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- 2024-11-06
Analysis and design of offshore platforms and vessels are some of the greatest technical challenges in the offshore engineering profession. To address this, Bentley proudly offers SACS, MOSES and Maxsurf – a range of software proven in offshore and marine industry-specific capabilities. 海上工程师和结构工程师需要设计、分析和模拟海上平台或风力涡轮机在各种操作条件和能力下的响应。海上设计人员使用海上结构分析软件来解决海上结构的结构设计,包括油气平台以及FPSO和浮式平台的上部。他们可以分析设计-操作-退役生命周期。海上工程师可以创建能够承受意外事件的设计,例如推倒、船舶撞击、掉落物体和爆炸载荷。海上结构工程师可以设计船体和主要结构,并进行稳定性评估和运动分析。他们可以设计系泊设备、灵活的立管以及固定和浮动的海上风电平台。 借助 Bentley 的集成结构建模、分析和仿真环境,您可以设计海上结构,以满足波浪、风、水流和地震荷载的运行条件。确保下一个海上项目生命周期内的安全性和完整性。SACS海洋工程结构SACS海洋工程结构优化设计以确保合规性、了解行为并准确预测所有类型海洋工程结构的性能。查看详情SACS 折叠SACS 折叠从一系列动态事件中识别失效机制,包括推覆、船舶撞击、掉落物体和爆炸分析。查看详情SACS 疲劳SACS 疲劳降低海上结构失效风险并生成详细的疲劳寿命计算。查看详情SACS桩结构设计SACS桩结构设计使用桩结构交互设计软件提高结构的安全性。 MOSES is integrated offshore simulation software. This advanced hydrostatic and hydrodynamic software ensures that you can apply industry best practices to installation and design sequences, while exploring design alternatives within a unified modeling environment. Bentley MOSES integrated simulation software helps you minimize offshore project risks with optimal designs. Easily analyze floating systems across a range of operating conditions using simulation language to define environmental conditions, specify mooring configurations, and run integrated solvers in a unified environment. Use interactive graphical tools specific to offshore structures to prepare models of your vessels and floating systems. Help ensure accurate loading definition by visualizing tank and compartment models during modification. Leverage comprehensive and customizable scripting tools and pre-defined macros to explore design alternatives and manage complex installation sequences. These modules are included in MOSES ULTIMATE: - MOSES Solver: Allows you to consider all type of forces acting on your floating systems, including hydrostatic, hydrodynamic, inertial, and mooring forces.
- MOSES Language: Provides a unique, flexible, and powerful way of specifying system behavior and analyzing performance for different installations and operational conditions.
- Hull Modeler: Gives you an interactive way to create 3D hull shapes.
- Stability Modeler: Allows you to model compartmentation and load case management.
- Motions Modeler: Provides the tools for modeling environmental and mooring inputs.
- Hull Mesher: Enables you to graphically represent structural models.
- Basic Connectors: Offer a generalized way of modeling lifting slings, anchor lines, mooring lines, nonlinear springs, pins, fenders, and other items that connect two bodies or a body to the ground. Connectors can be tension-only or compression-only and custom connectors can be defined.
- Strip Theory: Provides a fast and proven way to predict the motions of your vessel. It is well suited for barge transports and any vessel that is slender in its L/B (length/beam) ratio.
- 3D Diffraction: Allows you to predict motions for non-ship shaped hulls and account for surge. Adaptive meshing automatically increases panel mesh density as required.
- Time Domain: Perform time-history simulations on single or multi-body systems to predict performance. The Time Domain module can perform a time history simulation on any single or multi-body system. Starting from the frequency domain results, and taking into account mooring, current, and wave forces, the Time Domain module provides fast computation of full system response. Customizable reporting and automatic generation of system response animations allow easy understanding and communication of results.
- Pipe and Rod Elements: Handle mooring line dynamics with accurate calculations or response, including accounting for large deflections. This allows modelling and analysis of anchor lines, mooring lines, TLP (tension leg platform) tendons, rigid risers, and pipelines.
- Structural Solver: Enable structural analysis, as well as spectral fatigue analysis of topside and cargo structures. It supports beam and plate elements and can import structures from SACS.
- Jacket Launch: Perform six-degree-of-freedom time domain simulations of jacket launches from a barge into water.
- Generalized Degrees of Freedom: Understand the effect of structural deformation and flexibility on buoyancy, frequency response, and loadout calculations. It can also be used to consider the hydrodynamic interaction between two vessels.
Maxsurf is naval architecture software ideal for the design of marine vessels. Maxsurf includes capabilities for hull modeling, stability, motions and resistance prediction, structural modeling, structural analysis, and export to vessel detailing. Maxsurf operates from a single parametric 3D model in order to ensure smooth communication and coordination across various involved in the project. Ensure compliance with international stability criteria and balance vessel performance requirements using integrated analysis tools. Perform a range of analyses including intact and damaged stability, resistance and motions prediction, and structural analysis. Create complex 3D hull forms for any type of vessel using wizards and interactive sketch tools. Systematically explore design alternatives by making measured changes to models with easy-to-use tools. Apply transformations to increase the productivity of the initial hull design process. Perform faster hull form variation and analysis with team-based concurrent modeling on a common 3D parametric model. Easily visualize and assess design alternatives within a consistent graphical environment with smooth data flow. Multiframe Structural Engineering Software provides linear and non-linear analysis, static and dynamic options and buckling calculations. These analysis options are complemented by a full range of analysis-related modeling tools like master-slave, prescribed displacements, springs, thermal effects, offset members, additional masses and much more. Other modules allow you to draw section shapes and install them in the sections library and perform design checks for a range of design codes. Multiframe Automation allows you to prepare design calculations in Excel and link them directly with your Multiframe model. An ever expanding range of design add-ons also allows you to simplify steel code checking and optimization. 本部分内容设定了隐藏,需要回复后才能看到