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[其他原创]Rocscience RocTopple 2.0 x64 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2023-06-22 09:37:49
Rocscience RocTopple is an interactive software tool to perform overturning analysis and support the design of rock slopes. This analysis is based on the popular block overturning method of Goodman and Berry, which was first introduced in 1976 in the article “Overturning of Rock Slopes” and the block flexural overturning method by Amini, Majdi and Vashadi in 2012 in the article “Stability Analysis of Rock Slopes”. against the failure of block bending toppling” was published. There are several types of potential overturning failure modes in rock slopes. The overturning analysis in RocTopple is based on a specific and idealized failure mode consisting of equally spaced rectangular blocks on a stepped footing. Most actual slopes do not exactly match the input parameters in RocTopple. It is up to the engineer to decide whether to apply RocTopple analysis to a given slope.
The sensitivity and probabilistic analysis options in RocTopple may help quantify some of the uncertainties introduced by the limitations of the analysis. Calculate the factor of safety by deterministic analysis or probability of failure for probabilistic models. You can model variability in geometry, point of force application, joint and substrate strength, water pressure, external loads, and supports by assigning statistical distributions to the variables. Using RocTopple, you can create histograms, cumulative and scatter charts of statistical data. Implement bullets to contain potentially unstable blocks. Apply external loads to your models in the form of linear loads, distributed loads, seismic loads and water pressure. Automate a deterministic or probabilistic analysis in RocTopple by reading various numerical input data from an Excel format and quickly generate calculated results in text or Excel format.

Features of Rocscience RocTopple

  • Block Toppling Model
  • Deterministic or Probabilistic Analysis
  • Support & Loading
  • Block Flexure Toppling Analysis
  • Batch Compute
  • Automate From Excel
  • Support for Hybrid Block-Flexural Toppling Model in RocTopple
  • Ponded Water Analysis in RocPlane and SWedge

System Requirements

Operating System
Windows 10 (64-bit)
8GB memory (RAM)
Hard Disk

Recommended: 1TB SSD.



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