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- 2025-03-03
ZWCAD MFG 2024 SP1 (x64) | 1 GB ZWCAD MFG是专门为制造业用户设计的高级CAD解决方案。该软件建立在强大的ZWCAD基础上,提供了一系列专业的绘图工具,可以加快其设计过程。此外,它还提供了一个广泛的零件和符号库,满足许多国家和国际标准,并具有轻松插入和编辑自己的库的灵活性。ZWCAD CAD tools to design a fast and professional .dwg compatibility to provide modeling and design. The initial feature design such as creating and editing two-dimensional geometric solid modeling three-dimensional, drawing and file sharing, ZWCAD also features an innovative, collaborative and customizable in order to increase efficiency, such as design center, pallets, tools provides customization via APIs. Unrivaled compatibility and friendly user interface lets you get started without any training with ZWCAD. Features and amenities ZWCAD-Striking design tools for visualizing your ideas details-Flexible management system designed to maximize resources-Integrated collaboration projects with other projects released through a flexible design-Standard parts library and tools for design and drawing-Designed to protect the environment ISO, ANSI, DIN, JIS, and GB-Reduce costs, optimize the design workflow and improved productivity-Compare files and render more efficient design enables you to visualize the-Provides a command similar to the previous program and easy to use features that help you save time-Faster performance in processing CAD drawings Extensive Standard Part LibraryThe part library offers more than 400,000 standard parts across over 66 categories. These parts are compliant with many national and international standards and cover a board range of industries including machinery, heavy industry, automotive, mold, energy, transportation, water conservancy, chemical and shipbuilding and more. Custom Part Import ToolEasily import custom, parametric parts into the part library with just a few simple steps. The imported parts can be classified, renamed, searched and reused with ease. With this tool, you can use and manage custom parts conveniently. Customizable Drafting StandardsMainstream drawing standards are available and customizable for creating design data that conforms to company requirements.Multi-frame and multi-scale drawings are supported so that objects of different frames and scales do not affect one another. Intelligent AnnotationSaves You 80% ofAnnotating TimeIntelligent Annotation associates sequential numbers with the BOM, simplifying text processing by updating and interacting text data in sync. With one command, 80% of the annotating time is saved. System Requirements:OS:Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10 / Windows 11CPU:Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon X2 CPU or higher (recommended)Disk Space:4 GB free space in OS disk, 2 GB free space in installationMemory:2GB or more (recommended)GPU: 1GB or more (recommended)Resolution:1024 x 768VGA display with True Color (minimum) 1440x900 with NVidia 8 series or Radeon HD series or higher Home Page - https://www.zwsoft.com/ 购买后,将显示帖子中所有出售内容。 若发现会员采用欺骗的方法获取财富,请立刻举报,我们会对会员处以2-N倍的罚金,严重者封掉ID! 此段为出售的内容,购买后显示