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[行业软件]Cadence SPB Allegro and OrCAD 17.40.000-2022 HF033 Linux [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2023-01-17 20:07:25 , 编辑

Cadence SPB Allegro and OrCAD 17.40.000-2022 HF033 Linux | 21.2 Gb

Cadence Design Systems, Inc. has released an update (HF033) to OrCAD Capture, PSpice Designer and PCB Designer 17.40.000-2022 is a sleeker and more modern version of the OrCAD and Allegro release, with enhanced usability and a slew of new productivity- enhancing features.

Cadence OrCAD and Allegro: What’s New in 17.40.033-2022 - Date: 10-21-2022

Fixed CCRs: SPB 17.4 HF033

CCRID Product ProductLevel2 Title
2673073 ADW DBEDITOR Unable to check out schematic models in Allegro EDM Database Editor
2676082 ADW DBEDITOR Unable to check out schematic models in Allegro EDM Database Editor in release 17.4-2019, HotFix 030
2697393 ADW DBEDITOR Allegro EDM Database Editor is slow to use in release 17.4-2019
2697566 ADW DBEDITOR The release time for EDM models is significantly higher in release 17.4-2019, HotFix 030
2715878 ADW DBEDITOR Pulse 17.4 ISR031 DBEditor actions (check-in/out, release, etc.) take 20 minutes to several hours to perform.
2693395 ADW PART_MANAGER Placing a new part in a design shows the part as out of sync
2682310 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DATABASE Cadence 17.4 padstack definition on SKILL
2687247 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DATABASE Database gets corrupted when saved after moving a few components
2696887 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DATABASE DRC marker disappears despite being set to visible when the layer of the attached object is invisible
2673755 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DRC_CONSTR After editing the constraint region, the board file exits unexpectedly
2677369 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DRC_CONSTR Waived DRC errors reduce after updating DRC and saving the board file
2653278 ALLEGRO_EDITOR GRAPHICS GPU: Drill Figures do not display after generating Drill Legend
2671216 ALLEGRO_EDITOR GRAPHICS Components randomly disappear when selected or highlighted in Allegro Symphony
2683597 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERFACES PDF export uses net custom colors though 'Hide custom colors' is selected
2694276 ALLEGRO_EDITOR IN_DESIGN_ANA Aurora xtalk and reflection function function crash
2690737 ALLEGRO_EDITOR IPC Net short inconsistencies in the IPC-2581 and IPC-D-356 files
2693308 ALLEGRO_EDITOR PADS_IN Running Route Automatic or Route Editor results in error about router quitting with exit code of 5
2684420 ALLEGRO_EDITOR SHAPE Allegro PCB Editor crashes on adding teardrops
2701562 ALLEGRO_EDITOR SHAPE Cannot delete manually-added voids to the Cavity shape
2426055 APD DIE_STACK_EDI Die stack editor not showing bumps for bottom die of two-sided die
2693873 APD EXPORT_DATA Die text-out wizard lost the padstack rotation, 225 becomes 135 degree
2680371 APD UI_GENERAL Last command recall behavior is broken in release 17.4-2019
2692794 APD WLP WLP: Exporting TIV that has NC nets causes crash
2640078 CONSTRAINT_MGR OTHER Release 17.4-2019: Firefox is out-of-date
2691798 CONSTRAINT_MGR OTHER Update SKILL axlCNSSetSpacing and axlCNSSetSameNet to include constraint symbols to support expanded hole checks
1987745 CONSTRAINT_MGR XNET_DIFFPAIR System-level XNets require Design Link
2442218 PCB_LIBRARIAN SYMBOL_EDITOR Group edit note text not working when only filter note is enabled
2586760 PCB_LIBRARIAN SYMBOL_EDITOR Symbol Editor shows "pin name" inconsistently across interfaces
2265452 PSPICE MODELEDITOR DMI is not working in Model Editor
2476385 PSPICE MODELEDITOR Code imported in Model Editor using DMI translator gives compilation error
2484625 PSPICE MODELEDITOR PSpice DMI generation of Verilog-A model does not create .dll
2687849 PSPICE SIMULATOR Only one license used for parallel runs of psp_cmd on a machine by one user in batch mode
2706272 PULSE CORE Team collaboration license warning after Pulse upgrade
2714508 PULSE CORE Pulse server checkpoints are larger than they should be
2685462 PULSE R2PLM-WC 'Publish for Manufacturing' publishing failed with ERROR (RCR-2051)
2712708 PULSE R2PLM-WC ERROR PFM-1036 Cannot publish to Windchill. Expected STRING but was BEGIN_ARRAY at path $[0].children[509].parentBOMLink
2669222 PULSE R2PLM Tools - Publish for Manufacturing does not launch; displays Error(PFM-120): Cannot connect to the file system.
2676889 PULSE R2PLM 'Publish for Manufacturing' publishing fails with ERROR - RCR-2079
2689265 PULSE R2PLM 'Publish for Manufacturing' stops responding if the design path contains a space.
2695211 PULSE R2PLM 'Publish for Manufacturing' error RWC-12036 caused by using 'Alternates' in Variant Editor
2692357 PULSE SERVER Pulse server went down pending a problem with a database shape element
1924363 SIP_LAYOUT PLATING_BAR Plating bar check does not recognize net connected to Bar through another net
2701133 SYSTEM_CAPTURE ADHOC DESIMP-56 Error for few Users while other Users do not see this issue.
2683312 SYSTEM_CAPTURE ARCHIVER Archive command when run on a hierarchical design does not archive the design blocks
2703002 SYSTEM_CAPTURE CAPTURE_IMPOR Migrating Capture design into System Capture fails; error DESIMP-435 - import of designs with Netgroups is not supported
2715806 SYSTEM_CAPTURE DBDOCTOR DBDoctor not able to delete stale instances from the design.
2684226 SYSTEM_CAPTURE FIND_REPLACE Internal properties, CDS_LIBRARY_ID and CDS_LIBRARY_PHYSICAL_ID, displayed in Find and Replace
2706046 SYSTEM_CAPTURE IMPORT_BLOCK Place Schematic Block is grayed out in RMB menu of Symbols and Symbol1 under imported read only block.
2692703 SYSTEM_CAPTURE MODULE_ORDERI Module order is not preserved after importing design from DE-HDL to System Capture
2709017 SYSTEM_CAPTURE NAVLINKS Navlinks are not correctly aligned in 17.4 ISR032.
2693505 SYSTEM_CAPTURE ORCAD_EXPORT Converting of DE-HDL via System Capture to OrCAD creates incorrect netnames and connectivity
2679202 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PACKAGER Auto-packaging does not sequentially assign RefDes and skips over numbers
2680486 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PACKAGER Bypass or decoupling capacitor does not work if PHYS_DES_PREFIX of capacitor is not in chips but in ptf
2683837 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PACKAGER Pin Swap not working correctly on System Capture part
2699758 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PAGE_BORDER Changing a page border results in error message that components go outside the page border.
2701015 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PAGE_BORDER When choosing a page border in System Capture, correct page border graphic is not appearing on the canvas.
2685144 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PART_MANAGER Part Manager not updating a changed property
2687878 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PRINT Print command is not generating consistent output
2697580 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PRINT System Capture crashes when trying to print a Smart PDF
2700721 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PRINT System Capture crashes when trying to create smart print to pdf
2711328 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PRINT System Capture hangs when plotting pdf for PNN mode
2700719 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PROJECT_EXPLO Esc key discards changes and closes the project
2681759 SYSTEM_CAPTURE REPORTS Schematic report does not work when executed on a hierarchical schematic.
2700634 SYSTEM_CAPTURE SCRIPTING db vs. dbx discrepancy in bbox for rotated components
2702505 SYSTEM_CAPTURE SCRIPTING sch::dbGetPage changes active tab if target was not open previously
2703195 SYSTEM_CAPTURE SCRIPTING dbIsValid vs. dbxIsValid discrepancy for deleted tables
2290678 SYSTEM_CAPTURE SELECTION Some times it is not possible to select segment of wire to delete.
2642297 SYSTEM_CAPTURE SELECTION Unwanted selection of graphics objects
2690864 SYSTEM_CAPTURE SELECTION Grouped objects deselected on clicking pins
2691200 SYSTEM_CAPTURE SELECTION How to fix the GND selection issue in attached project
2658906 SYSTEM_CAPTURE UI Support .mcm and .sip options in File Browsing from Export and Import PCB Layout
2687204 SYSTEM_CAPTURE UNIFIED_SEARC Hyperlinks in System Capture Unified Search breaks if search term is present in hyperlink url
2707672 SYSTEM_CAPTURE UNIFIED_SEARC Desktop Workflow comes up blank after installing ISR032
2692368 SYSTEM_CAPTURE WIRING "Two named nets cannot be connected" message keeps occurring when connecting nets in schematic.
2707426 SYSTEM_CAPTURE WIRING The connection tie dots remains after moving the circuit
2700168 TOPXP TOPXPLORER Results not generated in Linux for topology in Topology Workbench
Cadence Allegro PCB Design helps bring your innovative and bleeding-edge designs to life. The constraint-driven environment provides real-time visual feedback and ensures the functionality and manufacturability of your PCBs while allowing you to keep designing.
Cadence OrCAD is a driving force in the PCB design industry. In order to help desingers keep up with the constant pace of change Cadence has been accelerating the pace of innovation delivering a stream of updates and product enhancements to users. OrCAD provides insight into industry-first capabilities made available to customers such as real-time design, DesignTrue DFM, constraint manager, in-design analysis, and more.
Cadence OrCAD and Allegro 17.4-2019 is a sleeker and more modern version of the OrCAD and Allegro release, with enhanced usability and a slew of new productivity- enhancing features. You get more intuitive and easy- to- use flows that enable optimized schematic- to- board- to- manufacturing transitions. So, whether you design schematics, work with physical layouts, manage or create libraries and parts, or administer ECAD processes, there are features in this release that will benefit you.

Mar 31, 2022 · The Cadence released HotFix 028 (QIR4, indicated as 2022 in the application splash screens) for OrCAD and Allegro.

Tutorial OrCAD and Cadence Allegro PCB Editor | 2022 | Step by Step | For Beginners

After this tutorial you will know how to start designing your own boards in Cadence OrCAD and Allegro 17.4 . For everyone who would like to learn Allegro Design Entry CIS and Allegro PCB Editor and also for everyone who has never ever designed any boards, but would like to learn how to do it. Enjoy!
Cadence is a pivotal leader in electronic systems design, building upon more than 30 years of computational software expertise. The company applies its underlying Intelligent System Design strategy to deliver software, hardware and IP that turn design concepts into reality. Cadence customers are the world’s most innovative companies, delivering extraordinary electronic products from chips to boards to complete systems for the most dynamic market applications, including hyperscale computing, 5G communications, automotive, mobile, aerospace, consumer, industrial and healthcare. For eight years in a row, Fortune magazine has named Cadence one of the 100 Best Companies to Work.

Product: Cadence SPB Allegro and OrCAD
Version: 17.40.033-2022 (HF033) Date: 10-21-2022 *
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.cadence.com
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: Linux *
Size: 21.2 Gb

** included:


** System Requirements:


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