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Adobe InDesign 2024 v19.4 (x64) Multilingual | 990.6 Mb 别具一格的版面,尽在 InDesignAdobe InDesign 是用于印刷和数字媒体的业界领先的版面和页面设计软件。利用顶级字体公司的印刷字体和各种图像,创作精美的平面设计。快速共享 PDF 中的内容和反馈。通过 Adobe Experience Manager 轻松管理制作。InDesign 具备创建和发布书籍、数字杂志、电子书、海报和交互式 PDF 等内容所需的一切。Standout layouts. Only with InDesign. InDesign is the industry-leading layout and page design software for print and digital media. Create beautiful graphic designs with typography from the world?s top foundries and imagery from Adobe Stock. Quickly share content and feedback in PDF. Easily manage production with Adobe Experience Manager. InDesign has everything you need to create and publish books, digital magazines, eBooks, posters, interactive PDFs, and more. Make an impression in print.Design everything from stationery, flyers, and posters to brochures, annual reports, magazines, and books. With professional layout and typesetting tools, you can create multicolumn pages that feature stylish typography and rich graphics, images, and tables. Digital publications. Dazzling interactions.Create digital magazines, eBooks, and interactive online documents that draw people in with audio, video, slideshows, and animations. InDesign makes it easy to manage your design elements and quickly deliver immersive experiences in any format. Keep your team on the same page.Design faster and smarter with tools built for collaboration. Make changes quickly with Paragraph, Character, or Object Styles. Share feedback and edits from PDFs. InDesign integrates with Creative Cloud and Adobe Experience Manager, so you can share content, fonts, and graphics across all your projects. See what new can do.InDesign is always getting better, with new features rolling out regularly. And with your Creative Cloud membership, you get them as soon as we release them. Here are some of the latest updates. Peak performanceOur latest upgrades include faster launch times and performance improvements. Adobe Experience Manager integrationKeep your content up to date and share assets across all your projects using Adobe Experience Manager. SVG importImport SVG files into your InDesign projects to create interactive graphics and animations. Variable fontsDesign with variable fonts . customizable typefaces that compact multiple fonts into a single file.
InDesign 2023 年 10 月版(版本 19.0) 自动设置多个文本框架的样式以及编辑和管理样式包 自动设置样式可识别文本元素并将样式包应用于无格式文本。通过选择多个文本框架或在画布上粘贴文本来使用自动设置样式。使用预设样式包或创建和管理您自己的样式包。 在已发布文档中搜索文本并自定义分析 通过 Publish Online 上的可搜索文本改善阅读体验。当在线发布文档时,您还可以集成 Google Analytics 来衡量流量和参与度。 以 JPEG 和 PNG 格式导出的文件名后缀 在导出为 JPEG 和 PNG 格式时,添加动态字符(如递增数字、页码和页面大小)作为文件名后缀,以便在系统中进行区分并轻松筛选这些文件。 隐藏跨页 隐藏选定的跨页,以将其从演示文稿模式和导出选项(如 PNG、JPEG、PDF(打印)或 PDF(交互式)格式)中排除。 Harfbuzz 作为默认的塑形引擎在 World Ready Composer 下 使用 Harfbuzz 作为 World Ready Composer 下的默认塑形引擎,您会发现改进了印度语以及中东和北非语言字形的形状,并正确呈现。System Requirements:- Processor: Multicore Intel processor (with 64-bit support) or AMD Athlon® 64 processor.- Operating system: Windows 10 (64-bit) / Windows 11 (64-bit)Supported on Windows 10 versions 20H2, 21H1, 21H2, and Windows 11 version 21H2- Minimum 8 GB of RAM (16 GB recommended)- Hard disk space: 3.6 GB of available hard-disk space for installationAdditional free space required during installation (cannot install on removable flash storage devices)SSD recommended- Monitor resolution: 1024 x 768 display (1920 X 1080 recommended), HiDPI display supportScalable UI: Minimum monitor resolution required is 1920 x 1080. Home Page - https://www.adobe.com/