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- 2025-03-03
TopoDOT 2021.1 is compatible with all approved CONNECT products, including Open Roads Designer (ORD) 2021 (Version which runs on Bentley’s MS Update 16 engine. TopoDOT 64-Bit Version 2021.1 for Microstation Connect or similar We are constantly striving to improve your TopoDOT experience. Many of you will find your comments, suggestions and ideas implemented in some way. TopoDOT represents the collective experience, knowledge, and innovation of all our users. You have in us a place where your comments are heard, your ideas respected, and your innovations implemented whenever possible.
What’s New? Version 2021.1.1 New Features \ Enhancements - Option to define the minimum affected area required for a distress in the surface analysis tool
- Reduced overlapping distress areas in surface analysis tool
Bug Fixes - Crash when using the feature code export tool with no feature code list loaded
- Error with area calculation for some distress types in the surface analysis tool
- Crash when using a different number of common points in the Extract Lines from Images tool
Version 2021.1.0.70 New Features \ Enhancements - Complete overhaul of the Road Condition tool and workflow
- Tunnel Clearance Zone tool
- Random Noise option to filter data by point source id or file commonality. Used to automatically remove moving objects/vehicles from the data.
- Option to connect cross sections in the Elevation Along Path tool
- Boundary from element option in TopoAerial
- Asset Identification tools now support plotting survey points
- Asset Identification tools will now utilize the ground search radius for data below the selection point and the top search radius for above the selection point
- Asset Identification tool “Show Bounding Box” option has been modified to more accurately show the data being queried.
- Significant improvements to the machine learning algorithm used for the Auto Cell Lookup functionality in the Asset Identification tool.
- Option to allow the Measure by XSection tool to remain open
- Added “Smart Polygon” option to the Generate Tiles Along Path tool which will generate tile boundaries more accurately and handle intersecting paths automatically.
- Option to auto detect power lines in Power Line by Cross Section tool
- Powerline Adjustment tool
- Powerline Extending tool
- Auto Join Power Lines tool
- Adjust Power Line To Data tool
- Plot Elevations – Option to center text
- Template By XSection – Insert Vertices into intersecting lines
- New Draping Algorithm – Surface Analysis
- Drape To Data – noise removal routine
- Add current segment display in the look ahead viewport
- Place Smart-Cell: add message to user if too many points or not enough are selected
- Support for point source id in pointcloud deviation tool
- Support for Terraphoto Mission file in Topography Projection tool
- Save \ Load transform for Least Squares Fit tool
- Start Start\Stop position for Road Extraction
- Add option to shift the road extraction slice window around.
- Add offset option to the smart parallel tool
- Option for going to the last position for the road extraction tool
- Set View for Power Line by Cross Section tool
- Add way to change power line type in powerline by cross section tool
- Show preview circle for auto snap distance in Power Line By Cross Section tool
- Allow “Refine Path” option for standalone elevation adjustment tool
- Show preview of where cursor is for elevation adjustment tool
- Add option to Road Extraction tool to process data beyond the boundary.. This will make sure that there are points plotted up to the boundary\buffer area.
- Support for searching subdirectories for Tiling Wizard, Conversion Wizard, and Register Files From Folder
- Load Closest Image on Cross Section tools
- Parsing from Scan data folder – add functionality to search sub folders
- Search feature code list in survey point tool
- Break-line Extraction Interactive Start Position option
- Better “Move Parallel” tool
- Create a fence around selected/all elements
- Delete Smart Cell Working Points
- Smart Bspline option to keep original elevations
- Insert handle (at intersection) when tying into a line
- Minimum horizontal distance that is oriented via an ACS *Keyin Only*
- Restore window\tool position for when it gets hidden on other screens *Keyin Only*
- Survey Point From Images tool
- Added option for the Cross Section By Points tool to query the elevation from a specific classification
- Rearrange Asset ID tool settings pane
- Added “Near Tolerance” option to the template by path tool
- Highlight/Zoom to selected projection in the topography projection tool
- “F5” key on a dialog will now open a new instance of a tool with its own unique settings
- Data Tiles From Data Folder – Create Boundary Shape Option
- Option to export classification colors as RGB
- Option to auto load an image into a specified view when using the “Load Closest Image” tool
- Survey Point attribute section is now collapsable.
- Added Auto Cross Section option to the Survey Point tool
Bug Fixes - Issue with commas in attributes that was affecting the results of the Export Tags To CSV tool
- Incorrect Tower Manager tabbing order
- Web data tiles not properly unloading when using the load data dynamically options
- Issue with reading PTS files containing normal information
- Issue with the pedestrian crossing extraction results when using Line string option
- Issue with Elevation along path tool plotting points on clipped data
- Issue with mapping PRJ files so that boundaries are mapped properly
- Issue with the Auto Asset ID tool not highlighting the active asset after clicking “Accept”
- Basic Measurement elements not exporting properly into TopoShare
- Issue with the 3d mesh assessment tool not measuring properly
- Issue with the progress bar always forcing its self to the center of the active screen
- Files that contained invalid scan origins were being exported properly into the DOT files resulting in another invalid file
- Issue with the elevation adjustment tools not recognizing vertices that were inserted by the “Insert Vertex” tool
- Sheet Extraction Borders not scaling properly.
- TopoAerial – ‘sync’ view does not disable when clicking ‘fit’ view.
- Path Deviation – Coloring Tab – Can’t double click to change colors
- Crash when using elevation adjustment tool on bsplines
- topodotapp breakelement creates duplicate nodes on one of the broken features.
- Powerline Clearance – Lowest Clearance seems to be grabbing the wire itself
- Snap Settings – If target class is set but does not exist when trying to snap there is no heads up
- data thickness not saving in elevation adjustment tools
- Elevation of control point sample is wrong in NSSDA export format
- Converting file to DOT file that contains large coordinates causing problems with file bounds.
- crash with topography projection on shared cells
- Elevation Adjustment Cross section length is too small
- Elevation Adjustment current vertex index is not updating to current index
- elevation adjustment shift path doesn’t change xsection
- Element Elevation Adjust – Next Vertex seems to only start from the beginning of the line and not the actual next vertice
- Element Elevation Adjust – XSection width when inspecting is not large enough
- Topography Reprojection – When selecting files it’s not as obvious to which files need to be selected inorder to proceed
- Template by Direction – losing track of data in some cases
- Issue with multithreaded download from TopoCloud
- Dgn Not Detected as Meters in some cases
- Tile Parsing Wizard – TVW that is created appears broken
- Issue with offline license check when the license returns expired or used.
- TopoCloud interface is not downloading files for Azure projects with a minimum TLS version of 1.2
- Elevation Grid extraction Key Points not plotting properly through entire data set
- Street View not working in TopoAerial.. Outdated SDK
- Look Left\Right functionality not working if images are duplicated
- Smart BSpline using Segment option causing some lines to shoot to 0,0,0
- Crash when utilizing TopoAerial (and other functionality utilizing the coordinate system information within the DGN) in MicroStation Update 15
- DPEG creation will warn the user if there is no available data
- Error when trying to parse too many files with the tiling wizard
- Issue with feature code export “InRoads” export mode not exporting arcs properly
- Control Point Analysis tool not working on large terrain elements
- Issue with feature code export tool not recognizing shared cell levels correctly in all cases
HomePage: https://certainty3d.com/ Language: English FileSize: 61 Mb Operating Systems: Windows 7/8.x 64Bit Required: MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update15 and above. 联系3766906032@qq.com