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[酷站分享]20G/500G/PHP/MYSQL/LP/FTP/绑米/无广告/sitegoz.com [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2008-12-21 17:42:29

FreeWebhosting Features:
* 20 Gb of free web space
* 500 Gb bandwith
* No forced ads
* Php, SQL support
* Instant activation
* yourname.sitegoz.com
* or your own domain name!
* Free web statistics (awstats)
* Instant activation
* Pre-installed scripts
Sitegoz.com Free web hosting is ideal for small business site or personal sites eg. blogs, forums. We provide 20Gb space, 500Gb monthly bandwidth, MySQL, phpMyAdmin, FTP access, file manager, PHP hosting, Web Statictics, no banners or ads, 99.9% uptime and much more. All of our accounts come with a easy to use control panel that makes it very simple to manage your web site and files. Your free account comes with PHP, multiple MySQL databases, 20GB of disk space & 500GB of bandwidth and much more. Most importantly, no forced ads at all!

You can choose to use your username as you URL e.g. username.sitegoz.com or your own domain name e.g www.yourname.com Most of the free web host placed ads on users' page. This is entirely up to you. And remember, there is no advertising of any sort shown on your web site. Yes. No Ads!

Our server is powered by 2 load-balanced quad core CPU and loaded with 8G of RAMs. We contantly monitor our server 24x7 to assure your site will stay online always. *Sign up today!*

Simple Rules:
- No warez or illegal download sites
- Legal adult sites allowed
- No spam of any kind (keep it clean)
- No phishing sites (myspace, facebook, yahoo clones, banking portal clone)
- No sites that promote violence or racism
- No proxy sites

Your site will be terminated without any notice if you violated any of the rules above. Visit here for a more detailed Terms & Condition.

申请地址 http://www.sitegoz.com/register.jsp