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[其他原创]Deltek Acumen 8.8 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2023-06-22 09:42:20

Improving schedule quality and risk management helps deliver projects on schedule and on budget. Monte Carlo simulation can identify and help mitigate schedule and cost risk and improve outcomes. With Deltek Acumen, you can risk adjust schedules to model impacts, collaboratively reduce exposure and improve completion confidence. Acumen 360 helps generate reliable schedule scenarios to identify acceleration opportunities and help select the best path to optimize project completion. Acumen Risk helps determine the impact of schedule delays on project cost estimates by modeling schedule and cost risk linkages. Acumen Risk uses qualitative risk analysis to identify risks and help evaluate mitigation plans to determine the ROI of each step. Acumen 360 identifies acceleration opportunities within a project to help make smart decisions on the best path forward.

Features of Deltek Acumen

  • Supports qualitative risk analysis with uncertainty, risks, mitigations or any combination so you can compare results
  • Deltek Acumen easily links schedule risk to cost risk to determine the impact of schedule delays on project cost estimates
  • Leverage project risk management to create risk adjusted schedule scenarios to export back to your scheduling tool
  • Includes actionable information in easy-to-understand reports that can be run at any level of the project
  • Examples include: Risk Exposure with contingency, Risk Drivers by activities or events, Probabilistic Critical Path reporting, Risk Sensitivity (JCL) and Executive Briefing narrative reports
  • Mitigations can be simple or include multiple steps in a mitigation plan
  • Mitigation analysis looks at each step in the plan and identifies the impact savings by step for better decisions
  • Use Risk Drivers to identify which risks to mitigate and mitigation analysis to decide which steps have real impacts
  • Leverage a powerful acceleration engine to generate scenarios and compare results and keep projects moving forward
  • Calibrate duration by interactively accelerating activities, groups of activities or the entire project schedule, in real time
  • Complete customization, including acceleration rates and compression order
  • Automation makes the task of accelerating a schedule less difficult and time consuming
  • Create multiple versions of schedules to weigh different options and choose the best one

System Requirements

No backend database installation required.
  • Operating System :Windows 32-bit
  • CPU : 2 Cores
  • Storage : 300 MB Hard Drive Space
  • Memory : 3 GB RAM (32-bit)
  • Graphics : N/A
  • Operating System :Windows 64-bit
  • CPU : 4 Cores
  • Storage : 500 MB Hard Drive Space
  • Memory : 8 GB RAM (32-bit)
  • Graphics : Discrete GPU recommended. Older integrated GPU’s will affect performance.


精品软件:百度搜闪电软件园  最新软件百度搜:闪电下载吧
有问题联系 sdbeta@qq.com

只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2024-12-09 11:20:26