STEP 7 (TIA Portal) helps you perform your engineering tasks intuitively and efficiently. Thanks to its integration in TIA Portal, STEP 7 offers transparency, intelligent user navigation, and straightforward workflows in every work and programming step. Functions such as drag & drop, copy & paste, and Auto Complete make work much quicker and easier. SIEMENS SIMATIC STEP 7 v5.7 Professional 2021 (Site Package 2021/06) x64
SIMATIC STEP 7 offers maximum user-friendliness, regardless of whether you‘re a beginner in the engineering field or already have many years of experience. For new users, the engineering is easy to learn and apply, whereas for experts, it’s fast and efficient.SIEMENS SIMATIC STEP 7是控制器系列S7-300,S7-400,C7和WinAC的编程软件。凭借其广泛的易用功能,STEP 7软件显着提高了所有自动化任务的效率。无论是配置硬件,建立通信,编程,测试,调试和服务,文档和归档,还是操作和/或诊断功能,该软件都在其领域设定了基准。SIMATIC STEP 7是工业自动化中世界上最著名和使用最广泛的工程软件。并且:STEP 7符合标准。Siemens is pleased to announce the availability of SIMATIC STEP 7 Professional 2017 SP2, is the world's best known and most widely used engineering software in industrial automation. The SP2 / SR2 can be installed directly over the existing STEP 7 V5.6 / S7-GRAPH V5.6 / STEP 7 Professional 2017 software. This file (SR2_SP2_what_new.rar) lists all the new and updated features and also bug fixes that are available in SP2 / Service Release 2. Siemens has rolled out its venerable software platforms, STEP 7 Professional 2017, expanding its list of compatible operating systems and improving performance and security.TIA Portal中的SIMATIC STEP 7(全集成自动化门户中的工程系统)延续了SIMATIC STEP 7的成功故事。借助TIA Portal中的SIMATIC STEP 7,用户可以配置,编程,测试和诊断所有模块化和PC基于SIMATIC控制器。
使用SIMATIC STEP 7 Safety Advanced选项,您还可以利用TIA Portal的所有优势进行故障安全自动化。生成面向安全的程序所需的所有组态和编程工具都已集成到STEP 7用户界面中,并使用通用的项目结构。STEP 7 Professional 2017 SR2SIMATIC S7 / C7的工程软件安全信息:西门子为产品和解决方案提供工业安全功能,支持工厂,系统,机器和网络的安全运行。为了保护工厂,系统,机器和网络免受网络威胁,有必要实施 - 并持续维护 - 一个整体的,最先进的工业安全概念。西门子的产品和解决方案只是这一概念的一个要素。客户有责任防止未经授权访问其工厂,系统,机器和网络。系统,机器和组件只应在必要的范围内并通过适当的安全措施(例如使用防火墙和网络分段)连接到企业网络或互联网。SIMATIC STEP 7 Professional 2017基于STEP7 V5.6的SIMATIC控制器综合工程解决方案[图片]STEP 7 Professional 2017包含以下软件包: - STEP 7 V5.6基础
- S7 - 图形。
- S7 - SCL
除了在购买单个组件方面节省大量成本之外,您还可以利用减少的安装工作量和订购整合的软件更新服务的可能性。 STEP 7基础通过使用STEP 7 Basis,您可以轻松方便地对SIMATIC S7-300,S7-400,SIMATIC C7和SIMATIC WinAC自动化系统进行编程。STEP 7包含自动化项目所有阶段的功能:配置和参数化硬件。指定通信。编程。 测试,启动和服务文档,归档。操作/诊断功能SIMATIC控制器的软件直观,高效的工程设计 - 从微控制器到基于PC的控制器使用SIMATIC,用户可以依赖集成的工程环境。高效的软件在机器或工厂的整个生命周期内为用户提供支持 - 从规划和设计阶段,到配置和编程,一直到调试,操作和升级。凭借其集成功能和协调的接口,SIMATIC软件可在整个工程过程中实现高度的数据一致性。STEP 7(TIA Portal) - 新一代控制器软件SIMATIC STEP 7(TIA Portal)延续了SIMATIC STEP 7的成功案例。使用SIMATIC STEP 7(TIA Portal),用户可以对每一代的基本,高级和分布式控制器进行配置,编程,测试和诊断,无论是PLC还是PC基于,包括 软件控制器。STEP 7 Basic(TIA Portal) 基本控制器SIMATIC S7-1200的TIA Portal中STEP 7控制器软件的价格优化子集,包括HMI软件WinCC BasicSTEP 7 Professional (TIA Portal)用于编程SIMATIC控制器的综合软件解决方案,具有大量集成功能。 STEP 7(TIA Portal)选项标准控制器软件的功能补充,例如用于故障安全应用或技术任务 STEP 7 V.5.6 - 经过验证的解决方案,具有久经考验的功能SIMATIC STEP 7是世界上最着名和最广泛使用的工业自动化工程软件。 STEP 7 Professional 2017经过验证的SIMATIC S7-300 / S7-400和SIMATIC WinAC编程软件,以及作为单独组件或完整软件包STEP 7 Professional提供的其他编辑器。 编程和设计选项除了STEP 7 Professional的5种编程语言外,SIMATIC还提供了编程和设计的更多选项,例如用于故障安全应用 诊断和服务选项为了降低相关成本,建议使用诊断工具。过程诊断支持维护人员进行故障排除和故障排除。
技术和驱动器选项选择STEP 7 V5.x的其他选项来解决诸如回路控制或定位等技术任务以及用于集成西门子驱动器的软件 许可和软件更新服务SIMATIC软件的不断开发确保所有自动化组件都集成在最新级别。选择正确的许可证以从您的产品中获得最大收益。 系统创新和迁移为了保持竞争力,机器和设施必须不断适应最新的要求。西门子为您提供个性化的迁移支持,帮助您实现个人目标。SIMATIC STEP 7 Basic(TIA Portal)是TIA Portal中STEP 7 Professional控制器软件的价格优化子集,可用于SIMATIC S7-1200基本控制器的工程设计和SIMATIC HMI基本面板的组态,因为WinCC Basic是软件包。由于SIMATIC STEP 7 Basic集成到TIA Portal工程框架中,例如直接在线诊断,轻松创建工艺对象以及库节点,可节省时间重用。STEP 7 Basic(TIA Portal)支持IEC编程语言LAD(梯形图)以及FBD(功能块图)和SCL(结构化文本)。
step 7 professional 2017破解版安装激活教程 1.本站下载压缩包,小编已经将 STEP 7 v15 Professional 2017 SR1和STEP 7 v5.6 SP1分别打包上传百度网盘,小编之前已经更新了STEP 7 v5.6 SP1的激活教程:STEP 7 v5.6 SP1激活教程今天小编这里主要是下载step 7 professional 2017并安装激活为例制作教程2.解压step 7 professional 2017包,获得安装包安装包和授权工具
10.运行授权工具Sim_EKB_Install_2018_09_11.exe,点击左侧的STEP 7-STEP 7 v15 2017,勾选安装组件,点安装长密匙
12.可以免费使用了[img][/img] SIMATIC STEP 7 Professional 2017功能介绍 最全面的工程软件,用于要求严格的控制器任 放大STEP 7 Professional - 用于所有SIMATIC控制器的组态和编程的终极工程工具。STEP 7(TIA-Portal)可帮助您直观,高效地解决工程任务。由于其集成到TIA Portal中,由于其透明性,智能用户导航和简单的工作流程,STEP 7在每个工作和编程步骤中都提供了令人印象深刻的性能。拖放,复制和粘贴以及自动完成等功能使工作变得更加快捷和轻松。应用使用STEP 7 Professional的控制器工程包括:- PLC编程:
SIMATIC WinCC Basic也包含在此处,用于使用SIMATIC Basic Panel进行简单的可视化任务。
优点STEP 7(TIA Portal) - 生产生命周期每个阶段的理想工程系统,可实现:- 凭借
强调STEP 7 Professional und die neuen SIMATIC Controllergenerationen bieten eine Vielzahl innovativer Features undintegrierterFunktionalitäten:- 创新的编程语言创新:
STEP 7,CPU显示器,Web服务器和HMI的统一显示概念,无需配置时间,最多4条实时跟踪
Safety Integrated
一种用于基于标准和基于安全的任务的工程。与标准程序相同的操作概念,编辑器和诊断(需要STEP 7安全选项)
Product: Siemens SIMATIC STEP 7Version: Professional 2017 SR2 *Supported Architectures: x64Website Home Page : englishSystem Requirements: PC **Supported Operating Systems: **Software Prerequisites: ***Size: 2.8 Gb * ContentsContents of the Consignment
Contents of DVD STEP 7 Professional
Folder "InstData":
- STEP 7 V5.6 incl. SP2
- Automation License Manager V6.0 incl. SP5 incl. Upd1
- S7-GRAPH V5.6 SP2-S7-SCL V5.6 incl. HF1
- S7-PLCSIM V5.4 incl. SP8 incl. Upd1
- S7-PCT V3.5 SP1-S7 Web2PLC V1.0 SP3
Application for creation and setup of user-defined Web pages for the Web server ofthe CPU.
- S7 Block Privacy V1.0 SP4
Application for encoding of blocks.
A block protected with Block Privacy can only be loaded to the following CPUs:
- S7-300 and ET 200 CPUs as of firmware V3.2
- S7-400 CPUs as of firmware V 6.0
- A block protected with "Block Privacy" will not be considered in the reference datalists! Keep this in mind when creating protected blocks. All global variables used increating protected blocks cannot be entered in the reference data list. This means youshould not use global variables in the protected blocks.
Folder "_Manuals":
- file "STEP 7 - What's New.rtf"
- file "S7-GRAPH - What's New.rtf"
- file "S7-SCL - What's New.rtf"
- Electronic manuals for STEP 7 V5.6 SP2
- Electronic manuals for S7-GRAPH V5.6 SP2
- Electronic manuals for S7-SCL V5.6
- Electronic manuals for S7-PLCSIM V5.4 incl. SP8 incl. Upd1
- Command Interface description
- Description of the Central Installation Procedure
** System Requirements:Operating System
STEP 7 Professional 2017 SR2 can be used with the following operating systems:
· MS Windows 7 Ultimate, Professional and Enterprise (64-bit), with SP1
· MS Windows 10 Pro and Enterprise (64-bit)
· MS Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit) with SP1 (Standard Edition as work stationcomputer)
· MS Windows Server 2012 R2 (64-bit) (Standard Edition as work station computer)
· MS Windows Server 2016 (64-bit) (Standard Edition as work station computer)
· MS Windows Server 2019 (64-bit) (Standard Edition as work station computer) STEP 7 Professional has not been tested on any other operating systems; use at your ownrisk.
Supported virtualization platforms
You can install the SIMATIC STEP 7 Professional software package in a virtual machine. Todo so, use one of the following virtualization platforms:
· VMware vSphere Hypervisor ESX(i) 6.7 Update 2
· VMware Workstation Pro 15.1
· VMware Workstation Player 15.1
· Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Hyper-V.
You can use the following host operating systems within the selected virtualization platform toinstall SIMATIC STEP 7 Professional 2017 SR2:
· Windows 7 Ultimate (64-bit)
· Windows 10 Pro (64-bit).
There can be restrictions on the STEP 7 online functions.
. The same hardware requirements as for SIMATIC STEP 7 Professional 2017 SR2itself apply to the host operating systems.
. The plant operator must ensure that the host operating systems have sufficientsystem resources. .
. We recommend the use of hardware certified by the manufacturers when usingHyperV-Server and ESX(i).
. When you use Microsoft Hyper-V, accessible stations cannot be displayed.
. With respect to the use of communications processors (e.g. CP5711…), pleaseobserve the relevant information in the module documentation and on theSIMATIC Support pages (
Memory Requirements
STEP 7 Professional requires, depending on the installation, approx. 2 GB of memory on yourhard disk. The exact value depends on your operating system and on the file system used onyour programming device/personal computer.
MS Windows also requires additional free space on the hard disk (typically C:) for its swap file,depending on the memory configuration.
You should keep at least double the amount of main memory free on your hard disk (example:with a main memory of 1024 MB you will need 2048 MB hard disk space for the page filefollowing the installation of STEP 7 Professional).
Depending on the size of the project, it may be necessary to have a larger swap file, forexample, when copying an entire project (twice the size of the project on the hard drive inaddition). If the free memory area for the swap file is too small, errors may occur (the programcould possibly crash). Additional Windows applications which run parallel to STEP 7Professional (such as Microsoft Word) also require additional hard disk space for the swap file.
In order to ensure that the required memory for the swap file is really available, the minimumsize for the swap file should be set to the above value. This can be set in Windows (forexample, Windows 7) in the taskbar inStart > Control Panel (inSystem >Advanced systemsettings > Advanced > Performance > Settings > Advanced).
You must make certain that you have enough free memory on the drive where the project dataare located. If there is not enough memory on the drive, the project data may be destroyedduring an operation (for example, when compiling an STL source file into blocks). We alsorecommend that you do not store the project data on the same drive as the Windows swap file.
*** Software Prerequisites:You can upgrade an existing installation of STEP 7 V5.3, V5.4, V5.5, V5.6, V5.6 SP1 and V5.6 SP2 to STEP 7 Professional 2017 SR2. Observe the notes in the paragraph "OperatingEnvironment" regarding the approved operating systems. You do not have to uninstall these STEP 7 versions and optional packages. However, you must uninstall older versions and their optional packages beforehand.
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西门子 Siemens SIMATIC STEP 7 Professional 2021(STEP 7 v5.7)SIEMENS SIMATIC STEP 7 v5.7 Professional 2021 (Site Package 2021.06)下载 [ 此帖被pony8000在2021-07-14 00:14重新编辑 ]