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[行业软件]Cadence Indago AGILE 21.03.001 - 22.03.071 linux [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2023-04-04 22:20:26

Cadence Indago AGILE 21.03.001 - 22.03.071 | 58.2 Gb

Cadence Design Systems, Inc. has unveiled the Cadence Indago Debug Platform (21.03.001 - 22.03.071) is debugging solution which reduces the time to identify bugs in a design by up to 50 percent compared to traditional signal- or transaction-level debug methods.

What's new in Cadence INDAGO AGILE 21.03.001 - 22.03.071 Base release

Primary Executable Tool Version #
––––––––– –––––––
indago 21.03-a001

Compatible with Version #
––––––––––- –––––––
Xcelium >= 20.01-a001 and <= 21.03-a001
Xcelium 20.09 Main (any 's' hotfix)
Xcelium 20.03 Legacy (any 's' hotfix)
VXE 20.05
VXE 19.10

Defects fixed in INDAGO 21.03.001

INDAGO-41055 | GUI | Previously searched text is appended to new search text
INDAGO-41049 | GUI | Error Message: "VPI NOTOTI The operation vpi_iterate(vpiIndex, …) is not supported for a reference handle of type vpiRealVar"
INDAGO-40940 | SOURCE_BROWSER | Text is cropped when you expand macros from a small screen
INDAGO-40895 | OTHER | Cursors in ESW and RTL waveform windows no longer refer to RTL or ESW
INDAGO-40705 | OTHER | Make "out of memory" errors visible to the user
INDAGO-40693 | CONSTRAINT | Cannot open randomization debugger after reset
INDAGO-40688 | SOURCE_BROWSER | Indago source viewer greyed out code that should not be greyed out
INDAGO-40630 | GUI | Right-click option for searching from specific hierarchy
INDAGO-40601 | PROBE | Using ida_probe -start_time=<current time> returns an error
INDAGO-40396 | INTERACTIVE | Error Message: VPI NOFNAME when stopping in interactive
INDAGO-40335 | SOURCE_BROWSER | Cannot change index of genvar when it is used as literal in the code
INDAGO-40158 | WAVEFORM | Support regex filtering in Tcl multiple-choice dialog
INDAGO-39751 | SEARCH | Find in file and source search tool do not work in Indago
INDAGO-39730 | API | scope.source returns the instantiation source and not the declaration source
INDAGO-39658 | GUI | Request for keyboard shortcuts to be case insensitive
INDAGO-38274 | PALLADIUM | GUI becomes unresponsive when annotating source code
INDAGO-37730 | API | Create Python API to return all unique module names
INDAGO-34843 | FLOW_RECORDING | Breakpoint disappears after reloading DB
INDAGO-26721 | OTHER | Color highlight does not work in exploration window

Primary Executable Tool Version #
––––––––– –––––––
indago 21.08-a071

Compatible with Version #
––––––––––- –––––––
Xcelium >= 21.07-a071 and <= 21.08-a071
Xcelium 21.03 Main (any 's' hotfix)
VXE 20.05
VXE 21.02

Defects fixed in INDAGO 21.08.071

INDAGO-44386 | DESIGN_DATABASE | Recompile and run simulation without closing Indago GUI
INDAGO-44280 | DESIGN_DATABASE | Indago does not work in the Sandbox mode with "-persistent_sources_debug" switch
INDAGO-44174 | GUI | Error Message: "VPI NOTOTI The operation vpi_iterate(vpiIndex, …) is not supported for a reference handle of type vpiIndexedPartSelect"
INDAGO-44162 | GUI | Top menu disappears when GUI window size is small
INDAGO-44134 | OTHER | Recompile locked with Indago opened
INDAGO-44061 | SMARTLOG | SmartLog query is not restored when using "Reload databases'"
INDAGO-43806 | GUI | VHDL variables do not show in design hierarchy and waves
INDAGO-42895 | GUI | VHDL named/unnamed process does not show on design hierarchy
INDAGO-42105 | GUI | When I open two databases and create a waveform counter, the counter is created for the signal in another database
INDAGO-42101 | GUI | When I open two databases and "Save User State", the database information is not recorded
INDAGO-41558 | OTHER | Provide more detailed logging
INDAGO-40723 | GUI, PALLADIUM | Provide indication when launching Indago with wsf that it is loading
INDAGO-40636 | INTERACTIVE | Breakpoint information display unusable
INDAGO-40311 | SOURCE_BROWSER | No "show declaration" for struct field in for loop when index is not set
INDAGO-39725 | DRIVER_TRACING | Trace cause/load does not work across interface array boundary
INDAGO-38197 | GUI | Cannot find unscoped transactions in Indago
INDAGO-35150 | GUI | Add option to switch between "all elements" and "probed elements" in the design tree

Primary Executable Tool Version #
––––––––– –––––––
indago 21.09-a001

Compatible with Version #
––––––––––- –––––––
Xcelium >= 20.09-a001 and <= 21.09-a001
Xcelium 20.09 Main (any 's' hotfix)
VXE 21.02
VXE 20.05

Defects fixed in INDAGO 21.09.001

INDAGO-45263 | SOURCE_BROWSER | Source code find does not work with persistent sources debug
INDAGO-45097 | GUI | Show Probed Elements does not work with SHM/VWDB
INDAGO-44881 | VWDB | Incorrect values displayed for packed struct
INDAGO-44867 | PALLADIUM | An array of modports sent to the waveform is not being expanded in non-blocking expansion mode
INDAGO-44849 | DRIVER_TRACING | Trace load misses two loads
INDAGO-44842 | DRIVER_TRACING | Load tracing does not show any results when the signal is connected through concatenation to a MDA port
INDAGO-44811 | SCHEMATIC | Add power domain information on signal hint in schematic
INDAGO-44675 | GUI | Indago Java exception when opening Indago
INDAGO-44295 | VWDB | VWDB+SHM Hybrid flow does not support automatic update
INDAGO-44261 | INTERACTIVE | TCL Manager will not execute -input @'run'
INDAGO-44252 | DESIGN_DATABASE | Performance of driver tracing will be poor if database reloaded when recompiling and rerunning simulation with changed source code
INDAGO-44111 | RUNTIME_DATABASE | ida.db_tmp_bin remains in ida.db
INDAGO-43337 | WAVEFORM | When opening more than one waveform, custom buttons are not copied to the new waveforms
INDAGO-42877 | WAVEFORM | Enhancement request about behavior when opening groups/modules on Waveform
INDAGO-42636 | GUI, WAVEFORM | Automatically add the time after left-click on waveform to time measurement
INDAGO-41106 | WAVEFORM | Hard to expand the last waveform cell because of the scroll
INDAGO-40603 | WAVEFORM | Indago calculator gives wrong result on an array of size 1
INDAGO-40215 | WAVEFORM | Indago waveform frequency calculation is not working
INDAGO-38654 | SOURCE_BROWSER | Search in the Source Browser always starts from the top
INDAGO-38172 | WAVEFORM | Add the feature $countones to the trace calculator
INDAGO-37442 | API | A way to automatically load Python functionality for users
INDAGO-37082 | WAVEFORM | Cannot add signals to the end of the waveform table if there is a group at the very end
INDAGO-36324 | FLOW_RECORDING | Value annotation does not work after adding "-lwdgen"
INDAGO-35281 | WAVEFORM | Customization to change the key binding for the temporary marker
INDAGO-34137 | DRIVER_TRACING | Driver tracing is missing a driver and showing incorrect active driver
INDAGO-26086 | OTHER | Bookmarks are not saved for SmartLog messages in Interactive mode

Primary Executable Tool Version #
––––––––– –––––––
indago 22.03-a001

Compatible with Version #
––––––––––- –––––––
Xcelium >= 20.09-a001 and <= 22.03-a001
Xcelium 20.09 Main (any 's' hotfix)
VXE 21.02
VXE 20.05

Defects and Enhancements fixed in INDAGO 22.03.001

INDAGO-49019 | LOW_POWER | Module inside liberty (solution based on the parent scope instances)
INDAGO-49013 | SOURCE_BROWSER | Open GLST waveform and database takes > 40mins
INDAGO-49012 | LOW_POWER | Terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::logic_error'
INDAGO-48936 | API | Extract 1 transition at time for a signal to save memory using Py-API instead of all the transitions
INDAGO-48934 | API | Add compare functions to TimePoint class
INDAGO-48770 | WAVEFORM | Array interface signal names are not visible in the Waveform Viewer
INDAGO-48758 | SPECMAN_INTERACTIVE | SPECMAN_INDAGO_ARGS does not impact bring-up time
INDAGO-48699 | OTHER | Enhancements to hsimcompare to support user adoption
INDAGO-48308 | DRIVER_TRACING | Indago shows the unconnected port (.*) as driver
INDAGO-48202 | API | Investigate why GUI becomes unresponsive while running Python API
INDAGO-48056 | SPECMAN_INTERACTIVE | SNI standalone - Simulation Time in Indago toolbar should display the sys.time
INDAGO-47786 | API | Too many contributors returned for partially-probed database
INDAGO-47753 | SPECMAN_INTERACTIVE | Sort fields of a struct by declaration order and not alphabetically
INDAGO-47662 | WAVEFORM | When dragging signal into existing group - the group is always expanded
INDAGO-47661 | WAVEFORM | When pressing enter in waveform calculator window the calculator window closed
INDAGO-47553 | GUI | Indago shortcuts of Global Actions for tabs navigation does not seem to work
INDAGO-47471 | WAVEFORM | No key binding to control analog signal scaling
INDAGO-47287 | WAVEFORM | Single bit shown as a vector when doing restore WSF
INDAGO-47246 | WAVEFORM | Signal's value should not show many zeroes in Waveform Viewer
INDAGO-47204 | WAVEFORM | Cannot set insertion point inside a module
INDAGO-47168 | SOURCE_BROWSER | Invoking Indago takes longer than expected over LSF - file manager related
INDAGO-47144 | API, RUNTIME_DATABASE | python API cannot return high_connections if the port tie a constant
INDAGO-47137 | EMBEDDED_SW | Indago ESWD cannot replace paths containing a blank space
INDAGO-46413 | API | Indago tries to connect to $DISPLAY when launched with -nogui
INDAGO-46411 | WAVEFORM | Provide an easier way to search for values in the waveform
INDAGO-46272 | DESIGN_DATABASE | Creating a calculation with an enum value does not work
INDAGO-45971 | TCL | Restore WSF includes signal group which name begins dash('-')
INDAGO-45944 | WAVEFORM | have an easy way to inspect the full path of a signal without changing the waveform table column
INDAGO-45581 | WAVEFORM | Show value annotation of unpacked structs/unions in the same way as packed ones
INDAGO-45119 | DRIVER_TRACING | Driver tracing stops responding when attempting to find driver for VSS
INDAGO-44418 | DRIVER_TRACING | Trace cause for Variable to Wire scenario
INDAGO-43842 | WAVEFORM | Counter on expression cannot be restored
INDAGO-41127 | WAVEFORM | Enhance searching for value changes in waveform
INDAGO-38872 | WAVEFORM | Analog trace tooltip is not showing according to the selected radix
INDAGO-36658 | WAVEFORM | Bus builder shows incorrect bit indexes
INDAGO-27949 | WAVEFORM | Waveform shows left hand zeros while source code does not

Primary Executable Tool Version #
––––––––– –––––––
indago 22.03-a071

Compatible with Version #
––––––––––- –––––––
Xcelium >= 21.07-a071 and <= 22.03-a071
Xcelium 21.09 Main (any 's' hotfix)
Xcelium 21.03 Main (any 's' hotfix)
VXE 20.05
VXE 21.02

Defects and Enhancements fixed in INDAGO 22.03.071

INDAGO-49019 | LOW_POWER | Module inside liberty (solution based on the parent scope instances)
INDAGO-49013 | SOURCE_BROWSER | Open GLST waveform and database takes > 40mins
INDAGO-49012 | LOW_POWER | Terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::logic_error'
INDAGO-48936 | API | Extract 1 transition at time for a signal to save memory using Py-API instead of all the transitions
INDAGO-48934 | API | Add compare functions to TimePoint class
INDAGO-48770 | WAVEFORM | Array interface signal names are not visible in the Waveform Viewer
INDAGO-48758 | SPECMAN_INTERACTIVE | SPECMAN_INDAGO_ARGS does not impact bring-up time
INDAGO-48699 | OTHER | Enhancements to hsimcompare to support user adoption
INDAGO-48308 | DRIVER_TRACING | Indago shows the unconnected port (.*) as driver
INDAGO-48202 | API | Investigate why GUI becomes unresponsive while running Python API
INDAGO-48065 | WAVEFORM | Allow to save more than 200 signals in a group to wsf
INDAGO-48056 | SPECMAN_INTERACTIVE | SNI standalone - Simulation Time in Indago toolbar should display the sys.time
INDAGO-47766 | WAVEFORM | Shortcut key is conflicted when renaming group in floated-waveform window
INDAGO-47753 | SPECMAN_INTERACTIVE | Sort fields of a struct by declaration order and not alphabetically
INDAGO-47662 | WAVEFORM | When dragging signal into existing group - the group is always expanded
INDAGO-47661 | WAVEFORM | When pressing enter in waveform calculator window the calculator window closed
INDAGO-47553 | GUI | Indago shortcuts of Global Actions for tabs navigation does not seem to work
INDAGO-47471 | WAVEFORM | No key binding to control analog signal scaling
INDAGO-47287 | WAVEFORM | Single bit shown as a vector when doing restore WSF
INDAGO-47246 | WAVEFORM | Signal's value should not show many zeroes in Waveform Viewer
INDAGO-47204 | WAVEFORM | Cannot set insertion point inside a module
INDAGO-47168 | SOURCE_BROWSER | Invoking Indago takes longer than expected over LSF - file manager related
INDAGO-47144 | API, RUNTIME_DATABASE | python API cannot return high_connections if the port tie a constant
INDAGO-47137 | EMBEDDED_SW | Indago ESWD cannot replace paths containing a blank space
INDAGO-46413 | API | Indago tries to connect to $DISPLAY when launched with -nogui
INDAGO-46411 | WAVEFORM | Provide an easier way to search for values in the waveform
INDAGO-46272 | DESIGN_DATABASE | Creating a calculation with an enum value does not work
INDAGO-45971 | TCL | Restore WSF includes signal group which name begins dash('-')
INDAGO-45944 | WAVEFORM | have an easy way to inspect the full path of a signal without changing the waveform table column
INDAGO-45581 | WAVEFORM | Show value annotation of unpacked structs/unions in the same way as packed ones
INDAGO-45119 | DRIVER_TRACING | Driver tracing stops responding when attempting to find driver for VSS
INDAGO-44418 | DRIVER_TRACING | Trace cause for Variable to Wire scenario
INDAGO-43842 | WAVEFORM | Counter on expression cannot be restored
INDAGO-41127 | WAVEFORM | Enhance searching for value changes in waveform
INDAGO-38872 | WAVEFORM | Analog trace tooltip is not showing according to the selected radix
INDAGO-36658 | WAVEFORM | Bus builder shows incorrect bit indexes
INDAGO-27949 | WAVEFORM | Waveform shows left hand zeros while source code does not
The Indago Debug Platform and debugging apps are part of the comprehensive Cadence System Development Suite. With its patented root-cause analysis technology, the Indago Debug Platform filters unneeded data to go beyond the source for a single bug to resolve the cause of all related bugs. Current debug methodologies used by designers require multiple simulation iterations to incrementally extract data points that ultimately point to the source of the bug. The technology in the Indago Debug Platform can reduce the human time necessary to resolve schedule-impacting bugs by up to 50 percent using a common set of resources that enable a suite of commercial and user-created Apps that automate the analysis of data from multiple verification engines and multiple vendors. With a unified debug platform and the debug apps, the Indago Debug Platform enables multiple engineering specialists from design, testbench, embedded software and protocol verification to operate as a team to resolve SoC bugs.

Indago Debug Platform – Cadence Design Systems

Debugging your design should be a lot more sophisticated than a bunch of "printf" statements. But that is exactly what many development teams end up using. In this episode of Chalk Talk, Amelia Dalton chats with Adam Sherer of Cadence Design Systems about the new Indago embedded debug system. It will change the way you think about debug.
Cadence enables global electronic design innovation and plays an essential role in the creation of today's integrated circuits and electronics. Customers use Cadence software, hardware, IP, and services to design and verify advanced semiconductors, consumer electronics, networking and telecommunications equipment, and computer systems. The company is headquartered in San Jose, Calif., with sales offices, design centers, and research facilities around the world to serve the global electronics industry.

Product: Cadence Indago AGILE
Version: 21.03.001 - 22.03.071
Supported Architectures: x86_x64
Website Home Page : www.cadence.com
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: Linux *
Size: 58.2 Gb

* Included



** System Requirements:

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只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2023-04-05 00:24:04