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[行业软件]Cadence Virtuoso, Release Version ICADVM 20.1 ISR17 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2022-07-28 08:34:54

Cadence Virtuoso, Release Version ICADVM 20.1 | 10.1 Gb

Cadence Design Systems, Inc. , the leader in global electronic design innovation, has unveiled Virtuoso, Release Version ICADVM 20.1 ISR17. This software consists of features and functionality required for creating 5nm designs, which include an accelerated, row-based custom placement and routing methodology.

CCRs Fixed in ICADVM20.1 and/or IC6.1.8 ISR17 - Date: March 2021

2452203 Unable to create SKILL context files using dbAccess command
2449329 Virtuoso ICADVM20.1 ISR16 exits unexpectedly due to segmentation fault in leHiDelete
2448775 The neighbors for the mergedViaCornerToCorner constraint must consider only corner vias
2446073 Typographical errors in a warning message related to the dft function
2445578 hbstb netlisted incorrectly with diffstbprobe and swept hb
2445556 The Run Options form does not open if the starting point corner does not exist
2445030 Net Tracer causes Virtuoso to exit unexpectedly for a design that uses stack layers
2444915 The Spectre Monitor process is left active in the job even after the linger time is over
2444448 Import of an assert waiver status from a history item not working
2444019 Net Tracer causes Virtuoso to exit unexpectedly
2443613 ADE Assembler stops abruptly while accessing an invalid setup database handle
2443379 Virtuoso stops responding when doing properties query on multiple M1 gray color shapes
2443218 Design Intent elements are not visible and editable in Layout XL
2442882 Virtuoso exits unexpectedly while accessing the cache constraint
2442104 In ICADVM20.1 ISR16, Virtuoso stops responding in ctu stage when executing vdrGenerateVSyncShapes
2441329 Virtuoso stops responding when zooming in on big shape with connectivity if the Net Name Display is on
2440780 MTS: Unable to create netlist from second run onwards if state is opened in the edit mode
2440409 In ICADVM20.1 ISR16, Virtuoso exits unexpectedly when using vdrGenerateVSyncShapes
2439807 Using the asi function to empty the advanced table for SHE, leaves out the variable dbu
2438811 Cannot launch ICADVM20.1 ISR17 because GLIBC_2.12 library on SUSE11 is missing.
2438802 Size Over Corners fails at the start of Local Optimization
2438752 Virtuoso Power Manager: Database error while extracting power intent
2438261 Maestro view becomes corrupted when switching from 1-tone to 2-tone hb analysis
2437809 Virtuoso exits unexpectedly due to segmentation faults in leHiBatchChecker
2437696 Checker reverses direction for minOppExtension with 'hollowVertical' and 'widthVertical'
2437106 Virtuoso Power Manager to support upper case 'K' in resistance units
2436521 Expressions in Outputs Setup not working for av_extracted net
2435995 Random simulation errors because of missing parameters although same corners work for other points
2434494 Virtuoso writes corrupted data when NFS mounted disk is full
2432219 Auto via picks wrong via using minStepEdgeLength constraint with adjEolSpacingRange parameter
2432172 FuSa reports wrong aggregated results
2430919 In ICADVM20.1 ISR16, technology file compiler should skip warnings about ascending order when layer1 or layer2 is cutLayer
2430887 In-Design Checks should not report floating level shifter violations for all supply states that are OFF
2430813 SKILL error when non-existent terminal voltage probe is setup in simrc flow
2430678 Improve the error message 'ERROR (ASSEMBLER-1921)' to a more specific one
2430674 continueICRPRunOnAbruptGUIExit does not work correctly
2430604 Voltage markers created on sources and drains when vdrHierarchyStopLevel is greater than maximum layout hierarchy level
2430486 Nets for analog_cell_StackGate are not saved when the schematic has instances with different nser parameters
2430345 Starting with ICADVM20.1 ISR16, Auto via gives false minViaSpacing violations
2430166 Changing history name disables handling its data using the Results Browser
2429524 Virtuoso exhibits poor performance when using Edit Object Properties form for vias
2429457 In ICADVM20.1 ISR16, Virtuoso exists unexpectedly when auto-via is unable to place a via
2429287 Virtuoso exits unexpectedly when power intent is imported with the Resolve top netSets option
2428932 Virtuoso exits unexpectedly when trying to set up ports for SMD devices through EM Assistant in Virtuoso RF
2428758 Slowness when copying figures when using restore selection set capability
2428692 Pins created off grid when generating soft block using specific area property value
2428320 Wire cannot be moved when the Stretch command starts on a segment
2428306 Virtuoso exits unexpectedly on designs with optimize PG processing variable set to t
2428096 Evaluation errors are reported when using the Eye Diagram assistant
2427297 Minor grids are not visible in Virtuoso Visualization and Analysis XL
2427241 Using the function axlShowHideOutputSetupNamedFilterItems in IC6.1.8 ISR13 results in a segmentation fault
2427225 Evaluation error when re-running a Monte Carlo simulation from ADE Explorer
2426867 VRF: Rotated face-up IC instances are incorrectly translated during Allegro Export translation
2425543 Error in generating RV report: Error finding M2 connected resistors for resistor: xi13/i0:0
2425362 SQL database for checks and asserts violations is not created in PSF directory
2425294 The ADE EMIR GUI behaves unexpectedly on selecting 'Net/Instance' in 'Basic' tab
2425034 Allow the creation of physical instances without requiring uniquify to be run before saving a design
2424858 Cannot probe net after simulation with SmartView
2424625 Voltage labels are created in wrong place because of incorrect transform on hierarchical net
2424446 SKILL error when running simulation from ADE Explorer: Generic function not defined for the function asiGetAnalogSimulator
2424024 The default SKILL generic function has not been defined for the function 'asiGetAnalogSimulator'
2423831 The function asiSetEMIROptionVal cannot deselect the check box 'Enable EMIR analysis in Transient or DC Simulation'
2423411 Virtuoso Power Manager: Incorrect pg_function in exported library adds vss to the pg_function for an internal power
2423410 Virtuoso Power Manager: Incorrect isolation_enable_condition for a few pins is tracing to vss
2423292 Virtuoso SiP GFS reports failure during padstack and symdef translation
2422386 Check & Assert result hyperlink not working properly
2422332 AMS netlisting stops responding when generating the fault population
2421719 In-Design Checks: False missing isolation violation on enable pin of isolation with dual enable
2421281 leReportTrimmedShapesInCustomStyle() API with depth greater than 0 should not require edit permissions for cells in the hierarchy
2421068 Incorrect Coverage value is displayed after merging AMSD fault simulation histories
2420755 ADE does not check in the EAD license without exiting Virtuoso
2420735 The ADE EMIR Analysis Setup form behaves unexpectedly while selecting 'Net/Instance' in 'Basic' tab
2420697 Blank line in ict_em file before 'process' vfibatch is failing
2420190 SHE setup in the ADE EMIR GUI does not allow adding new reliability analyses or displaying existing ones
2420107 Unable to stretch a wire connected to specific via
2419592 Virtuoso exits unexpectedly when loading row definition from an existing cell
2419316 An error occurs with dbFindWidthSpacingSnapPatternDefByName when setting a special license with ICADV20.1 ISR16
2417849 Via is not created when using From Area and Create Vias Using Top Two Layers Only options in the Create Via command in IC6.1.8
2417665 strcat used in expressions fails during configuring session when remote process is used
2417142 The ADE Assembler license used when converting the session to ADE Explorer is not checked in on closing the session
2416906 Enhance the Create Dummy command to copy attached labels and set the value to name of the dummy
2416700 Virtuoso Power Manager to filter out supply pins from exported switch function
2416655 The optionFormsStayOnTop environment variable does not work
2415972 Virtuoso Power Manager to propagate correct attributes for a single rail level shifter connected boundary port
2415796 The order of the pins is changed when Pin Optimizer in invoked from the Create Pin Template utility
2415627 Virtuoso ADE exits unexpectedly with an error saying that the expression for parameter '%s' is not a valid range
2415618 The contents of .tmpADEDir is different between ICRP and LSCS
2415611 Virtuoso Visualization and Analysis XL exits unexpectedly due to segmentation faults in eyediagramtoolbox
2415297 ADE EMIR Summary tab info gets appended instead of getting overwritten
2415250 Problem occurred when using the new slt variable useViaHeaderForViaUserProc
2415038 Navigator assistant is not refreshed and displays old information
2414959 Circular point marker with %R format displays ohms instead of degrees for reflection coefficient
2414853 A bridge fault in AMSD fault simulation for a device connecting to an inherited connection causes wrong connection
2414741 ADE Verifier leaves the run unfinished at verifExportSnapshotsToExcel in batch mode
2413981 Need to check out the Virtuoso Schematic Editor XL license internally when the EM extracted view is created
2413736 Virtuoso Visualization and Analysis XL exits unexpectedly::wsGraphItem::processBindKeys
2413733 Virtuoso Visualization and Analysis XL exits unexpectedly in srrReadScalar
2412959 DSPF text editor puts line wraps on the .subckt port line causing port mismatch error
2412774 hiGetWinConfigInfo error in CIW due to workspace settings
2412465 EAD: Devices are not extracted in the lteInputDspf file
2412388 Virtuoso Power Manager: In-Design Checks tool is exiting by issuing LP-5077 error
2412320 Import from Allegro via LibECO shows all bumps different than reference
2411895 Pad Opening Info does not respond for large number of bump pad
2411663 How to netlist inline parameters for stop view in OSS/UNL
2410924 Virtuoso Power Manager extractor exits issuing SKILL error 5001
2410895 LSCS cannot parse net name in expression correctly
2410890 Performance degradation observed with extract antenna diode option
2410035 netlisting missing statement when doing parameter sweeping in pss or hb
2409961 When rerouting the nets, reuse the existing vias rather than creating the vias
2403386 Fix Clarity cross-layer port edge locations generated by auto-port generation in EM Assistant
2400521 Create Bus uses incorrect spacing while via up/down on a selected layer
2400091 Monte Carlo run stopped because statistical data is incomplete for parameter statistical:global:r10_c
2400014 Ring fill skips the top and bottom cells
2399500 The ?testName argument in function maeExportOutputView does not have any impact on the output, it exports all the tests
2398889 Verilog-A modules are not found using the 'Pure Analog Cellviews' option in case of a multi-point AMS simulation
2386060 The Filter menu for EM violations is not populated with any layer names using a hybrid setup
2365490 Board and module are misaligned after adding a die
2365130 Change the message from error to warning for non-routable gate pins inside device arrays if one of the pins is accessible
2364535 The Place as In Symbol command in Pin Placer does not give expected results
2364480 The CDF radio parameter with one choice toggles the command
2363947 runams stops responding after netlist.vams creation when attempting to create an amsbind.scs file
2363483 Voltus-Fi to change the default behavior of mwires layer assignment while constructing PGDB
2362699 Virtuoso exits unexpectedly when running Virtuoso Space-based Router
2362591 LSCS with preRun script gives netlist error for large netlists while ICRP does not
2362398 Antenna diode related power pin attribute in standard cell library .lib is not propagated to IO pin when exporting Liberty model
2361803 Route Twig creates via with large MD vertical enclosure
2360762 Virtuoso exits unexpectedly during power intent extraction without generating Liberty files
2360620 AMS netlisting errors out even when the HDL Package setup flow is enabled
2360610 Voltus-Fi GUI core dump when loading AOT results
2359172 The ignorePcellEvalFail option does not work when ‘Export Stream from VM’ is used during XStream Out translation
2358628 Checker does not flag minOppExtension values when vias have 0 enclosures
2358410 Parasitic reporting of SmartView produces error messages when the parasitic network of a net is empty
2356914 User-defined connect modules in the ADE IE Setup UI should also provide path of the connect module/rule location
2356907 For user-defined connect modules, the 'Path' field in the in ADE IE Setup UI displays incorrect information
2356651 Virtuoso Space-based Router is creating allowedCutClass violation in NPD routing
2355877 The .csv file exported by Corner Setup cannot be imported with Error when imported in ADE
2355550 When a model is deleted the on-disk folder should also be deleted
2354961 In the layout reuse flow, horizontalSpacingDistance in not applied correctly to the target Modgen
2354006 The VSE-XL license gets checked out even after creating datasheets in ADE Explorer or ADE Assembler
2353527 Virtuoso Power Manager unable to backtrace through standard cell/logic gates that are recognized as hierarchy cells
2353376 In-Design Checks to add support for tech.upf registered instances as special cells
2353373 Virtuoso Power Manager to add extractor support for tech.upf registered instances
2349293 Blank file name value in ADE Verifier preferences is being incorrectly interpreted
2348455 Color is not flipped when spacing is smaller than same mask spacing
2348222 Automatic routing in Virtuoso Space-based Router creates endOfLineKeepout violation with the generated routing
2347962 The trunk mesh generated using Pin to Trunk does not respect minVoltageSpacing
2346108 Running GFS from the Design Planner workspace creates a layout view for a symbol from the PDK
2345718 Virtuoso reports error MODGEN-30241 in the APR flow when modgenUseIteratedAsMfactor is set to nil
2344697 QUESTION (ASSEMBLER-9501): message gets wrongly triggered
2344395 Pin Optimizer does not honor pin layer Design Intent
2342206 Copying an optical port to another cellview removes photonic port attributes such as an angle
2341575 The cross function does not detect correct edges when using waveVsWave
2340957 Stress file cannot be reused if a job history is renamed in ADE Assembler
2339483 minViaSpacing constraint with 'overLayer' parameter works only when metal width is exactly the same
2336149 In IC6.1.8 ISR13, save preset removes the existing viaEnclosure
2336094 Display the prompt name for the parameters in the lower half of the Variables and Parameters assistant
2334384 Running reliability analysis using RelXpert mode without saving netlist causes simulation error
2333451 calcVal referencing waveform result fails during simulation but succeeds during re-evaluation
2333315 VSVN creates netlist with extra blank lines
2332075 Matching a string parameter in variables and parameters assistant puts unquoted value and creates a spurious variable
2331786 Print error message if wrong property name is used
2330623 Voltus-Fi report generation core dump
2330591 Failed to launch the Area Estimator form
2330142 Variable temperature is not setup the same as in the corner
2329592 dbCreateVia not storing overrideParams in the same format as the input parameter list
2327213 X-axis is not scaled properly for DC sweep across temperature
2326416 Does pin name text have a Maximum String Length in the Edit text display properties
2325000 SimVision launched from ADE gives an application error
2321200 When using calcVal, SOC run internally disables the tests that are being referred by calcVal, resulting in errors
2321171 Slowness observed on changing via properties for multiple vias at once
2316657 Iterated instances netlisted incorrectly in calibrated Monte Carlo
2297068 Using dimming with EIPSurround is working inconsistently with figGroups
2293868 Behavior of the OK button is different from that of the Apply button
2288698 Bus bits in the Legend filter cannot be sorted to natural order
2285334 Convert to Path or pathsegs gives different results on the same shapes
2283053 stb analysis shows -180 degrees when plotting loop gain phase
2275699 Virtuoso Power Manager to support design scenarios having cells with same names but belonging to different libraries
2269354 DSPF created from SmartView creates syntax error with ADE netlister
2268315 Model always switches back to the first model when switching layout tab in cross-fabric flow
2255738 In-Design Checks: Support for identification/modelling of non dedicated special cells
2239392 Restore mechanism to set +lsuspend for Spectre centrally rather than being stored in the ADE setup
2217818 Need to check out the Virtuoso Schematic Editor XL license when the EM extracted view is created
2207574 Create Via automatically generates via with non visible objects when display instance pins is ON
2190666 Virtuoso exits unexpectedly in schXiPostCheckTriggers
2166344 Bus concatenation is not netlisted correctly in Virtuoso SystemVerilog Netlister
2151531 In ADE Maestro, busses are defined with their ranges incorrectly reversed as shown in the mixed-signal test case
2130553 Open Extracted View in PAD report should invoke Smart Parasitics
2101076 Virtuoso Visualization and Analysis XL does not retain the custom name for family of signals after drag and drop
2023251 Dummy creation for devices with labels errors out when using advanced copy options
1988823 Add support area argument in the minViaSpacing rule
1524397 Create Dummy with Net errors out when a label is attached to the target cell
1336719 Dummy creation errors out for attached instances

March 2021
The Cadence Virtuoso System Design Platform links two world-class Cadence technologies—custom IC design and package/PCB design/analysis—creating a holistic methodology that automates and streamlines the design and verification flow for multi-die heterogeneous systems.

Leveraging the Virtuoso Schematic Editor and the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment, it provides a single platform for IC-and package/system-level design capture, analysis, and verification. In addition, the Virtuoso System Design Platform provides an automated bidirectional interface with the Cadence SiP-level implementation environment and Clarity 3d Solver.

The Virtuoso System Design Platform allows IC designers to easily include system-level layout parasitics in the IC verification flow, enabling time savings by combining package/board layout connectivity data with the IC layout parasitic electrical model. The automatically generated “system-aware” schematic that results can then be easily used to create a testbench for final circuit-level simulation. The Virtuoso System Design Platform automates this entire flow, eliminating the highly manual and error-prone process of integrating system-level layout parasitic models back into the IC designer’s flow.

The Virtuoso Advanced-Node and Methodology Platform (ICADVM) consists of features and functionality required for creating 5nm designs, which include an accelerated, row-based custom placement and routing methodology that enables users to improve productivity and better manage complex design rules. Cadence introduced several features that support the 5nm process including stacked gate support, universal poly grid snapping, area-based rule support, asymmetric coloring and voltage-dependent rule support, analog cell support and support for various new devices and design constraints that are part of TSMC’s 5nm technology offering.

Schematic to Layout Design Flow in Cadence Virtuoso

This video will guide you to how to do circuit design in Cadence Virtuoso schematic and making its layout
Cadence enables electronic systems and semiconductor companies to create the innovative end products that are transforming the way people live, work and play. Cadence software, hardware and semiconductor IP are used by customers to deliver products to market faster. The company’s System Design Enablement strategy helps customers develop differentiated products—from chips to boards to systems—in mobile, consumer, cloud datacenter, automotive, aerospace, IoT, industrial and other market segments. Cadence is listed as one of Fortune Magazine's 100 Best Companies to Work

Product: Cadence Virtuoso ICADVM
Version: 20.1 ISR17 (20.10.170) Hotfix
Supported Architectures: lnx86
Website Home Page : www.cadence.com
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: Linux *
Size: 9.8 Gb

* System Requirements:


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精品软件:百度搜闪电软件园  最新软件百度搜:闪电下载吧
有问题联系 sdbeta@qq.com

只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2022-07-28 08:36:50
Cadence Virtuoso, Release Version ICADVM 20.10.000

只看该作者 板凳  发表于: 2022-08-31 15:49:50

只看该作者 地板  发表于: 2022-08-31 20:35:18

只看该作者 地下室  发表于: 2022-09-01 09:25:53
Cadence Virtuoso, Release Version ICADVM 20.1 ISR17

只看该作者 5 发表于: 2022-09-01 10:47:59
软件下载咨询邮箱: sdbeta@qq.com (回复及时)

只看该作者 6 发表于: 2022-09-08 09:08:01

只看该作者 7 发表于: 2022-09-20 15:57:32

只看该作者 8 发表于: 2022-09-21 07:06:57
j bu d d d g b b n b

只看该作者 9 发表于: 2022-09-21 07:38:54