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[行业软件]Autodesk Navisworks 2024.1 with Offline Help [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2023-04-01 18:16:36

Autodesk Navisworks 2024 with Offline Help | 11.6 Gb
Autodesk Navisworks Manage 2024 / Simulate 2024 / Freedom 2024

Languages Supported: English, Français, Deutsch, Italiano, 日本語, 한국어, Português,
Русский, Simplified 中文, Traditional 中文, Español

Autodesk has released Navisworks 2024. This project review software is used to improve coordination on BIM (Building Information Modeling) projects.

Navisworks 2024 Release Notes

Enhancements in Navisworks 2024

Navisworks 2024 includes the following enhancements:

Civil alignments
- The View tab now contains a Civil Alignments panel that contains tools for viewing and navigating alignments in DWG and NWC files from Civil 3D. See the Civil Alignments topics to learn more (NW-58227, NW-58228, NW-58229, NW-58321, NW-58322, NW-58503, and NW-58704).
Revit files
- When opening RVT files in Navisworks, cross sections that were specified in Revit are now reflected in Navisworks views (NW-54144).
- Instanced geometry in Revit files no longer displays Element ID tabs in the Properties window. To view the correct element ID, select the parent element in the Selection Tree window, and then use the Properties window > Element tab (NW-58453).
- There is a new Embed textures checkbox on the File Editor dialog box > File Readers node > Revit page. Select this checkbox to embed external textures in NWC files exported from Revit. Deselecting it creates an xref to the external textures instead, reducing the size of the NWC file (NW-58317).
- There is a new Separate Custom Properties checkbox on the File Editor dialog box > File Readers node > Revit page. Select this checkbox (default) to separate Revit project parameters from other properties on the Custom tab. Deselect it to show all properties on the Element tab (NW-58659).
- There is a new Type Properties on Elements checkbox on the File Editor dialog box > File Readers node > Revit page. Select this checkbox to display type properties in the Properties window > Revit Type tab for individual elements. Deselect this checkbox to display type properties in the Properties window > Type tab for the family (NW-58672).
FBX files
- The FBX Options dialog now contains an Optimize Export option. When selected (default), duplicate geometry is reused when exporting an FBX file. When deselected, duplicate geometry is not used, which can reduce appearance issues when loading FBX file in other products such as Autodesk Maya (NW-58640 and NW-58673).
IFC files
- Building address properties are now displayed for IFC files (NW-53581).
DWG files
- When opening DWG files, Navisworks now dynamically reads and populates property tabs and data based on the properties that were present in AutoCAD (NW-12290 and NW-57740).
- The Options Editor dialog box > File Readers node > DWG/DXF page now contains a Convert XRef Overlays option. This option is on by default, and means that any external reference file overlays in DWG files are converted automatically. The old Convert XRefs option has been renamed to Convert XRef Attachments (NW-50121).
- The Options Editor dialog box > File Readers node > DWG/DXF page now contains a Convert Leaders option. This option is on by default, and enables text and leaders to be correctly displayed in appended DWG files (NW-58199).
- There is an updated workflow for signing in to Navisworks. You are no longer directed to sign in on start up, and so can start using Navisworks without signing in (NW-58544).
- The Options Editor dialog box > Model node > Performance page > Collapse on Convert option is using the default Composite Objects option, it will no longer collapse composite groups if they contain composite child groups, maintaining their visibility in the Selection Tree (NW-57693).
- The Options Editor dialog box > Interface node > Viewpoint Defaults page now has a Viewpoints Report section, containing settings for exporting viewpoint reports (NW-58617).
- Filename extension checking in Navisworks is no longer case-sensitive, preventing errors when loading files such as .stpZ files (NW-58305).
- The Navisworks shortcut in the Windows Start menu now contains 'Navisworks' in its name, making it easier to search for and open the product (NW-58299).
- The Home tab > App Manager has been replaced with the Plugin Manager. The new Plugin manager provides easy access to enable and disable plugins, and find information about updates and install locations (NW-58248).
- Navisworks Freedom now displays Autodesk materials specified in DWG files in the same way as Navisworks Manage (NW-58686).

Fixes in Navisworks 2024

Navisworks 2024 includes the following fixes:

DWG files
- DWG files containing slabs with Z positions below 0 are now correctly imported into Navisworks (NW-52165).
- Fixed an issue causing some models to appear incorrectly or have their applied transforms cleared, when appending another model from Model Coordination in to Navisworks (NW-57750).
- The Options Editor dialog box > File Readers node > DWG/DXF page now contains a Convert Leaders option. This option is on by default, and enables text and leaders to be correctly displayed in appended DWG files (NW-58199).
- Fixed an issue causing no model to be displayed when loading DWG files containing ReCap point clouds (NW-58381).
NWC files
- Fixed an issue causing the Home tab > Tools panel > Batch Utility option to not run correctly (NW-58474).
NWD files
- Fixed an issue causing the default section plane alignment to be displayed incorrectly in NWD files (NW-42685).
- Fixed an issue causing the scene to become overexposed when appending models containing duplicate lights (NW-58675).
RVM files
- Pipe elbows in RVM files from AVEVA 3D are now correctly positioned and aligned in Navisworks when using the Options Editor dialog box > File Readers node > RVM page > Convert Origins option (NW-58457).
- The RVM file reader now skips attributes with no values in .att files, rather than failing to read the file (NW-58570).
FBX files
- Fixed an issue where textures in FBX files would lose their transparency (NW-57672).
- Fixed an issue causing some objects in exported FBX files to appear incorrectly positioned or rotated (NW-58129).
Revit files
- When opening RVT files that contain fabrication insulation, the insulation is now displayed in the same level as the host pipe in the Selection Tree (NW-58113).
SmartPlant 3D files
- Fixed an issue causing spherical geometry in VUE files to be displayed incorrectly (NW-58339).
Inventor files
- Fixed an issue causing some parts to be missing from Inventor files when opened in Navisworks (NW-58207).
- Geometry in DGN files is no longer incorrectly displayed as wireframe in Navisworks (NW-58647).
- Elements in DGN files are now displayed with the correct transparency settings in Navisworks, rather than as solid colors (NW-57592).
Coordination Issues Add-in
- Fixed an issue where appending a model from Model Coordination could result in objects moving in the scene (NW-57750).
- Fixed an issue causing vertex colors to be incorrectly rendered when using the Coordination Issues Add-in to open SVF files (NW-57926).
- Category, family name, source ID, and workset properties are now preserved when importing Revit or Assemble models into Navisworks using the Coordination Issues Add-in (NW-58447).
BIM 360 Glue Integration
- Shared views in the BIM 360 Glue Integration contain object sets for hidden, transparent, and colored objects. If a shared view is updated due to a new model version being uploaded, and one of the hidden items in the object set no longer exists, the first model in the view is no longer incorrectly hidden (NW-58487).
- Security fixes to several visualization components (NW-58651).
- Fixed an issue causing Navisworks to crash when opening NWF files that reference DWG files from Advanced Steel (NW-57127).
- Fixed an issue causing Navisworks to crash when loading FBX files (NW-57168).
- Fixed an issue causing Navisworks to crash when using the Auto Attach Using Rules option in the Timeliner tool (NW-58185).
- Fixed an issue causing Navisworks to crash when opening DWG files containing xrefs that can't be loaded. An error message is now displayed (NW-58344).
- Fixed an issue causing Navisworks to crash when favorites have been saved in the Add-ins tab > Properties panel (NW-58456).
- Fixed an issue causing Navisworks to crash when opening Civil 3D files after installing the Civil 3D object enabler (NW-58575).
- Animations can now be exported successfully using the Output tab > Visuals tab > Animation option, without causing Navisworks to crash (NW-58611).
- Fixed an issue where invalid date properties in NWD files caused Navisworks to crash (NW-58645).
- Fixed an issue causing Navisworks to hang or crash when switching light modes on the Viewpoint tab > Render Style panel > Lighting drop-down list (NW-58683).
- Fixed an issue causing Vault to crash when loading NWF files that reference Model Coordination models (NW-58709).
- Microsoft Access Database Engine is no longer included in the Navisworks installer, preventing potential issues with the function of Microsoft Office 365 applications (NW-57729 and NW-58132).
- The 2D takeoff tools in Quantification now render correctly (NW-57981).
- Fixed an issue causing text in DGN and DWG files to be unselectable or not correctly contained in bounding boxes (NW-58133).
- Fixed an issue causing any changes made to the File Options Editor dialog box > File Readers node > DWG/DXF page to not save (NW-58585).
- Scaling transforms are now correctly applied to grid systems in Navisworks (NW-58577).
- The Default button on the File Options dialog box > Orientation tab now correctly sets the Up (+Z) and North (+Y) axes (NW-58462).
- Colours displayed in Navisworks are now the same as those specified in AutoCAD. Previously the colors in Navisworks appeared lighter due to an issue with the brightness calculation (NW-58714).
- Fixed an issue causing all geometry in loaded IFC files to be incorrectly displayed at the model origin (NW-58766).

Autodesk Navisworks is a comprehensive project review solution that supports 5D simulation, coordination, analysis, and communication of design intent and constructability. Multidisciplinary design data created in a broad range of Building Information Modeling (BIM), digital prototype, and process plant design applications can be combined into a single, integrated project model. Comprehensive schedule, quantification, cost, animation, and visualization capabilities assist users in demonstrating design intent and simulating construction, helping to improve insight and predictability. Real-time navigation combines with a review toolset to support collaboration among the project team. Entire project models can be published and viewed in NWD and DWF file formats to provide valuable digital assets from design through construction. Interference management tools help design and construction professionals anticipate and avoid potential problems before construction begins, minimizing expensive delays and rework (available in Autodesk Navisworks Manage only). Entire project models can be published and freely viewed using Autodesk Navisworks Freedom software.
Autodesk Navisworks Freedom software is the free viewer for NWD and DWF file formats. Use Navisworks Freedom to extend the whole-project view to all project stakeholders, helping to improve communication and collaboration. Multidisciplinary models created in a broad range of applications - including information from Building Information Modeling (BIM), digital prototypes, and process plant design - can be combined into a single integrated project model and published into the NWD format using Autodesk Navisworks Simulate or Autodesk Navisworks Manage software. The published file provides access to model hierarchy, object properties, and embedded review data, including viewpoints, animations, markups, and comments.

What's new in Navisworks 2024

This video highlights new features in Navisworks 2024 and enhanced workflows with Autodesk Construction Cloud.
Autodesk helps people imagine, design and create a better world. Everyone—from design professionals, engineers and architects to digital artists, students and hobbyists—uses Autodesk software to unlock their creativity and solve important challenges.

Product: Autodesk Navisworks
Version: 2024 with Offline Help *
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.autodesk.com
Languages Supported: multilanguage *
System Requirements: Windows **
Size: 11.6 Gb

* included:

Autodesk Navisworks Simulate 2024
Autodesk Navisworks Manage 2024
Autodesk Navisworks Freedom 2024
Autodesk Navisworks NWC File Export Utility 2024

navisworks manage & simulate 2024 offline help (multilanguage)
navisworks freedom 2024 offline help (multilanguage)

How to run Navisworks products in a different language?

** System Requirements:

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只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2023-04-01 23:49:38

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Autodesk Navisworks 2024 with Offline Help

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