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[行业软件]Promis.e CONNECT Edition Update 13 [复制链接]

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Promis.e CONNECT Edition Update 13 | 8.7 Gb
Languages Supported: english or 中文

The Bentley Electrical and Control System Design Software development team is pleased to announce the availability of Promis.e CONNECT Edition Update 13 is an intelligent 2D/3D electrical system design application that delivers projects faster and with fewer errors than traditional CAD.

New and Changed in Promis.e CONNECT Edition Update 13
The following items summarize the new features and enhancements in the Promis.e CONNECT Edition Update 13 release:

New Project Manager Function: Apply Page Property Data
- Apply Page Property Data opens all selected files and writes additional Page Property data required to support enhancements made to Import Drawings. It is not necessary to execute this function multiple time on same page. This version and future versions will automatically manage changes to the property values.

Add checking of Microsoft Access Database Engine version.
The software will check if Microsoft Access Database Engine is with a bad version. If yes, the software prompts the warning dialog. User is ability to check the problem in the file “Registry_File_Check.txt” under installation folder “\ProgramData\Bentley\OpenUtilities Substation CONNECT Edition\Configuration\Datasets\Substation\Config\”.

Add the warning message when SQL server is down or not available.
If user executes some commands such as Copy, Move, Scale, Rotate, Mirror, Delete and Stretch, and SQL server is suddenly down or not available, then the software will pop up the warning message.

In ProjectWise integration, support Read-only permission for ProjectsOptions.xml.
User is able to create new page in Substation Project with Read-Only access to the ProjectOptions.xml.

Shared cell symbol is placed on active level.
A symbol is saved with “Use Shared Cell” option in Symbol Create Wizard. When the symbol is placed, it will be placed on active level.

Resolved issues in Promis.e CONNECT Edition Update 13,

231062 [Balloon]Remove the two toggles in balloon settings.
517394 [Mode Manager] Parts Database field value reverts back to Schematic_Symbol when adding multiple user defined modes
738771 [GraphicalPartsList_PW]An error popup and macros are disappeared when run Graphical Parts List with macros created in new catalog in PW
740622 [Upgrade_CommandProtection] The default rights for Administrator and User roles is not correct after upgrading Promis.e
761397 [Configuration Variables]An error appears when change Level from WorkSpace to WorkSet with empty value for some variables and click OK
763045 [Merge Tool]Move the reference file to other place, and then right click some of circuits, click Merge, it will change the circuits location.
763060 [Merge Tool]The activated page will be gray in the Merge Tools dialog. And only the page with the same name should be gray when the toggle is turned on.
763074 [Merge Tool]It popups error dialog when attaching the pages from SAMPLE-WASHER in the Merge Tools dialog.
764190 [SQL Server] When SQL Server is down the user should not be able to use Power Platform tools in drawings
781028 [Wiring Diagram][Navigate]The navigate cannot navigate to the correct devices in the left side of a device in the wiring diagram mode page.
789805 [Ribbon][Modify Component] Device commands under ribbon Modify Component report error
792256 [Merge Tool]Activate a reference file in reference dialog, and check in Merge tool dialog, and then deactivate it with the reference dialog opened, and it popups error dialog when opening the Merge tool dialog.
800949 [Catalog Manager]Create a catalog with symbol or macro under a sample WorkSpace in a released build, upgrade to new version, the catalog is not listed in Catalog Manager
806258 [Configuration Variables] The previous settings for default WorkSpace WorkSet are not overwritten after upgrade
868380 [Project Table] Modified Time for Project table in database is not updated when some of the commands are used to modify the project
876416 [Copy page] Sometimes part numbers order is not maintained in Device Properties dialog in copied page
885166 [Page Management] After click See page pending status, tool bar commands Renumber Page/Modify Page/Copy page occur error
891331 [Copy page][SubID] SubID cannot display correctly with multiple part number placement separately in copied page
892389 [Run Reports][Project Publisher] when creating Reports or Project drawing Promis.e replaces the output file with new without any message
894288 [PW Integration][Page Rename]When user rename page from PW explorer they don‘t get Promis.e Page Rename dialog
896551 [Balloon]It should update the balloon values instead of the information dialog in the project with duplicate balloon number.
901315 [Place Balloon]It crash or popups error dialog when deleting the balloon number in the Place Balloon dialog and then click a point in the drawing.
903515 [PW Integration][Orphaned balloon]It cannot display orphaned balloon in Orphaned Balloon dialog correctly
904302 [ProjectWise Integration] Cannot open project pages from Project Manager or ProjectWise explorer
904392 [Copy Page][Copy Balloon Callouts] It cannot copy part number attributes value that defined by manual
914131 [Network Project] File Server that have "." in the Server name gives Error Message when loading the application
915573 [Wiring Manager]Force the connections->Move Down one of a symbol from Manage->Wiring Manager dialog, the wire properties are missing from the wiring manager dialog.
923662 [Copy from Reference/Merge into Master]Copy from the reference file which has CR symbols with family, and maintain the device complete, the copied CPs are not correct.
927711 [Security][Severity:Medium] - Upgrade 'sqlite-amalgamation-' version.
930408 [Balloon] Modify balloon in BOM Manager cannot be updated on drawing
933279 [Wiring Manager] The user is getting Error Message "Exception has been thrown …" when right click on schematic wire to access Wiring manager
935621 The project tree is missing from Project Manager after we create a project in some cases.
937687 [PW integration][New Page] New Page in PW Environment reports error if users just have Read permissions on the ProjectOptions.xml file for the Project
948313 [Mode Manager] The mapped field for new mode is changed after launch with network location defined in WorkSpaceSetup.cfg and back to local WorkSpaces
962697 [Wire Manager] Wire Location and Installation values change after Update Page
970735 [Balloon]Modify balloon values and move it using Balloon_circle without a leader style, it popups error dialog.
973200 [Thematic Manager] [Apply Thematic] Thematic display does not work for copied symbols or Microstation objects
973440 [Thematic Manager][ Apply Thematic] Thematic display does not work with Microstation Solids
980433 [Insert Balloon] Insert Balloon not working on some construction drawings
984795 [Data Manager]The value of Mounting location is not correct in the Data Manager dialog.
986747 [Thematic Manager][Delete]After delete Microstation objects, it cannot delete all records in dbo.LCM_GraphicalObject table
986766 [Thematic Manager][Copy Page] It cannot copy LCM properties to Microstation objects in copied page
992483 [PW Integration] [Project Management] It should implement correct pw user read permission for ProjectOption.xml with Project Management commands in PW client side
993155 [PW Integration] [Page Management] It should implement correct pw user read permission for ProjectOption.xml with Page Management commands in PW client side
1016014 [Thematic Manager][Balloon callout] Balloon callouts cannot be applied thematic display by assigned LCM attributes mannually and data cannot be deleted in dbo table
1017298 [PW][Multi-User]The modified/added/removed value in Language Database Manager and Mode Manager is not displayed timely in Multi User mode
1017425 [PW][Multi-User]UserA create a symbol, UserB cannot see the symbol in time.
1019046 [PW Integration][Title Block Attribute] DrawingSet.TotalPages attributes value is not visible in ProjectWise attributes
1019376 [PW Integration][Active Level]Promis.e crashes when user tries to change the active level from Drawing Workflow ribbon
1019658 [Balloon]Sometime modify the balloon values, the position is changed if the Dimension style is Balloon_Circle without a leader.
1030653 [PW] [Multi Users][Remove Catalog.mdb]One user checks out catalog text files, another user saves Macro&Family&Title block should give the correct message dialog.
1034321 [Drawing Set] store Drawing Set and Drawing Set Descriptions in DGN file
1034363 [Installation Descriptions] store Installation Descriptions in DGN file
1034382 [Location Descriptions] store Location Descriptions in DGN file
1034409 [Update][Page] push Page Description values from active page into project database
1034422 [Balloon Number] store balloon numbers in DGN file
1034466 [Page Properties] store Default Page Properties in DGN file
1034483 [Import Drawings] automatically populate required fields
1036150 [Copy Balloon]The copied balloon callout inserted By Symbol is not correct
1038267 [Copy Page] Duplicate Device Id when page copy used with option to not maintain device id
1038671 [Symbol Cross References] cross reference text no longer associated to child elements cannot navigate and Update Page does not resolve issue
1038673 [Cable Text] store cable text values in DGN file
1039387 [Place Balloon] incorrect sort order when user sorts data grid by Part Number or by Balloon number column
1062093 [Restore Project]Restore a project with project catalog created backuped, the project catalog cannot display in the catalog manager dialog using default mdb model.
1068225 [PW integration] [Print Organizer] Send multi pages to Print Organizer cannot work properly in Project Manager
1069548 [PW Integration] [Print Manager] It cannot send all selected pages to Print Organizer from Print Manager
1072095 [Balloon] It reports unwanted warning to place balloon.
1073863 [Regression][From SS4][Memory leak]Running VBA script will reproduce memory leak that related with traversing selection sets.
1090363 [PW Integration] [Project Management] It should update message dialog when user has Read permission about ect.fid file with Project Management commands
1090415 It should popup friendly warning dialog instead of the error dialog when open the copied page.
1092398 [Update Page]It popups error dialog when clicking the Update Page menu.
1093155 [Project Manager][Print Organizer] It cannot print multi pages that located in subfolders from Print Organizer
1098657 [New page] Create new page reports error in user projects
1098714 [Update page]Copy two pages to a destination project with the Drawing name=[Page Number], it popups error dialog when updating the two pages together.
1098776 [Update Page]Copy a page from source project to destination project, user need to update page two times, it can display the correct symbol cross reference info.
1100289 [New Project] The project tree is easy missing if we New Project several times continuously.
1122897 [Page Management][page pending] It cannot show page pending status correctly after modify Drawingset/Installation/Location descriptions value
1124804 [Import Drawings]The page descriptions/drawing set/Installation/Location cannot be imported using import drawings feature.
1147046 [Copy Page][Balloon Number]Modify balloon number for one object, the balloon number in other attached view cannot be updated in time in the copied construction drawing.
1151888 [Update Page]Update a page in a demo project, the balloon number in the page is removed.
1152950 [iModelHub]No Publish Project to Server button
1153762 [Update Page] Internal Error Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.DrawingSet'
1170737 Support old projects & pages only for Page level information
1171948 [Balloon Callout] new user function to synchronize balloon callout symbols with active Project DB
1172280 [Copyright] Copyrights should be updated for 2023
1174721 [Copy Circuit][Wire Number] An error occurs when copying a circuit with wire number
1176464 [Import Drawing][PW]It popups error dialog when import drawings connect with PW.
1177381 [Performance][Restore Project] It costs about 10 hours to restore user project with PW.
1181258 [New Page_ATP]Create a new mode in Mode Manager and find it's not available in New Page
1181275 [Duplicated Devices][EDC] after user select invalid SubID Internal Error appears 'Sequence contains no elements'
1183433 [Update Page]Copy the pages to destination project, then update pages, the balloon callouts in the construction drawing are all missing, and all the balloon numbers are all missing too.
1187005 [Duplicated Devices][EDC] after user selects No option only display valid records for selection
1187031 [Duplicated Devices][EDC] after user selects Detail option display all placed symbol and SubID records for device
1188248 [ProjectWise Explorer] Cannot rename project from ProjectWise Explorer side.
1197547 [Restore Project] An error occurs when restoring the project SR_DS_CS01015_A1_MICROSTATION.Prj
1198469 [Catalog Manager] Import catalog issue from 7z format
1200825 [Import Drawings] incorrect page scale
1201728 [Duplicate Devices]Click Details button, change the Dialog Title to “Device List”.
1202648 [Duplicate Device]Click No button in the duplicate device EDC dialog, select the SubID3, but actually the symbol is assigned the SubID2.
1202943 Crash during running Project Publisher with sample project ‘SAMPLE- WASHER’.

Promis.e is an intelligent 2D/3D electrical system design application that delivers projects faster and with fewer errors than traditional CAD. Promis.e automates tedious drafting and employs an intelligent model that cross-references schematics, 2D layouts, 3D equipment models, and reports.

The primary focus of Promis.e is as a tool for drawing electrical schematics. This includes schematics for control, power, single lines, wire diagrams, terminal plans and even pneumatic and hydraulic control. It also has functionality for layout and physical design of the control enclosures. BUT It is not a simple drafting tool. Every wire, every connection, every component, and every piece of information about those items, and the different ways you may need to combine that information is maintained in a database. Connection information, cross referencing, technical specifications, ordering and pricing information, mounting layouts, and component labels and nameplates – all of this is encompassed by the software and provided in the form of drawings, lists, reports and databases. And all of this output, because it is computer-based, can be provided with greater speed, efficiency, and accuracy than was possible previously.

With Promis.e, the software is intelligent enough to take over some of these formerly-manual tasks. For example, when creating a schematic, the software can prompt a unique ID tag for each symbol so that user doesn't have to keep track of these assignments. The software also automatically cross references the location of related symbols in real time so that the user instantly knows where each ID is used. Wire numbers can be assigned automatically, again freeing the user from having to remember which numbers have been used. Should the user attempt to re-use an existing ID or wire number, error-checking functions immediately flag the situation.
The Promis.e software is able to provide this intelligence by grouping work into projects.

The application is used around the world to design industrial machine controls as well as electrical systems for process plants, mines, and rail signaling.

Rail Signaling Design with Bentley's Promis.e

Learn how to perform rail signaling design with Bentley's Promis.e.
Bentley Systems, Incorporated. is the global leader dedicated to providing architects, engineers, constructors, and owner-operators with comprehensive architecture and engineering software solutions for sustaining infrastructure. Founded in 1984, Bentley has nearly 3,000 colleagues in more than 45 countries, $500 million in annual revenues, and, since 2001, has invested more than $1 billion in research, development, and acquisitions.

Owner: Bentley Systems, Incorporated.
Product Name: Promis.e
Version: CONNECT Edition Update 13 (
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.bentley.com
Languages Supported: english or 中文
System Requirements: Windows *
Size: 7.6 Gb

* System Requirements:

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