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[行业软件]OpenRoads Designer CONNECT Edition 2024 ( [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2022-09-29 22:25:24

OpenRoads Designer CONNECT Edition 2023 with Bonus | 9.3 Gb

The Civil Product Team is pleased to announce the availability of OpenRoads Designer 2024 ( is a comprehensive and fully functional detailed design application for surveying, drainage, subsurface utilities, and roadway design.

What's new in OpenX Designer Products 2024 (
This major release includes many enhancements and improvements to existing tools and software security. The following summarizes the new features and enhancements in the 2024 release of OpenSite Designer, OpenRoads Designer, OpenRail Designer, and OpenRail Overhead Line Designer products, also referred to as OpenX Designer products. Features that are only available in specific products are indicated below.

The following summarizes the new features and fixes in 2024 Release Update.

General Enhancements
- For workspace changes in the 2024 release, please see \Configuration\Organization-Civil\Workspace Updates - 2024.00.pdf and Workspace Updates - 2024.00.xlsx included with the delivered workspace.
- Added example workspace based on international foot units.
- Added icon on the ribbon menu to launch the Bentley Support web page.
- Added icon on the ribbon menu to launch the Ideas page for the Bentley Civil applications.
- Added ability to select a customized mapping file when exporting to IFC.
- Updated the Analyze Point tool with the ability to place results in the graphics or copy to clipboard.
- Added new functionality to view, analyze, and edit multiple (stacked) profiles in a single profile view. (Technology Preview)
Geometry Enhancements
- Added ability to view design profiles oriented left-to-right or right-to-left.
- Added ability to import geometry from LandXML files created in BricsCAD.
- Improved points to ensure 2D and 3D instances are always synchronized.
- Added new icons making it easier to know when civil geometry snaps are, and are not, persisted.
- Improved how complex geometry is shown in the Properties dialog in a more organized manner.
- Added Deed Boundary tool to easily create geometry for deeds and parcels.
- Improved the Complex Redefine tool to work more consistently and efficiently.
- Added new Geometry Alignment Replacer tool to replace the path of a Horizontal Alignment with the path of another elements.
- Improved the regression workflow to be simpler and more interactive.
Drawing Production and Annotation Enhancements
- Added text field to annotate curve lengths of arc-based arcs.
- Added text field to annotate curve lengths of chord-based arcs.
- Enhanced the text field to annotate curve hand (left or right) with custom text (-/+, left/right, LT/RT, etc.).
- Added text field to annotate the elevation difference between a surface and a point.
- Added text field to annotate the elevation difference between a surface and the elevation projected from a profile.
- Added option to include titles on both the left and right side of profile frame annotations.
- Updated the Place Label tool to be the same tool included in MicroStation.
- Add a Maximum Height option to crop tall cross sections to ensure they fit on a cross-section sheet.
- Added ability to hatch or area pattern components and meshes in a profile.
- Added ability to hatch or area pattern components and meshes in a cross section.
- Added ability to create profile sheets oriented left-to-right or right-to-left.
- Added ability to use drainage nodes, crossing points, and boreholes to calculate profile boundary shifts.
- Added ability to locate cross sections at custom locations like drainage nodes, boreholes, driveways, etc
Report Enhancements
- Added Deed Writer tool to create legal descriptions.
- Enhanced the Station Offset Report to be able to select a corridor hull as an offset element.
- Enhanced Horizontal Point report to list points in numerical order.
Drainage and Utilities Enhancements
- Added ability to report the station and offset of drainage nodes from the setout point to a baseline.
- Added ability for conduits to report the station and offset to a baseline.
- Added support for the ellipse conduit shape in multiple barrels.
- Added ability to delineate a catchment area when you place an inlet using a linear element as the elevation reference, instead of a terrain model.
- Added ability to create gutter sections between inlets that are placed using a linear element as the elevation reference, instead of a terrain model.
- Added ability to export drainage to the Danish VejVand format.
- Added the conduit size to the Civil properties, making it available in iTwin and IFC digital models.
- Added support for a selection set when creating catchment areas from shapes.
- Implemented the OpenFlows Assign Taps to Links command.
- Added the conduit rise to the Calculation Detailed Summary.
- Added the ability to define your own formula in a User Data Extension to calculate the Time of Concentration.
- Added the ability to type an area and calculate its percentage when a catchment uses a subarea collection, as well as typing a percentage and calculating its area.
- Added the ability to add infiltration to a conduit when using the GVF Rational solver.
- Added a new property to show the maximum shear stress in a channel.
- Added support for viewing profiles oriented left-to-right or right-to-left. The reverse profile run has been deprecated.
Terrain Enhancements
- Add ability to import a HEC-RAS SDF file to create terrain model(s) of the water surface extents.
- Added a tool to convert 2D contour graphics to 3D so they can be imported into a terrain surface
Geotechnical Enhancements
- Added new functionality to import geotechnical data from OpenGround into a borehole object.
- Added support for geotechnical Feature Definitions.
- Added ability to control the width of the borehole stratum in 3D, XS and profiles.
- Added ability to label boreholes with the Civil Labeler.
- Added ability to project boreholes onto a profile.
Overhead Line Enhancements
- Added external station support in core OLE tools.
- Added Overhead Conductor Rail (rigid catenary) toolset.
- Added script-based pantograph calculation standards.
Deprecations in 2024
- As planned, the Asset Manager tool is removed from the software beginning with the 2024 release. This functionality is replaced by the Attach Item tool, incorporating Item Types on Feature Definitions, and the Export to SHP tool.
- As planned, the Place Label tool was reset to match the functionality of the tool in MicroStation beginning with the 2024 release. This functionality is replaced by (1) the MicroStation Place Label tool which supports placing labels from cells and (2) the Civil Labeler which supports labels from Text Favorites. The MicroStation Place Label tool can be activated in pre 2024 software releases with the key in placelabel dialog.

OpenRoads Designer is an extremely versatile civil design application that is used for all types and sizes of civil projects around the world. The application addresses a wide variety of complex tasks such as interchange design, roundabout design, earthworks, surveying, sanitary and stormwater network design, subsurface utilities, and production of construction staking reports. Traditional 2D methods are manual and tedious, full of communication and data gaps, leaving you frustrated, exhausted, and with a project that costs you accuracy, time, and money. From survey through plan production and construction documentation, OpenRoads Designer is the one application you need to meet project requirements on time, every time, regardless of change.

OpenRoads makes collaborating on 2D and 3D models easier and more efficient than ever. From team-level, work-in-progress collaboration to project-level, multidiscipline coordination, project managers, reviewers, site workers, and inspectors can view designs, perform virtual walkthroughs, query model information, and analyze embedded property data. You can automate the production of high-quality drawings, including multidiscipline documentation sets, which are consistent across the entire project. Get a live view of the project in sheet orientation. As the design changes, so will the sheets. Make edits directly in the design model and the application will update the sheets.

OpenRoads is all you need for geometrics, survey, drainage, utilities, quantity takeoff, cut/fill, site grading, lane configurations, and mobility. Ensure visibility into overall project performance with design-time analytics to achieve optimized design outcomes for a wide variety of analysis such as drainage, terrain, safety, grading, site visibility, and more. Roadway designers and engineers require software that seamlessly collaborates across disciplines, addresses growing industry demands, and includes automation to remove tedious manual work. Whether you need to produce traditional 2D deliverables, advance to 3D modeling, support digital transformation, or all the above, OpenRoads is the choice for road design.

Even as the transportation industry is moving towards the creation of 3D models, the need for a variety of deliverables continues to be part of the project workflow. With OpenRoads, you can create whatever deliverables you might need. Experience your designs in real time with constraint-driven templates, a context sensitive intuitive interface, and dynamic 3D modeling. Visualize the design at any time and on demand within the modeling workflow. No translations, software, or special workflow process is needed. Whether it is 2D or 3D, plans or models, digital or paper, OpenRoads is designed to allow you to work in all these arenas simultaneously, leveraging information from one to help populate the other. Our 3D models can be leveraged for 4D scheduling and 5D cost estimation, bringing your design to constructed fruition, on time and on budget.

OpenRoads Designer

Bentley Systems is a software development company that supports the professional needs of those responsible for creating and managing the world’s infrastructure.

Owner: Bentley Systems Inc.
Product Name: OpenRoads Designer
Version: 2024 (
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.bentley.com
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: Windows *
Size: 6.0 Gb

* Bonus content:

Setup_OpenRoadsDesigner_x64_10.10.21.04.exe - online install
OpenRoads Datasets for Connect Edition Update 10 (10.10.xx.xx - November 2021-March 2022)
Countries : Australia and New Zealand , Denmark, Great Britain, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Russia, France, Hong Kong

** System Requirements:


软件下载咨询邮箱: sdbeta@qq.com (回复及时)
精品软件:百度搜闪电软件园  最新软件百度搜:闪电下载吧
有问题联系 sdbeta@qq.com

只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2022-09-29 23:37:05
百度搜闪电软件园  最新软件百度搜:闪电下载吧

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只看该作者 5 发表于: 2022-10-08 17:53:43
软件下载咨询邮箱: sdbeta@qq.com (回复及时)

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OpenRoads Designer CONNECT Edition 2022 Release 1 with Bonus


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