RockWorks 是环境、岩土工程、石油和采矿行业用于地表和地下数据可视化的标准,具有地图、日志、横截面、围栏图、实体模型和体积计算等常用工具。 RockWorks 提供了多种用于分析地表和地下数据的选项,并接受许多不同的数据类型,例如地层学、岩性学、井下地球化学/地球物理学/岩土工程测量、颜色间隔、裂缝和含水层数据。 软件开发商RockWare很高兴地宣布RockWorks 2022.1的可用性是一款3D建模软件产品,可帮助您创建详细的2D和3D岩土工程地图。The software developer RockWare is pleased to announce the availability of RockWorks 2022.7.28 is a 3D modeling software product that helps you create detailed 2D and 3D geotechnical maps. RockWorks20 Revision History - 2022/Q3 (07/01/22-9/30/22)(013) 07/22/22/MIW - Bug Fix:
The Graphics >Animate >RockPlot 3D File now correctly generates a video when using the Advanced option.
(012) 07/20/22/MIW - Improvement:
The IsoSurface display options now includes an option to display the cap and cutaways as contoured or solid.
(011) 07/18/22/JPR - Removal:
The gINT import option has been removed.
(010) 07/13/22/MIW - New Feature:
3D Faults can now be exported directly to DXF and Shape File formats.
(009) 07/12/22/JPR - Bug Fix:The ModOps / Solid / Math / Solid Math / Constant divided by Solid option now works correctly. The previous version would fail to create a model.
(008) 07/11/22/MIW - New Feature:
2D Faults can now be exported to DXF and Shape File formats.
(007) 07/10/22/JPR - New Feature:
A new program titled "Migration Simulation" has been added to the Graphics / Animate menu. This program will create animations in which the low values migrate to the high values or vice-versa.
Display RockWorks graphic output in its built-in 2D and 3D viewing/editing windows, or export to CAD, Google Earth, and other GIS programs. Use the ReportWorks module to create page layouts for reports and posters.
RockWorks is offered with three feature levels so you can buy just the program tools you need: - Basic: All Utilities programs, plus Borehole Manager maps, logs, log sections. 5 items per playlist, 3 faults.
- Standard: All Basic level tools, plus Borehole Manager modeling: lithology, stratigraphy, geophysical/geochemical/geotechnical, aquifers, colors, fractures. 5 items per playlist, 3 faults.
- Advanced: All Standard level tools, plus SQL-server database support, program automation (scripting), Borehole Manager petroleum production diagrams. Unlimited items per playlist, unlimited faults.
RockWare was founded in 1983 by geologists to create and market affordable geo-scientific computer applications. These products include RockWorks, RockWare GIS Link, and LogPlot which are developed and supported in-house. RockWare’s products are used in virtually all countries of the world and are considered the standard in subsurface visualization. Product: RockWare RockWorksVersion: 2022.1.31Supported Architectures: x64Website Home Page : www.rockware.comLanguages Supported: englishSystem Requirements: PC *Size: 274.3 mb