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[行业软件]Siemens Star CCM+ 2206 (19.04.009) win/Linux [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2022-06-30 21:20:41

Siemens Star CCM+ 2206 (17.04.009) | 7.5 Gb

The Siemens Digital Industries Software development team is pleased to announce the availability of Simcenter Star CCM+ 2306.0001 (18.04.009). This update includes fixes to various user-reported issues from the previous release, providing an overall more stable experience.

Fixes in Update Release of Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2306.0001

- ADJ-1300 For Adjoint, fix slow convergence by modifying Euler equation blended dissipation differentiation.
- CF-3252 Fix a NullPointException error that occurs upon selection of the Derived Parts folder node, after the copying and pasting of one or more filter nodes.
- CF-3422 Remove the new title bar from the Select Other dialog so that the dialog allows normal picking or unpicking of entities in the scene.
- DEP-3655 Fix the silent installation so that it records the correct input value for the Digital Product Experience.
- DOC-2612 Correct the 18.04 New Features List entry about the adaptive time-step.
- FDF-2459 Fix a non-recoverable error that occurs with a change in rotation rate.
- FES-2980 Fix the loading of the Polynomial Saturation Pressure Method from an external material database.
- FES-3038 Fix the reduction across regions in the Continuity Convergence Accelerator (CCA) after GPU acceleration.
- IMM-4451 Fix an error that occurs when a simulation is restored with multiple user-defined Virtual Disks that have different resolutions.
- IMM-4477 Fix the inability to open a simulation file due to an error in a user-defined motion field function.
- MPF-1561 Fix the failure of Simcenter STAR-CCM+ to load on Linux by rebuilding MUMPS with the iomp5 library.
- PRO-4585 Fix a bad format string in the Japanese-language interface.
- PVIZ-7575 Fix displayers so that Simcenter STAR-CCM+ (Windows) does not exit when a mesh scene is opened without a generated mesh.
- REA-4959 Fix the communication of diffusion fluxes in surface chemistry.
- REA-5020 Modify the Polynomial Density material property method to make it compatible with the complex chemistry ODE solver.
- REA-5050 Fix the Temperature Ignitor for Complex Chemistry.
- SRM-3677 Change surface meshing code to address compiling issues.
- STARICE-5502 Fix the resetting of wall treatment field functions in Simcenter STAR-CCM+ In-cylinder, which occurs when liquid film is activated or when a simulation file is restored with liquid film activated.
- STARICE-5504 For Simcenter STAR-CCM+ In-cylinder, fix the manual setting of mass weighting on multiple ports and/or boundaries, so that entries are applied to the correct ports.
- STARICE-5534 Fix the Simcenter STAR-CCM+ In-cylinder panel for the Automatic Time Step for Combustion so that it works properly, especially with degCA (degrees Crank Angle).
- STARICE-5572 Fix the Simcenter STAR-CCM+ In-cylinder UI so that it does not freeze when a time-step table uses the unit "s".
- VDLM-4769 Fix a memory error that occurs when the Resolved Eulerian-Lagrangian Transition model uses multiple parcel streams when running in parallel.
- VMESH-4363 Make Concave and Convex Angle Limit properties inactive in Advancing Layer Mesher (ALM) Custom Controls, since ALM does not have these limits.
- VMESH-4379 Modify the trimmer so that it no longer gets a quad surface mesh in the pipeline.

We consider thermoacoustics the coupling between pressure and heat release oscillations. This phenomenon continues to be a challenging design consideration especially as the use of Hydrogen extends in the face of tightened emissions requirements.

The Siemens Digital Industries Software development team is pleased to announce the availability of update release of Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2206.0001. This update includes fixes to various user-reported issues from the previous release, providing an overall more stable experience.

Fixes in Update Release of Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2206.0001

This section details the fixes that were introduced in the update release of Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2206.0001.

- ADJ-1130 Fix the internal interface so that the Adjoint of Surface Uniformity of Passive Scalar is updated correctly.
- CADC-1704 Add CAD Clients Support of NX 2206 Series.
- CADM-10145 Mark parts as out of date when editing the Freeform Surface feature using parameters.
- CADM-10157 Fix the failure of 3D-CAD input panels to register some changes.
- CADX-1785 Update the NX Adapter library to version 2206.
- CADX-1808 Skip translating hidden bodies via NX Adapter.
- CF-2400 Fix the incorrect evaluation of the scalar parameter in Simulation Operations when preferred units are used.
- DEM-1513 Reduce the excessive number of halo particles that appear in meshless DEM during the run of a legacy simulation.
- DEP-3298 Add support to the installer for NX 2206 Series.
- DEP-3309 Correct the version number in the Simcenter 3D installer to read "2206".
- EMP-2930 Fix the unexpected incompatibility between the Oka and S-Gamma models.
- EMP-2941 Fix the "storage does not exist" issue that occurs when the MUSCL 3rd-order/CD velocity convection scheme is used.
- FDF-2143 Update an unrecognized tag in material database files so that loading a material database no longer generates a warning.
- HEAT-1306 Restore the constraint that prevents the heat exchanger mean temperature difference from going to zero, clipping the minimum value at 1 degree.
- IMC-2083 Update Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) completely when needed after deletion, thus allowing for a consistent number of new cell boundary edges.
- IMC-2087 Allow Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) to detect large octant depth differences for primary mesh cells and synchronize for halos (duplicate cells).
- IMM-4065 Fix the inability of Rotation and Superposing Rotation to update correctly in second-order time in response to a sudden change in the sign of the rotation.
- IMM-4069 Fix unexpected morphing when rigid boundary motion is switched between Incremental and Total specifications on a boundary.
- PVIZ-6930 Fix the simulation history animation of Lagrangian particles in a scalar displayer.
- REA-4591 Fix the evaluation of unburnt properties of dual fuels, so that the ECFM libraries that are generated with dual fuels are accurate.
- STARICE-5002 For Simcenter STAR-CCM+ In-cylinder, fix the tendency of modifications in the Auto Time-Step Settings dialog (Global tab) to be reset whenever anything else is changed in the solver settings.
- VMESH-3999 Fix various issues with cell splitting in meshing.

Identifying those critical turning points in performance maps is one of the most important engineering tasks to ensure safe and reliable operation of such systems. However, carrying out required performance sweeps to find the peak lift of an airfoil​​ or generating the speed lines for rotating machinery, while essential, all traditionally come at a high price. Even if sweeps can generally be automated, narrowing down those stalling and choking points, with the required level of precision, and under various operating conditions can be a very time-consuming job. Both in terms of engineering and computational time.

With the new smart sweep feature in Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2206, you can now:

- automate smarter
- faster
- and more efficient design sweeps

for applications that need to capture those critical turning points in performance maps.

Fully embedded into design manager, the smart sweep automatically adapts the stepping parameter to narrow in on the target. The sweep autonomously bisects the stepping parameter to resolve the sweep in the area of interest in the parameter space e.g., use bisecting to detect the onset of compressor surge​​. Stopping criteria based on response values can be used to avoid infeasible cases. ​And, to further speed up the time to solution and increase convergence robustness, previous design results can be used for initialization of subsequent sweep points in the study.

Thanks to those smart sweeps tackling sophisticated industry-related exploration campaigns and the simulation-based creation of accurate performance maps for rotating machines, propeller curves, airfoil stall angle​, etc. has never been easier, more precise, and yet faster.

Go faster

Seamlessly leverage the power of symmetry with Idealization Transforms for data mappers

Ever since smart simulation engineers have been leveraging symmetries to reduce the computational effort and speed up the time to solution without compromising simulation fidelity. And despite increasing availability of high-performance compute power such smart leveraging of symmetry in an engineering problem will always remain a key to time and cost-efficient engineering.

However, even if the symmetry assumption is valid, running idealized models such as:

- a 2D or 3D sector
- an axisymmetric representation
- or a half model

come with a challenge when they are required for subsequent usage.

For idealizations to feed full configuration simulations as an initial condition, a boundary condition or in a co-simulation, the required mapping of data, that ensure the correct transformations from idealized to full model used to be a time-consuming and error-prone procedure.

With the Idealization transforms for data mappers in Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2206, we now enable engineers to go significantly faster creating full-configuration solution from idealized models through easy-to-use data mapper transforms. Without any user intervention required, Simcenter STAR-CCM+ automatically creates respective Idealization transforms, whenever an idealization is introduced in the setup. For example, when a part is meshed as two-dimensional when a periodic contact or interface is introduced, or a half model is created, Simcenter STAR-CCM+ will immediately create a periodic, extrusion, or symmetry idealization transform respectively. Even compositions of several transforms are recognized.

Those idealization transforms allow users to map and interpolate data from source to target with a single click. This enables engineers to go faster from idealized to full configurations to seamlessly leverage the power of symmetry.

Instant access to practically unlimited compute, direct from your desktop

Running CFD simulations on the cloud offers increased flexibility and scalability over on-premise hardware, with on-demand access and unlimited capacity.

However, setting up and accessing the cloud using 3rd party providers often:

- requires significant expertise in cloud and HPC technologies
- and interrupts existing workflows.

With Simcenter Cloud HPC, we are offering our users a seamless experience for simulation in the cloud. We run jobs on Amazon Web Services cloud infrastructure, configured and managed by Siemens, directly from within Simcenter STAR-CCM+. We don’t need additional configuration or expertise to access this all-in-one solution. This gives you the freedom to instantly scale up and down as needed to:

- go faster
- meet deadlines
- or explore more designs.

With Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2206, we release the first public preview​ of Simcenter Cloud HPC. This allows our customers to try the service for free and experience the power of CFD in the cloud, delivered by Siemens.

Effectively template Vehicle Thermal Simulations with parts-based Dual Stream Heat Exchangers

Vehicle thermal management Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations require:

- the handling of very complex assemblies
- while modeling heat-transfer physics on hundreds of parts and multiple heat-exchangers with high fidelity.

Enabling workflow automation and templating is, therefore, a crucial element for a quick, efficient, and consistent VTM simulation setup.

By introducing the Parts-based dual-stream heat exchanger option for the actual Flow Dual Stream heat exchanger model, Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2206 now enables engineers to:

- easily handle vehicle cases that have variable number of heat exchangers
- and significantly simplifying templated workflows.

The part-based profile allows users to only have one region for all cold Heat Exchanger parts, one for each hot Heat Exchanger parts, one for the cold fluid domain and, one for the hot fluid domain while customizing heat exchanger inputs on a per part basis.​

This results in a significant reduction of the number of regions, boundary conditions, and interfaces. And hence simplifies the workflow of templating with arbitrary numbers of heat exchangers.​

As such the new parts-based actual flow dual-stream heat exchanger model and report enable engineers to go faster in workflow automation for Vehicle Thermal Management solutions.​

Stay integrated

Collaborate effectively on multidisciplinary applications through Simcenter data exchange

For engineers to collaborate effectively on multidisciplinary applications, being able to transfer results quickly, easily, and reliably from CFD to mechanical and multi-body simulations is crucial.

With Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2206, we introduce an efficient data exchange between Simcenter STAR-CCM+ and Simcenter 3D by introducing a common data format. As the standardized Simcenter data format, the SCD5 file provides a robust and efficient file exchange of solution data between Simcenter products.

This feature caters for any application where thermal and aerodynamic loads are critical to mechanical performance. The new capability allows the rapid exchange of volumetric temperature distributions on structures and pressure distribution on surfaces. We support exchanges of both transient and steady simulation results.  Complimentary to CGNS exchanges of CFD data the Simcenter data format better accommodates the mesh and element conventions of finite element solvers. 

This new feature allows engineers across domains to:

- stay integrated in one simulation environment
- and model the complexity of today’s multiphysics-affected products faster than ever.

Simcenter STAR-CCM+ is a complete multiphysics solution for the simulation of products and designs operating under real-world conditions. Uniquely, Simcenter STAR-CCM+ brings automated design exploration and optimization to the simulation toolkit of every engineer, allowing you to efficiently explore the entire design space instead of focusing on single point design scenarios.

Spaceflight is facing a massive revival, hypersonic flights are about to experience a renaissance in civil aviation, more down to earth applications like home appliances need to continue to get more eco-friendly, medical devices like heart valves have the potential to save the life of millions and the everlasting engineering challenge of getting the heat out of all things hot remains a billion-dollar challenge across all industries.

And while all these applications have the potential to change human lives for the better they come along with an ever-increasing engineering complexity.

The key to cope with this complexity is the uncompromising implementation of a digital twin and simulation technology. And yet simulation can only bring value if it models that complexity and if at the same time engineers can do simulations quickly enough to influence design. Hence, to keep the competitive edge, companies need to equip their simulation engineers with CFD software that delivers high-fidelity physics models, smart simulation techniques and fast meshing technologies.

WHAT’S NEW Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2206

Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2206 let’s you boost your ability to model the complexity of multi-physics Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) applications and explore engineering possibilities. Go faster with innovative simulation technology ranging from intelligent and tailored automated workflows to integrated cloud-based computation. From efficiently running high-fidelity aeroelastic simulations for rotor blades through quickly exploring performance maps for rotating machines, propellers or airfoils to collaborating effectively on multidisciplinary CFD-FEA coupling applications, and many more, Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2206 comes with a host of exciting new capabilities.
Siemens PLM Software a business unit of the Siemens Digital Factory Division, is a leading global provider of software solutions to drive the digital transformation of industry, creating new opportunities for manufacturers to realize innovation. With headquarters in Plano, Texas, and over 140,000 customers worldwide, Siemens PLM Software works with companies of all sizes to transform the way ideas come to life, the way products are realized, and the way products and assets in operation are used and understood.

Owner: Siemens PLM Software
Product Name: Simcenter Star CCM+
Version: 2306.0001 (18.04.009) *
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.plm.automation.siemens.com
Languages Supported: multilanguage
System Requirements: Windows & Linux **
Size: 20.3 Gb

* release info:

Siemens Star CCM+ 2206 (17.04.007 single precision) windows
Siemens Star CCM+ 2206 R8 (17.04.007-R8 double precision) windows

** System Requirements:

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