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[网络应用]FX Equation 5.005.2 中文汉化 equation公式编辑器 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2015-06-05 22:41:57

FX Equation 5.0 中文汉化版是用来简化在计算机上创建复杂的数学方程式的过程的程序。即使是缺乏经验的个人,它可以很容易地使用。

FX Equation 5.0 中文汉化版是一个直观的布局友好的用户界面。外汇公式允许您使用程度的标志,小写和大写的希腊字母,符号,数字公式,微积分,统计,根,格式化,矩阵,向量和定义分段函数。

Feature List

FX Autoquate

Type mixed equations and text and have FX Autoquate format automatically.

Advanced Bayesian analysis used to detect equations.

Automatic formatting of text and equations using predetermined, overrideable formatting defaults.

System designed for secondary school level mathematics.

Equation Entry

Highly productive, text based equation entry system. Just type.

Equations formatted as you type.

Word-processor like formatting commands that apply to text and equations.

Menu based equation entry that can be used instead of, or in addition to, text entry.

Equation Elements

Lower case and upper case Greek letters.

Automatic exponentiation of expressions such as x2

Full complement of mathematical symbols (secondary level mathematics).

Doublestruck symbols for number sets.

Equation numbering.

Short division signs.



Sigma and product notations.

Scientific notation.

Add boxes around expressions and create empty boxes.

Permutations and combinations.

Lowercase and uppercase vectors using a variety of notations.

Matrices and column vectors.

Arc over expression.


Bar over expressions.

Hats and dots over epxressions.

Customisable shortcuts for complex expressions.

Automatic formatting of composite expressions.

Automatic formatting of mixed numerals.

Recurring decimals.

Greatest integer symbols/brackets.

Definite integral bounds.

Derivative at a point.

Equation alignment over multiple lines

Output Options Windows Mac


LaTeX customised for easy use on Moodle.

Microsoft Word Equation.


Vector based SVG files.

Insertable OLE object.

Integration and Compatibility Windows Mac

One file type compatible across all platforms.

Multiple output formats to integrate into your desired platform.

Insertable OLE object.

Integration with Word 2007 (and later) ribbon bar.

Integration with Powerpoint 2010 (and later) ribbon bar.

Output suitable for Pages and Keynote.

下载:FX Equation 5.005.2 中文汉化破解版 equation公式编辑器

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