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[行业软件]Aberlink 3D [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2022-05-10 11:15:35
— 本帖被 闪电 执行压帖操作(2022-05-10) —
Aberlink 3D 完美授权,测试配套设置完美可用

而Aberlink 3D就是配套的工具,可以更直观的操作本工具

Aberlink 3D 软件的编写非常直观,基于图形界面,在 Windows 操作系统下运行。

在检查组件时,它的图形表示会在主屏幕的视图中建立。 该软件的所有功能都可以从主屏幕获得,这只会带来一个进一步的层或窗口。 通过这种方式,屏幕永远不会变得太混乱,因为关闭顶部窗口将始终返回到主屏幕。

1.      New Inspection (Chapter23)
Click on this button when youwish to start a new inspection.

2.      Open File(Chapter 24)
Click on this button when youwish to recall a previously saved inspection.

3.      SaveFile (Chapter 22)
This button will save aninspection under its existing name.

4.      Save As (Chapter22)
Use this button when you wishto save an inspection giving it a new name.

5.       Print (Chapter25)
Click on this button when youwish to produce a hard copy inspection report.

6.     Machine Set Up (Chapter 26)
For setting up the userdefinable parameters that the software uses.

7.     Play(Chapter 27)
For automatically running aprogram.

8.     Reference Machine (Chapter1)
This button allows the user tore-reference the machine at any time.

9.      Input / Output DXF Files(Chapter 31)
This button will allow theinterfacing with CAD using the DXF File format.

10.    Inspection Notes(Chapter 32)
This allows text and images tobe stored with inspections.

11.    Display Layers (Chapter 33)
This allows the results(features and dimensions) to be put into different drawing layers which may thenbe made visible or invisible, as required.

12.  Workpiece Co-ordinate(Chapter 27)
This is used for setting theposition and alignment of components when being inspectedautomatically.

13.   SPC (Chapter 34)
This button allows the Aberlink3D data to be transferred to certain external SPC packages.

14.  Jog machine (Chapter35)
This allows the machine to bedriven around without the need for a joystick.

15.  Stop CNC Program (Chapter 36)
This button will stop a CNCprogram at the end of its next move.

16.  Ring / Grid Array (Chapter37)
This allows features anddimensions to be copied in ring or grid patterns.

17.  Park (Chapter 38)
This will move the machine to asafe position before shutting off the air and disengaging the drives.

18.   Geometric Tolerance (Chapter20)
This button will displayrelevant geometric tolerances for any dimensions on the screen.
19.  Store Points (Chapter28)
This function will storemeasurement points and then apply them to a feature when called upretrospectively.

20.  Feature Predict (Chapter29)
This function will predict whatfeature to fit to taken measurement points.

21.  Display Measured Detailsor Template Details (Chapter 39)
This will allow the viewing ofeither measured details or template details.

22.  Display Probe ContactPoints (Chapter 40)
This button will display probecontact points on the screen.

23.   Air Toggle (Chapter 41)
Can be used to switch the airsupply to the machine off and on.

24.   Engage / Disengage Drives (Chapter42)
This function will allow themotor drives to be engaged or disengaged.

25.   Engage / Disengage Joystick (Chapter3)
This function will allow thejoystick to be engaged or disengaged.

26.  Switch Camera On / Off(Chapter 43)
This function switches thecamera on and off, if fitted.

27.  Tool Tip Bar
Gives useful hints whenperforming functions.

28.  YZ Graphics Area (Chapter 16)
The YZ view of the measuredfeatures will appear in this area.

29.   XY Graphics Area (Chapter16)
The XY view of the measuredfeatures will appear in this area.

30.  XZ Graphics Area (Chapter16)
The XZ view of the measuredfeatures will appear in this area.

31.   Intersectionbetween graphics areas (Chapter 16)
This intersection can bedragged to alter the relative sizes of the 4 views.

32.   X,Y,ZAxis Readout / Isometric view (Chapter 16)
Right click on this area totoggle between the readouts or the isometric view

33.   Feature Select (Chapter 19)
Allows specific features to beselected, even when overlapping.

34.   Machine Grid (Chapter18)
Cancels all references thathave been set, and returns to the machines own reference position.

35.  GridShift (Chapter 18)
Allows a rotation ortranslation of the measured features, or an optimum alignment to minimise theerrors for selected dimensions.

36.  Redo (Chapter 16)
Will redo the last actionundone.

37.  Undo (Chapter 16)
Will undo the last actionperformed.

38.  Redraw (Auto Zoom) (Chapter 16)
Will automatically zoom thegraphics areas to fit the existing features and dimensions.

39.   Erase (Chapter 16)
Can be used to remove any givenfeature or dimension.

40.   Dimension Type(Chapter 19)
Can be used to define the typeof dimension brought up onto the screen.

41.  Zoom Last (Chapter16)
Will return the graphics areasto their last view.

42.   Zoom Out (Chapter 16)
Will zoom the graphics areasout by a fixed percentage.

43.  Zoom Full (Chapter 16)
Will zoom the graphics areas tocover the full size of the table.

44.   Curve Measure (Chapter14)
Used when measuring a complex2D section across a surface.

45.   Cone Measure (Chapter 13)
Used when measuring conicalshapes in 3 dimensions.

46.  Cylinder Measure (Chapter12)
Used when measuring holes orcircular bosses in 3 dimensions.

47.  Sphere Measure (Chapter 11)
Used when measuring internal orexternal spheres.

48.  Plane Measure (Chapter 7)
Used when measuring orconstructing flat faces.

49.  Point Measure (Chapter 10)
Used when measuring orconstructing single points.

50.   Line Measure (Chapter 9)
Used when measuring orconstructing straight lines.

51.  Circle Measure (Chapter 8)
Used when measuring orconstructing arcs, holes or circular bosses.

52.   Indexible probe / Star Icon (Chapter4)
This will change the ProbeDatum Button for use either an indexible probe or a star stylus.

53.  Probe Datum Button (Chapter4)
This is used to datum new styliand probe head positions.



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只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2024-07-13 10:35:03
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