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[行业软件]Cadence SPB OrCAD X/Allegro X 2023 v23.10.006 (x64) [复制链接]

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Cadence Allegro and OrCAD 2023 (23.10.006) | 9.8 Gb

OrCAD/Allegro one of the best and most professional software simulation and analysis electronic circuits and electronic design automation software division (Electronic Design Automation or abbreviated EDA) is.OrCAD consists of two words that in fact the state of Oregon was the birthplace of early versions of the software and CAD stands for Computer-aided design and computer design means is formed. Cadence SPB OrCAD OrCAD PCB set to Allegro PCB or also known, including various programs to design schematic, simulation and analysis of electronic is circuits.

Cadence Allegro PCB Design helps bring your innovative and bleeding-edge designs to life. The constraint-driven environment provides real-time visual feedback and ensures the functionality and manufacturability of your PCBs while allowing you to keep designing.
Cadence OrCAD is a driving force in the PCB design industry. In order to help desingers keep up with the constant pace of change Cadence has been accelerating the pace of innovation delivering a stream of updates and product enhancements to users. OrCAD provides insight into industry-first capabilities made available to customers such as real-time design, DesignTrue DFM, constraint manager, in-design analysis, and more.
Cadence Design Systems, Inc. , the leader in global electronic design innovation, is pleased to announce the availability hotfix 1 of Cadence Allegro and OrCAD 2022 (22.10.000) families of products aimed at boosting performance and productivity through improvements features and big fixed issues.

CCRID Product ProductLevel2 Title
2677047 ADW PART_BROWSER Reference library parts are listed in both Library and My Parts of Unified Search.
2672048 ADW PART_MANAGER Unable to access libraries from Pulse intermittently with no known sequence of reproducible steps
2479819 ALLEGROX 3D_CANVAS 3D Canvas should have 3D collision detection
2669291 ALLEGROX 3D_CANVAS Option to perform collision checks by type of components
2726427 ALLEGROX 3D_CANVAS List coordinates for collisions with Collision Detection tool
2621627 ALLEGROX FLOORPLANNER System Capture crashes when board is opened in Allegro PCB Editor and the viewer tab is opened after closing
2671545 ALLEGROX OTHER Some selected objects are deselected in release 17.4-2019.
2670038 ALLEGRO_EDITOR 3D_CANVAS Bending not working correctly in 3D Canvas or while copying copper areas
2670064 ALLEGRO_EDITOR 3D_CANVAS 3D Canvas shows component with bend incorrectly attached and with wrong placement
2676036 ALLEGRO_EDITOR 3D_CANVAS PCB Editor crashes when 3D viewer is opened from attached design
2692497 ALLEGRO_EDITOR 3D_CANVAS PCB Editor crashes on using 'DFA Bound' as Symbol Representation in 3D Canvas
2698315 ALLEGRO_EDITOR 3D_CANVAS Plated through hole place bound bottom in 3D Canvas
2700390 ALLEGRO_EDITOR 3D_CANVAS Soldermask layer is not updated interactively in 3D Canvas
2703668 ALLEGRO_EDITOR 3D_CANVAS Graphics issue in 3D Canvas on bending: copper plane graphics visible
2708507 ALLEGRO_EDITOR 3D_CANVAS Bend issue in 3D Canvas: Shape left behind on bending
2710948 ALLEGRO_EDITOR 3D_CANVAS Flex zone displayed incorrectly in 3D Canvas
2676504 ALLEGRO_EDITOR COLOR The color192 open issue when the stroke function used.
2703423 ALLEGRO_EDITOR COLOR Color192 in Stroke Editor: Color192 dialog is hidden behind the application window
2355686 ALLEGRO_EDITOR CROSS_SECTION Show drill chart for each stackup in Cross-section Editor
2032678 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DATABASE Unable to delete layer on design
2120037 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DATABASE Cannot delete layers from cross section
2164898 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DATABASE Cannot delete a design layer
2188568 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DATABASE Error message regarding figures on a net, boundary on removing layers from stackup
2265855 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DATABASE ADW uprev throws dbdoctor errors
2527599 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DATABASE Cannot delete layer
2607148 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DATABASE Unable to remove layer from setup > Cross section > Remove layer
2635246 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DATABASE Export pdf for top layer is not correct
2666938 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DATABASE axlDBCheck SKILL function causes crash on undo
2668049 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DATABASE Dbdoctor gives false-positive fixes
2669649 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DATABASE DBDoctor throws error during adw_uprev of release 17.2 to release 17.4
2670477 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DATABASE Adw_uprev is giving dbdoctor errors for four models that is blocking the uprev process
2671345 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DATABASE Embedded component design - cannot modify cavity.
2676985 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DATABASE Error regarding Invisible Database Objects on deleting layer using Cross-Section Editor in Allegro PCB Editor
2681663 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DATABASE Drill Legend does not match with the Drill customization table
2691174 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DATABASE Cannot delete layer 'L07' from application database.
2703003 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DATABASE Errors when deleting layers from cross section
2710167 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DATABASE Release 17.4-2019, HotFix 029 and 032: Crash on running dbdoctor
2719296 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DATABASE Update Symbol brings in incorrect footprint symbol
2684279 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DFM Missing valid acid trap
2698998 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DFM DesignTrue DFM wizard option request: Update analysis modes and DRC update separately
2677554 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DRC_CONSTR Edit via list option "Show via from Library" unchecked by default
2708004 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DRC_CONSTR HotFix 031: Incorrect DRCs are created for Package to Place Keepout Spacing
2719070 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DRC_CONSTR Save uncheck option "Show Via from Library" from Edit Via list in CM
2685186 ALLEGRO_EDITOR EDIT_ETCH Design contains etch/keepout shapes with voids that are not supported by the Auto-Interactive Routing
2709065 ALLEGRO_EDITOR EDIT_ETCH Change line width in contour mode
2629599 ALLEGRO_EDITOR GRAPHICS Placement boundary shape fills in 17.4 are filling with stencil pattern for Static Shapes
2660306 ALLEGRO_EDITOR GRAPHICS Release 17.4-2019, GPU plugin: Labeling issue when deleting or adding stacked vias
2712681 ALLEGRO_EDITOR GRAPHICS Deleting symbols leaves "ghost" symbols afterwards
2718457 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Rounding error when adding circle as shape with specific center
2724457 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Saving a query in "find by query" dialog box changes the current working directory
2710552 ALLEGRO_EDITOR IN_DESIGN_ANA Sigrity Aurora- no response on clicking "Preferences" button
2711952 ALLEGRO_EDITOR IN_DESIGN_ANA Changing Default model setup for Aurora reflection and crosstalk analysis
2710119 ALLEGRO_EDITOR OTHER strip_design does not rename nets with net_short property
2714541 ALLEGRO_EDITOR OTHER Measure Tool reporting incorrect angles when measuring points that are almost +/- 90 or 180 degrees
2696803 ALLEGRO_EDITOR PAD_EDITOR Hole/slot plating bug: Drill Tab -> Slot/Hole Plating is "Non-Plated"
2701701 ALLEGRO_EDITOR PAD_EDITOR Change the Padstack Editor warning message regarding origin being outside pad edge
2718210 ALLEGRO_EDITOR PLACEMENT 'align components' does not follow DFA spacing rules
2724109 ALLEGRO_EDITOR PLACEMENT A rectangle appears in class ETCH when placing components with 10001 pins or more.
2725216 ALLEGRO_EDITOR PLACEMENT 'Place Manual' - 'Advanced Setting': 'Database' checkbox behaving erratically for symbols in 'Placement List'
2711910 ALLEGRO_EDITOR RAVEL_CHECKS Ravel rule checks failed with the license using AGL200 &AGL300.
2703274 ALLEGRO_EDITOR REPORTS Cannot import third-party netlist after exporting from board
2703747 ALLEGRO_EDITOR REPORTS Nets do not show up in the Net Loop report if they have the 'No_Rat' property.
2569333 ALLEGRO_EDITOR SCHEM_FTB Importing netlist in the changes only mode fails in DE-HDL
2701976 ALLEGRO_EDITOR SCHEM_FTB Performance degradation when running 'import netlist' and 'cmDiffUtility' in Hotfix 031
2715057 ALLEGRO_EDITOR SCHEM_FTB The netlist file from schematics imports to a blank board file unsuccessfully.
2707139 ALLEGRO_EDITOR SHAPE Changing shapeStatic shapeClearanceType to "Default" changes it to "None'.
2712229 ALLEGRO_EDITOR SHAPE The RKO exception group is not working correctly.
2716401 ALLEGRO_EDITOR SKILL Memory issue with axlOpenDesign grabbing components/symbols.
2721912 ALLEGRO_EDITOR SKILL axlOpenDesign() is not properly cleaning up AXL SKILL
2589646 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_GENERAL Allegro File Viewer cannot use in-page hyperlink if allegro_html_qt is set
2621563 ALLEGRO_LIB_CRT CORE Custom directory must be manually copied to Allegro ECAD-MCAD Library Creator installation directory for every HotFix
2663891 ALLEGRO_PROD_TOOLB INTEGRATION Mirror status is not set to Yes in Fab panelization.
2708615 ALLEGRO_PROD_TOOLB INTEGRATION Updating a panel returns the message regarding 'Non-Committed Database Transaction'
2702184 ALLEGRO_PROD_TOOLB OTHERS Process form does not progress when 'Standard Compare' of PCB Design Compare is run
2707501 ALLEGRO_VIEWER OTHER 'Datatip Customization' not working in Allegro Free viewer
2713162 ALTM_TRANSLATOR PCB_EDITOR Allegro PCB Editor is not importing third-party PCB file.
2633784 APD 3D_VIEWER 3D Viewer script does not generate image file.
2715742 APD ASSY_RULE_CHE Via-pin alignment results in error
2722385 APD DATABASE Database error: Save causes error (SPMHOD-1), and opening .SAV file and running dbdoctor causes crash
2664829 APD DRC_CONSTRAIN Minimum Aperture For Gap Width is not honored
2665732 APD DRC_CONSTRAIN No DRCs reported when CSet is assigned to layer sets
2698772 APD DRC_CONSTRAIN DFM: APD cannot detect Flex Missing trace tapers DRC errors.
2702492 APD GRAPHICS Text not visible on the canvas
2717269 APD GRAPHICS Text not visible when opening a board file with Allegro PCB Venture license
2720428 APD GRAPHICS Dynamic Shapes not updating Route Keepouts
2731294 APD GRAPHICS Text not showing up in APD Plus on conductor layer
2524203 APD INTERACTIVE Operations, such as delete, with saved query are unacceptably slow
2626287 APD INTERACTIVE Structure issues in APD Plus: Cline not assigned the net of the pin it is connected
2694746 APD INTERACTIVE Edit > Delete to delete die symbol crashes the tool
2699606 APD INTERACTIVE Copying structures leads to incorrect net inheritance of many copied features
2714177 APD INTERACTIVE Edit>Die Properties to keep the checkbox for 'Comps' in Find Filter enabled by default and not allowed to be unchecked
2722151 APD ORBITIO_IF Place the padstack with offset to the same location as System Planner while importing from OrbitIO
2633141 APD OTHER BBVia should use the pad sizes defined for BEGIN and END layers in Padstack Editor for start and end layers
2713448 APD OTHER PG Rail Generator: Option to allow overlap of adjacent layer vias
2506358 APD PLACEMENT Cadence SiP Layout, Release 17.2: Die symbol pin layers change and do not match the DRA/PSM file after symbol refresh
2720242 APD PLACEMENT Mirroring a design crashes the program
2713983 APD SCHEMATIC_FTB Crash on importing a third-party netlist
2714914 APD STREAM_IF 'stream out' stops responding at 99% completion for layer recess
2715256 APD STREAM_IF The Stream In Edit Layer Mapping dialog needs to be redesigned
2713445 APD WLP Rail Generator Keep Out are not allowing shapes when allow shape is set
2723538 APD WLP APD Plus CDL Netlist and Stream out DB performance issues
2723639 APD WLP Unexpected behavior for 'Import PVS DRCs' and 'Import External DRCs'
2639949 CAPTURE ANNOTATE Capture crashes on annotation of a design that contains a re-use block in combination with netgroups
2640080 CAPTURE ANNOTATE Capture crashes on annotating for PCB reuse (Tools -> Annotate -> PCB Editor Reuse)
2640604 CAPTURE ANNOTATE Release 17.4-2019, Hotfix 028: Capture crashes on annotation when using reuse modules
2642692 CAPTURE ANNOTATE Reuse annotation causes Capture to crash
2657379 CAPTURE ANNOTATE Capture crashes on running 'Annotate'
2681803 CAPTURE ANNOTATE OrCAD Capture crashes when performing Tools -> Annotate -> PCB Editor Reuse -> Renumber design
2729063 CAPTURE ANNOTATE Capture crashes when doing "Tools -> Annotate -> PCB Editor Reuse"
2734341 CAPTURE ANNOTATE When annotating for Design Reuse, OrCAD Capture crashes
2218386 CAPTURE BACKANNOTATE Backannotate third-party file format to Capture
2242773 CAPTURE BACKANNOTATE Layout tab in backannotation for third-party files
2250432 CAPTURE BACKANNOTATE Provide alternate of layout backannotation to support third-party netlist backannotation
2326685 CAPTURE BACKANNOTATE Support third-party netlist backannotation for layout
2361038 CAPTURE BACKANNOTATE Backannotate third-party layouts in OrCAD Capture in release 17.4-2016
2478199 CAPTURE BACKANNOTATE Need Layout tab for backannotation in release 17.4-2016
2491966 CAPTURE BACKANNOTATE Backannotate third-party layouts in OrCAD Capture in release 17.4-2016
2493912 CAPTURE BACKANNOTATE Backannotate third-party layouts in OrCAD Capture release 17.4-2016
2502229 CAPTURE BACKANNOTATE Layout tab under Tools >> Back Annotate in release 17.4-2016
2719494 CAPTURE BACKANNOTATE "pickdata.il' data not backannotated to Capture
2584030 CAPTURE PROJECT_MANAG Capture crashes on closing the Browse Window before closing the page
2641378 CAPTURE SIFLOW Capture stops responding on SI Model assignment for CM-enabled design
2709323 CONCEPT_HDL OTHER Saving top page results in error related to unmapped PortGroup member
2624383 CONSTRAINT_MGR OTHER Return Path check is not showing DRCs for some XNets while it is being shown on some of them.
2683766 CONSTRAINT_MGR OTHER Need option to support cline within turning point adjustments, either by new rule or by adding auto fixer to silicon
2437132 CONSTRAINT_MGR TECHFILE Cannot import constraint file in Constraint Manager.
2716500 CONSTRAINT_MGR UI_FORMS 'Analyze' popup command in Constraint Manager does not apply to all selected nets
2726787 CONSTRAINT_MGR UI_FORMS Edit Via List displayed in safe mode
2691054 F2B PACKAGERXL ALT_SYMBOLS defined on instances are updated with ptf value after Import Physical
2701448 F2B PACKAGERXL Property value attached to symbol reset to ptf value by Import Physical.
2708238 ORBITIO CONNECTION planner::commit_connection_optimization Creates Extra Terms
2690081 ORBITIO CONTACT ::planner::create_contacts Should be PG Aware
2605920 ORBITIO DESIGN_RULE IO Pad Check shows incorrect result for the instances placed on TOP edge
2717687 ORBITIO GUI GUI: 'Create Pin or Device Pattern' throw null pointer exception on 'Create'
2691170 ORBITIO IO_FLOORPLAN Support no pin in macro lef by read_io_info command
2714313 ORBITIO IO_FLOORPLAN Export IO Info File with TCL
2718523 ORBITIO IO_FLOORPLAN IO Info: Order Check error in Innovus21.16
2290974 ORBITIO OTHER OrbitIO: handling of hierarchical instance name in I/O Info File.
2715120 ORBITIO TCL Tcl: need command to control default write_def for pull_from_planner
2720250 ORBITIO TCL create_bump: -pin_proximity need to consider same net as group
2723676 ORBITIO TCL MSFT :: Hatteras :: ports left in origin :: Substrate term info deleted with read_lef for interposer
2719483 ORBITIO VOLTUS_IF [ERA] Clean default PG net behavior 1. null value by default 2. Ignore null value net on ERA
2442218 PCB_LIBRARIAN SYMBOL_EDITOR Group edit note text not working when only filter note is enabled
2672315 PCB_LIBRARIAN SYMBOL_EDITOR Pin number and pintext position not following directives on new symbols in new Symbol Editor
2685847 PCB_LIBRARIAN SYMBOL_EDITOR Pin number and pintext position not following directives
2729719 PCB_LIBRARIAN SYM_CREATOR_G System Capture creates large project CPM containing most lines from site.cpm and installation folder cpm
2427949 PSPICE AA_MC Display a "3-Sigma Value" (3*Std_Dev) in Advanced Analysis Monte Carlo runs
2524052 PSPICE FRONTENDPLUGI Empty pspicefiles folder created on disk and not removed if more than one schematic is open
2690045 PSPICE LIBRARIES JFET based opamp model seems to have minimum VMDIFF and VPDIFF of 90 mV
2700926 PULSE CORE Vulnerability software only check the presence of Log4J file and its version
2701373 PULSE CORE Log4j vulnerability with third-party paths
2709300 PULSE CORE Log4j vulnerability flagged by security software in HotFix 031 of release 17.4-2019.
2710935 PULSE CORE Upgrade of Log4j to version 2.16 or later is required
2714508 PULSE CORE Pulse server checkpoints are larger than they should be
2716466 PULSE CORE Vista OOM restarts on two nodes: High memory consumption issue
2725802 PULSE CORE Apache vulnerability tied to a file associated with the Cadence software
2736754 PULSE CORE LOG4J vulnerability in release 22.1
2613562 PULSE PROJECT_CREAT Support ISO date format for Calendar field in Project form
2703790 PULSE R2PLM-AGILE Publish to ECO capability
2712708 PULSE R2PLM-WC PFM publish is failing with error (PFM-1036)
2657031 PULSE R2PLM PFM SSO (Single Sign On) using PingFederate times out after 20 min and requires Pulse Atom to be restarted
2713932 PULSE R2PLM Publish fails when one of the RefDes values is empty or null
2714011 PULSE R2PLM Publish fails when two parts have the same part number but different part names
2731471 PULSE R2PLM PFM BOM view is not showing all the BOM parts
2686528 PULSE UNIFIED_SEARC Cannot sign in to Search Provider if network connection is routed through authenticated proxy server
2635729 PULSE VERSION_ON_SA Retain user-defined properties when adding alternate or preferred parts and show their values in Live BOM
2672824 SIP_LAYOUT DEGASSING Missing degassing parameter from void1 to void2
2715662 SIP_LAYOUT OTHER Convert to shape: Extend list of available classes
2603191 SYSTEM_CAPTURE ADD_COMPONENT Overlapping components do not give error in System Capture
2432966 SYSTEM_CAPTURE ADHOC Need option to open schematic pages in read-only mode
2672494 SYSTEM_CAPTURE ADHOC Cannot change visibility of attributes in System Capture
2701133 SYSTEM_CAPTURE ADHOC Intermittent DESIMP-56 errors on updates at the main project level
2570855 SYSTEM_CAPTURE ARCHIVER Options to ignore selected files for archive command
2724718 SYSTEM_CAPTURE ARCHIVER System Capture archiver including previous archives and doubling in size every time.
2715499 SYSTEM_CAPTURE CAPTURE_IMPOR Electrical grid defaults to 0.01 in System Capture on importing Capture designs
2675767 SYSTEM_CAPTURE COMPONENT_BRO System Capture annotates injected properties on adding or replacing components in HotFix 030
2471089 SYSTEM_CAPTURE CONSTRAINT_MA Read-only property editable when Constraint Manager is docked
2680291 SYSTEM_CAPTURE CONSTRAINT_MA Retain_Electrical_Constraints_On_Nets is ignored on exporting PCB
2702355 SYSTEM_CAPTURE CONSTRAINT_MA System Capture stops responding on updating design
2711289 SYSTEM_CAPTURE CONSTRAINT_MA Backannotation creates then deletes xnets and diff pairs even though both databases have same definitions
2713318 SYSTEM_CAPTURE CONSTRAINT_MA Differential Pairs are deleted in System Capture during Import > PCB Layout.
2715455 SYSTEM_CAPTURE CONSTRAINT_MA System Capture stops responding when replacing sheet
2679783 SYSTEM_CAPTURE COPY_PROJECT Copying a SLD-based design with Copy Project As, delinks the SLD logical block instance from the schematic
2630912 SYSTEM_CAPTURE DBDOCTOR Cannot delete stale data
2686921 SYSTEM_CAPTURE DRC Schematic audit rule to identify power nets connected to implicit power pins but not present on schematic
2693404 SYSTEM_CAPTURE DRC DRC for overlapping parts in System Capture
2710676 SYSTEM_CAPTURE DRC DRC performance is slow when running multiple rules on large design
2710682 SYSTEM_CAPTURE DRC System Capture crashes when running DRC
2713483 SYSTEM_CAPTURE DRC DRC for pull up resistor needs to be updated
2716463 SYSTEM_CAPTURE DRC DRC performance is slow for graphical rules when populating dashboard
2509698 SYSTEM_CAPTURE EXPORT_PCB Open connections when importing to layout for DE-HDL to Allegro System Capture designs because of net name changes
2518595 SYSTEM_CAPTURE FIND_REPLACE Changing symbol version of placed part does not update the text associated with the part
2664942 SYSTEM_CAPTURE FIND_REPLACE Relative property position is not retained on switching symbol version in System Capture
2639361 SYSTEM_CAPTURE IMPORT_DEHDL_ Migration does not complete and omits the testbench folder
2667648 SYSTEM_CAPTURE IMPORT_DEHDL_ Getting error DESIMP-95 while importing the attached design
2711036 SYSTEM_CAPTURE IMPORT_DEHDL_ Import Sheet launches File Explorer pointing to the working directory when copying and pasting project paths
2711791 SYSTEM_CAPTURE IMPORT_DEHDL_ "File - New - Project from existing design" option to import board (.brd) files
2686725 SYSTEM_CAPTURE IMPORT_PCB Option with ImportPhyscial to suppress all dialogs but show CM Diff Report
2722248 SYSTEM_CAPTURE IMPORT_SDA_SH Unable to import schematic sheets from one project to another
2650671 SYSTEM_CAPTURE LICENSING System Capture CIS Option not working
2657609 SYSTEM_CAPTURE MENUS_AND_TOO Provide ability to hide the empty toolbar
2686028 SYSTEM_CAPTURE MISCELLANEOUS Text in tables and TOCs should be searchable
2723651 SYSTEM_CAPTURE MISCELLANEOUS Properties for non-electrical symbols such as alias or synonym in System Capture
2660908 SYSTEM_CAPTURE NAVLINKS Multi-selecting Off-page symbols should have the option to re-format Navlinks
2703858 SYSTEM_CAPTURE NAVLINKS CPM directive NAVLINKS_TEXT_FONT_COLOR does not work with colormap.txt on theme change
2709017 SYSTEM_CAPTURE NAVLINKS Navlinks are not correctly aligned in release 17.4-2019, HotFix 032.
2717703 SYSTEM_CAPTURE NAVLINKS NAVLINKS alignment in release 17.4-2019, HotFix 032: All NAVLINKS are on top of symbol
2703873 SYSTEM_CAPTURE NEW_PROJECT Allegro System Capture File >New >Project From Existing Design should import the complete physical folder
2668478 SYSTEM_CAPTURE OPEN_CLOSE_PR New Project Creation does not read the correct value from the directive - temp_dir defined at the $CDS_SITE location
2693505 SYSTEM_CAPTURE ORCAD_EXPORT Converting of DE-HDL via System Capture to OrCAD creates incorrect netnames and connectivity
2618268 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PACKAGER Name reuse module instances by suffix instead of random number
2627769 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PACKAGER Changing reuse instance name of block with Top changes all instance names
2679762 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PACKAGER Re-assign RefDes does not work if page name has parentheses
2700437 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PACKAGER RefDes is lost for component with PACK_IGNORE
2712796 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PACKAGER Netname bounding box not updated when net selected to be the base net
2610929 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PAGE_BORDER Header text remains after resizing page from A0V to A1V
2659346 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PAGE_BORDER Property in DE-HDL page border is not appearing in System Capture.
2699758 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PAGE_BORDER Changing a page border results in error message stating that components go outside the page border.
2701015 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PAGE_BORDER When choosing a page border in System Capture, correct page border graphic is not appearing on the canvas.
2685144 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PART_MANAGER Part Manager not updating a changed property
2722283 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PART_MANAGER Auto-save of project does not occur with certain site.cpm directives set
2600797 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PRINT Print PDF does not print entire system view, only top-level pages.
2687878 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PRINT Print command is not generating consistent output
2697580 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PRINT System Capture crashes when trying to print a Smart PDF
2700721 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PRINT System Capture crashes when trying to create smart print to pdf
2711328 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PRINT System Capture stops responding when plotting PDF for PNN mode
2712023 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PRINT 'Total Pages' on printing 'Current page' in B/W should show 1
2673664 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PROJECT_EXPLO Design blocks are hidden if design is opened second in sequence
2722220 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PROJECT_EXPLO Reordering of page does not work if a page is active
2502849 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PROPERTY_EDIT Expose MAKE_BASE property on net
2703803 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PROPERTY_EDIT Release 17.4-2019, Hotfix 031: System Capture crashes on selecting a wire in the design
2729230 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PROPERTY_EDIT Adding PACK_IGNORE on syn/alias symbol causes System Capture to crash
2711595 SYSTEM_CAPTURE REPLACE Find and Replace should have Retain Symbol Version On Replace option.
2714985 SYSTEM_CAPTURE REPLACE Cannot use Find/Replace to replace all the symbols of a part with symbols of another part with the same symbol count
2715221 SYSTEM_CAPTURE REPLACE Replacing a part with multiple sections with a new part number not working
2716361 SYSTEM_CAPTURE REPLACE Add an option to replace all sections of a part with multiple sections at one go
2728378 SYSTEM_CAPTURE REPLACE System Capture global replace does not match symbol version when replacing components
2671375 SYSTEM_CAPTURE SCRIPTING System Capture crashes when using updated save all command
2700634 SYSTEM_CAPTURE SCRIPTING Discrepancies between db and dbx in bbox x,y values for rotated components
2702505 SYSTEM_CAPTURE SCRIPTING sch::dbGetPage changes active tab if target was not open previously
2703195 SYSTEM_CAPTURE SCRIPTING dbIsValid vs. dbxIsValid discrepancy for deleted tables
2722900 SYSTEM_CAPTURE SCRIPTING Option to add custom menu at CPS and SCH levels
2290678 SYSTEM_CAPTURE SELECTION Not always possible to select a segment of a wire to delete.
2609560 SYSTEM_CAPTURE SELECTION Option to set default setting for Area Selection mode
2638102 SYSTEM_CAPTURE SELECTION Selecting signal names not consistent - canvas selection box does not match selection filter
2691200 SYSTEM_CAPTURE SELECTION Cannot select GND symbol by clicking one side of the symbol
2703716 SYSTEM_CAPTURE SELECTION Net name not selected or moved on first attempt
2712020 SYSTEM_CAPTURE SHORTCUTS Close Project Ctrl+W cannot be remapped
2667658 SYSTEM_CAPTURE SMART_PDF PDF plot prints the symbols as filled instead of un-filled
2718497 SYSTEM_CAPTURE SPECIAL SYMBO Copy-paste of NC symbol changes its formatting
2708589 SYSTEM_CAPTURE START_PAGE Not connecting to Cadence website from start page of System Capture
2726578 SYSTEM_CAPTURE SYMBOL_CREATO Part Developer symbol generation from package creates pins with off grid pin numbers and pin names
2660801 SYSTEM_CAPTURE SYMBOL_GRAPHI Symbol version graphic is not visible when right-clicking to select version.
2719056 SYSTEM_CAPTURE TABLE System Capture save not consistent with the Version Control Preview created.
2522067 SYSTEM_CAPTURE TABLE_OF_CONT TOC color/style is reset on running 'reevaluateTOC'
2621606 SYSTEM_CAPTURE TABLE_OF_CONT System Capture should update TOC on "Save"
2658906 SYSTEM_CAPTURE UI Support .mcm and .sip options in File Browsing from Export and Import PCB Layout
2673056 SYSTEM_CAPTURE UI Tcl API incorrectly interacting with the page navigation widget in HotFix 030
2725110 SYSTEM_CAPTURE UI Misleading connection count in Properties tab
2574210 SYSTEM_CAPTURE UNIFIED_SEARC URLs listed instead of label and links from search result open pages within Unified Search
2687204 SYSTEM_CAPTURE UNIFIED_SEARC Hyperlinks in System Capture Unified Search breaks if search term is present in hyperlink URL
2707672 SYSTEM_CAPTURE UNIFIED_SEARC Desktop Workflow comes up blank after installing Hotfix 032
2733691 SYSTEM_CAPTURE UNIFIED_SEARC Cannot add components because Unified Search is not available
2617104 SYSTEM_CAPTURE VARIANT_MANAG DNI functionality on the main design
2641380 SYSTEM_CAPTURE VARIANT_MANAG Option to set a revision of a component in Variant Editor
2708575 SYSTEM_CAPTURE VARIANT_MANAG "Replace Part" in Variant Editor alongside "Add Alternate" in System Capture
2713882 SYSTEM_CAPTURE VERSION_ON_SA System Capture allows full editing when atom is unable to communicate with Vista
2495455 SYSTEM_CAPTURE WIRING Adding wire into bus shifts the text off the line.
2590528 SYSTEM_CAPTURE WIRING Moving parts using arrow key is very slow in attached design
2592959 SYSTEM_CAPTURE WIRING Performance issue with System Capture: Operations take long time
2673797 SYSTEM_CAPTURE WIRING Unable to delete symbol or connect NC symbol to existing pins
2685969 SYSTEM_CAPTURE WIRING System Capture crashes when moving wires in SLD project
2687002 SYSTEM_CAPTURE WIRING Deleting NC symbol disconnects everything from symbol and cannot delete the symbol.
2692368 SYSTEM_CAPTURE WIRING "Two named nets cannot be connected" message keeps occurring when connecting nets in schematic.
2697149 SYSTEM_CAPTURE WIRING ESC works as Done and not as Cancel when routing wires
2707426 SYSTEM_CAPTURE WIRING The connection tie dots remain after moving circuit
2729692 SYSTEM_CAPTURE WIRING Junction Dots are not appearing at three-way junctions
2729723 SYSTEM_CAPTURE WIRING No junction is inserted when wire connects directly to component pin.
2731159 SYSTEM_CAPTURE WIRING Inconsistent three-way junction dots in System Capture
2732054 SYSTEM_CAPTURE WIRING Junction dots are not appearing at three-way junctions
2630555 SYSTEM_DESIGN SDE_CONNECTIV Enable 'Block Net' by default in Port/Pin Assignment
2659532 SYS_RELIABILITY AUDIT_RULES Provide violation when local net is shorted to global power symbol
2684939 SYS_RELIABILITY AUDIT_RULES Additional audit rules in Design Integrity for System Capture
2703583 SYS_RELIABILITY DEVICE_CONFIG In Capture projects, dual diode cannot be identified in stress setting
2683974 SYS_RELIABILITY SCH_AUDIT_DAS DRC waive property is not retained for all rules on imported sheets
2640940 SYS_RELIABILITY SCH_AUDIT_SET Schematic Audit CPM setting in SITE being overwritten by default
2694542 TOPXP AMI_BUILDER Generate DLL files with *.so extension in Linux GCC
2700338 TOPXP AMI_BUILDER Filename extension with .dll/.so issue: Extension on Windows to be .dll and on Linux to be .so
2718526 TOPXP AMI_BUILDER TCL batch mode issue for AMI builder
2730778 TOPXP AMI_BUILDER The generated AMI model cannot be used directly
2585425 TOPXP COMPLIANCE_KI Add HPC capabilities to the Topology Workbench compliance workflow.
2730234 TOPXP COMPLIANCE_KI Topology Workbench crashes or stops responding when starting a compliance simulation
2535052 TOPXP GUI Incorrect connection definition for non-ideal power simulations in Topology Workbench PBA
2637686 TOPXP GUI Display pin information in Topology Workbench
2653395 TOPXP GUI Enhance DesignLink to be DML-independent
2673793 TOPXP GUI Allow long path name during archive topology
2686601 TOPXP GUI MASK is in different X-axis units in BER EYE and 2D Waveform
2711591 TOPXP GUI Subcircuit in Topology Workbench differs from s-parameter circuit file
2714971 TOPXP GUI Unable to connect Power net to PCB block in Topology Workbench
2729713 TOPXP GUI Topology Workbench-PBA Archive Error: Some file names exceed the maximum system allowed path length
2431542 TOPXP SSIVIEWER 3D eye-density plot display disappears on clicking
2509989 TOPXP SSIVIEWER 'Resistance|Impedance' plot option in Curve navigator window in SSI Viewer of Topology Workbench
2585230 TOPXP SYSTEMPI Add a parameter to show the last time point in Die Model Editor
2692726 TOPXP SYSTEMPI The spectrum of a waveform in 0Hz is not the average current of the waveform
2693463 TOPXP SYSTEMPI Adding spectrum analysis feature in SystemPI
2700759 TOPXP SYSTEMPI Filter frequency response issues in SystemPI: Filter frequency response curves not reasonable
2724561 TOPXP SYSTEMPI SystemPI Ideal Element Vdc: Remove Z0 parameter block
2726944 TOPXP SYSTEMPI The result UI is empty after applying a high-pass filter
2692069 TOPXP SYSTEMSI Cannot distinguish net information form s_parameter extracted by Sigrity tools
2680082 TOPXP TCL setupDefaultPinLocation not working
2688331 TOPXP TCL Topology Workbench Pin Auto connection enhancement using CSV file
2694939 TOPXP TCL Topology Workbench auto connection by cktnode match file of Tcl command

Here we explore the various features of the Cadence PCB Suites and options.
Cadence enables global electronic design innovation and plays an essential role in the creation of today’s integrated circuits and electronics. Customers use Cadence software, hardware, IP and services to design and verify advanced semiconductors, consumer electronics, networking and telecommunications equipment, and computer systems. The company is headquartered in San Jose, Calif., with sales offices, design centers and research facilities around the world to serve the global electronics industry.

Product: Cadence Allegro and OrCAD
Version: 2023 (22.10.002)
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.cadence.com
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: Windows *
Software Prerequisites: pre-installed Cadence Allegro and OrCAD 2022 (22.10.000)
Size: 3.4 Gb

* System Requirements:

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精品软件:百度搜闪电软件园  最新软件百度搜:闪电下载吧
有问题联系 sdbeta@qq.com

只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2022-10-17 17:55:16

只看该作者 板凳  发表于: 2022-10-17 18:45:44

只看该作者 地板  发表于: 2022-10-17 20:34:33

只看该作者 地下室  发表于: 2022-10-18 09:18:45
Cadence Allegro and OrCAD 2022 (22.10.000)

只看该作者 5 发表于: 2022-10-18 14:28:05
软件下载咨询邮箱: sdbeta@qq.com (回复及时)

只看该作者 6 发表于: 2022-10-20 19:59:07

只看该作者 7 发表于: 2022-11-18 21:14:30
Cadence Allegro and OrCAD 2022 (22.10.000)

只看该作者 8 发表于: 2022-12-13 08:18:36

Cadence Allegro and OrCAD 2022 (22.10.000)

只看该作者 9 发表于: 2022-12-13 12:06:34