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- 2025-03-09
Exposure X7 7.2 / Bundle 7.1 (x64) | 459/490 Mb Exposure X7 Bundle is the best photo editor for creative photographers who want to create artistic images. Its large library of gorgeous looks provides inspiring starting points that you can customize. Unique creative tools not found in other photo editors help your photos stand out. And Exposure's efficient workflow keeps you in the creative zone.新的曝光X7结合了专业级的照片调整,一个巨大的图书馆华丽的照片外观,与高效的设计,这是一个喜悦的使用。 曝光是一个先进的,无损的 RAW 编辑器。它的许多功能的存在,以帮助您掌握你的工作流程,并创建美丽的图像尽可能有效。
此图像之前/之后具有校正锐化、颗粒、波克、光效果、边框和其他预设,以创建其艺术转换。照片四月米兰尼 创意调整 新多边形选择工具 新通过绘制多边形边框,轻松地将主题与背景分开 新通过移动多边形点随时优化选择 新排除或包括使用标记的区域 高级彩色编辑器 使颜色修改能够更好地控制 按色调、饱和度和轻盈范围选择源和替换颜色 在单个步骤中执行多个转换 保存变换作为重用预设 3D 彩色遮蔽 能够精确控制图像调整的应用位置 指定由亮度、色调和饱和度组合定义的区域 遮盖预设可一键选择天空、树叶、肤色等 使用眼药工具快速选择面罩约束 无损层 层效果,包括预设和照片调整 层数没有限制 使用刷刀工具无缝混合调整 同时在多张照片中处理图层 调整每层的不透明性 刷工具 纵向润饰 增强虹膜 软化皮肤 白牙 移除红眼 图像的变亮或变暗部分 调整温暖、清晰度和对比度 使预设影响特定区域 堆栈效果 调整不透明 发光和饱和面膜可视化选项 黑色背景面罩可视化选项 自定义选择面膜覆盖物的色调和不透明性 线性和径向梯度工具 有选择地使用径向、平面和半平面梯度施加效果 调整梯度的不透明性 现货愈合工具 治愈或克隆,以触摸肖像或从照片中去除小干扰 创意焦点工具 博克工具的创造性焦点效果 将注意力集中在一个主题上的径向模糊 平面模糊使倾斜移位效果 护身符 晕影位置工具在图像上显示晕影的确切中心 覆盖 边界 纹理 光效果 太阳耀斑、侧面、角和环绕光效果 可移动覆盖物可实现光效果的精确放置和旋转 批次叠加进口 叠加混合模式 - 不透明, 乘数, 屏幕, 叠加, 硬光 谷物工具 使用预设或自定义自己的预设 在阴影、中音和高光中以不同的方式渲染颗粒,以准确模拟薄膜颗粒 红外工具 发亮 雾 哈勒 Photo Editing Automatic Adjustments Select optimized values for frequently used controls in a single click Automatic adjustments set white balance, exposure, haze level, contrast, and tone Strength of automatic adjustments can be selected to match your editing style GPU Optimized Assigns rendering tasks to the CPU and available graphics cards for the fastest possible editing experience Core Editing Tools Exposure, contrast, saturation, and other essential adjustments Adjustable overall intensity slider to blend effects with original image High quality raw processing algorithm enables significant shadow and highlight detail enhancement Haze level slider counteracts the decrease in contrast caused by atmospheric haze White Balance Adjustment 白平衡眼药 温度和色调控制 温度滑块使用开尔文单位 特定照明场景的白平衡预设 键盘快捷方式切换白平衡拾取器 颜色编辑 使用滑块调整色调、饱和度和轻度,以适应特定颜色 使用有针对性的调整工具调整 HSL 以选择颜色 调整阴影、中音和亮点中的饱和度 使用简单的滑块调整来加热和冷却 使用您选择的任何颜色应用镜头滤镜模拟 黑白编辑 调整 B&W 转换中使用的颜色的灵敏度 常用转换样式的灵敏度预设 从图像中选择颜色的灵敏度调整工具 磨刀噪 配置文件引导降噪基于相机传感器特性降低噪音 调整去除亮度和色度噪声 平滑选项应用自适应算法,可保留锐利的边缘,同时进一步降低噪音 新添加细纹理噪音,以更自然的结果与积极的降噪 NEW Defective Pixel Removal NEW Automatically detect and remove single-pixel artifacts caused by camera sensor defects NEW Adjust defect removal strength to achieve the best results Crop and Transform Tools Crop, level and rotate Crop composition guides – Rule of Thirds, Golden Ratio, Golden Spiral, Golden Triangle, Diagonal, and Alignment Grid Adjust vertical and horizontal keystoning Adjust rotation, scale, and offset Adjust aspect Optionally show grid while adjusting transform controls NEW Streamlined interface unifies crop and transform adjustments in one panel Histogram Overlays show areas where highlights and shadows are clipped Adjustable regions enable editing of specific tone ranges Toggle highlight and shadow clip warnings with shortcut keys Specify black or white clip warning threshold Display RGB value of pixel under cursor Choose sample size – single pixel or 5×5 weighted average 完整编辑历史记录 查看照片的完整编辑历史记录,并查看特定的滑块值 鼠标悬停在以前的编辑上,查看照片在该点的看点 轻松返回到以前的编辑步骤 限制编辑历史条目数的选项 查找表 (LUT) 支持 对照片应用行业标准 LUT 调整 导入在互联网上找到的 LUT,并通过其他照片和视频编辑程序导出 可视化地浏览已安装的 LUT 以便于选择 调整强度以调低音效或冲压效果影响 音调曲线编辑 用控制点精确调整图像亮度 保存要重复使用的音曲线预设 调整阴影、高光和与滑块的对比 调整强度以调低音效或冲压效果影响 弹出色调曲线到可调大的窗口
- Unique tools take you wherever imagination leads - such as its Advanced Color Editor, artistic focus effects, realistic film grain, and overlays.- The best creative photo editor is also the fastest. Exposure uses your GPU to make editing even faster and smoother.- Exposure is a complete photo editing application and a plug-in. Gorgeous LooksAn extensive selection of beautiful film presets puts the history of photography at your fingertips.Carefully researched with the help of experienced film photographers, Exposure has the largest and most accurate selection of film looks available. Exposure's creative looks go beyond film simulation from clean and elegant modern styles to eye catching color shifts.You can customize each of Exposure's built-in looks, then save it as a unique look that expresses your own style. Reuse your customized presets to achieve consistent looks across all your work with a single click. Exposure has creative tools you won't find in any other photo editor.These tools include a powerful color editor for sophisticated color adjustments, realistic film grain, creative lens focus and tilt-shift effects, and a huge number of overlays - light effects, textures, and borders.Exposure's design encourages you to work creatively. Apply effects selectively to specific areas of your image with brushing and masking tools. Non-destructive layers enable you to blend presets and adjustments for an endless variety of looks Focus on your ArtExposure's intuitive design helps you focus on creativity.Its workflow is reliable, efficient, and respectful of your hard drive space. This helps you spend less time managing files and more on creating beautiful images. Its new GPU optimized processing engine means less waiting, so you can focus on creative editing without distraction.Exposure puts everything you need onscreen in a single user interface that can be customized to suit your workflow preferences. Transition seamlessly between organizing and editing without having to switch between modules. Exposure X7 中的新功能新的遮蔽工具,使主题从背景中轻松分离。只需点击几下,就绘制出粗糙的边框,以指示所选区域,而曝光的智能算法创建精确的面膜 可选工作空间组织特定任务所需的面板。使用内置布局进行剔除、编辑和修饰,或创建自己的定制工作空间。 作物和转化面板已统一为单一易于使用的界面。 新的构图指南 - 黄金比例,金色螺旋,金三角形和对角线。 原始照片的有缺陷的像素去除。 使用自定义 DCP 颜色配置文件时,更忠实的颜色再现。 通过 DNG 文件提高色彩保真度。 可添加精细纹理噪声,通过主动降低噪音来恢复细节。System Requirements:Windows 10 64-bit or newerIntel Core 2 processor or newerMonitor with 1280 x 768 resolution or greater8GB RAM minimum, 16GB recommendedFor GPU support, a recent (2015 or later) OpenCL compatible GPU with 2GB RAM is recommended Home Page- https://exposure.software/ 本部分内容设定了隐藏,需要回复后才能看到 合作下载:https://wm.makeding.com/iclk/?zoneid=31096