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[行业软件]EMME CONNECT Edition 2023 ( [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2023-02-01 20:56:46

EMME CONNECT Edition 2023| 908.0 mb

The Bentley Mobility Simulation Team is pleased to announce the availability of EMME CONNECT Edition 2023 ( is a complete transportation forecasting system for planning the urban, regional and national movement of people.

Release Notes: EMME 23.00.01
Enhancements to AGENT
• The Agent schema now allows new managed data structures, including new options to include:
– Fully joint tours and Joint tour participants to support explicit modeling of fully joint travel
– Sub-tours to support coordinated modeling of at-work tours
– Cars to support explicit modeling of vehicle choices including car type, for example, EV.

• Support for modeling of coordinated choices via Generic Choice models, including for example a Coordinated Daily Activity Pattern (CDAP) model which may be used to express coordinated decision-making of activity pattern type (for example, work, shopping, recreation) among household members.
• Automated calibration now supports targets at the regional, zone and O-D levels:
– Calibration targets may now be added at three different geography levels:
• Regional: Targets that are specified for the entire region. For example, total number of trips in the modeling region.
• Zonal: Targets that are specified at zones. For example, number of zero car households in each zone.
• O-D: Targets that are specified at the O-D level. For example, big data O-D trip tables by mode/time-period/purpose.
– A new drop-down with default choices for selecting correction factor functions makes it easier to configure calibration targets.
– MSA factor has been moved to the run demand model specification from the calibration targets specification.
– A new Calibration Instructions tab appears in all Choice Models to allow specifying connections with calibration targets
• It is now possible to add Agent Segments to a Choice Model to allow segmentation when utility specification coefficients vary by market segments. This is particularly helpful for aggregate choice models since there is no longer any need to specify multiple choice models which share the same set of alternatives.
• A new option in the Agent DataExplorer allows grouping model steps for better organization when the number of model steps is large.
• Editing model steps is now more responsive, especially for bigger model packages. A new refresh button on each tab indicates when a refresh is needed for example after parallel changes have been made.
• A new model step Delete from Table allows deleting specific records from a table.

Edit attribute values in network table
EMME 23.00.01 introduces support for editing attribute values directly in a network table.

In any network table, select the elements to edit and then select the new option Edit Selected Items from the Edit menu. The Set Attribute Value for Elements window is displayed. Double-click on the value to edit, enter the new value and press Enter. The new value is displayed and the Set checkbox is checked. Click OK to close the window.

Publish to matrix from data table
With EMME 23.00.01, it is now possible to publish O-D values from a data table directly to a selected matrix.

From a data table, select the new Publish to Matrix tool icon to open the Publish to Matrix window.
• Select the type of matrix in which to save the data (Scalar, Origin, Destination, Full).
• Specify the field to use for the required identifiers (Zone ID for origin or destination matrices, Origin Zone ID
and Destination Zone ID for full matrices, none for scalar matrices)
• Specify the matrix or matrices in which to save the listed fields of the data table
• Compare the values in the selected matrix (or matrices) before publishing the values.
• Select to optionally view the log of compared values and/or published data
See Publishing data table columns to matrices in the Desktop Manual for more details

• An issue has been resolved where transit analyses using strategy (STRAT) files that were greater than 2GB would fail. As a result, strategy files generated with pre-EMME 23.00.01 versions will not be compatible with the current EMME version and will require rerunning the extended transit assignment and other procedures that use this assignment (for example crowded and/or congested transit assignments).
• An issue has been resolved in the Extended transit analysis tools where if an invalid number of threads was specified, the scenario number and maximum supported number of threads were inversed in the errors file.
• An issue has been resolved in the Extended transit assignment tool where a spurious error message would have been issued when the strategy file could not be written (for example, disk full).
• An issue has been resolved in the Extended transit assignment tool in specific cases where a journey level transition was made on the first connector of a path between an O-D pair consisting of only two connectors (O-D pair directly connected by only connectors). In such cases, an incorrect impedance could have been produced.
• An issue has been resolved in the Extended transit assignment tool in specific cases where a journey level transition was made on the first connector of the path and the specification included logit distribution at connectors. In such cases, incorrect results for the path may have been produced.
• An issue has been resolved in the Extended transit assignment tool in specific cases where a journey level transition was made on the first connector of the path and the specification also included both the flow distribution at origins option with fixed proportions, and the now-outdated connector-to-connector path prohibition option. In such cases, proportions on the outgoing connector may have been incorrectly adjusted.
• An issue has been resolved in the Path details tool where, for specific cases extra zeros may have been included in the Items for O D pairs section of the produced output file.
• An issue has been resolved in the Path details tool where text report listings for path impedances may have been reported incorrectly ifthe specification for details to output included specifically perceived time components or perceived cost components, but not both.

EMME is a complete transportation forecasting system for planning the urban, regional and national movement of people. EMME is used to create digital transport models for travel demand forecasting, traffic planning, transit service planning, and related applications to provide an evidence-base for transport strategy and policy decision-making. By modeling the people, places, processes, and options involved in travel, transport planners can evaluate transport system performance on any number of virtual scenarios prior to implementation. EMME powers some of the world’s most demanding transport models with trusted algorithms and rigorous procedures.
EMME 4.7.0 CONNECT Edition introduces support for Bentley's Subscription Entitlement Service (SES) licensing system. This brings several exciting changes to software entitlements and related workflows: EMME CONNECT Edition (CE) allows access to maximum network dimensions on all projects.

Inro Emme Macro Modelling 1 Intro

INRO, based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, has for more than 40 years contributed to the advancement of mobility simulation and modeling for metropolitan, regional, and national transport and transit operators and planning agencies. Users of its multimodal simulation offerings include some of the world’s busiest transit systems and metros, such as Transport for London, Transport for New South Wales, the Washington State Department of Transportation, the Swedish Transport Administration Trafikverket, and the public transport system of São Paulo SPTrans.
Bentley Systems Inc. the infrastructure engineering software company, announced the acquisition of INRO Software, a global leader in multimodal transportation planning, traffic simulation, and mobility visualization software. The acquisition expands Bentley’s capabilities in the important growth area of mobility digital twins, just as countries including the U.S. are poised to make a generational investment in infrastructure, and as transportation systems must evolve faster to accommodate both urbanization and carbon reduction goals, and the transition to electric and autonomous vehicles.

Product: EMME
Version: CONNECT Edition 2022 (
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page :
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: Windows *
Size: 908.0 mb

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只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2023-02-02 07:05:34

只看该作者 板凳  发表于: 2023-02-02 08:35:00
EMME CONNECT Edition 2022 (

只看该作者 地板  发表于: 2023-02-02 13:04:23
百度搜闪电软件园  最新软件百度搜:闪电下载吧

只看该作者 地下室  发表于: 2023-02-02 13:51:59

只看该作者 5 发表于: 2023-02-06 09:05:05
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只看该作者 7 发表于: 2023-03-12 16:50:33

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