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- 2025-02-22
高手裸奔首选工具沙盘Sandboxie 现已更新至v5.12 正式版!这次更新支持浏览器Chrome 52内核,增强Win10系统兼容。5.0版主要完美支持Win10,大大提升了软件启动速度。附上破解补丁及激活教程!Sandboxie是国外出品的,经典优秀的共享版沙盘工具,个人可以免费试用。它就像它的名字沙盘一样,只要在此环境中运行的软件,浏览器或注册表信息等等都可以完整的进行清空,不留一点痕迹。同时可以防御一些带有木马或者病毒的恶意网站!对于经常测试软件或者不放心的软件,可放心在沙盘里面运行![attachment=215717] 新版变化: http://sandboxie.com/index.php?VersionChanges2016.06.16 Sandboxie 5.12 Final x32/x64* Microsoft Office 2013/2016/365 ClickToRun is now supported for paid users. * Chrome 52 is now supported. * Sandboxed applications are no longer allowed to change the system power configuration. * Environment variable USERNAME now shows proper username instead of “SYSTEM” in sandboxed applications. * Added qWave driver (Google Hangouts, and other websites) to templates.ini under Applications->Miscellaneous * The new, faster loader code developed for Windows 10 is now used for Win 8.0 & 8.1. * Fixed 2 Excel clipboard related crashes * Fixed Win 10 FR 14328 issue with WOW64 applications crashing. * Fixed Win 10 FR 14316 BSOD. Fixed Win 10 FR 14316 (SBIE1113 Cannot find Nt system service, reason MASTER TABLE). * Fixed Win 10 FR 14295 crash in Chrome & FF. * Fixed Win 10 FR Build 14279 (SBIE1113 Cannot find Nt system service, reason MASTER TABLE) * Fixed rare printing crash in Chrome-32 under Win 10-64.沙盘 Sandboxie v5.12 正式版 官方本地下载:http://www.sandboxie.com/attic/SandboxieInstall-512.exehttp://www.sandboxie.com/attic/SandboxieInstall32-512.exehttp://www.sandboxie.com/attic/SandboxieInstall64-512.exe软件+已和谐的驱动+注册破解补丁+激活步骤教程http://pan.baidu.com/s/1i3tU649 访问码pix2 http://yunpan.cn/cHm8yXBvtUUsh 访问码f921