d an issue when placing an Asset Variant into the canvas in Inventor. INVGEN-67563
- Resolved an issue causing AutoCAD to hang when using the 'Open in AutoCAD' command in Inventor. INVGEN-67612
- Resolved an issue where defining an Asset Variant required saving and publishing twice. INVGEN-67711
- Resolved an issue when changing parameters in the Factory Properties dialog in AutoCAD. INVGEN-67779
- Resolved an issue while saving a Factory asset and trying to change its properties. INVGEN-71944
- Resolved an issue when saving a DWG file while synchronizing a Factory Chain Asset moved to a sub-layout. INVGEN-72603
- Resolved an issue when switching between the Factory Design 3D layout, components, and parts. INVGEN-72646
- Resolved an issue where the out of date dialog displayed multiple times when opening an assembly file in Inventor with the 'Auto-update…' option deselected and the 'Tell me if…' option selected in the 'Factory Options' dialog. INVGEN-73397
- Improved stability when enabling or disabling Factory Add-in in Inventor while the 'Automatically log in next session' option was selected in Vault. INVGEN-73621
- Resolved an issue where annotations were not centered when the asset was rotated to a vertical position despite selecting the Center option in the 'Options' dialog. INVGEN-74609
- Improved stability when placing an asset using the mini-toolbar in Inventor. INVGEN-75888
- Improved stability when opening a DWG layout file. INVGEN-75890
- Improved performance when browsing the Vault Assets folder in the Asset Browser panel using a non-admin Vault account. INVGEN-76622
- Improved stability when clicking the result box of the As