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- 2025-03-03
Geomagic Sculpt 2022.0.34 (x64) | 1.02 GB Geomagic Sculpt erases the boundaries of solid modeling, empowering you to create complex, curvy and organic shapes. What’s more, with the included Touch haptic 3D stylus, you’ll literally feel what you’re creating on-screen. Together, it’s the most intuitive way to design functional, and beautiful products. DESIGN THE IMPOSSIBLEGeomagic Sculpt picks up where your CAD system stops, so you can design like never before while working within established workflows. Sculpt beautiful, detailed organic forms – designs that would normally be out of the question-because with Sculpt, you’re not constrained by anything except your imagination. TOUCH YOUR DESIGNUse 3D tools for 3D designs. Geomagic Sculpt helps you break free of the old design paradigm with an included 3D Systems Touch haptic stylus. Instead of being limited by a traditional mouse, Sculpt and Touch let you feel your design – every shape, every texture and every curve. This combination empowers you to move through 3D design with ease and confidence, especially with complex geometry. 3D PRINT-READYYou can cut the guesswork, because Geomagic Sculpt produces 3D-printable files every time. No more wondering if your design is solid or watertight. Sculpt will even check for common printability issues, like feature size and proximity, and flag them so you can make changes before you print. SEAMLESSLY BEAUTIFY YOUR CAD MODELSGeomagic Sculpt works along side your current CAD software, so you can have that elusive, beautiful industrial design in combination with CAD’s functional models. Geomagic Sculpt is even fast and easy to use, both a huge step forward from notoriously complex surface modeling packages. VIRTUAL CLAY MODELINGCreate exactly what you want, no limitations.With Sculpt you can harness the power of virtual clay to easily create exquisitely complex and organic forms. Tug, ridge, emboss and deform just like real clay. Sculpt is incredibly intuitive; you can even feel your design when you use the Touch™ haptic stylus. COMPLEMENTS CADSculpt completes your design suite by adding unconstrained geometry to your existing 3D modeling tools. Shell, texture and add complex manufacturable details in ways traditional CAD tools cannot. MULTI-REPRESENTATIONAL DESIGN FREEDOMSculpt is the only software that combines the benefits of voxel modeling and Sub Divisional (SubD) surface modeling with dimension-driven sketch tools. You can create exactly the geometry you envision, using constraints where you need to and omitting them where you don’t. INCREDIBLE DETAILING TOOLSFine tune the smallest elements, and make your products stand out.Sculpt lets you bake textures of any complexity into virtual clay and perfect them for the ideal look and feel. Design flourishes, which are often impossible in CAD, are simple to do in Sculpt-just import any image and go. Just import a picture and rise it into a model. GUARANTEED PRINTABILITYAlways be ready for 3D printing, because with Sculpt’s voxel-based modeling engine, you know your design is solid. Coupled with its automatic 3D printability analysis, Sculpt lets you optimize designs on the fly for the specific 3D printer you are using. System Requirements: OS- Windows 8.1- Windows 10- Windows 11 CPU- Intel® processors with a minimum 2.5 GHz clock speed*- Recommended: Multiple core processors and clock speeds above 3 GHz RAM- Minimum: 16 GB Hard Disk- Minumum: 8 GB Display- Minimum resolution: 1920 x 1080 (4k coming in v2019.2) Graphics- OpenGL 3.0 or above. OpenGL 4.3 enables the software to provide additional performance enhancements. Home Page - https://www.3dsystems.com/[ 此帖被pony8000在2022-04-02 09:35重新编辑 ]