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[行业软件]Waterloo AquaChem 11.0 v19.22.0722.1 最新授权 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2022-05-28 09:09:06
— 本帖被 闪电 执行压帖操作(2022-05-28) —
AquaChem 11.0 是 Waterloo Hydrogeologic 流行的水质软件应用程序的下一代版本。

AquaChem 是专门为管理、分析和绘制水质数据而开发的软件包。它具有完全可定制的物理和化学参数数据库,并提供全面的分析工具、计算和图表选择,用于解释水质数据。

AquaChem 提供了广泛的功能和计算,包括单位转换、电荷平衡、样品比较、统计汇总等等。 AquaChem 还包含一个可定制的水质标准数据库,支持每个参数的多个动作水平。任何超过所选标准的样品都会自动以适当的行动级别颜色突出显示,以便轻松识别和限定潜在问题。

这些强大的分析功能辅以全面选择的常用绘图技术,以表示水质数据的化学特征。 AquaChem 中可用的绘图类型包括:

•地球化学图:Piper、Stiff、Durov、Schoeller、Wilcox、Giggenbach、Meteoric Water Line、Ludwig-Langelier、Ternary;





AquaChem 还包含一个用于 R 脚本语言的控制台,它将用于统计分析、可视化、分类、聚类、建模等的大量 R 库放在您的指尖。在 R 中保存和加载脚本以自动处理您的数据。请注意,R 及其库必须单独下载,并且可以通过 R 主网站上的综合 R 存档网络 (CRAN) 获得。

一旦您开始使用 AquaChem,您就会发现它确实是可用于管理和解释任何水质数据集的最强大的工具之一。

AquaChem is an environmental software package specifically designed for anyone working with water quality data, ideally suited for projects requiring management, analysis, and reporting.  The analysis tools provided in AquaChem cover a wide range of functions and calculations used for analyzing, comparing, evaluating, and interpreting water quality data. These tools include simple unit transformations, charge balances, and statistics to more complex functions including those facilitated by the R-Console.  These powerful analytical capabilities are complemented by an extensive selection of commonly used geochemical plots and graphs to represent the chemical characteristics of water quality data.

AquaChem includes many data management features:
Easily import data from various file types (.txt, .csv, .xls, .xlsx, .mdb, and .accdb) and formats (samples as rows, samples as columns, one analyzed value for each row).
Export stations, analysis data and geochemical plots to various file formats including MS-Excel spreadsheets (.xlsx), text files (.txt, .asc), MS-Access databases (mdb, .accdb), and customizable print-ready Excel and PowerPoint templates (.xlsx, .pptx)
Define sets of samples and sampling locations based on static lists (such as locations at a given site, watershed, or regulatory status) or dynamic criteria such as exceedances or sample collection time horizons so that you can easily and quickly generate periodic reports and drill down to the specific information that you need
Data management workflows include data quality checks ensuring users have completed/included required information and that it meets specified conditions including lists of values or valid numeric ranges
Import and manage Water Quality Standards in your project so that you can track project-specific regulatory requirements

AquaChem is capable of generating a wide variety of plots to help you better understand your data:
Geochemical plots: Piper, Stiff, Durov, Schoeller, Wilcox, Giggenbach, Meteoric Water Line, Ludwig-Langelier, Ternary;

Statistical Plots: Box and Whisker, Histogram, Probability, Quantile, Detection Summary;

General Plots: Scatter, Line, Pie, Stacked Bars, Radial, Time Series; and

Map Plots: Uniform Symbols, Proportional Symbols, Pie Chart, Radial Chart, Stiff Diagram

AquaChem allows you to create multiple plots for the same datasets and view these plots simultaneously side-by-side. The plots can be made interactive which means when you chose to base your data on dynamic sources, you can click on data points in the plot and the corresponding samples are highlighted in the sample list. Similarly, you can select samples from the Sample List and they will be highlighted on any plots in which they appear.  This is useful for exploring and analyzing the data, and for identifying outliers or otherwise interesting data.

AquaChem comes with a comprehensive set of calculators and converters that allow you to perform quick, on-the-fly analyses of your water quality data. AquaChem is capable of the following calculations and conversions:
Unit Conversion: AquaChem manages measurement and concentration units for you – switch between mass-, molar-, and equivalent-based concentrations on the fly
Ionic Functions: Water Type, Electroneutrality/Ion Balance, Sum of Anions, Sum of Cations, TDS, Hardness, Alkalinity
General: Date functions, Exceedance counts, Total Organic Carbon, Total Organic Halogens
Corrosion and Scaling Indices: Langelier Saturation, Ryznar Stability, Puckorius Scaling, and Larson-Skold
Agricultural/Irrigation Metrics: Sodium Absorption Ratio, Magnesium Hazard, Residual Sodium Carbonate
Enthalpy: Enthalpy of water (liquid or vapor) based on temperature or dissolved silica
Isotopes: Estimates of infiltration elevation and temperature based on Oxygen-18 and Deuterium isotopic fractionation

In just a few clicks, AquaChem delivers ready-made reports that contain key information about your water quality data. The following automatic reports are supported:
Sample Report: A standardized sample report that tabulates sample results; optionally compares results to active Water Quality Standards and calculates summary statistics, including min/max, specified quantiles, and the mean
Data Reports: Export data tables to print-ready MS-Excel templates that you can customize

AquaChem includes a console that allows you to run scripts in the R scripting language and leverage the thousands of available libraries that facilitate data analyses, visualization, and categorization and much more.
Version 11.0 - May 2022

Multi-parameter plots: The following plots now support adding multiple parameters:

Box and Whisker

Scatter Plot

Time Series Plots

Secondary y-axes: Scatter and Time Series Plots support adding a secondary axis:

Piper Diagram: Piper Diagram includes an additional setting to make symbols in the diamond portion of the plot proportional to a selected parameter such as TDS or conductance.

Non-Detect Symbols: The symbols for data points on plots with non-detect QA flags can be automatically overridden to indicate the non-detect status.

Symbol Editor: create ramped symbols based on numeric fields using unique values or categorized intervals based on a specified number of linear, log, or quantile breaks.

Interactive Multi-Select: You can select multiple data points on plots and they will be selected in the Sample List and active Maps

Settings: axis settings for plots have been reorganized into logical and collapsible groups

Custom Calculated fields and parameters: designate a sample field or a parameter as a calculation-enabled in the Template Manager and insert values for selected samples based on a mathematical expression that can include parameters (with unit conversion) and common functions.

Parameter Handling: automatically add a list of parameters based on its name or CAS number (before or during import) from the Chemical List and automatically delete parameters with no measurements in your project – this greatly improves automating parameter management.

Sample Set Creation: Add a sample set condition based on exceedance of any parameter in a specified parameter group

Import: Improved performance when importing larger AquaChem 2014 projects
String Data Type: string data fields can now be specified with any length
International date handling: Import Data supports international date formats

Unable to import certain data files when there is missing sample date information
Intermittent errors when opening the Monitoring Event tab in the Station Data view

Hardware Requirements

To run the latest version of AquaChem,you will need the following minimum system configuration:
Operating System

Windows 10 Pro or EnterpriseWindows 11 Pro or Enterprise
NOTE: Administrative rights may be required to install the software

32-bit or 64-bit (Pentium 4 or higher)

8GB or more recommended
Hard Disk

500 MB Free Space, plus extra space for your projects
Networking Hardware

Network Card (required for soft key licensing)


软件下载咨询邮箱: sdbeta@qq.com (回复及时)
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有问题联系 sdbeta@qq.com

只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2022-05-28 20:28:16

只看该作者 板凳  发表于: 2022-05-30 08:34:05

只看该作者 地板  发表于: 2022-05-30 23:17:22