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- 2025-02-22
TIBCO Statistica是一个灵活的分析系统,允许用户创建打包并发布给业务用户的分析工作流,交互式探索和可视化,创建和部署统计,预测,数据挖掘,机器学习,预测,优化和文本分析模型。不同数据类型和来源的快速增长已将预测分析提升到商业和政府组织各个方面的关键状态,包括营销、销售、制造和服务职能。但预测分析只能带您走这么远。虽然分析师可以使用预测建模和机器学习来检测历史数据中的模式并预测业务环境中的未来结果,但将这些预测转化为业务行动需要将数据混合、数据发现、集成业务规则和快速部署到业务中的组合。TIBCO Statistica集成了数据混合、数据发现、预测分析、预测、文本挖掘和嵌入式业务规则引擎,为一线员工和决策者提供规范性建议。它通过规定行动并将其直接集成到操作系统中来指导整个组织的决策。Statistica通过与Algorithmia,Apervita和AzureML等应用程序市场集成来实现集体智慧,并通过提供Python和R作为标准脚本语言来增强数据科学家的能力。存储和管理具有嵌入式规则的完整分析工作流,成为可重复使用的模板,可以跨不同的流程、产品线和地理位置快速部署,以改进决策并提高生产力和盈利能力。Statistica不仅包括通用的统计,图形和分析数据管理程序,还包括数据分析专业方法(数据挖掘,商业,社会科学,生物医学研究或工程应用)的全面实施。Statistica系列软件中提供的所有分析工具都作为集成包的一部分提供给您。这些工具可以通过选择替代用户界面和全面的行业标准(基于 Visual Basic)编程语言进行控制。交互式用户界面可以轻松定制,语言(Statistica Visual Basic)可用于自动执行任何复杂程度的任务,从记录的简单宏到自动执行日常操作,再到高级的大规模开发项目(将Statistica与其他应用程序或大型企业范围,Internet或Intranet范围的计算环境集成的自定义分析扩展)。 TIBCO Statistica 提供丰富的基于桌面的用户界面,允许数据科学家使用 16,000 个函数创建复杂的高级分析工作流。 用户还可以在管道中无缝集成 Python、R 和其他节点。 此外,用户可以创建可通过 Spotfire 调用的参数化工作区。 Statistica 的桌面版将继续作为独立产品提供。 准备数据:轻松连接和合并不同的数据源。 使用内置的智能和自动化功能为分析准备数据,以估算缺失值、移除异常值、创建特征等。创建模型:使用数百种内置算法快速创建统计和 ML 模型,并让该工具为手头的工作选择最佳算法。嵌入 Python 和 R – 在数据科学管道中使用嵌入式代码节点来无缝集成开源语言和库。部署模型:通过以多种语言(包括 C、C++、PMML、Visual Basic、SAS、Java 或 C+ 存储过程)导出模型来简化部署并消除重新编码。管理和治理:通过通用元数据存储库版本控制、批准和回滚功能确保安全和治理。 Normality Node: The Normality tests node is added to easily compute univariate normality tests for each user-specified variable and multivariate normality tests for two or more variables.The following tests of normality can be computed for each user-specified variable:— Kolmogorov-Smirnov test statistic— Kolmogorov-Smirnov p-value— Lilliefors p-value— Anderson-Darling test statistic— Anderson-Darling p-value (assuming parameters are known)— Anderson-Darling p-value (assuming parameters are unknown)— Shapiro-Wilks p-valueIf two or more variables are selected, then you can compute the following tests for multivariate normality:— Mardia’s test of multivariate skewness— Mardia’s test of multivariate kurtosisSelect Predictors Node: The Select Predictors is added to select target variable for predictive analytics problems. The node classifies the remaining variables as continuous or categorical predictors. This node connects only to a single data source.Spotfire Integration: A Spotfire analyst creating a Statistica Data Function can now parameterize the connected Statistica workspace. When you attempt to register a new Statistica Data Function by selecting a workspace, input parameters of value-type are created to expose node-level parameters. This is in addition to the input (table-type and value-type) and output (table-type) parameters created based on the "input" nodes, "output" nodes, and workspace dictionary variables that are created. This gives the analyst greater control over the analytic options. You can reduce the number of Statistica workspace parameters exposed to the Spotfire analyst: When editing a workspace in Statistica, select the Designer View button, you can select or clear nodes and parameters within nodes. The following table lists the miscellaneous enhancements that are added in the version 13.5.0 of TIBCO Statistica. Features and Features of Statistica Software : – Classification of scientific and software topics as related modules – Ability to perform nonparametric data analysis – Ability to draw and render more than hundreds of graphical representations by dynamically connecting between graphs and data (ie, a graphical switching data change). – Ability to perform one-way and multivariate analysis of variance and covariance – Ability to draw and analyze quality control charts and edit them – Ability to solve problems through neural networks as well as having an easy and accessible recommender expert system – Ability to fit a variety of distributions to numerical data – Ability to customize, automate and extend – Ability to perform descriptive statistics, correlation coefficient, probability calculation and … – Types of regression, especially performing regression with thousands of variables – Ability to analyze time series and design and analyze experiments TIBCO Software Inc. was founded in 1997. TIBCO's revolutionary software allowed communication within the financial markets to occur in real-time and without human intervention. Over the years, TIBCO has evolved, which has allowed our company to stay up-to-date on the latest technological advancements in our field and increase both revenue and assets. In 2014, Vista Equity Partners acquired TIBCO and aided in business ventures. Since the acquisition, TIBCO has continued to flourish, purchasing and incorporating numerous technology platforms and companies, as well as doubling down on philanthropic efforts.Product: TIBCO StatisticaVersion: 134Supported Architectures: 32bit / 64bitWebsite Home Page : www.tibco.comLanguages Supported: englishSystem Requirements: PC *Size: 2.2 Gb Installation guide Version 13:Is given in Readme fileVersion 12:Disconnect your internet application before installing it, block it with a firewall, or enter line registration.statsoft.com at Windowssystem32driversetchosts. Start the installation program and use Serial Number: STA999K347150-W CD-Key: QCNCLYG6VR4GTPHNGP1C to install. Enter the name, email, etc. and select the manual registration option. Once installed, install the existing update as well. Copy the STAT.lic file to Program FilesStatSoftSTATISTICA 10. You can now run the program. 购买后,将显示帖子中所有出售内容。 若发现会员采用欺骗的方法获取财富,请立刻举报,我们会对会员处以2-N倍的罚金,严重者封掉ID! 此段为出售的内容,购买后显示 [ 此帖被pony8000在2023-05-03 00:25重新编辑 ]