全球数以百万计的设计师、工程师和企业都信任 SOLIDWORKS 提供功能强大且易于使用的 2D 和 3D 产品开发解决方案。从直观的 CAD 工作流程和 3D 建模到简化日常协作的云技术,SOLIDWORKS 拥有正确完成工作的工具。 使用一整套行业领先的产品开发工具释放您的创造力。从机械和工业设计和建模到实时协作和下一代技术(如人工智能和创成式设计),SOLIDWORKS 解决方案使您能够设计和制造任何东西。您是否需要更高的灵活性和可访问性? 所有 SOLIDWORKS 设计工具都包含用于 3D 共享、标记、数据存储、设计审阅、数据管理和协作工具的云功能,可帮助您随时随地优先考虑对设计的热情。
Proteus 是测试和训练体力和力量的新标准。Proteus 是如何在不到八年的时间里从初创公司成长为领导者的?通过使用 SOLIDWORKS® 产品开发工具从头开始构建训练和康复工具。了解 Proteus 如何开发体验,引入一种测量力量和身体表现的新方法。其结果是各种类型运动员健身方式的革命。
Dassault Systèmes has launched SOLIDWORKS 2025, the latest release of its portfolio of 3D design and product development applications. Millions of innovators worldwide can accelerate the development of new products and improve product experiences for their customers with hundreds of user-requested enhancements and new functionalities that improve user experience and performance.
SOLIDWORKS 2025 features enhanced collaboration and data management, streamlined workflows for parts, assemblies, drawings, 3D dimensioning and tolerancing, electrical and pipe routing, ECAD/MCAD collaboration, and rendering. It also includes updates to SOLIDWORKS PDM, SOLIDWORKS Simulation, SOLIDWORKS Electric Schematic, SOLIDWORKS Electrical Schematic Designer, and DraftSight applications that enable better and faster design. Users continue to benefit from the seamless integration of SOLIDWORKS with Dassault Systèmes’ 3DEXPERIENCE platform on the cloud, which unifies data, applications and the latest technologies to ensure they work collaboratively and with the latest files.
Highlights of SOLIDWORKS 2025 include:
- Collaboration with industry peers by accessing communities directly from SOLIDWORKS, and real-time notifications of all actions performed on a model.
- Streamlined part design with a new selection