Active Boot Disk 24.0 (x64) | 525 Mb
Active@ Boot Disk is a complete and functioning computer operating system on CD/DVD/USB disk. Boot Disk does not modify the operating system already installed on a computer's hard drive. It includes many tools to boot up a computer and fix most startup, PC configuration, and system management problems. You can perform data recovery, creating and restoring backups, secure data erasure and a number of other tasks all from a bootable CD/DVD or USB flash media. Full access to non-bootable PCAbility to start non-bootable PC to get exclusive access to the local disks and system Loads from CD, DVD or USB flash driveStarts from a CD, DVD or USB flash drive (appropriate BIOS settings required) Network accessNetwork access via TCP/IP, network configurator is included Removable Boot Disk mediaBoot Disk media may be removed from the system after successfully booting the system Multi-boot supportMulti-boot or dual-boot functionality (DOS + Windows) Data recovery toolsRecovery utilities recover deleted files, or recover data from deleted/damaged partitions Disk Backup and RestoreAbility to backup and restore data with Disk Image Windows password recoveryAdministrator password resetting tool for resetting Windows user passwords including Administrator account Industry standard data sanitizingDoD-compliant disk erasing & wiping of free space on PC disks, securely erase data Disk health checking and monitoringDisk monitoring utility controls hard disk temperature and disk S.M.A.R.T attributes Windows Task ManagerMonitors applications and services running, system performance and resources Command PromptRun various command line tasks and scripts File Manager (Explore my Computer)Copy, move, delete files and folders and run programs from GUI interface DISKPARTManage disks, partitions, or volumes from a command prompt or script Map Network DriveConnect to a shared network folder and assign a driver letter to the connection so that you can access the folder using My Computer FTP ConnectConnect to remote hosts via FTP, browse, download and upload files Telnet ConnectConnect to remote hosts in terminal session DRVLOADAdd device drivers, such as audio, video, and motherboard chipsets, to Boot Disk image or load drivers after Boot Disk started NETCFGView network status or renew IP address Mail SenderSend an e-mail from under Active@ Boot Disk environment CheckDiskExecute standard chkdsk.exe utility with set of options that allow you to detect and fix bad sectors or file clusters Registry editorSearch for local registry on HDDs, attach and view/edit them to repair some registry problems manually Localization SupportAdd your local keyboard layout, type in using your native language Web BrowserEasy-to-use simple web browser Home Page -链接: