Modelithics Qorvo GaN库是使用“同类最佳”测量和建模技术开发的,包含 Qorvo GaN 晶体管器件的高精度非线性仿真模型,适用于Keysight Technologies的PathWave Advanced Design System (ADS) 2017-2022版本。Modelithics以提供基于高精度测量的高级特征模拟模型而闻名,提供强大的基底和零件值缩放能力,有助于高频设计。Modelithics的模型库与最新的电子设计自动化(EDA)模拟工具无缝集成,并有完整的文档,每个模型都有模型信息数据表。
The Qorvo GaN transistor model library contains a powerful collection of high-accuracy nonlinear simulation models for die- and package-format GaN transistors from Qorvo. Each model has advanced design features including variable bias, temperature scaling, self-heating effects, intrinsic I-V sensing, and bondwire settings when applicable. The Modelithics Qorvo GaN library also contains example projects that demonstrate the model features and facilitate the process of test bench setup for common linear and nonlinear design simulations.
Modelithics has used select models to generate power amplifier reference designs. They have then fabricated, tested and documented these designs to illustrate the model accuracy and usefulness for design application, as well as the individual GaN device capabilities at the PA circuit level. One reference design for a 1.8-2.2 GHz PA design illustrates how the use of intrinsic port access and multiharmonic tuning features of the GaN models, and the use of Modelithics Microwave Global Models™ for the passives, were keys to first-pass design success. (See the related cover feature article in the March 2016 issue of High Frequency Electronics magazine). Another article discussing the device and circuit level validations of the Modelithics Qorvo GaN Library, Device and PA Circuit Level Validations of a High Power GaN Model Library, can be found in the August 2016 issue of Microwave Journal.