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[行业软件]CAMWorks 2022 SP5 for SOLIDWORKS + ShopFloor+Solid Edge [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2022-01-03 10:13:14

CAMWorks 2022 SP4 | 2.5 Gb
Languages Supported: 中文 Simplified, 中文 Traditional, Français, Deutsch, Italiano,
日本語, Polski, Português-Brazilian, Русский, Español, Türkçe, 한국어, Čeština

The GeometricPLM development team is pleased to announce the availability of CAMWorks 2022 SP4 Multilingual for SolidWorks 2021-2022 is an intuitive, feature-based CAM software that helps to increase productivity using best-in-class technologies and adaptable automation tools to maximize CNC machining efficiency.

The GeometricPLM development team is pleased to announce the availability of CAMWorks 2022 SP3 build 2022/0708 (08 Jul-2022) is an intuitive, feature-based CAM software that helps to increase productivity using best-in-class technologies and adaptable automation tools to maximize CNC machining efficiency.

CAMWorks 2022 SP3 build 2022/0708 (08 Jul-2022) what's new

Resolved CPRs

1. CW-115182 CSR-20332 System The CAMWorks application is unable to restore theCAMWorks data from the specific assembly file which was last saved in CAMWorks 2021 SP2 version.
2. CW-115089 CSR-20157 Post In Mill Assembly mode, when stock of type "Pre-defined Bounding Box" is selected, the variables "STOCK_MIN" and "STOCK_MAX" does not output the correct coordinates in posted NC code as per the Coordinate System selected.
3. CW-115062 CW-113036 CSR-20250 CSR-19123 VoluMill For the specific Mill part, the VoluMill toolpath generatedcontains an unnecessary secondary pass.
4. CW-115028 CSR-20163 Post In CAMWorks 2022, when a post operation is inserted byright mouse click of a setup, then it is inserted after the last available operation in the operation tree.
5. CW-115000 CSR-20093 Toolpath For the specific part, the link moves generated for the Area Clearance toolpath moves through uncut stock at fill depth.
6. CW-114948 CSR-20068 Toolpath For the specific Mill part, the Contour Mill toolpath gouges the part on the finish side passes when “Single cut depth” option is checked with “Spring pass” option selected at the side parameter. Gouging is observed at the Lead in.
7. CW-114947 CSR-10230 Toolpath For the specific part containing a slot feature with chamfer, the contour mill toolpath generated gouges the part on finish side passes when “Single cut depth” optionis checked at the side parameter. The gouge occurs at leadin.
8. CW-114929 CSR-20051 .Toolpath The ‘Optimize Between Groups’ option fails to function correctly resulting in repetitive machining of the features.
9. CW-114820 CSR-12885 Simulation In CAMWorks Virtual Machine, the Tool touch off point does not generate at the center of the tool radius.
10. CW-114791 CSR-19952 Post For Multiaxis machining operations, the variables MCS_X_OFFSET, MCS_Y_OFFSET and MCS_Z_OFFSET returns "zero" value when posted.
11. CW-114784 CSR-19939 Post When post header FACE_ARC is set to BOTH then for some face free toolpaths with arcs, the post variable CURRENT_SYSTEM changes to -1 from 512.
12. CW-114691 CSR-19927 Toolpath For any mill part, when the retract point is selected (Arc Centre or point) for Contour Mill toolpath with Ramp option checked then it generates incorrect toolpath. The toolpath makes angular move downwards to the setup XY plane and then retract in Z direction.
13. CW-114623 CSR-19886 TechDB In the customized TechDB, the Default OperationParameters User Interface Page for Probing tool is blank in Inch mode.
14. CW-114608 CSR-19855 Rebuild For the specific assembly, the Fixture Coordinate System assigned by the user incorrectly located and doesn’t get reset even after multiple Rebuild attempts.
15. CW-114584 CSR-19841 Feature When the ‘Engrave feature’ option is selected for Contour Mill operation, the ‘Zigzag’ option within Depth processing group box is grayed out. However, when the Rest machining option is changed from ‘None’ to ‘Previous tool’and back to ‘None’, then the ‘Zigzag’ option gets activated. This is unexpected behavior.
16. CW-114564 CSR-19826 Rebuild For any 2.5 axis Mill part, when any hole group feature is created, if the option is changed to Through in Hole Parameters dialog box and then if rebuild is executed the group feature dissolves.
17. CW-114550 CSR-19008 TechDB The parameter “Over Allowance” (negative value input)was renamed to “Min Stock to remove” (positive value input) within the application. This change also needs to be implemented in TechDB.
18. CW-114526 CSR-19798 Toolpath Toolpath creates gouge in Rough Passes when ContourMill Single Depth cut check box is selected.
19. CW-114515 CSR-19755 Translation In Japanese language version of CAMWorks, some of theJapanese text strings under the Feed/Speed tab needs to be modified as they are incorrectly translated. They need to be translated in corresponding TechDB UI as well.
20. CW-114491 CSR-19754 UI When selecting the "Toolpath center" radio button on the "NC" tab of the contour mill, the parameter images of the NC tab user interface do not change.
21. CW-114487 CSR-19746 Translation In Japanese language version of CAMWorks, the English string 'Barrel tooling' need to be localized at three locations within the user interface.
22. CW-114468 CSR-19713 Translation In the Chinese Traditional language version of CAMWorks,the string named ‘Retract Dist’ under the NC tab of Operation Parameters dialog box is missing.
23. CW-114437 CSR-19729 Feature The Curve Feature with the 'edge break' strategy for chamfering by the EMF is incorrect. The Feature is correct if added manually.
24. CW-114361 CSR-19684 Simulation In Turn mode, when a Prime Turn/Diamond/User Defined Turn tool is assigned to a Turn operation and user assigns Gage Offsets under Station page of Tool tab for CAMWorks Virtual Machine simulation, it is observed that these offset values get reset back to original values.
25. CW-114333 CSR-5970 UI If the Replace tool option is used in Tool tree tab with assembly tool crib then after selecting the Ok command on Tool Select Filter dialogue box it again opens a new dialogue box listing all the assembly tools which is notnecessary.
26. CW-114310 CSR-19615 Translation In Czech language version of CAMWorks, in Turn module, some of the Czech language text strings under Tool tab UI need to be updated.
27. CW-114217 CSR-19521 Operation The face milling operation for the specific Mill part with automatic angle, changes the direction of cut along with an error message. This happens only when the avoid area is applied.
28. CW-114181 CSR-19541 Feature For any Mill part, the lines within the pocket features are not automatically added when shift keys are used to add the feature.
29. CW-113909 CSR-19503 System When Fixture Coordinate System is defined using the stock vertex and CAMWorks configuration is used then the mill part setup changes its location after saving and reopening the part.
30. CW-113786 CSR-10496 TechDB The assembly tools do not get replaced when any tool is selected from the TechDB.
31. CW-113779 CSR-17682 Assembly For any Assembly part, the "Insert Mill Part Setup" optioncannot be selected for the second Feature Manager.
32. CW-113778 CSR-19439 Toolpath In Turn mode, when the depth of an ID feature is changed and the part is Rebuilt, the Drill cycles are not updated to reflect the updated feature depth.
33. CW-113489 CSR-19308 Translation In the Spanish language version of CAMWorks, some of the Spanish strings under the Geometry tab of Operation Parameters dialog box for 3 Axis operations need to be modified.
34. CW-113165 CSR-19234 Toolpath For Contour Mill toolpaths generated for hole/circular pocket features, the Retract move out of the hole/pocketbecomes angled when the ‘Retract between features’ is set to ‘Use Skim Plane’.
35. CW-113034 CSR-19096 Toolpath For any Mill part, if the Contour Mill operation is defined for a Curve feature with the lead in point defined at the start point, then it does not calculate correct lead out andthe lead in/out overlap moves.
36. CW-113027 CSR-19099 Toolpath Error when Turning off all cutter compensation produces varying toolpaths with specific tool
37. CW-112973 CSR-19042 Toolpath Rough Toolpath generation missing with 0 allowance
38. CW-112928 CSR-19003 Toolpath Gouge check does not work with avoid areas in place
39. CW-112879 CSR-18937 Toolpath The wrong toolpath in combination with “Look ahead” and spring passes in contour milling.
40. CW-112865 CSR-18924 Toolpath Plunge Rough does not generate a correct toolpath when WIP is active.
41. CW-112163 CSR-18548 Toolpath For the specific assembly, the toolpath generated with full radius comp and ramp as cut amount, directly goes to the feature depth and then moves up.
42. CW-112121 CSR-18516 Toolpath The 2.5 Axis rest roughing toolpath issue by WIP on a part perimeter feature.
43. CW-112059 CSR-18479 Assembly In Assembly mode, the sub-spindle coordinate getsrotated when the stock geometry is changed and the toolpath is regenerated. It gets corrected only when the sub-spindle coordinate is refreshed from the part manager.
44. CW-111591 CSR-18116 Setup Sheet For any Centre Drill and Bore operation, the Tool ID variable from the Tool tab is not passed into Setup Sheet data.
45. CW-111568 CSR-18090 Toolpath In the attached part, wrap feature toolpath has some moves with angle rotation greater than 180deg which causes tool to crash through the part because machine follows the shortest path
46. CW-110761 CSR-17757 Rebuild In the Assembly mode when any changes are done for the stock, the Stock does not update Toolpath automaticallyunless regeneration is performed consecutively for two times.
47. CW-110575 CSR-17628 Operation For the specific Mill-Turn part, the work co-ordinate offset defined for some setups change to sub-spindle work offset after doing full GTP.
48. CW-110260 CSR-17493 Assembly When a Pattern Project operation is imported from a part file into an assembly, it is observed that the directions of the flow line curve sketches are incorrect.
49. CW-110090 CSR-17429 Toolpath For a specific Mill part, specifying a Contain Area to reduce the number of holes to be machined excessively increases the machining cycle time.
50. CW-110074 CSR-17413 Toolpath Multiple Spring passes causes Gouge Check alarm when generating toolpath
51. CW-109863 CSR-17222 Toolpath For the specific mill part, incorrect Contour Mill toolpath is generated when Leadin and leadout is applied. This happens when the gauge check option is enabled under the NC tab and the entry method is set to ‘Spiral’.
52. CW-109594 CSR-16999 API For CAMWorks Tolerance Based Machining, no API supporting machine-to-mean is available.
53. CW-109050 CSR-16809 System When user loads CAMWorks 2018 or 2019 version as an add-in within CAMWorks Solids, then a script error message pop up is displayed during launch.
54. CW-109031 CSR-16546 Toolpath For the specific Turn part, CAMWorks fails to generate toolpath for the Groove Finish operation generated for Face Groove feature when a user-defined turn insert is used.
55. CW-107505 CSR-16258 Toolpath In the attached part, drill toolpath generated for a group hole feature does not follow the selected optimization method inside to Out
56. CW-107017 CSR-16108 Toolpath The wrong leadin move is observed for the Contour Mill toolpath during the spring pass move. This happens when the gauge check option under NC tab is enabled with the Toolpath Center set to ‘without compensation’.
57. CW-106919 CSR-15960 Toolpath Contain Area corrupts the ramp toolpath depth cut increments.
58. CW-106808 CSR-15887 Toolpath For the specific Mill part, the Contour Mill toolpath with Chamfer machining generated for the Curve feature. If the leadin type is set to ‘Arc’ and a negative leadin overlap is applied, it is observed that the negative overlap doesn't work.
59. CW-106798 CSR-12879 ShopFloor When a SOILDWORKS file which was saved in any older version is used to Publish a ShopFloor File from the latest version of SOLIDWORKS without first saving it, then such ShopFloor file will not load in the ShopFloor application.
60. CW-106229 CSR-15718 Toolpath In an Assembly, for the Contour mill toolpath the Chamfer depth is wrong when the Avoid Area is active.
61. CW-104848 CSR-15164 Assembly In assembly, when SOLIDWORKS configuration is changed and existing CAMWorks configuration is copied then it does not allow to add or work on new SOLIDWORKSconfiguration part because Feature Manager gets suppressed.
62. CW-104666 CSR-15078 Toolpath For the specific mill part, the tool associated with the Rough Mill toolpath plunges into the part in two locations even though the entry method is set to ‘Spiral’. This will break the tool.
63. CW-104497 CSR-14968 Feature When creating an open contour feature, the direction of cut is not in the correct direction when generated by surfaces. Even after changing it by 'Flip direction to cut' from the feature edit window and save, it returns to the earlier condition.
64. CW-104296 CSR-14866 TechDB In the TechDB application, the error messages need to be improved when the TechDB application couldn’t connect to the TechDB database file.
65. CW-104170 CSR-14803 Simulation For the specific Mill part, the target part displayed in Simulation mode is incorrect. This results in incorrect Comparison.
66. CW-102286 CSR-13919 Turn When any Retract option is set (PresetPosition/Auto/Retract Point then Reset) under NC tab for a Bore Rough operation generated for the specific Turn part, it crashes the part.
67. CW-98497 CSR-12450 Operation For Turn and Drill operations, when the Spindle mode is "SMM" and the feed type is "FPR", it is observed that the machining time displayed for the Feed move in Statistics tab is a large incorrect value.
68. CW-98103 CSR-12273 CSR-14446 CSR-17648 Toolpath Toolpath generated for taper feature does not consider the taper angle and generates toolpath in the opposite angle direction.
69. CW-98084 CSR-12274 Toolpath For the specific Mill part, the Contour mill toolpathgenerated for a curve feature seems to correct but when posted it generates some unwanted arc moves that gouges the part.

CAMWorks for SOLIDWORKS was the first fully integrated computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) solution designed exclusively to operate in SOLIDWORKS and the first to offer knowledge-based, feature recognition, and associative machining capabilities within SOLIDWORKS.

CAMWorks uses the same SOLIDWORKS geometry to generate toolpaths to ensure the part you machine is the same part you’ve modeled. Toolpath simulation allows users to compare “as designed” parts to “as machined” parts. The part model-to-toolpath associativity in CAMWorks increases machining productivity and lowers manufacturing costs by eliminating time-consuming CAM system rework due to design updates.

CAMWorks eliminates the drudgery of CNC programming with Intelligent Machining through automation. Pioneered by Geometric Technologies, this suite of tools automates the generation of toolpaths based on a knowledge-based database. It eliminates hours of complex programming through Automatic Feature Recognition (AFR) that automatically defines prismatic machinable features, while the TechDBTM (Technology Database) defines machining operations to automatically generate accurate toolpaths at the click of a button.

CAMWorks machining modules include: 2½ Axis Mill, 3 Axis Mill, Turning, Mill-Turn with 5 Axis Simultaneous Machining Support, 4/5 Axis Simultaneous Machining, and Wire EDM.

CAMWorks for 2022 provides advanced new features to help you take full advantage of your CNC machines

CAMWorks 2022 Tips & Tricks

GeometricPLM by HCL Technologies a specialist in the domain of engineering solutions, services and technologies. Its portfolio of Global Engineering services, Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) solutions, Embedded System solutions, and Digital Technology solutions enables companies to formulate, implement, and execute global engineering and manufacturing strategies aimed at achieving greater efficiencies in the product realization lifecycle.

On April 1st 2016, Geometric got into an agreement with HCL Technologies to transfer of its business to HCL Tech by way of demerger, except for its 58% share in the joint venture with Dassault Systèmes (3DS) (3DPLM Software Solutions Limited (3DPLM)). The transition has become effective on March 2nd 2017, after seeking all statutory approvals.

Product: CAMWorks
Version: 2022 SP0 build 2021/1227 (27-December-2021)
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.camworks.com
Languages Supported: multilanguage
System Requirements: PC *
Size: 2.5 Gb

* System Requirements:

CAMWorks 2022 SP5 Multilang for SolidWorks 2021-2022


CAMWorks 2022 SP3 x64 for Solid Edge 2021-2022


CAMWorks 2022 SP1


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精品软件:百度搜闪电软件园  最新软件百度搜:闪电下载吧
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CAMWorks 2022 SP0

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CAMWorks 2022 SP0
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