition. This includes the Master (.tab)and Beam (.bms) tables for both the standard and the SI Equivalent shapes.Changes include new shapes and minor changes to a few geometric dimensions andsection property values. Some minor corrections to ordering and grouping werealso made.
- The ramdecks.dck file, the file that contains the composite decks usedin the United States, has been updated based on the latest deck data madeavailable by the deck manufacturers. The Wheeling decks were removed since thatdeck is no longer produced, and New Millennium decks were added. The values forYbar (which only impacts the design of beams using the old ASD 9th Edition code)were slightly modified for ASC 3W and Vulcraft 1.5VL. The depth was changed from2" to 2.0625" for Verco W2 Formlok, which also changed AcRib and Ybar (whichwill slightly impact designs, including loads from deck self-weight).

Deflection Limits Listed on Steel Beam Design Report
The Gravity Beam Design report lists the deflections and span/deflection ratios forthe various conditions of Dead, Live, and total loads. This listing has beenenhanced to now show the corresponding deflection limits specified by the user; thismakes it easier to see to what limits the beam was designed. The ratio of actual toallowable deflection values is also listed; this makes it easier to verify whetheror not the deflection limits have been satisfied.

Eurocode Combinations
Previously the load combinations used for design per the Eurocode used the provisionsof Equation 6.10 in BS EN 1990:2002+A1:2005. The program has been enhanced to nowuse load combinations based on Equations 6.10a and 6.10b. Designs based on the loadcombinations of Equation 6.10 were conservative, designs based on Equations 6.10aand 6.10b will likely result in more economical designs.

Castellated and Cellular Beams
In addition to the implementation of AISC 360-16, the design warnings for Castellatedand Cellular C-Beams have been enhanced. For an optimized C-Beam size, if the numberof studs required to satisfy a user-specified Minimum Percent Composite oruser-specified Maximum Stud Spacing did not fit on the beam (because for example thedeck is skewed or the flange is narrow), the program would call for as many studs aswould fit but would not warn the user that the user-specified value was notsatisfied. The designs satisfied code-required Minimum Percent Composite and maximumstud spacing, but may not have satisfied user-specified values, without warning tothe user. Proper warnings are now given (even though no further action is requiredto meet the requirements of the Specification).

RAM SBeam is a powerful program for the design of composite or non-composite beams in strict accordance with several steel code design requirements. RAM SBeam allows any combination of point, trapezoidal, and uniform loads, and can be used to select optimum design for new construction or to check adequacy of existing construction. Member sizes and stud information selected by the program can be easily overridden by the user if necessary, and alternate designs can be investigated. The interface provides the designer with a design tool of unmatched ease of use. Data entry is simplified and intuitive, and data can be entered or modified in any order.

RAM Sbeam

Design steel beams with, RAM Sbeam, an easy-to-use, low-cost and versatile design application. Save time with rapid evaluation and comparison between various beams under various load conditions and produce a more economical design for your clients.
Bentley Systems, Inc. is the global leader dedicated to providing architects, engineers, constructors, and owner-operators with comprehensive architecture and engineering software solutions for sustaining infrastructure. Founded in 1984, Bentley has nearly 3,000 colleagues in more than 45 countries, $500 million in annual revenues, and, since 2001, has invested more than $1 billion in research, development, and acquisitions.

Product: RAM SBeam
Version: CONNECT Edition V7 (build
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.bentley.com
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: PC *
Size: 482.9 mb

* System Requirements:

Recommended Computer Specifications for Structural Products

Operating System requirements

Supported: Windows 7 Professional 64-bit, Windows 8 Professional 64-bit, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
Recommended: Windows 10 Professional 64-bit (all with latest updates applied)

Internet Connection
For the Subscription Entitlement Service (SES) Licensing used in all RAM and STAAD CONNECT Edition software an internet connection is required. A license file can be reserved and copied to a machine in the rare case where no internet connection is allowed.

Graphics card
Bentley strongly recommends avoiding onboard graphics chips in favor of a discrete GPU from the nVidia GeForce or Quadro range with at least 128-bit bus and 1 GB of RAM, or equivalent solution from ATI/AMD.

While some of the solvers in our structural products can utilize multiple processors, most product routines utilize one processor at a time. Consequently, processor clock speeds are more important than the number of processors for performance. One of our solvers in RAM products uses Intel-provided technology, which only works on Intel brand processors. Alternative solvers still work with AMD or other processors.

Hard Disk
At least 2 GB free space on the partition where the Windows is installed, and 2 GB free space on the partition where projects are saved. Large projects may require significantly more space.

Random Access Memory (RAM)
Recommended: at least 4 GB. Large projects may require more.

Video modes
Required: 1024 x 768 pixels, 32-bit color palette
Recommended: 1920 x 1080 pixels, 32-bit color palette

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