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- 2025-03-03
ShipConstructor是一款先进的造船软件,造船业是一个全球性的行业,由世界各地的各种组织进行。确保您的团队可以自由地一起工作是快速且经济高效的培训,并且安全访问您的项目使您能够专注于造船。造船业与其他行业不同,该软件也是根据此构建的。造船业的现实、艰辛和挑战需要造船的具体答案。ShipConstructor软件是基于AutoCAD的产品,专为造船业的设计,工程和建造而创建。该计划旨在符合全球CAD/CAM标准,其他Autodesk产品包括Autodesk Inventor,Autodesk Navisworks,Autodesk Vault等。该软件被标识为本机工具。 ShipConstructor is advanced ship design and construction software; Shipbuilding is a global industry and is carried out by different organizations in different parts of the world. Ensuring that your team can collaborate freely, that training is fast and cost-effective, and that access to your projects is secure gives you the power to focus on shipbuilding. Shipbuilding is not the same as other industries and this software is made with this in mind. The reality, difficulties and challenges of shipbuilding require specific answers for shipbuilding. ShipConstructor software is an AutoCAD-based product created for design, engineering and construction in the shipbuilding industry. This program is designed in such a way that it has global CAD/CAM standards, and other Autodesk products, including Autodesk Inventor, Autodesk Navisworks, Autodesk Vault, etc. recognize this software as a native tool. Features and features of ShipConstructor software: - DWG format support for sharing with other software
- It has a complementary portfolio of Autodesk products
- It has an underlying AutoCAD engine
- Full compatibility with the Autodesk platform
- Full integration with other Autodesk products
ShipConstructor软件的特点和特点: - 支持DWG格式与其他软件共享
- 拥有与欧特克产品相辅相成的产品组合
- 具有底层的AutoCAD引擎
- 与欧特克平台完全兼容
- 与其他欧特克产品完全集成
船舶建造师系统要求 支持的客户端操作系统:Windows 7(64位),Windows 10 支持的服务器操作系统:Windows Server 2016,2012和2012 R2 .Net Framework:.NET Framework 4.6.2(自动安装) SQL Servers MS SQL Server:2017,2016,2014。 注意:速成版仅适用于 5 个或更少用户的项目。支持的AutoCAD平台:2018,2019和2020: AutoCAD,AutoCAD Mechanical,AutoCAD Plant3D(用于Pipe的ShipConstructor P&ID设计验证功能) Navisworks:Navisworks 2018,2019和2020 Navisworks Manage 2018, 2019和2020(适用于ShipExplorer)
并排安装兼容性:ShipConstructor 2020可以与任何 以前主要的船舶构造器版本;每个已安装的 ShipConstructor 版本 都需要其自己的专用 AutoCAD 实例。 船舶构造函数图像  联系 联系1739083603@qq.com