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[行业软件]SOFiSTiK SOFiCAD 2022 SP 2022-2 for Autodesk AutoCAD 2022 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2022-01-10 06:50:21

SOFiSTiK SOFiCAD 2022 SP 2022-2 for Autodesk AutoCAD 2022 | 329.3 mb

Construction software maker SOFiSTiK has launched a new version of its structural engineering software. SOFiSTiK | 2022 is largely dedicated to optimized workflows through open interfaces.

What's new in SOFiSTiK | 2022
SOFiSTiK | 2022 is largely dedicated to optimized workflows through open interfaces. The possibility of fully seamless project planning from model right through to reinforcement opens up considerable potential for saving time all while improving quality thanks to lower error rates. New and enhanced model interfaces facilitate the swift implementation of highly efficient BIM workflows, letting users focus on what really matters.

Aim high with seamless planning
SOFiSTiK | 2022 offers users improved functionalities with new options for standard member verification and earthquake calculations that particularly enhance the implementation and handling of above-standard structural engineering projects. To allow for seamless and efficient BIM planning, SOFiSTiK’s powerful software toolset for building design has been complemented by additional and redesigned interfaces such as SAF and optimized methods for integrating IFC model data into projects.
For earthquake calculation, new tasks are available with special story checks according to the widely used response spectrum method. The new tasks integrate smoothly in between upstream modeling and subsequent steps for calculation and analysis. Information on the building response in the case of seismic events is generated based on the story levels that have been defined during system definition and can then be used for further design steps. Besides high-performance eigenmode analysis for big systems and targeted mode filtering, the underlying and novel FE technology enables optional stiffness reduction for structural members.
The SOFiSTiK Reinforcement Package with the BIM apps Reinforcement Detailing (RCD) and Reinforcement Generation (RCG) has been equipped with improved adaptability to and support for international planning standards. Both apps now provide optimum integration into the building construction workflow with the option to derive reinforcement plans based on the global standard by Autodesk. As a solid basis for classic 2d planning, the trusted 2D CAD software SOFiCAD rounds off the early-stage building design workflow.
Experience bridge design without borders
In the area of bridge design, SOFiSTiK strengthens its industry-renowned expertise with improved visualization options, optimized workflows, and a more international focus.
Extended possibilities for interactive definition and visualization of the construction process in SOFiPLUS emphasize the software's efficiency for bridge design. With the new tool "Visualize Construction Sections", users get an overview of the defined construction sections and can graphically control the defined construction sequence in a clear and intuitive way. Additionally, the new command "Bridge Bearings" in SOFiPLUS now provides a functional option for generating spring sets for mapping bridge bearings with just one click.
In line with its international growth strategy, SOFiSTiK expands the existing standards repertoire with version 2022 and now also supports the overlay system for US standards (AASHTO).
As a central open BIM tool for bridge modeling, the Rhinoceros and Grasshopper interface has already proven itself many times over in practice. The most important product for the early planning phases in bridge construction according to the BIM method remains the popular SOFiSTiK Bridge + Infrastructure Modeler, which has been equipped with further functionalities in version 2022.

Service Pack 2022-2 - what's new


SOFiSTiK Structural Desktop (SSD)
System and Design Codes
Features: National Annexes Denmark for bridges: New design code DS EN199x-200x-BRIDGE available (new INI file ds_en199x-200x-bridge.ini) (190698)
Features: Task Action Manager: Possible action definition for user defined action revised (191301)
Reinforced Conrete Design
Bugfixes: National Annexes Denmark: Consideration of the additional safety factor gamma-3 for the materials
Capacity Check for Building Cores
Features: The Material Table contains all design safety factors with the reduction coefficient alpha,cc.
Bugfixes: Core Cross Section Plot: The displacement and scale for some Core Cross Section plots were incorrect. (193339)
Storey Checks
Bugfixes: Storey Checks Task crashed if it was inserted in the 2022-0 Release version and opened with the Service Pack 1. (193184)
Shear Wall Design
Features: The Material Table contains all design safety factors with the reduction coefficient alpha,cc.
Analysis tasks
Bugfixes: Load cases containing response spectra definitions are not offered anymore within the Linear Analysis Task
Bugfixes:Deduction of noneffective stresses happend to be accounted as tensile forces for the internal lever. (193813)
Bugfixes:Correction of force transformation for strong axis inclination (-> haunched beams, geometrically nonlinear structural analysis (2nd order theory)). (192526)
Bugfixes:The calculation of the strength reduction factor v (see EN 1992-1-1, 6.2.2 (6)) has been improved for construction joints for DIN EN1992 and EN 1992.
Bugfixes: Problems with multi stage creep if materials changed within a beam. (194117)
Other Issues:The input c=0 (acc. to NCI for DIN EN 1992-2, 6.2.5 (105)) for shear interfaces subjected to dynamic and fatigue loading, is now supported. (193442,194292)
Bugfixes: Incremental launching: Moving Spring contact corrected for first spring activation.
Bugfixes: Using a primary loadcase (CSM) with elastic boundary on coupled nodes corrected. (157773)
Other Issues: Incremental launching: Longitudinal and transverse fixings with moving springs MOVS L0 TRAN improved. They now work with correct total deformation.
Other Issues: Nonlinear quad elements with tendons: prestrain corrected on yielding tendons.
Other Issues: Nonlinear quad elements with tendons: design of nonlinear ASE loadcases: limitation of tendon stress increase (CTRL SIGP).
Other Issues: With ECHO PUNC 4 you now get in the WINGRAF Plot also the V-Ed without bedding reduction for bedded slabs.
Bugfixes: CSM DESI: detection of bridge class B,C,D adapted for version 2022. (195080)
Other Issues: CSM DESI stress checks: combination selection for the informative uniaxial concrete compression stress set to pk-sup.
Other Issues: Safety coefficient creep: with CTRL GAMC V2 now also the favorable value can be input.
Bugfixes: Fixed crash when using DECREATOR only to delete design elements by the DDEL command.
Other Issues: New version number (servicepack).
Bugfixes: SIR: Sometimes wrong results were calculated for cuts along the element edges between triangular QUAD elements. (194025)
Features: TRAC: The traced input Load Cases and corresponding Factors can be stored as a new Combination, via parameter CSAV.
Bugfixes: Actions belonging to PART Q are considered together with the Leading Action, when processing load groups. (190215)
Bugfixes: TRAC: Output of the categories of Actions corrected.
Other Issues: SUPP: Parameter CSAV marked as obsolete, for future versions. A more suitable alternative is offered via command TRAC.
Features: The new option CFG SSD allows to account for the project’s configuration file (*.plb.cfg) when converting a PLB into a DOCX file using a text input within SSD.
Features: Page breaks, when present and active in the SOFiSTiK printouts (*.plb), are exported to DOCX.
Bugfixes: Corrected error in importing STL files. (193144)
Other Issues: TRAN: Improved algorithm for incremental isotropic rotations about multiple axes (PHI).
Other Issues: Automatic numbering of springs at structural points improved.
Other Issues: Improved internal triangulation processing that was occasionally issuing an unnecessary warning.
Bugfixes: In some cases, spurious support reactions were computed at nodes subjected to imposed displacements - corrected. (194633)
Features: It is possible to display the values of shear wall design.
Bugfixes: Sometimes wrong values were shown for area related moments of coupling springs along nodal sequences. (190547)
Bugfixes: Sometimes the 'comparison' (e.g. maximum values) of the boundary results was wrong. (194660)
Bugfixes: Sometimes not all BRIC surfaces were read. These areas were therefore missing in the representation. (193068)
Bugfixes: The switch 'All groups' for the primary groups of the elements showed the additional elements too, even if there was switched off. (189437)
Bugfixes: Sometimes the unit set was changed during saving GRA files. (192998)
Bugfixes: The picture size was wrong for format A4 transverse in a ZTV-Ing page. (193360)
Bugfixes: The ZOOM shortcuts work now as described in menu (F11=Zoom, F12=Zoom before, Ctrl-F12=Zoom borders).

SOFiSTiK is a finite element package that has been developed specially for the analysis of civil engineering structures.

SOFiSTiK | 2022 is largely dedicated to optimized workflows through open interfaces. The possibility of fully seamless project planning from model right through to reinforcement opens up considerable potential for saving time all while improving quality thanks to lower error rates. New and enhanced model interfaces facilitate the swift implementation of seamless and efficient BIM workflows, letting users focus on what really matters.

SOFiCAD is a modular system that complements AutoCAD to functions for structural engineering and offers specialized modules for construction and reinforcement drawings to be used in bridge, tunnel and building design. SOFiCAD adds a complete set of special objects and commands that enable engineers to analyze, design and draft structures of all types.

Taking advantage of new features in AutoCAD 2022, SOFiCAD automates a host of mundane tasks, enabling engineers to concentrate on technical detail and finite element analysis. SOFiCAD 2022 is more flexible than ever before, especially in the support of international standards and codes.

SOFiSTiK | 2022 - Beginners Tutorial

An overview of the basic SOFiSTiK functionalities for your first Project. From starting up SOFiSTiK, all the way to documenting your results. Short videos for every step.
SOFiSTiK is Europe’s leading software developer for analysis, design and detailing of building and infrastructure projects worldwide. Today, employing more than 70 people, we are one of the leading software developers for Finite Element Software in the construction industry, as well as for integrated detailing software based on Autodesk AutoCAD and Revit. SOFiSTiK’s subsidiary and Authorized Training Center BiMOTiON provides training and consulting for all aspects of implementing BIM workflows.

Version: 2022 SP 2022-2 Build 558 for Autodesk AutoCAD
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.sofistik.com
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: PC *
Software Prerequisites: pre-install Autodesk AutoCAD 2022
Size: 329.3 mb

* System Requirements:


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