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[图形图像]CodeAndWeb SpriteIlluminator 1.5.3 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2019-04-07 22:00:56

CodeAndWeb SpriteIlluminator 1.5.3 (x64) | 40.3 Mb

Normal Map Editor for dynamic lighting and special effects. Generate your normal maps. Generating and painting normal maps for 2d game objects and art. What is a normal map? Rendering dynamic lighting & other effects requires information in which direction a pixel is facing. The direction information — encoded into a color value — is called a normal map.

Effect tools
Effect tools create stunning effects in no time.

adds volume to a sprite's shape by extruding it's opaque parts.

adds height differences based on the luminosity of the sprite's colors.

Paint tools
Use the paint tools to directly draw on the normal map and fine tune the effects.

Angle Brush
adjusts angles in the normal map. The colors represent the angles you are painting.

Height Brush
raise or lower parts of the sprite.

Smoothen Brush
smoothen hard edges on the surface.

Structure / Noise
add noise and structure on the surface.

Selection tools
Use the selections to restrict effects and brush strokes.

Polygon Lasso
Select using a polygon.

Magic Wand
Select parts with similar color.

Requirements: Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit).


SpriteIlluminator 1.5.3 - Win64 : Search & Patch ACTIVATION

1. Download, and Install SpriteIlluminator 1.5.3
2. Start SpriteIlluminator 1.5.3 Activation Setup to Activate

Log in as Administrator, Right Click, and select run as Administrator

SEARCH & PATCH : Activates Future release Versions with minor code changes !

If you like the program then buy it to help support development.

Have a great day, countryboy

Password : countryboy

Check out my 12 minute video on how to crack SpriteIlluminator version 1.3 64 bit.
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