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[行业软件]Cadence INDAGO Main 21.03.001 - 22.09.001 linux [复制链接]

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Cadence INDAGO Main 21.03.001 - 22.09.001 | 15.1 Gb

Cadence Design Systems, Inc. , the leader in global electronic design innovation, has unveiled INDAGO Main 21.03.001 - 22.09.001 is debugging solution which reduces the time to identify bugs in a design by up to 50 percent compared to traditional signal- or transaction-level debug methods.

What's new in Cadence INDAGO Main 21.03.001 - 22.09.001 Base release

Downloads Name: INDAGOMAIN21.03.001

Primary Executable Tool Version #
––––––––– –––––––
indago 21.03-s001

Compatible with Version #
––––––––––- –––––––
Xcelium 21.03 Main (any 's' hotfix)
VXE 20.05

Defects fixed in INDAGO 21.03.001

INDAGO-41055 | GUI | Previously searched text is appended to new search text
INDAGO-41049 | GUI | Error Message: "VPI NOTOTI The operation vpi_iterate(vpiIndex, …) is not supported for a reference handle of type vpiRealVar"
INDAGO-41035 | GUI | Indago waveform becomes unresponsive in SHM mode
INDAGO-40944 | PALLADIUM | Indago exits unexpectedly on DT
INDAGO-40940 | SOURCE_BROWSER | Text is cropped when you expand macros from a small screen
INDAGO-40895 | OTHER | Cursors in ESW and RTL waveform windows no longer refer to RTL or ESW
INDAGO-40758 | SOURCE_BROWSER | Annotation of changed index in macro is incorrect
INDAGO-40705 | OTHER | Make "out of memory" errors visible to the user
INDAGO-40696 | GUI | Customer loaded JDK interference with Indago
INDAGO-40693 | CONSTRAINT | Cannot open randomization debugger after reset
INDAGO-40688 | SOURCE_BROWSER | Indago source viewer greyed out code that should not be greyed out
INDAGO-40630 | GUI | Right-click option for searching from specific hierarchy
INDAGO-40601 | PROBE | Using ida_probe -start_time=<current time> returns an error
INDAGO-40558 | INTERACTIVE | Indago did not start in post-process mode
INDAGO-40396 | INTERACTIVE | Error Message: VPI NOFNAME when stopping in interactive
INDAGO-40340 | INTERACTIVE | Indago exits unexpectedly in VHDL setting
INDAGO-40335 | SOURCE_BROWSER | Cannot change index of genvar when it is used as literal in the code
INDAGO-40158 | WAVEFORM | Support regex filtering in Tcl multiple-choice dialog
INDAGO-40006 | SMARTLOG | SmartLog does not refresh when opening Indago on a running simulation and reloading
INDAGO-39796 | OTHER | Need to resolve environment variables in the connection.config file for the ESW+RTL connection
INDAGO-39773 | GUI | There is no way to easily restore a .wsf in the current working directory
INDAGO-39751 | SEARCH | Find in file and source search tool do not work in Indago
INDAGO-39731 | GUI | Indago Jump-To in hierarchy not working properly
INDAGO-39730 | API | scope.source returns the instantiation source and not the declaration source
INDAGO-39658 | GUI | Request for keyboard shortcuts to be case insensitive
INDAGO-39645 | GUI | Cannot concatenate a partial path to the expand path text-box
INDAGO-39532 | GUI | Blank line added to "setting_APPLICATION.xml" every time Indago is opened
INDAGO-39344 | GUI | Copy string from terminal to Indago
INDAGO-39343 | WAVEFORM | Cannot change shortcut of setting insertion point
INDAGO-39320 | SEARCH | Copy/Paste from shell to search tool does not work
INDAGO-39319 | GUI | Option needed for searching from a specific hierarchy
INDAGO-39313 | GUI | SQL errors from Indago - better error messaging
INDAGO-39262 | GUI | Cannot filter for large values in Indago tables
INDAGO-38999 | WAVEFORM | Middle mouse button should set insertion point in waveform
INDAGO-38946 | WAVEFORM | Keyboard arrow up/down/, page up/down stopped working in Indago waveform in 20.10
INDAGO-38930 | GUI | The path text box in the hierarchy should have a history of expanded paths
INDAGO-38929 | GUI | Better handling of Linux copy/paste/selection buffer
INDAGO-38928 | GUI, UX | Better column width adjustment in the hierarchy
INDAGO-38927 | GUI | Add a tooltip on the shortcut of "trace cause at current time"
INDAGO-38924 | GUI, UX | Improve the way we explain to users that filters work only on the visible expanded tree
INDAGO-38887 | WAVEFORM | Waveform hangs when doing 'database restore' with complex waveform structures
INDAGO-38875 | GUI | The console displays the wrong output when a message has the word 'output' in it
INDAGO-38852 | GUI | copy/paste is not working in the advanced search text fields
INDAGO-38851 | GUI, UX | Live data indication is not intuitive
INDAGO-38676 | GUI | Double-clicking on a variable with N/A shouldn't change the time
INDAGO-38599 | DRIVER_TRACING | Investigate: Tracing MDA through a multi-level for loop, does not bring the right index.
INDAGO-38589 | GUI | The search table default layout is not convenient
INDAGO-38571 | UVM | Indago shows duplicates agents when agents are instantiated in dynamic arrays
INDAGO-38567 | SCHEMATIC | Need a way to "expand all connections" in the schematic
INDAGO-38509 | OTHER | ida_probe should provide a clear error message when -start_time is greater than -end_time
INDAGO-38496 | SOURCE_BROWSER | 4D array displays an N/A value annotation when it actually has a value.
INDAGO-38495 | DRIVER_TRACING | Tracing MDA to multi-level for loop does not bring to correct index
INDAGO-38468 | WAVEFORM | Please add waveform short-keys for next/prev signal rise
INDAGO-38330 | WAVEFORM | Cannot set insertion point on calculated signal within a group
INDAGO-38329 | WAVEFORM | Dragging signals from a struct/array is not allowed for more than 1 signal at a time
INDAGO-38320 | WAVEFORM | Signal pasting in the waveform does not obey UX spec.
INDAGO-38312 | WAVEFORM | Trace calculator stops working
INDAGO-38274 | PALLADIUM | GUI becomes unresponsive when annotating source code
INDAGO-38272 | GUI | Find in design table gives inconsistent results
INDAGO-38214 | WAVEFORM | Waveform doesn't display correctly when zooming out
INDAGO-38081 | INTERACTIVE | Probe of signal with extended identifier is not working from the GUI
INDAGO-38080 | PALLADIUM | Inadgo's status bar should show the connecting to xeDebug msg also in non-queue mode
INDAGO-37906 | SPECMAN_INTERACTIVE | Indago Specman Interactive missing full scope in the Source Viewer
INDAGO-37903 | WAVEFORM | Sending an interface to the waveform doesn't add it's children
INDAGO-37902 | TCL | Tcl command-line execution of "run;exit" not working reliably
INDAGO-37857 | API | Allow ct.count to be used in conjunction with scope queries derived from paths
INDAGO-37843 | UX, WAVEFORM | Add measurement in Indago's Waveform Viewer for Duty Cycle
INDAGO-37792 | CONSTRAINT | Unresolved value for an inline constraint == constant
INDAGO-37766 | GUI | Text reference is marked incorrectly
INDAGO-37730 | API | Create Python API to return all unique module names
INDAGO-37729 | API | Enhance find_full_paths for module_name to allow substring matching
INDAGO-37678 | INTERACTIVE | Indago Modifications for Mailbox Probing
INDAGO-37477 | WAVEFORM | Work on trace resizing in the waveform for analog signals
INDAGO-37450 | GUI | Status bar to show message "connecting to xeDebug" in Palladium mode
INDAGO-37447 | SOURCE_BROWSER | Text reference is marked incorrectly
INDAGO-37436 | OTHER | Add a "Remember my choices" to Indago's Auto Restore User State pop-up dialog
INDAGO-37432 | GUI | Error Message: "VPI NOTOTI The operation vpi_iterate(vpiIndex, …) is not supported for a reference handle of type vpiLongIntVar"
INDAGO-37415 | SCHEMATIC | Support Batch mode utility for conversion of Liberty Library to Map format
INDAGO-37014 | PALLADIUM | Restore wsf of a bus slice doesn't show a value
INDAGO-36920 | GUI | TOPS window and WAVEFORM window shows different values at the same time.
INDAGO-36861 | GUI | GUI windows (when put in full screen mode) steal focus when a user sends something to it
INDAGO-36775 | GUI | User should have a way to see the debug time from the Waveform Viewer
INDAGO-36729 | WAVEFORM | Enumerated types are displayed as integers only and not as real enum in Indago
INDAGO-36722 | SMARTLOG | Some instance paths do not seem to work when opening the source from the Smartlog
INDAGO-36699 | API | Signal.values() and Signal.value_at_time() do not permit values that contain X/Z to be displayed in non-hex format
INDAGO-36694 | API | TimePoints must support floating point numbers
INDAGO-36581 | WAVEFORM | Restore wsf shows N/A values in a different time range and not for the probed window time
INDAGO-36363 | PALLADIUM | Issue with "-source_debug" - Resolving the parser db from the xcelium.d directory
INDAGO-36362 | HSV_DEBUG | Adding signals to the waveform doesn't show the probed time, it displays from time 0 - need to add a test
INDAGO-36294 | WAVEFORM | After restoring wsf file signals, all of the signals that are not part of a group are selected
INDAGO-35980 | PALLADIUM | Indago should give an notification if an exception occurred
INDAGO-35895 | HSV_DEBUG | LWD compile error in VXE compile: Hierarchical name ('upstream_req(i).id') not allowed within a constant expression (4(IEEE)).
INDAGO-35853 | UX, WAVEFORM | Need the ability to calculate duty cycle or duty ratio
INDAGO-35847 | HSV_DEBUG | xeDebug internal exception on signal expansion
INDAGO-35846 | HSV_DEBUG | xeDebug exception when Indago is launched
INDAGO-35801 | UX, WAVEFORM | Ability to disable signal preview from the Waveform Viewer (performance issues)
INDAGO-35711 | PALLADIUM | When a bus is split and a field changed, another field may display changes, even though that bit select didn't change
INDAGO-35710 | INTERACTIVE | Mark CDL in the source browser scrollbar
INDAGO-35287 | WAVEFORM | The Edge Counter is not reloaded in the Waveform Viewer when restoring from a wsf file
INDAGO-35099 | INTERACTIVE | Implement: Indago reset -sync should find input scripts arguments of the Xcelium command line and re-apply them
INDAGO-34906 | WAVEFORM | Cannot convert a digital signal to analog linear representation
INDAGO-34893 | SOURCE_BROWSER | Wrong file mapping when showing source in Indago
INDAGO-34861 | WAVEFORM | Waveform value search doesn't find binary values
INDAGO-34419 | INTERACTIVE | Defect found in dragging signal from Source to Watches window
INDAGO-34239 | WAVEFORM | Waveform is buggy after comparing two analog signals
INDAGO-34165 | SOURCE_BROWSER | Path displayed in the Source Viewer, when the source is missing, is difficult to use
INDAGO-33821 | API | Missing signal.loads() function
INDAGO-32835 | WAVEFORM | Some collapsed groups are expanded when wsf is restored
INDAGO-32702 | WAVEFORM | Cannot scale analog trace to currently viewed time region
INDAGO-32611 | WAVEFORM | Indago creates a duplicate permanent marker when reloading from a wsf/tcl file
INDAGO-32609 | WAVEFORM | Indago doesn't delete all the permanent markers from the screen, when you delete all the signals from the waveform
INDAGO-32470 | WAVEFORM | The value column of a transaction does not show the transaction fields
INDAGO-31614 | GUI | Hard to resize windows in the GUFI framework
INDAGO-31613 | WAVEFORM | Ability to shrink analog signals
INDAGO-30676 | GUI | Indago tables do not maintain vertical scroll position upon reload/saved user state
INDAGO-30462 | WAVEFORM | Add horizontal scroller in the waveform value column
INDAGO-29786 | WAVEFORM | Cannot scroll the Value column in the Waveform Viewer
INDAGO-29286 | SMARTLOG | Unable to add messages issued before and after filtered messages
INDAGO-28185 | UX, WAVEFORM | Need a way to count the amount of time a signal was high/low
INDAGO-27722 | WAVEFORM | Can't expand transaction fiber
INDAGO-26721 | OTHER | Color highlight does not work in exploration window
INDAGO-25498 | OTHER | Save/Restore does not support GDB breakpoints
INDAGO-13304 | WAVEFORM | Cannot see all of the values for multiple transactions in the waveform
INDAGO-13180 | WAVEFORM | Investigate: Indago's Waveform should support signed, 1's complement, 2's complement in the GUI menus
INDAGO-3163 | GUI, UX | Support needed for Bookmarks for quick marking of interesting debug points and toggling between them

Downloads Name: INDAGOMAIN21.09.001

Primary Executable Tool Version #
––––––––– –––––––
indago 21.09-s001

Compatible with Version #
––––––––––- –––––––
Xcelium 21.09 Main (any 's' hotfix)
VXE 21.02
VXE 20.05

Defects fixed in INDAGO 21.09.001

INDAGO-45469 | OTHER | Could not check out license: Cannot check out feature Indago_DA_App (CDS_LIC_FILE:null)
INDAGO-45169 | API | Python API InterfaceRef does not return instance for interface arrays
INDAGO-44386 | DESIGN_DATABASE | Recompile and run simulation without closing Indago GUI
INDAGO-44280 | DESIGN_DATABASE | Indago does not work in the Sandbox mode with "-persistent_sources_debug" switch
INDAGO-44202 | DOCUMENTATION | Indago API Reference Manual: Request for document changes
INDAGO-44174 | GUI | Error Message: "VPI NOTOTI The operation vpi_iterate(vpiIndex, …) is not supported for a reference handle of type vpiIndexedPartSelect"
INDAGO-44162 | GUI | Top menu disappears when GUI window size is small
INDAGO-44134 | OTHER | Recompile locked with Indago opened
INDAGO-44061 | SMARTLOG | SmartLog query is not restored when using "Reload databases'"
INDAGO-43985 | ASSERTION | Assertion results are not displayed in Waveform
INDAGO-43925 | SMARTLOG | Simulation performance issue when SmartLog enabled
INDAGO-43806 | GUI | VHDL variables do not show in design hierarchy and waves
INDAGO-43703 | DESIGN_DATABASE | How to disable multi-core recording
INDAGO-43592 | SCHEMATIC | Indago exits unexpectedly when opening schematic
INDAGO-43588 | GUI | Indago cannot launch with Error message : general FelixStartLevel ERROR
INDAGO-43555 | SMARTLOG | Smartlog filter by destination file does not work
INDAGO-43541 | DOCUMENTATION | Incorrect Python setup for API
INDAGO-43251 | SCHEMATIC | Schematic should support keyboard shortcut to "Trace Cause"
INDAGO-43250 | SCHEMATIC | Schematic should show value transitions
INDAGO-43217 | SOURCE_BROWSER | Source browser points to base class of overridden object
INDAGO-43087 | SCHEMATIC | Force / Release value operation in Schematic
INDAGO-42959 | ASSERTION | Assertion's "Send To Wave" does not work
INDAGO-42942 | WAVEFORM | Indago becomes unresponsive when clicking on the 'filter' icon in the waveform (on bus)
INDAGO-42895 | GUI | VHDL named/unnamed process does not show on design hierarchy
INDAGO-42881 | GUI | Indago cannot launch and returns OnOutOfMemoryError
INDAGO-42859 | WAVEFORM | Value highlight does not get applied in the waveform
INDAGO-42825 | GUI | Waveform zoom was disabled after reloading a new waveform DB
INDAGO-42799 | INTERACTIVE | Packed Struct Representation in Watches Table: Show Packed Struct as Vector
INDAGO-42784 | GUI, WAVEFORM | Waveform in Interactive mode is updating too fast: Needs to work like marching waveform when simulation is still running
INDAGO-42635 | GUI | Add input/output direction option in attribute selector
INDAGO-42634 | WAVEFORM | Improve font resolution
INDAGO-42288 | INTERACTIVE | Indago C++ Debugger cannot show inherited fields in variables window
INDAGO-42226 | WAVEFORM | Adding signals to wave from Tcl is slow
INDAGO-42105 | GUI | When I open two databases and create a waveform counter, the counter is created for the signal in another database
INDAGO-42101 | GUI | When I open two databases and "Save User State", the database information is not recorded
INDAGO-42082 | WAVEFORM | Clicking the 'Enter' key when trying to apply a filter on a bus/memory does not apply the filter
INDAGO-41962 | INTERACTIVE | Breakpoint information for -continue not working
INDAGO-41558 | OTHER | Provide more detailed logging
INDAGO-41548 | SCHEMATIC | Behavior of double-clicking on a module in schematic
INDAGO-41320 | INTERACTIVE | Tcl source file could not be opened
INDAGO-41299 | INTERACTIVE, UX | Indago Interactive Low Power support - add warning message to inform users it is not yet supported
INDAGO-41285 | SMARTLOG | Smartlog wrapping does not work by default
INDAGO-41053 | GUI | Simulation time window is too small to fit long simulation times
INDAGO-40924 | GUI, UX | Make Ctrl+W send the signal to the currently visible waveform
INDAGO-40723 | GUI, PALLADIUM | Provide indication when launching Indago with wsf that it is loading
INDAGO-40698 | GUI | Cannot access UVM hierarchy from 'signal chooser'
INDAGO-40636 | INTERACTIVE | Breakpoint information display unusable
INDAGO-40635 | INTERACTIVE | Time breakpoints do not show add-on information
INDAGO-40611 | SCHEMATIC | Shortcut CTRL-W to send signal to waveform does not work from schematic
INDAGO-40547 | WAVEFORM | Indago ESWD exits unexpectedly with Java error on 20.09s5 and 20.11 agile
INDAGO-40315 | WAVEFORM | Cannot add full buses on non-single bit bus members
INDAGO-40311 | SOURCE_BROWSER | No "show declaration" for struct field in for loop when index is not set
INDAGO-40274 | WAVEFORM | Cannot expand buses created by 'bus builder' after restore
INDAGO-39737 | WAVEFORM | Sending array of interfaces to waveform does not show instances
INDAGO-39725 | DRIVER_TRACING | Trace cause/load does not work across interface array boundary
INDAGO-39716 | UVM | UVM Register viewer is empty if opened while simulation is running
INDAGO-38850 | WAVEFORM | Add ability to append signals to a wsf
INDAGO-38617 | GUI, UX | User control of value format shown by Indago
INDAGO-38573 | GUI | Side bar flickers and lags when expanded
INDAGO-38220 | SCHEMATIC | Incoherent connection display on Indago schematic
INDAGO-38197 | GUI | Cannot find unscoped transactions in Indago
INDAGO-37896 | WAVEFORM | Performance of restoring signals from WSF file
INDAGO-35150 | GUI | Add option to switch between "all elements" and "probed elements" in the design tree

Downloads Name: INDAGOMAIN22.03.001

Primary Executable Tool Version #
––––––––– –––––––
indago 22.03-s001

Compatible with Version #
––––––––––- –––––––
Xcelium 22.03 Main (any 's' hotfix)
VXE 21.02
VXE 20.05

Defects and Enhancements fixed in INDAGO 22.03.001

INDAGO-48324 | DRIVER_TRACING | ida_probe causes vManager filter to ignore UVM_ERROR
INDAGO-47936 | DRIVER_TRACING | Driver tracing should not stop at port concatenation when there is 1-to-1 connection
INDAGO-47932 | LOW_POWER, SCHEMATIC | Indago schematic does not show isolation symbol for the 2-D array
INDAGO-47898 | WAVEFORM | (Undocked Waveform) Closing a dialog box of an undocked waveform shifts focus to source code
INDAGO-47878 | SCHEMATIC | (Undocked Schematic) When doing "Show Declaration" on floating Schematic the source code is not brought to front
INDAGO-47877 | WAVEFORM | (Undocked Waveform) When waveform is floating, first click on "+" opens signal chooser in background
INDAGO-47838 | WAVEFORM | (Undocked Waveform) Following double-click on signal in maximized or undocked waveform, display resulting driver in source browser
INDAGO-47812 | GUI | Hierarchy window display error - empty lines
INDAGO-47767 | API, DOCUMENTATION | Enhance Indago Python API Reference Manual with LWD database use case
INDAGO-47762 | API | Error in API documentation
INDAGO-47719 | WAVEFORM | Waveform measurement (time/freq) refer to End of Simulation instead of Temp Marker
INDAGO-47699 | INTERACTIVE | indago_args does not work for Indago standalone
INDAGO-47664 | WAVEFORM | Underline mark disappears in cell where mouse arrow points
INDAGO-47657 | VWDB | Size prioritized VWDB is not invoked with the primary LWD
INDAGO-47591 | GUI | Saving waveform signals - Change or add the actual destination to the "Private" label
INDAGO-47506 | GUI | Typing 'e' in various places unexpectedly opens a file to edit
INDAGO-47504 | WAVEFORM | Indago Waveform title should display the selected waveform database name when waveform is undocked
INDAGO-47477 | WAVEFORM | Waveform in split mode with different DBs displays signals from first DB
INDAGO-47475 | GUI | Allow for opening multiple floating waveforms as was previously supported and also as supported by competitor
INDAGO-47472 | WAVEFORM | Empty signals appear when moving several signals to a group by drag and drop
INDAGO-47415 | OTHER | Indago should inform if lwd build failed when GUI starts
INDAGO-47323 | GUI | Tabs inside tools do not support Undock (Float)
INDAGO-47322 | PALLADIUM | Palladium generated Waveform difference between SimVision and Indago
INDAGO-47281 | GUI | Need Japanese system font support under "indago -jp" switch
INDAGO-47203 | WAVEFORM | Waveform does not honor the "avoid moving the debugger time when tracing cause"
INDAGO-47144 | API, RUNTIME_DATABASE | python API cannot return high_connections if the port tie a constant
INDAGO-46875 | RUNTIME_DATABASE | Valgrind possibly pointing Malloc crash to Indago
INDAGO-46857 | SPECMAN_INTERACTIVE | Add buttons to collect gen, and gen
INDAGO-46845 | DRIVER_TRACING | LP DT takes a long time and results in out of memory
INDAGO-46843 | SOURCE_BROWSER | Request for mouse shape to change when hovering/selecting object in source browser that is actionable
INDAGO-46822 | SCHEMATIC | Add "Open Color Dialog" option to Key Map of Schematic
INDAGO-46804 | VWDB | Memory leak in Indago - Auto update eventually leads to out-of-memory
INDAGO-46791 | DRIVER_TRACING | Driver tracing sometimes takes a few seconds and GUI appears to become unresponsive
INDAGO-46782 | INTERACTIVE | Debug tool : trying to open an array item causes GDB to error out
INDAGO-46707 | SOURCE_BROWSER | Autofetch Indago source window says file is not found
INDAGO-46691 | SEARCH | Ctrl+W not working for type search results but send to wave does work
INDAGO-46673 | OTHER | Indago silently failing when cds.lib is not configured properly
INDAGO-46605 | GUI | Support sorting the signals list in Indago according to declaration order
INDAGO-46590 | SOURCE_BROWSER | Request for a single "source" tab for the current source only
INDAGO-46586 | API | Assertion that is being sent to wave from python API does not go through dynamo
INDAGO-46582 | DESIGN_DATABASE | Wrong scope declaration.name and GUI type for UDP
INDAGO-46516 | UVM | When stopping at the middle of the build phase, the "run to end of build phase" button is disabled
INDAGO-46444 | API | Waveform links in the beta_apis.html are broken
INDAGO-46443 | GUI | Text references are overriding the text underscore
INDAGO-46430 | GUI | Arrows and history options should be closer to the Search box (source window)
INDAGO-46427 | GUI | In post-process mode, the interactive buttons are not minimized by default (only grayed)
INDAGO-46421 | SMARTLOG | Dumping SHM takes twice as long as FSDB because of -log_objects
INDAGO-46412 | DRIVER_TRACING | Connectivity loses the signal when concatenated through an input MDA port
INDAGO-46410 | GUI | Dragging signals fast causes unexpected expansions in the scopes, signals, or waveform
INDAGO-46409 | OTHER | Notify users that the server running is loaded
INDAGO-46383 | WAVEFORM | Indago exited unexpectedly when selecting three signals and pressing CTRL-X in new waveform
INDAGO-46370 | SEARCH | Search capability in Indago (upper-right box) is broken
INDAGO-46249 | WAVEFORM | Indago exits unexpectedly with Error: com.cadence.ufi.gui.util.DefaultExceptionHandler
INDAGO-46161 | INTERACTIVE | GDB cannot expand fields of anonymous unions
INDAGO-46150 | MSIE, SAGE_DB | Indago MSIE Enhanced LWD Native bring up time is 5x slower than monolithic
INDAGO-46086 | CONSTRAINT | Class Structure Variables tab blank on large calls
INDAGO-46074 | CONSTRAINT | Rand_mode variable filter very slow in Class Structure Variables tab
INDAGO-46054 | WAVEFORM | Cannot change radix to "as recorded" in waveform window if radix in main window is set to hex
INDAGO-46044 | VWDB | Indago VWDB does not invoke in auto-update mode and strange error in Post-Processing mode
INDAGO-46031 | WAVEFORM | Unexpected exit with Indago 21.08-a71 and 21.07a1
INDAGO-46029 | CONSTRAINT | Indago Distribution Debugger does not let you filter the randomized class for random variables only
INDAGO-46006 | WAVEFORM | Full signal path is not shown in waveform footer when hovering with mouse
INDAGO-45999 | WAVEFORM | Waveform does not sync the zoom view when moving the CDL by manually typing it in the text box
INDAGO-45946 | WAVEFORM | Unable to load trace with new $countones feature in Palladium flow
INDAGO-45940 | WAVEFORM | Cannot rename groups in waveform if a signal is 'pinned'
INDAGO-45926 | SAGE_DB | With enhanced LWD, Indago does not correctly display the design tree in case of v2k config stubbing of module in different primaries - correct in Incremental LWD mode
INDAGO-45745 | SCHEMATIC | Schematic in Indago does not display Isolation
INDAGO-45716 | SAGE_DB | Enhanced LWD - Add space in writer stderr output
INDAGO-45626 | VWDB | Unexpected exit under VWDB when trying to enter a specific path
INDAGO-45604 | DRIVER_TRACING | tb_dut_access is not able to trace from RTL to UVM when UVM is assigning to clocking block signal
INDAGO-45537 | UX, WAVEFORM | WAVEFORM2: Selecting signal in waveform changes others when zooming in or out
INDAGO-45454 | ASSERTION | Indago shows the incorrect path for assertion under generate loop
INDAGO-45440 | UVM | Clicking on a sequence in the UVM tool removes highlight on instance handle ID
INDAGO-45435 | WAVEFORM | Create Marker dialog disappears when changing focus away from Indago
INDAGO-45351 | WAVEFORM | Want to specify an arbitrary bit in Bus Builder
INDAGO-45350 | SCHEMATIC | Send to wave does not work for ff and selector in Schematic
INDAGO-45339 | DRIVER_TRACING | Connectivity obtained from a signal does not include the signal itself (under some conditions)
INDAGO-45294 | DRIVER_TRACING | Connectivity for a signal in an interface array instance is incorrect
INDAGO-45263 | SOURCE_BROWSER | Source code find does not work with persistent sources debug
INDAGO-45225 | PALLADIUM | Waveform visualization interrupted when opening array signals (hierarchies, interfaces, modports) during expansion
INDAGO-45097 | GUI | Show Probed Elements does not work with SHM/VWDB
INDAGO-44921 | SAGE_DB | Enhanced LWD creation doubles build time compared to no LWD
INDAGO-44915 | INTERACTIVE | C++ debugger does not open some nested base classes
INDAGO-44881 | VWDB | Incorrect values displayed for packed struct
INDAGO-44867 | PALLADIUM | An array of modports sent to the waveform is not being expanded in non-blocking expansion mode
INDAGO-44849 | DRIVER_TRACING | Trace load misses two loads
INDAGO-44842 | DRIVER_TRACING | Load tracing does not show any results when the signal is connected through concatenation to a MDA port
INDAGO-44811 | SCHEMATIC | Add power domain information on signal hint in schematic
INDAGO-44794 | API | Missing libtk.so dependency when using Python API and tkinter package
INDAGO-44675 | GUI | Indago Java exception when opening Indago
INDAGO-44388 | GUI | Ability to confirm signal strength in Source Browser
INDAGO-44295 | VWDB | VWDB+SHM Hybrid flow does not support automatic update
INDAGO-44287 | API | Can Indago API get marker list in Waveform?
INDAGO-44286 | API | EventType.SELECT does not recognize waveform selection
INDAGO-44261 | INTERACTIVE | TCL Manager will not execute -input @'run'
INDAGO-44252 | DESIGN_DATABASE | Performance of driver tracing will be poor if database reloaded when recompiling and rerunning simulation with changed source code
INDAGO-44249 | GUI | The processing clock cursor should be displayed during the signal annotation
INDAGO-44196 | GUI | Right-click menus are staying on the screen when moving to other windows without dismissing them
INDAGO-44163 | GUI | Implement "show signal strength" UX in Hierarchy and Source and everywhere Indago show values
INDAGO-44111 | RUNTIME_DATABASE | ida.db_tmp_bin remains in ida.db
INDAGO-43511 | INTERACTIVE | Attach a version of gdb from Indago
INDAGO-43337 | WAVEFORM | When opening more than one waveform, custom buttons are not copied to the new waveforms
INDAGO-43249 | WAVEFORM | WSF format should support adding expressions without unique names
INDAGO-43224 | SCHEMATIC | Trace Load operation does not expand module
INDAGO-43216 | GUI | Right-click menu from floating window persists
INDAGO-42877 | WAVEFORM | Enhancement request about behavior when opening groups/modules on Waveform
INDAGO-42847 | GUI | Waveform and Schematic tab are not resized after renaming, tool tip is incorrect
INDAGO-42636 | GUI, WAVEFORM | Automatically add the time after left-click on waveform to time measurement
INDAGO-42074 | WAVEFORM | Highlighting the selected signal in Indago waveform window
INDAGO-41397 | API | Create an expression API for signals
INDAGO-41387 | SCHEMATIC | Schematic does not focus on the signal sent to it when it is array of 1 bit
INDAGO-41218 | WAVEFORM | Enable calculating duty cycle on a calculated signal
INDAGO-41106 | WAVEFORM | Hard to expand the last waveform cell because of the scroll
INDAGO-40939 | SOURCE_BROWSER | Expand embedded macros with one click
INDAGO-40695 | DRIVER_TRACING | Gate-Level Simulation Buffer Tracing
INDAGO-40603 | WAVEFORM | Indago calculator gives wrong result on an array of size 1
INDAGO-40215 | WAVEFORM | Indago waveform frequency calculation is not working
INDAGO-38654 | SOURCE_BROWSER | Search in the Source Browser always starts from the top
INDAGO-38189 | GUI | Unpacked unions and UDNs are not showing individual fields in value annotation
INDAGO-38172 | WAVEFORM | Add the feature $countones to the trace calculator
INDAGO-38120 | WAVEFORM | Contrast in waveform selection is not high enough
INDAGO-37791 | WAVEFORM | (Undocked Waveform) Need units display/selector next to CDL in waveform toolbar
INDAGO-37442 | API | A way to automatically load Python functionality for users
INDAGO-37335 | WAVEFORM | Waveform expressions with the same name in different groups override each other
INDAGO-37082 | WAVEFORM | Cannot add signals to the end of the waveform table if there is a group at the very end
INDAGO-36324 | FLOW_RECORDING | Value annotation does not work after adding "-lwdgen"
INDAGO-35281 | WAVEFORM | Customization to change the key binding for the temporary marker
INDAGO-34137 | DRIVER_TRACING | Driver tracing is missing a driver and showing incorrect active driver
INDAGO-31745 | DRIVER_TRACING | Support for tran switch
INDAGO-29275 | SMARTLOG | SmartLog does not update after doing 'restart' to saved snapshot
INDAGO-28743 | WAVEFORM | Request for supporting a Show Strength feature
INDAGO-26086 | OTHER | Bookmarks are not saved for SmartLog messages in Interactive mode
INDAGO-22596 | WAVEFORM | Allow comment on the waveform

Downloads Name: INDAGOMAIN22.09.001

Primary Executable Tool Version #
––––––––– –––––––
indago 22.09-s001

Compatible with Version #
––––––––––- –––––––
Xcelium 22.09 Main (any 's' hotfix)
VXE 21.02

Defects and Enhancements fixed in INDAGO 22.09.001

INDAGO-53082 | WAVEFORM | Enhancement for setting insert point inside and outside of a group
INDAGO-52391 | INTERACTIVE | Cannot expand classes in Watches window if they come from package that contains *uvm_pkg*
INDAGO-52106 | WAVEFORM | [degraded feature] Combination of Debug Location and Source Value Annotation
INDAGO-52080 | LOW_POWER | Power Browser should not display Power Domains under Protected code
INDAGO-52036 | OTHER | Indago fails to detect xrun version when XCELIUM_INCISIVE_COMPATIBILITY_MODE=1
INDAGO-51871 | WAVEFORM | Failed to color signals if do it in waveform window
INDAGO-51799 | SMARTLOG | SmartPrints are not seen when the user has a destination file filter
INDAGO-51792 | GUI | Request shortcut to exit Indago
INDAGO-51782 | WAVEFORM | Unexpected behaviour when grouping signals in Indago waveform
INDAGO-51672 | WAVEFORM | Setting signed radix to array of vectors causes internal error
INDAGO-51670 | WAVEFORM | Add the possibility to overlay analog-type signals
INDAGO-51493 | SOURCE_BROWSER | Getting error message when launching Indago
INDAGO-51435 | WAVEFORM | Cannot set insertion point as the first element of a group
INDAGO-51433 | WAVEFORM | New marker pops up underneath the Waveform window
INDAGO-51387 | WAVEFORM | Waveform disappear when fold some simulation time
INDAGO-51382 | SCHEMATIC | Enhance the visualization and tracing of interfaces/modports in Schematic
INDAGO-51349 | WAVEFORM | Failed to calculate raising edges for a 1 bit calculated signal
INDAGO-51316 | SPECMAN_INTERACTIVE | indago is stuck when the xrun command contains -run
INDAGO-51309 | SCHEMATIC | Schematic wires not always drawn
INDAGO-51238 | SPECMAN_INTERACTIVE | Indago stops responding when click on TestBench Hierarchy
INDAGO-51196 | API | Add support of supply_net.supply_sets to return the SupplySet instance list for a SupplyNet
INDAGO-51187 | OTHER | Signals are not shown on loading database (works on using -nolwd switch)
INDAGO-51133 | WAVEFORM | Sometimes it is not possible to set colors in Custom Waveform Colors
INDAGO-51094 | WAVEFORM | Measurements function displays Wrong results
INDAGO-51024 | WAVEFORM | Indago GUI Freezes with Split Waveform on Unpin Operation
INDAGO-50977 | GUI, SPECMAN_INTERACTIVE | Add ability to change the Radix for Watch window
INDAGO-50950 | WAVEFORM | Cancel of deleting bus width (by mistake) should end in reverting to previous state with no error
INDAGO-50925 | GUI | Request to see the real type of a type parameter and go to the type declaration source
INDAGO-50908 | OTHER | Launching Indago with multiple -input files
INDAGO-50853 | WAVEFORM | An expression that accesses an array index and not given a name is not saved properly to wsf
INDAGO-50807 | GUI | Add an option to get the path to the probed DB in the user file system from within Indago
INDAGO-50696 | WAVEFORM | Highlight value does not work when created from waveform context menu due to leading space
INDAGO-50641 | DESIGN_DATABASE | Huge indago_lwd.log with Python scope() or signal () query used up user's disk
INDAGO-50633 | PARSE_SV | Fatal exception when using -source_debug switch during compile
INDAGO-50614 | WAVEFORM | Unstable font rendering for waveform signal
INDAGO-50602 | GUI | Server-is-loaded pop up message steals the focus from a different Indago
INDAGO-50582 | GUI | Find box is opened in wrong window
INDAGO-50558 | SCHEMATIC | Zoom-in and zoom-out key map in the waveform does not match with schematic when customizing bindings
INDAGO-50540 | SCHEMATIC | Magnify port bits not working for input ports
INDAGO-50527 | WAVEFORM | Marker menu for floating wave window out of focus
INDAGO-50524 | LOW_POWER | Add option to send Supply Set to waveform directly from power browser hierarchy
INDAGO-50481 | UX, WAVEFORM | Request to have an option to add new signal to the top of the waveform list
INDAGO-50480 | GUI | Show Declaration does not show the actual definition if parametrized variable type was overridden
INDAGO-50427 | WAVEFORM | Request leading zeros removal on the waveform
INDAGO-50423 | GUI | Indago stops responding while starting due to Low Power Schematic data preparation
INDAGO-50412 | API | Valid regexes in criteria matches returns wrong information
INDAGO-50391 | WAVEFORM | Insertion point cannot be set at first position in group
INDAGO-50386 | API | Add isolation hybrid information to API database and queries
INDAGO-50370 | UVM | DPI errors from SmartLog
INDAGO-50266 | WAVEFORM | Unable to edit the group naming with a click or with pressing F2 key
INDAGO-50220 | LOW_POWER | Unable to send pg_pin from Design Hierarchy to Waveform window
INDAGO-50178 | WAVEFORM | Cannot get calculator window unless Indago GUI is minimized
INDAGO-50114 | API | Unable to use Indago API outside Indago's python
INDAGO-50096 | GUI | Move or duplicate the scope selector icon to a more intuitive place
INDAGO-50092 | WAVEFORM | Enhancement for setting font size for signals in waveform window
INDAGO-50091 | WAVEFORM | A pinned signal moves insertion point
INDAGO-50068 | WAVEFORM | Drag and drop of signals from one Indago session to another does not copy to the selected place
INDAGO-50065 | INTERACTIVE | add rand_mode and other attributes to watch window
INDAGO-50061 | SEARCH | Indago cannot find signal values in Interactive mode
INDAGO-50052 | WAVEFORM | Control the default unpacked array filtering in waveform
INDAGO-50051 | LOW_POWER, SCHEMATIC | Indago is not tracing the design ports on schematic
INDAGO-50046 | WAVEFORM | Changing Radix on a signal from the Waveform does not impact it
INDAGO-50028 | SOURCE_BROWSER | Running with enable_psc_opt - need to display "optimized out" if signal value is NA because of optimization
INDAGO-49994 | WAVEFORM | Wrong calculation in the "Measurement" whenever the user changes the debug time
INDAGO-49992 | LOW_POWER, SCHEMATIC | Indago exits unexpectedly when tracing the supply net on the schematic
INDAGO-49986 | TCL | udac::get_source_file signalOrScopePath does not work
INDAGO-49876 | API | python time units are wrong for cursor calculation
INDAGO-49818 | API, LOW_POWER | Querying loads() that are declared in UPF
INDAGO-49808 | WAVEFORM | Issue with reordering in the mmap dialog
INDAGO-49774 | DESIGN_DATABASE | Exiting during elab: xmelab: *F,CGFAIL: Code generation failed for one or more modules
INDAGO-49616 | WAVEFORM | Calculator window - preview line is empty (misleading)
INDAGO-49615 | ASSERTION | Calculator window - Indago freezes for 40min when evaluating an assertion
INDAGO-49610 | WAVEFORM | Calculator window disappears when clicking on any other Indago window
INDAGO-49535 | INTERACTIVE | VPI errors when launching testcase with Indago
INDAGO-49509 | GUI | SmartLog - filter by log target gui is corrupted when there are multiple logs
INDAGO-49442 | SCHEMATIC | Include module type in schematic status bar message
INDAGO-49396 | LOW_POWER | No hatched pattern for vectors despites all bits are isolated
INDAGO-49369 | SOURCE_BROWSER | Text Reference Value from waveform takes 4mins
INDAGO-49364 | GUI | Signal pane in the Hierarchy is sometimes hidden when moving the splitter between the Source and the Hierarchy
INDAGO-49363 | WAVEFORM | Middle click on the waveform ruler does not add a temporary marker
INDAGO-49361 | WAVEFORM | Changing a parameter in the measurement requires extra click to calculate
INDAGO-49359 | WAVEFORM | Change the default filter of MDA elements in the waveform to the first 32 items and not the last 32 items
INDAGO-49354 | GUI | Changing the radix of a variable in the Source Browser
INDAGO-49310 | API | API script randomly encounters internal exception
INDAGO-49053 | GUI | Move Xcelium compatibility version check to Indago launch script
INDAGO-49019 | LOW_POWER | Module inside liberty (solution based on the parent scope instances)
INDAGO-49018 | DRIVER_TRACING | Python API connection() returns incorrect signal width
INDAGO-49013 | SOURCE_BROWSER | Open GLST waveform and database takes > 40mins
INDAGO-49012 | LOW_POWER | Terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::logic_error'
INDAGO-49000 | UX, WAVEFORM | Measurement function does not display any options other than "Time"
INDAGO-48993 | GUI | Live data state is not retained across sessions
INDAGO-48936 | API | Extract 1 transition at time for a signal to save memory using Py-API instead of all the transitions
INDAGO-48934 | API | Add compare functions to TimePoint class
INDAGO-48855 | WAVEFORM | when assigning mmap on bits of a bus, the mmap isn't saved into the wsf
INDAGO-48852 | SOURCE_BROWSER | Can Indago support source code activation?
INDAGO-48812 | SCHEMATIC | Add indication of isolation hybrid on schematic
INDAGO-48808 | WAVEFORM | When saving wsf to "custom" location, it is being saved in the run dir
INDAGO-48807 | WAVEFORM | With mouse click, End is set to TO in the Measurement function
INDAGO-48792 | API | Indago zombie processes linger after API application finishes
INDAGO-48770 | WAVEFORM | Array interface signal names are not visible in the Waveform Viewer
INDAGO-48759 | SPECMAN_INTERACTIVE | Add an indication while Specman at busy state
INDAGO-48758 | SPECMAN_INTERACTIVE | SPECMAN_INDAGO_ARGS does not impact bring-up time
INDAGO-48724 | TCL, WAVEFORM | Restore the WSF that includes the signal group which name includes ">"
INDAGO-48699 | OTHER | Enhancements to hsimcompare to support user adoption
INDAGO-48628 | WAVEFORM | Highlight value does not work as expected
INDAGO-48523 | GUI | Support Show Assignments operation of signal strength
INDAGO-48504 | API, DOCUMENTATION | Add info about which queries are lazy in INDAGO Python Reference Manual
INDAGO-48308 | DRIVER_TRACING | Indago shows the unconnected port (.*) as driver
INDAGO-48202 | API | Investigate why GUI becomes unresponsive while running Python API
INDAGO-48065 | WAVEFORM | Allow to save more than 200 signals in a group to wsf
INDAGO-48062 | ASSERTION | Indago stops responding when trying to add a signal (assertion) to the waveform
INDAGO-48056 | SPECMAN_INTERACTIVE | SNI standalone - Simulation Time in Indago toolbar should display the sys.time
INDAGO-47940 | API | Python API checking out INDAGO_DA_wAPI license twice
INDAGO-47876 | UX, WAVEFORM | Need manner to indicate to use the measurement tool drop down menu is dynamic - depends if single or multiple signals are selected
INDAGO-47766 | WAVEFORM | Shortcut key is conflicted when renaming group in floated-waveform window
INDAGO-47753 | SPECMAN_INTERACTIVE | Sort fields of a struct by declaration order and not alphabetically
INDAGO-47751 | WAVEFORM | Allow undo of time marker move (CTRL Z in Indago)
INDAGO-47741 | WAVEFORM | Markers hide the selected signal in waveform
INDAGO-47725 | WAVEFORM | Keyboard shortcut for analog-digital signal representation change
INDAGO-47711 | SCHEMATIC | Unable to expand connections in a gate level schematic
INDAGO-47662 | WAVEFORM | When dragging signal into existing group - the group is always expanded
INDAGO-47661 | WAVEFORM | When pressing enter in waveform calculator window the calculator window closed
INDAGO-47553 | GUI | Indago shortcuts of Global Actions for tabs navigation does not seem to work
INDAGO-47499 | WAVEFORM | Add parameter to set limit of displayable signal's bitwidth
INDAGO-47471 | WAVEFORM | No key binding to control analog signal scaling
INDAGO-47405 | WAVEFORM | Moving a marker should be added to the undo/redo stack
INDAGO-47287 | WAVEFORM | Single bit shown as a vector when doing restore WSF
INDAGO-47278 | PERFORMANCE | Simulation performance will be poor if enable SmartLog
INDAGO-47246 | WAVEFORM | Signal's value should not show many zeroes in Waveform Viewer
INDAGO-47204 | WAVEFORM | Cannot set insertion point inside a module
INDAGO-47168 | SOURCE_BROWSER | Invoking Indago takes longer than expected over LSF - file manager related
INDAGO-47137 | EMBEDDED_SW | Indago ESWD cannot replace paths containing a blank space
INDAGO-46413 | API | Indago tries to connect to $DISPLAY when launched with -nogui
INDAGO-46411 | WAVEFORM | Provide an easier way to search for values in the waveform
INDAGO-46335 | ASSERTION | Indago stops responding when sending assertion with many errors to the waveform
INDAGO-46272 | DESIGN_DATABASE | Creating a calculation with an enum value does not work
INDAGO-46046 | GUI | nolwd is set, Indago exit when search
INDAGO-45971 | TCL | Restore WSF includes signal group which name begins dash('-')
INDAGO-45944 | WAVEFORM | have an easy way to inspect the full path of a signal without changing the waveform table column
INDAGO-45943 | WAVEFORM | Make structs in the waveform flexible (allow deleting/reordering of fields)
INDAGO-45942 | WAVEFORM | User should be able to configure the value format without radix prefix
INDAGO-45721 | GUI | Indago reports incomplete or does not work despite normal simulation termination
INDAGO-45694 | OTHER | Allow user to specify indago_logs directory from command line
INDAGO-45581 | WAVEFORM | Show value annotation of unpacked structs/unions in the same way as packed ones
INDAGO-45119 | DRIVER_TRACING | Driver tracing stops responding when attempting to find driver for VSS
INDAGO-44418 | DRIVER_TRACING | Trace cause for Variable to Wire scenario
INDAGO-43842 | WAVEFORM | Counter on expression cannot be restored
INDAGO-41127 | WAVEFORM | Enhance searching for value changes in waveform
INDAGO-40314 | DESIGN_DATABASE | Text ref missing from parent struct in For loop
INDAGO-39532 | GUI | Blank line added to "setting_APPLICATION.xml" every time Indago is opened
INDAGO-38877 | WAVEFORM | Cursor snaps to wrong place after mouse release
INDAGO-38872 | WAVEFORM | Analog trace tooltip is not showing according to the selected radix
INDAGO-37184 | WAVEFORM | Expression calculator should come back in focus when you click on the Expression Calculator button
INDAGO-36658 | WAVEFORM | Bus builder shows incorrect bit indexes
INDAGO-33313 | TCL, WAVEFORM | Saved WSF file with groups that have '>' in their name translate into nested groups
INDAGO-27949 | WAVEFORM | Waveform shows left hand zeros while source code does not
INDAGO-22549 | WAVEFORM | Cannot use last selected color to color trace
Bugs are hard enough to find in a complex design, whether you're debugging at the HDL level, the testbench level, or the verification intellectual property (IP) level. Bugs often appear as errors dozens or hundreds of cycles separated from their actual occurrence. With these challenges, design and verification engineers need sophisticated tools to find bugs in the haystack of data produced by the simulator. Through Cadence's Indago technologies, you'll find sophisticated solutions to address RTL, testbench, VIP, and SoC verification debug needs. Our Indago Debug Platform can improve your debug productivity by up to 50%, applying advanced data exploration techniques to hardware verification for smart debug and increased automation.

Announcing Indago Debug Platform – Cadence Design Systems

Debugging your design should be a lot more sophisticated than a bunch of "printf" statements. But that is exactly what many development teams end up using. In this episode of Chalk Talk, Amelia Dalton chats with Adam Sherer of Cadence Design Systems about the new Indago embedded debug system. It will change the way you think about debug.
Cadence enables global electronic design innovation and plays an essential role in the creation of today’s integrated circuits and electronics. Customers use Cadence software, hardware, IP and services to design and verify advanced semiconductors, consumer electronics, networking and telecommunications equipment, and computer systems. The company is headquartered in San Jose, Calif., with sales offices, design centers and research facilities around the world to serve the global electronics industry.

Product: Cadence INDAGO Main
Version: 21.03.001 - 22.09.001 *
Supported Architectures: lnx86
Website Home Page : www.cadence.com
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: Linux **
Size: 15.1 Gb

* included:


** System Requirements:

此帖售价 89 电魂,已有 2 人购买 [记录] [购买]

软件下载咨询邮箱: sdbeta@qq.com (回复及时)

只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2023-02-18 21:14:31

只看该作者 板凳  发表于: 2023-02-19 00:57:46

只看该作者 地板  发表于: 2023-02-19 05:32:38

只看该作者 地下室  发表于: 2023-02-20 10:16:57

只看该作者 5 发表于: 2023-02-20 12:59:20
Cadence INDAGO Main 21.03.001 - 22.09.001 linux
软件下载咨询邮箱: sdbeta@qq.com (回复及时)

只看该作者 6 发表于: 2023-06-25 00:57:36

只看该作者 7 发表于: 2023-06-25 02:19:03

只看该作者 8 发表于: 2023-06-25 08:53:34