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[其他原创]Rocscience SWedge 7.0 x64 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2023-06-22 09:38:30
Rocscience SWedge, is a quick, interactive, and simple to use analysis tool for evaluating the stability of surface wedges in rock slopes defined by two (or three) intersecting discontinuity planes, the slope surface, and an optional tension crack. Quickly and easily define models of tetrahedral (or pentahedral) wedge surfaces that are formed by the intersection of two (or three) discontinuity planes. Evaluate the geometry and stability of wedge surfaces in rock slopes using the finite equilibrium method. Model the effects of shear strength, water pressure, external and seismic forces, and barriers and visualize your models in 3D. Perform a probability-based analysis to determine the probability of failure. Model dispersion in geometry, point of force application, joint and substrate strength, water pressure, external loads, etc. by assigning statistical distributions to variables.
You can also perform sensitivity analysis using a range of values to evaluate their effects on the safety factor. Determine the minimum factor of safety of a surface wedge by entering any number of discrete joint plane orientations and all possible combinations of two joints forming a wedge will be analyzed. In a deterministic analysis, SWedge calculates the factor of safety for a wedge of known alignment. In a probabilistic analysis, statistical input data can be entered to account for uncertainty in seam alignment and resistance values. This results in a safety factor distribution from which the probability of failure is calculated. In a combinatorial analysis, any number of joint planes can be defined, and SWedge will calculate all possible combinations of joint intersections capable of forming a wedge.

Features of Rocscience SWedge

  • Combination Wedge Analysis
  • Sensitivity & Probabilistic Analysis
  • Surface Wedge Analysis
  • Ponded Water Models
  • Batch Compute
  • Automate From Excel

System Requirements

Operating System
Windows 10 (64-bit)
8GB memory (RAM)
Hard Disk

Recommended: 1TB SSD.


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精品软件:百度搜闪电软件园  最新软件百度搜:闪电下载吧
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