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[行业软件]DYNAMEQ CONNECT Edition 2023 ( [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2023-02-03 21:51:23

DYNAMEQ CONNECT Edition 2023 ( | 649.0 mb

The INRO development team, a part of Bentley Systems, is pleased to announce the availability of DYNAMEQ CONNECT Edition 2023 ( This software provides an advanced vehicle-based traffic simulation and simulation-based dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) that allows even large, congested applications to be modelled reliably within a single traffic model and at a consistent level of detail throughout the entire network.

Release Notes: DYNAMEQ 23.00.01


• Desktop
– Corrected an issue with the network validation check for prohibited movements entering/exiting connectors which would fail to identify cases of prohibited movements.
– Modified the control plan validation check for shared lanes in separate phases to only report warnings at network event times within the control plan period.
– A new validation has been added for DTAs that use a CAV vehicle type. For these DTAs, the duration of the green time for any signal phase must be greater than the difference between the two response times (response time minus connected response time) for all CAV types used in the DTA. If this property is not satisfied by any phases in any of the control plans of a DTA that uses a CAV vehicle type, the DTA is blocked from running.
– Added validations on vehicle class type attributes effective length, response time, connected response time and maximum speed to prevent zero and/or negative values.
– The following changes have been made to the Aimsun import procedure:
• Using a nodes.shp file that only contains supernodes, rather than all nodes, is no longer permitted. Similarly, all other files used in the import which refer to the network nodes must be consistent with the nodes in the nodes.shp file. For more details, see Importing data from Aimsun in the DYNAMEQ User's Manual.
• Corrected an issue which could produce parallel links (two links connecting the same start/end nodes) in the imported DYNAMEQ network.
• Corrected an issue which could result in connector movements being prohibited in the case where the Aimsun centroid connection is attached directly to a node.
• Corrected an issue which would result in a transit reserved lane not being applied at a bus bay.
• Signal timing: some adjustments have been made to the file format and interpretation of the attributes in the cp_junctions.csv file. See Files used in an Aimsun Import in the DYNAMEQ User's Manual.
– Corrected an issue with the creation of a scenario from CUBE that prevented the link Class Group attribute to be properly mapped with the selected shapefile field.
– Corrected an issue with the subarea export to scenario which would prevent traversal matrices being exported.
– The matrix adjustment dialog now allows the maximum number of matrix adjustment iterations to be set to 20.
– An issue was identified that can arise during the manual creation of virtual links which could lead to inconsistencies in the network definition and cause an error at DTA execution. These inconsistencies are identified during project update to this release (23.0.1), and if any are found, they are automatically resolved. If any inconsistencies are found, any DTAs with results associated with the scenario need to be re-run.
– Corrected an issue with the use of the dash symbol '–' in the name of a generalized cost expression which would result in an error when used in a DTA specification.
– Corrected an issue with the Value List dialog of the Matrix Histogram tool which would result in showing only the origin centroid ID.
– The scenario properties file format has been modified to include the new parameter cav_res_time in the VEH_TYPES section. See DYNAMEQ User’s Manual, section DYNAMEQ File Format → Scenario Properties File Format → Vehicle types for more information.
– Corrected an issue with the Network – Path worksheet which would prevent generalized cost expressions without dependency on DTA results (ptime) to be available in the drop-down of the layer control.
– Corrected an issue with the Simulation Results - Path worksheet which could result in a crash when the scenario has at least one broken path.
– Corrected an issue with the Movement and Link options of the Simulation Results – Path worksheet which could result in a crash when toggled ON/OFF.
– Corrected an issue with the Project update that would result in a crash when one or more DTA specific select link folders would be missing from the project.
– Computing trajectories for a DTA: corrected an issue with the Randomized Response Times option which would lead to a dissipation of the randomization effect as the simulation progressed.
• Animation
– Corrected an issue with the export trajectories that would prevent it from completing with no indication to the user.
– Added optimizations to the export trajectories that will speed up the export process and reduce the resulting file size by excluding a vehicle’s entries before entering and after exiting the network.
– Added Dta.run_matrix_adjustment(spec_file) to run matrix adjustment from the API by providing a path to a specification file saved from the dialog.
– Modified Node.high_priority_turns(turn, hpturns=None)
• Clear the higher priority list for the given turn if hpturns is given as an empty [] list.
• Prevent adding a higher priority turn if the reverse case exists.
– Added new method Node.clear_custom_priorities(), which clears all custom priority lists at this node.
– Corrected an issue with the method Network.create_transit_line(eid, transit_class_name, links, repair_itinerary=False) which would allow a transit line to be created with transit_class_name corresponding to a Private vehicle class type

Project compatibility and upgrading
Projects created with earlier versions will be upgraded when opened with DYNAMEQ 23.00.01 for the first time.
DTA results for projects created with version 23.00.00 will be removed only if a scenario contains inconsistencies in the network definition as described in the Maintenance section.
DTA results for projects created with versions earlier than DYNAMEQ 2023 will be removed. Results obtained by re-running DTAs created in earlier versions of DYNAMEQ will not reproduce the previous results exactly but differences are expected to be minimal for stable, well-converged DTAs.

Dynameq is a vehicle-based traffic simulation and dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) that combines mesoscopic and microscopic properties to create traffic simulation fit for planning your city. Dynameq provides scalability from a single congested corridor to an entire city, all without losing detail. Vehicle trajectories over the entire network provide the transparency needed to understand exactly what is happening in the network, wherever and whenever it matters.

DYNAMEQ for CUBE users

DYNAMEQ is now available alongside CUBE within the Bentley Mobility Simulation product portfolio. From CUBE Voyager it's easy to get started with DYNAMEQ for dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) so why not use it on your next study.
Bentley Systems is a software development company that supports the professional needs of those responsible for creating and managing the world’s infrastructure.
EXTON, Pa.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Apr. 14, 2021– Bentley Systems, Incorporated (Nasdaq: BSY), the infrastructure engineering software company, today announced the acquisition of INRO Software, a global leader in multimodal transportation planning, traffic simulation, and mobility visualization software. The acquisition expands Bentley’s capabilities in the important growth area of mobility digital twins, just as countries including the U.S. are poised to make a generational investment in infrastructure, and as transportation systems must evolve faster to accommodate both urbanization and carbon reduction goals, and the transition to electric and autonomous vehicles.

Product: DYNAMEQ
Version: CONNECT Edition 2023 (
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.bentley.com
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: Windows *
Size: 649.0 mb

* System Requirements:

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只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2023-02-03 23:20:40

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只看该作者 地下室  发表于: 2023-02-04 08:09:29

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只看该作者 6 发表于: 2023-02-05 01:53:02

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