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- 2025-03-03
The EhLib suite includes components and classes for various versions of the Delphi programming language suite and to enhance user-centric database software capacity for user interaction. List and features of components included in the EhLib suite: TDBGridhEh: Take advantage of all TDBGrid features and several newer features to: Allows selecting records, columns, and quadrilateral environments. Specific headings that are assigned to multiple or all columns. Insert a footer that can display the values of the sum fields, the number, and the rest. Ability to resize columns to adjust table width to user table width. Ability to change height and title And…TPrintDBGridEh: Providing features and routines for previewing and printing from the TDBGridEh component with more features such as: Ability to widen rows vertically so that all text can be printed. Ability to enlarge the table to include the entire page. Preview and print caption for tables Preview and print header and footer capability to use current page display macros, current date, etc. And…TDBVertGridEh: A component to display a record of a dataset in a vertical view. Featured column to display field title. Ability to edit and modify cell contents such as those in DBGridEh.TDBLookupComboboxEh: All TDBLookupCombobox features plus features like: Ability to display in flat format Ability to assign a value like KeyValue only to display text attribute. Ability to write text property values in a manner not already included in the data list (Style = csDropDownEh). Ability to maintain KeyValue value and text in a way that does not affect values. TDBEditEh: To display a one-line or multi-line editing environment to modify a field of data or to use as a purely demo environment.TDBDateTimeEditEh: To display the date or time editing environment on a line in such a way that it can edit the datetime field contained in the data, or to use a purely visual environment and not to modify the data.TDBComboBoxEh: To display an edit box containing one or more lines with the ability to scroll the list for editing data fields or to use for displaying without modifying data.TDBNumberEditEh: To display a one-line editing environment of numbers for editing a field containing numeric content of the data, or for purely displaying and unchanging data.TDBSumList: To count the sum and amount of records in TDataSet with the ability to edit simultaneously. This component takes a list of TDBSum objects, which includes the type of operation (goSum or goCount) as well as the field name to display the calculations and executes the request.TPreviewBox: Ability to build a personal preview at runtime.TPrinterPreview: Providing memory space for staring at print data the way they want it to be printed. This component has all the functions and features of a TPrinter object.TPropStorageEh: Component that can save or read attribute settings in ini files, registry, etc.TMemTableEh: Used to store data in memory. It can also be considered as an array of records. Besides that: Supports a specific environment that enables the use of the DBGridEh component, which is capable of displaying all data without removing the active record. Can fetch data from TDataDriverEh object. And… TDataDriverEh: It is responsible for two tasks: 1. Send data to TMemTableEh. 2. Processing Modified TMemTableEh Records (Save to Another Data or Use Event to Process Changes) And…TDataSetDriverEh: Includes DataDriver which is responsible for transferring TMemTableEh records from other datasets. Processing modified records in TMemTableEh and writing them to another database.TSQLDataDriverEh: Global interface for data and their interaction with the server using SQL. This component is composed of five TSQLCommandEh objects, including: SelectCommand, DeleteCommand, InsertCommand, UpdateCommand, GetrecCommand. Each of these objects holds SQL statements and parameters for executing a variety of SQL statements.TBDEDataDriverEh: To use the DataDriver component. This component is responsible for allocating the connection so that the DataDriver can send queries to the server.TIBXDataDriverEh: DataDriver component that interacts with the database server using the IBX driver. This component is responsible for allocating the connection so that the DataDriver can send queries to the server.TDBXDataDriverEh: DataDriver component that interacts with the database server using a DBX driver. This component is responsible for allocating the connection so that the DataDriver can send queries to the server.TADODataDriverEh: DataDriver component that interacts with the database server using the ADO driver. This component is responsible for allocating the connection so that the DataDriver can send queries to the server.The set of changes made to various versions of EhLib can be seen here . required system Platform support: VCL, LCL(Support IDEs: Borland Delphi 7 – 2006, CodeGear Delphi 2007, RAD Studio 2009, Embarcadero RAD Studio 2010, XE – XE8, Lazarus (Win32 Pictures Installation guide This component is usually published as Full Source Code and is complete. 本部分内容设定了隐藏,需要回复后才能看到