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[动物世界]Milk And Toast And Honey--Roxette [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2009-08-08 10:49:53
Milk And Toast And Honey--Roxette

Milk and toast and honey make it sunny on a rainy Saturday, he-he-hey
Milk and toast, some coffee take the stuffiness out of days you hate, you
really hate
Slow morning news pass me by
I try not to analyse but didn't he blow my mind this time
Didn't he blow my mind
(Here he comes)
To bring a little lovin', honey
To take away the hurt inside is everything that matters to me
Is everything I want in life
Milk and toast and honey
Ain't it funny how things sometimes look so clear and feel so near
The dreams I dream, my favourite wishful thinkin'
Oh he's bookmarked everywhere, everywhere
True love might fall from the sky
You never know what to find but didn't he blow my mind this time
Didn't he blow my mind?
(Here he comes)
To bring a little lovin', honey
To take away the pain inside is everything that matters to me
Is everything I want in life
(Here he comes)
Oh lay a little lovin', baby
To feel you're gettin' close to me is everything that matters to me
Is everywhere I want to be

  Roxette来自国际流行音乐重镇瑞典,由男成员Per Gessle和女成员Marie Fredriksson组成。per和marie78年相识于哈尔姆斯塔德市的一家摇滚俱乐部,俩人都爱好美国60年代的摇滚乐。1986年,他们正式走到了一起,组建了Roxette。首张专辑《Pearls Of Passion》的推出便在瑞典一炮而红。可以说《Joyride》这张专辑名字的来源,来自保罗.卡特尼所说的一句话:“和约翰.侬一起写歌就像是进行了一次长途兜风”。谭咏麟的那首《你知我知》,正是Roxette在89年《Look sharp》里的“the look”,老牌港台只是做了重新填词。


紫雨 电魂 +4 闪电联盟因你而精彩! 2009-08-08