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[行业软件]Cadence Virtuoso, Release Version IC6.1.8 ISR34 Linux [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2022-01-29 17:45:50

Cadence Virtuoso, Release Version IC6.1.8 ISR32
| 6.2 Gb

Cadence Design Systems, Inc. , the leader in global electronic design innovation, has unveiled Virtuoso, Release Version IC6.1.8 ISR32 (06.18.320) is a holistic, system-based solution that provides the functionality to drive simulation and LVS-clean layout of ICs and packages from a single schematic.

CCRs Fixed

2804715 Simulation for some corners remains incomplete after netlisting is finished
2798702 probe.tcl has unwanted commands after AMS simulation
2796355 Error WIA-1175 on CIW via ADE Explorer when the environment variable adexl.plotting plotScalarExpressions is set to nil
2794633 LSCS domain-state drops active test during ocean run
2794399 Incorrect netlist is generated when Device Masking is enabled for Reliability analysis
2790295 HspiceD netlister taking significantly more time for the same design in latest version than compared to IC6.1.8 ISR10
2790134 SOA violations for maximum peak value are reported in the cumulative results for minimum peak violations
2788667 Edits in descended block keep adding net highlights upon edits when another copy of top-level layout is open
2787761 Netlisting a schematic cell leads to the error E,DUPIMP or E,DUPIDN
2787043 Unable to sort data in the Detail-Transpose view in ADE Assembler
2783290 Modgen failed to abut pseudoparallel connection
2782858 Improve create bus command use model to compute the bit spacing when the command is invoked
2781538 AMS UNL: Netlisting error with the function amsOSSAmsSpecificPrintInst
2779550 Virtuoso Electromigration- Clarity 3D Solver: Incorrect translation of oblong vias
2779318 Virtuoso exits unexpectedly while running Multi Technology Simulation
2778666 Probing from Checks/Asserts output view is not following configured and simulated hierarchy
2777657 Evaluation problems with ICRP when ternary conditional operator is used to set the temperature
2777435 An error occurs while importing the CSV file in VDR
2776875 axlPutNote does not work for group history
2776610 Bus spacing in create bus could not be changed after changing the bus net width
2775676 Change the label 'instance Name for Testbench' in the Advanced Testbench Reuse form to something more descriptive
2775042 Ensure that the 'View Log Messages' submenu entry is independent of msg.db
2774690 Issues with while updating pin direction in Layout XL
2773209 Instance coloring applied incorrectly for iterated instances
2772911 The is_unconnected attribute incorrectly extracted as true for connected input pins in schematic
2772900 Incorrect netlist is generated when the input is repeated bus bits
2772670 Virtuoso exits unexpectedly when the strand number is greater than the bits mentioned in the net name field in the Create Strand Wire form
2770093 relharmnum is not in the netlist when sampled (jitter) is used in multiple pnoise
2769293 Poor performance when some nets are specified as a matched length constraint by Virtuoso Space-based Router auto routing
2768865 Incorrect sorting of results data in the Detail-Transpose view
2768839 Variables are randomly missed from the netlist
2768456 Increase precision for dbWriteSkill dumping large oaDist and oaCoord values
2768051 Issue a warning message indicating that local sweeps are not supported in reliability analysis
2767301 calcVal lint check does not consider multiple matching parameters
2763766 Re-evaluation does not work for fault results
2763402 ac analysis is required to perform stb analysis using actimes in AMS simulations
2763282 Extraction in EAD becomes unresponsive for Effective R Calculator when pressing the calculate button twice
2762576 Maximize via violation does not check via not centered on wire intersection
2762506 Virtuoso Electromigration- LVS-based flow: unexpected ports created because the SVDB is used from an LVS run with blackbox
2761867 If the signal via is a cross via, identify and ensure shield stack Vias are aligned properly
2761538 Design variables with expressions defined using strcat cannot be imported from a CSV
2758964 Syntax error reported for the 'Tj' variable defined in ICT-EM file for EAD
2758245 An incorrect model section is selected for a model if the model sections are specified in different case in the model file and the Corners Setup form
2757416 The Plot Outputs button not working in ADE Explorer
2755625 ocnxlUpdatePointVariable should update dependent variables
2754635 The CSV file shows different heading names than those specified in the argument '?exprList' of the function 'awvSaveToCSV'
2754093 Unexpected licenses checked out during EAD distributed processing
2752967 Virtuoso ADE Verifier shows different results for Local and Batch Run modes
2750137 Implementation run reports an error if the implementation run summary data file is not writable
2748073 Quantus exits during qrcToDfII if hierarchical_cell_list_file contains cells which are not present inside the layout
2747919 Cannot view waveform outputs during simulation due to ERROR (WIA-1175)
2746313 In ADE Assembler, nodes within a DSPF file cannot be driven through externally defined voltage sources
2743855 Spaces in the library file paths specified in the Include Options Setup form for AMS cause the xrunArgs file to fail
2743781 45-degree geometries produced during DEF Out translation are not in sync with the ones created in Virtuoso
2743302 Inconsistent behavior of compute enclosures in the Via Properties form between ICADVM20.1 ISR27 and ISR28
2741962 Antenna diode attribute extraction
2741259 Unable to consistently plot waveforms in Virtuoso Visualization and Analysis XL when running simulation remotely
2733742 libImport reports warnings and does not translate some DRAs
2724931 A SKILL error is reported when editing device Design Intent for a specific case
2723572 libImport should read .ssm files and referenced content from the -dirs argument of libImport
2723435 axlWriteOceanScriptLCV does not write the script in ADE Assembler unless a maestro cellview is opened
2719180 ADE Assembler creates line breaks in the dspf_include option
2718189 A warning message is reported when closing a layout window in EAD
2717830 Results from Virtuoso Visualization and Analysis XL Calculator and the Direct Measurements assistant do not match
2716377 File export to Allegro fails on imported components of libImport
2684395 Waveform expressions are visible although filtered out from Detail-Transpose results view
2682351 Virtuoso exits unexpectedly after resizing log viewer window
2679602 Add an API to retrieve results of all data points from coverage data, which is sliced by verification space
2676959 maeSetReliabilityOptionVal not reflecting in reliability analysis created from SKILL
2667965 ADE Assembler creates a bad netlist if the function 'round' is used in the design variables
2664491 Unable to consistently plot waveforms in Virtuoso Visualization and Analysis XL when running simulation remotely
2659404 Intercept labels for x and y axes are not working by the vertical and horizontal markers
2652087 Net highlighting during EIP is distracting when the top cell is opened in multiple windows
2636406 Intercept labels for x and y axes are not shown by the vertical and horizontal markers even when the Intercepts field is set to 'on'
2633378 EIP: Complete net highlighted when selecting an object while top level cell is shown in another canvas
2592669 The '-state' option of the 'runsv' command reports an unexpected INFO message (RUNSV-32)
2272838 ocnGenNoiseSummary does not report noise results when the given hierLevel is greater than the level in the design

May 2023
The Cadence Virtuoso System Design Platform links two world-class Cadence technologies—custom IC design and package/PCB design/analysis—creating a holistic methodology that automates and streamlines the design and verification flow for multi-die heterogeneous systems.

Leveraging the Virtuoso Schematic Editor and the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment, it provides a single platform for IC-and package/system-level design capture, analysis, and verification. In addition, the Virtuoso System Design Platform provides an automated bidirectional interface with the Cadence SiP-level implementation environment and Clarity 3d Solver.

The Virtuoso System Design Platform allows IC designers to easily include system-level layout parasitics in the IC verification flow, enabling time savings by combining package/board layout connectivity data with the IC layout parasitic electrical model. The automatically generated “system-aware” schematic that results can then be easily used to create a testbench for final circuit-level simulation. The Virtuoso System Design Platform automates this entire flow, eliminating the highly manual and error-prone process of integrating system-level layout parasitic models back into the IC designer’s flow.

Cadence Virtuoso: Introduction

This video shows the basic introduction to one of the most used IC design tools in the industry and academia - Cadence virtuoso. It also shows how to edit schematic design in cadence virtuoso.
Cadence is a pivotal leader in electronic design and computational expertise, using its Intelligent System Design strategy to turn design concepts into reality. Cadence customers are the world’s most creative and innovative companies, delivering extraordinary electronic products from chips to boards to systems for the most dynamic market applications.
Product: Cadence Virtuoso
Version: IC6.1.8 ISR34
Supported Architectures: x86_64
Website Home Page : www.cadence.com
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: Linux *
Size: 11.6 Gb

* Cadence Products and Standalone Software Compatible with IC6.1.8

Standalone Software Shipped with IC6.1.8

Virtuoso Power System L……………………………(IC6.1.8)
Voltus-Fi Custom Power Integrity Solution XL…………(IC6.1.8)

Cadence Product Releases Validated with IC6.1.8 ISR13

Spectre Circuit Simulators…………………………(SPECTRE 19.10.396)
Pegasus/Physical Verification System………………..(PEGASUS 20.11.000)
Physical Verification System……………………….(PVS 19.13.000)
Assura Physical Verification……………………….(ASSURA 04.16.107)
XCELIUM………………………………………….(XCELIUMMAIN 20.03.007)
Conformal………………………………………..(CONFRML 20.10.100)
Innovus………………………………………….(INNOVUS 20.10.000)
Extraction Tools (QRC/Quantus QRC)………………….(EXT 19.13.000)
Allegro Sigrity…………………………………..(SIG 19.00.001)
Silicon-Package-Board Co-Design…………………….(SPB 17.20.068)

** System Requirements:

Supported Platforms and Operating Systems
Bitness of Operating System: x64
Architecture: x86_64
Supported OS: RHEL 6.5, RHEL 7, SLES 11, SLES 12
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只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2022-01-30 00:26:22

只看该作者 板凳  发表于: 2022-01-30 15:29:38

只看该作者 地板  发表于: 2022-01-31 21:50:12

只看该作者 地下室  发表于: 2022-02-03 12:35:04

只看该作者 5 发表于: 2022-02-03 18:25:30
Cadence Virtuoso, Release Version IC6.1.8 Base
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只看该作者 6 发表于: 2022-02-04 14:12:59

只看该作者 7 发表于: 2022-02-07 10:30:53
Cadence Virtuoso, Release Version IC6.1.8 ISR4

只看该作者 8 发表于: 2022-02-15 11:30:06

只看该作者 9 发表于: 2022-03-21 10:55:26