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[行业软件]Intel OneAPI 2024.2.1   win/Linux/mac [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2021-12-24 07:51:53

Intel OneApi Toolkits 2024 | 10.6 Gb

The oneAPI Toolkits development team is pleased to announce the availability of Intel oneAPI Base & HPC Toolkit 2025.0.0.0 is a comprehensive suite of development tools that make it fast and easy to build modern code that gets every last ounce of performance out of the newest Intel processors in high-performance computing (HPC) platforms.

New in Intel oneAPI Base Toolkit 2025.0

Toolkit Level Updates
- Get the most from the latest hardware with new Intel developer tools support for Intel® Xeon® 6 Processors with Performance-Cores (P-Cores), formerly codenamed Granite Rapids and Intel® Core™ Ultra processors (Series 2), formerly codenamed Lunar Lake.
- The Intel® oneAPI Base Toolkit (Base Kit) now offers two convenient subset bundles offering smaller downloads for specific developer use cases. Intel® C++ Essentials is for C++ developers is focused on compiling, debugging, and utilizing the most widely used Base Kit performance libraries for Intel CPUs and GPUs. Intel® Deep Learning Essentials provides advanced developers with the tools and libraries to develop, compile, test, and optimize deep learning frameworks and libraries, such as PyTorch and TensorFlow, for Intel CPUs and GPUs.
- ISO C++ parallel STL code runs on CPU and offloads to GPU using Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ compiler.
- Experience dynamic and flexible GPU programming with Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler's SYCL Bindless Textures support, utilizing textures at runtime without compile-time knowledge for improved performance and scalability in C++ with SYCL applications, alongside powerful new LLVM sanitizers to streamline development and ensure enhanced device code reliability.
- Maximize your application's efficiency with Intel oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler's performance optimization features, tailored for the latest Intel platforms including Intel® Xeon® 6 Processors and Intel® Core™ Ultra processors (Series 2), to deliver peak performance and cutting-edge computing experiences.
- Leverage enhanced OpenMP standards support and performance enhancements with the Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler, including OpenMP 5.x and 6.0 features for increased efficiency and flexibility, complemented by upgraded compiler opt-report capabilities for in-depth performance insights and optimization feedback.
- GPU kernels run faster with Intel® oneAPI DPC++ Library (oneDPL) improved performance by up-to 4X for algorithms including reduce, scan and many other functions.
- Use oneDPL Range-based algorithms with over 20 new C++20 standard ranges and views to accelerate on multiarchitecture devices.
- Intel® Math Kernel Library (oneMKL)SYCL Discrete Fourier Transform API is easier to use and to debug with key compilation messages added for type safety, reducing time to develop your application, especially when targeting Intel GPUs.
- HPC workloads using oneMKL single precision 3D real in-place FFTs run faster on Intel® Data Center GPU Max Series.
- Multi-threads apps run faster with Intel® oneAPI Threading Building Blocks (oneTBB) task_group, flow_graph and parallel_for_each improved scalibility
- Get result faster using oneTBB flow graph to process overlapping messages on a shared graph, waiting for a specific message using the new try_put_and_wait experimental API
- Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel IPP) now boasts CET-enabled protection, safeguarding your software against control-flow attacks and mitigates exploitation risks. Safeguard your software with cutting-edge, hardware-enforced security measures.
- Use Intel® Cryptography Primitives Library to turbocharge RSA encryption (2K, 3K, 4K) with multi-buffer capabilities—achieving up to 4x the speed of OpenSSL.
- Use Intel® Cryptography Primitives Library to dive into the future of hashing with our enhanced SM3 algorithm, now 5x faster thanks to the SM3_NI instructions
- Intel® VTune™ Profiler now identifies GPU-bound bottlenecks, optimize rendering pipelines, and improve overall application responsiveness for media and content creation applications on Intel® Core™ Ultra 200V, codenamed Lunar Lake.
- Intel® VTune™ Profiler now identifies and optimizes device-side inefficiencies for Direct X APIs.
- Intel® Advisor introduces a more adaptable kernel matching mechanism, enabling developers to identify and analyze code regions relevant to their specific optimization goals. The integration with the XCG app streamlines the process of offloading computation to GPUs, enhancing performance on Intel's latest hardware.
- Intel® oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (oneDNN) dramatically boosts performance for Large Language Models and scaled dot-product subgraphs.
- Intel® oneAPI Communications Library (oneCCL) now includes optimizations that enable workloads to scale and perform even better than before. Important enhancements have been made to key collectives, and even more optimizations are now available on single-node CPU configurations.
- Save time with Intel® DPC++ Compatibility Tool to easily migrate your CUDA code and CMake build script to SYCL as demonstrated by auto migration of more APIs used by popular AI, HPC and rendering apps. The migrated code is easy to comprehend with SYCLcompat, easy to debug using CodePin, and runs performantly on Nvidia GPUs
- Free your imaging apps from vendor lock-in using Intel® DPC++ Compatibility Tool to migrate bindless textures APIs to SYCL image extension
- Intel® Distribution for GDB* adds support for Intel® Core™ Ultra processors (Series 2) on Windows* allowing developers to efficiently debug application code on these new CPUs and GPUs.
- Intel® Distribution for GDB* rebases to GDB* 15 staying current and aligned with the latest enhancements supporting effective application debug.
- Intel® Distribution for GDB* enhances the developer experience, both on the command line and when using Microsoft* Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code* by boosting the debugger performance and refining the user interface.
Intel® oneAPI DPC++ Compiler 2025.0.0
- Unlock dynamic execution and flexible programming for Intel GPUs with the Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler's new SYCL Bindless Textures support, allowing developers to utilize textures at runtime without compile-time knowledge, and leverage texture objects for enhanced performance and scalability in C++ with SYCL applications.
- Streamline your development process with the Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler's new LLVM sanitizers providing powerful tools to detect and troubleshoot device code issues with ease, ensuring cleaner and more reliable applications.
- Maximize your application's efficiency with Intel oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler's performance optimization features, tailored for the latest Intel platforms including Intel® Xeon® 6 Processors and Intel® Core™ Ultra processors (Series 2), to deliver peak performance and cutting-edge computing experiences.
- The Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler enhances OpenMP standards conformance and performance optimizations for OpenMP 5.x and the new OpenMP 6.0 standards, featuring new interop properties, sync target no wait, free-agent threads/tasks, extended OMP_PLACES syntax, and advanced thread limit controls, all designed to boost application performance with unparalleled efficiency and flexibility.
- Enhanced compiler insights with Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler's significant upgrades to the opt-report capabilities, now offering a more user-friendly optimization report that includes OpenMP offloading details, integrates with the open-source optimization remark framework, and adds optimization report functionality to the SYCL and OpenMP runtimes as well as AOT compilation paths for a more comprehensive understanding of application performance improvements.
- Streamlined FPGA development with Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler's latest enhancements, featuring usability and performance improvements, flexible local buffer size configurations, seamless SPIR-V translation, and streamlined command options where -fintelfpga implies -qactypes and -fp-model=fast triggers aoc -vpfp-relaxed, simplifying the workflow for faster, more efficient FPGA application development
Intel® oneAPI DPC++ Library 2022.7.0
- GPU kernels run faster with Intel® oneAPI DPC++ Library (oneDPL) improved performance by up-to 4X for algorithms including reduce, scan and many other functions.
- Use production released oneDPL Range-based algorithms with over 20 new C++20 standard ranges and views to accelerate on multiarchitecture devices
- ISO C++ parallel STL code runs on CPU and offloads to GPU using Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ compiler
Intel® DPC++ Compatibility Tool 2025.0.0
- Save time with Intel® DPC++ Compatibility Tool to easily migrate your CUDA code and CMake build script to SYCL as demonstrated by auto migration of more APIs used by popular AI, HPC and rendering apps. The migrated code is easy to comprehend with SYCLcompat, easy to debug using CodePin, and runs performantly on Nvidia GPUs
- Free your imaging apps from vendor lock-in using Intel® DPC++ Compatibility Tool to migrate bindless textures APIs to SYCL image extension
Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2025.0.0
- Developers targeting Intel® Xeon® 6 Processors will benefit from the performance optimizations available on Intel(R) oneMKL 2025.0 across multiple domains as BLAS, LAPACK and FFT.
- HPC workloads using single precision 3d real in-place FFT will get significant improvements to execute on Intel® Data Center GPU Max Series.
- New distribution models and data types available for Random Number Generation (RNG) using SYCL device API.
- SYCL Discrete Fourier Transform API got easier to use and to debug with key compilation messages added for type safety, reducing time to develop your application, in special when targeting Intel GPUs.
- Sparse domain on SYCL API now supports sparse matrices using Coordinate Format (COO). This format is widely used for fast sparse matrices construction and it can be easily converted to other popular formats such as Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) and Compressed Sparse Column) CSC.
Intel® Distribution for GDB* 2025.0.0
- Intel® Distribution for GDB* adds support for Intel® Core™ Ultra processors (Series 2) on Windows* allowing developers to efficiently debug application code on these new CPUs and GPUs.
- Intel® Distribution for GDB* rebases to GDB* 15 staying current and aligned with the latest enhancements supporting effective application debug.
- Intel® Distribution for GDB* enhances the developer experience, both on the command line and when using Microsoft* Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code* by boosting the debugger performance and refining the user interface.
Intel® VTune™ Profiler 2025.0.0
- Adds support for Intel® Core™ Ultra 200V, codenamed Lunar Lake, Intel® Core™ Ultra 200 "Arrow Lake-S" series and 6th gen. Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors, codenamed Granite Rapids.
- Identify GPU-bound bottlenecks, optimize rendering pipelines, and improve overall application responsiveness for media and content creation applications on Intel® Core™ Ultra 200V, codenamed Lunar Lake.
- Identify and optimize device-side inefficiencies for Direct X APIs.
- Adds profiling support for Python 3.11. Improved productivity with the ability to focus Python profiling to only areas of interest and control performance data collection with ITT APIs.
- The Platform Profiler capabilities in Intel® VTune™ Profiler has released its final version, available as stand-alone download. No further feature improvements or security fixes will be available after this final release. The capabilities are now transitioned to the EMON command line interface. For more information, see the Intel® VTune™ Profiler – Platform Profiler transition notice.
Intel® Advisor 2025.0.0
- Intel Advisor 2025.0 expands its hardware support to include GNR, Intel's next-generation platform. Developers can now leverage Advisor's powerful analysis and optimization capabilities on the latest hardware.
- Intel Advisor 2025.0 introduces a more adaptable kernel matching mechanism, enabling developers to identify and analyze code regions relevant to their specific optimization goals. The integration with the XCG app streamlines the process of offloading computation to GPUs, enhancing performance on Intel's latest hardware.
Intel® oneAPI Threading Building Blocks 2022.0.0
- Multi-threads apps run faster with oneTBB task_group, flow_graph and parallel_for_each improved scalibility
- Get result faster using oneTBB flow graph to process overlapping messages on a shared graph, waiting for a specific message using the new try_put_and_wait experimental API
Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives 2022.0.0
- Security First: Intel IPP now boasts CET-enabled protection, safeguarding your software against control-flow attacks and mitigates exploitation risks. Safeguard your software with cutting-edge, hardware-enforced security measures.
- Speed Up with Optimized Functions: ippiNormRel_L2_8u_C*MR now optimized for Intel's latest Granite & Sapphire Rapids platforms.
- Thread-Safe Excellence: Bug fixes on ippsWinKaiser_32f_I() increased its reliability in multi-threaded environments.
- Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives Cryptography (Intel® IPP Cryptography) is now Intel® Cryptography Primitives Library!
- Experience the power of dispatching on SRF, turbocharging RSA encryption (2K, 3K, 4K) with multi-buffer capabilities—achieving up to 4x the speed of OpenSSL.
- Dive into the future of hashing with our enhanced SM3 algorithm, now 5x faster thanks to the SM3_NI instruction.
- Now built with the secure and powerful ICX compiler, our library is optimized for peak performance.
Intel® Cryptography Primitives Library 2025.0.0
- Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives Cryptography (Intel® IPP Cryptography) is now Intel® Cryptography Primitives Library!
- Experience the power of dispatching on SRF, turbocharging RSA encryption (2K, 3K, 4K) with multi-buffer capabilities—achieving up to 4x the speed of OpenSSL.
- Dive into the future of hashing with our enhanced SM3 algorithm, now 5x faster thanks to the SM3_NI instruction.
- Now built with the secure and powerful ICX compiler, our library is optimized for peak performance.
Intel® oneAPI Collective Communications Library 2021.14.0
Intel® oneAPI Communications Library 2021.14.0 brings further optimizations that allow workloads to scale and perform better. Some of the key features include:
- Enhancements to oneCCL's Key-Value store that improves communication among ranks, allowing workloads to scale up to even larger number of nodes
- Performance improvements to key collectives such as Allgather, Allreduce and Reduce-scatter
- Even further optimizations for workloads on single-node CPU configurations
- Other lower level optimizations that improve speed and resource utilization
Intel® oneAPI Data Analytics Library 2025.0.0
- Intel® oneAPI Data Analytics Library 2025.0.0 enabled calculation of SHAP values for binary classification models required for explainability RF algorithms
- Intel® oneAPI Data Analytics Library 2025.0.0 enabled performance improvements for Decision Forest
Intel® oneAPI Deep Neural Networks Library 2025.0.0
Intel® oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (oneDNN) 2025.0 introduces:
- Accelerated AI workloads: Experience significantly faster performance for Large Language Models and scaled dot product subgraphs.
- Optimized for Intel hardware: Benefit from oneDNN's tailored optimizations for Intel CPUs and GPUs, ensuring maximum efficiency and performance.
- Enhanced productivity: Save time and resources by leveraging oneDNN's cutting-edge acceleration technology for hardware to accelerate your AI development and deployment.
Deprecation Notices
- None

New in Intel HPC Toolkit 2024.2.0

Intel oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler 2024.2.0
- The Intel oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler added enhanced SYCL Graph capabilities, now featuring pause/resume support for better control and graph profiling to tune for more performance.
- The Intel oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler delivers more SYCL performance on Windows with default context enabled. With the latest release the kernel compiler introduces SPIR-V support, and OpenCL* query support, allowing for greater flexibility and optimization in your compute kernels.
- Our latest OpenMP enhancements include support for omp_target_memset() and omp_target_memset_async(), enabling developers to efficiently initialize large data on target devices, reducing overhead and accelerating parallel computing tasks. Additionally the compiler emits detailed remarks about OpenMP loop collapsing under the -qopt-report option. Gain valuable insights into your loop transformations and make informed decisions to fine-tune your application's performance.
- Ensure greater reliability, stability, and security in C++ applications that offload computational tasks to the GPU with the newly added device-side LLVM Address Sanitizer support in Intel oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler to swiftly detect and diagnose memory-related bugs.
Intel Fortran Compiler 2024.2.0
- The Intel Fortran Compiler adds the -fstrict-overflow and Qstrict-overflow[-] options to instruct the Fortran compiler to optimize under the assumption that integer operations won't overflow. For applications that rely on integer overflow behavior, the -fnostrict-overflow option ensures correct functionality.
- Stay at the forefront of parallel programming with our ongoing conformance enhancements for the latest OpenMP standards, including 5.x and the forthcoming 6.0. With this compiler release you can now specify OpenMP 5.1 THREAD_LIMIT on TEAMS and TARGET constructs to better manage thread usage, and OpenMP 5.2 enhancements like COPYPRIVATE and NOWAIT on construct beginnings, as well as an updated LINEAR clause syntax for more precise control. With OpenMP TR12, the LOOP directive is now applicable to DO CONCURRENT loops, paving the way for more powerful loop optimizations.
- The added OpenMP runtime library extensions* provide a robust set of memory management extensions, including functions for precise host pointer registration, targeted memory allocations, and device-specific optimizations. With these powerful extensions, you can push the boundaries of performance and efficiency in your high-performance computing applications.
* added extensions: ompx_target_register_host_pointer, ompx_target_unregister_host_pointer, ompx_target_aligned_alloc, ompx-target_aligned_alloc_device, ompx_target_alloc_host, ompx_target_aligned_alloc_shared, ompx_target_aligned_alloc_shared_with_hint, ompx_target_realloc, ompx_target_realloc_device, ompx_target_realloc_host, ompx_target_realloc_shared, ompx_get_device_from_ptr, and ompx_get_num_subdevices.
Intel Fortran Compiler Classic 2021.13.0
- The Intel Fortran Compiler Classic has been updated to include recent versions of 3rd party components, which include functional and security updates.
Intel MPI Library 2021.13.0
- On machines with multiple Network Interface Cards (NICs), developers using the Intel® MPI Library now have the option of increased application performance control by pinning specific threads to individual NICs.
- Developers can now realize faster application performance through optimizations for GPU-aware broadcasts, RMA peer to peer device-initiated communications, intranode thread-splits, and Infiniband tuning for 5th Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors.

Intel oneAPI Base & HPC Toolkit helps developers, researchers, and data scientists confidently develop performant code quickly and correctly, and scale compute-intensive workloads that exploit cutting-edge features Intel CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs, and HPC clusters. It includes industry-leading C++ and Fortran compilers, standards-driven OpenMP support, MPI library and benchmarks, and advanced analysis tools for design, MPI, cluster tuning, and cluster health checking to enhance uptime and productivity.
Intel oneAPI products deliver the freedom to develop with a unified toolset and to deploy applications and solutions across CPU, GPU, and FPGA architectures. Native code toolkits implement oneAPI industry specifications and primarily focus on Data Parallel C++ (DPC++), C++, C and Fortran code development. Data science and AI toolkits support machine learning and deep learning developers who primarily use Python* and AI frameworks.

Intel oneAPI Base & HPC Toolkit is a comprehensive suite of development tools that make it fast and easy to build modern code that gets every last ounce of performance out of the newest Intel processors in high-performance computing (HPC) platforms. Intel oneAPI Base & HPC Toolkit simplifies creating code with the latest techniques in vectorization, multi-threading, multi-node, memory optimization, and accelerator offloading.

Intel oneAPI Base & HPC Toolkit helps developers, researchers, and data scientists confidently develop performant code quickly and correctly, and scale compute-intensive workloads that exploit cutting-edge features Intel CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs, and HPC clusters. It includes industry-leading C++ and Fortran compilers, standards-driven OpenMP support, MPI library and benchmarks, and advanced analysis tools for design, MPI, cluster tuning, and cluster health checking to enhance uptime and productivity.

Intel oneAPI Base & HPC Toolkit includes all the Intel compilers (C / C ++, Fortran, DPC ++ etc.) and multiple platform support (Windows, Linux and Mac OSX) to give you more flexibility for the future.

Note: The tools that comprised Intel Parallel Studio XE and Intel System Studio are now integrated into Intel’s next generation oneAPI products. The Intel oneAPI Toolkits are upward compatible supersets of the features in the previous studio products, so the studio products will no longer be offered to new customers.

Intel oneAPI Base Toolkit

What is the Intel oneAPI HPC Toolkit?

Intel is a world leader in computing innovation. The company designs and builds the essential technologies that serve as the foundation for the world's computing devices. As a leader in corporate responsibility and sustainability, Intel also manufactures the world's first commercially available "conflict-free" microprocessors.

Owner: Intel
Product Name: oneAPI Base & HPC Toolkit
Version: 2025.0.0.0
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : https://software.intel.com/
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: Windows & Linux *
Size: 17.4 Gb


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Intel oneAPI 2023.0.0 Linux/mac


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只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2021-12-24 07:58:24

只看该作者 板凳  发表于: 2021-12-24 12:26:30

只看该作者 地板  发表于: 2021-12-24 12:54:16

只看该作者 地下室  发表于: 2021-12-24 15:25:02
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只看该作者 5 发表于: 2021-12-24 15:49:38
软件下载咨询邮箱: sdbeta@qq.com (回复及时)

只看该作者 6 发表于: 2021-12-24 19:09:50
Intel OneApi Toolkits 2022.1

只看该作者 7 发表于: 2021-12-24 20:43:27

只看该作者 8 发表于: 2021-12-28 00:41:36

只看该作者 9 发表于: 2022-02-10 20:31:02
Re:Intel OneApi Toolkits 2022.1