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[行业软件]Movicon.NExT 2023 (4.2 364) [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2019-05-02 23:22:38

Movicon.NExT 2020 version 4 | 674.4 mb

The Progea Automation Platform Next is a unique solution for dispatching technological processes, created on the basis of the .NET technology, with a modular architecture, web integration, with scaling to any size enterprise. Movicon Next SCADA system was developed using .NET technology, which allows using the latest Microsoft tools: 64-bit architecture, VFS (Virtual File System), Azure, WPF / XAML vector graphics. Movicon Next has a completely updated graphical interface based on WPF / XAML vector technology. Movicon Next is equipped with a large number of communication drivers. The communication base is based on OPC UA technology, which provides fast and reliable data exchange with technological devices.
Progea group, now part of Emerson, is pleased to announce the availability of Movicon.NExT 4.2 (355) is the updated industrial software platform that offers the most innovative and flexible software technologies for Windows/Linux HMI projects, for SCADA supervisors and for efficiency and MES analysis solutions, indispensable for Industry 4.0.

What’s New in Movicon.NExT Version 4.2

Enhanced Usability

Easier development and deployment
- Easier management of services (start, stop, install, uninstall) from the workspace, eliminating the need to be at the local machine and reducing time required for deployment
- Better visibility of the deployed version by displaying the information of the deploy Server at the end device, so customers will be able to identify if the version on the target machine is different from the local version and decide to overwrite when necessary
- Better access to all Movicon.NExT running services for all projects (I/O Data Server, WebClient App, WebHMI, etc.) to identify if a service should be running or if there are any duplicates; this capability will help customers reduce errors
- Improved development capabilities by using cross reference; duplicate variables are now displayed in the cross reference making it easier to correct mistakes when 2 tags with the same node ID are present, enabling users to rename incorrect references for screens
- Easier data management: now it’s possible to select the format required to show the value of the tag in the watch window, so it could be changed to tag, hexadecimal, octal, etc.
- The management of the information recorded inside logs has been optimized
- Enhanced Movicon.NExT Builder: DLL allows customers to create portions of the project (text, alarms, etc.) with scripting, and two new methods have been added to obtain the list of users and the list of roles present in a project, as well as password changes, levels, etc.
- Added support for Array data types into events using expression
- Added support for Array and Structures data types to recipes
- Added CFR21 support for recipes
- Recipe service is an OPC UA Server
- Added watchdog for scripts; this allows restarting a script in case of an unexpected exception
- Added the ability to concatenate strings of a project
- Applied a new custom theme to the workspace to better understand the options chosen from the workspace while developing a project
- Added the ‘find&replace’ functionality inside screens to improve project development
Expanding WebHMI capabilities
- Improved web browsing by adding the support for WebViewer objects, which enables developers to integrate any web content into a screen
- Added the support for the systemlog viewer object, which helps users during troubleshooting
- Additional object available to improve development experience and added support for the ChartXY object, Listbox object and border color animation on SVG elements
- Added capability for Javascripting in the background
- Added the support for ipCamera object
Cost-effective alarm notification and alarms enhancements
- Improved alarms notification to reduce infrastructure cost by adding a new plugin that sends push notification using Firebase
. Push notifications to smartphones using Firebase even if the phone is locked, and users can declare priority of the messages
. There’s no need for a modem at the server level, just online tools, which reduces the time/cost of sending alarms
- Added new alarm condition “Between” to define activation of an alarm between two values (Activation low value and high value)
Licensing made easier
- Enhanced license management by improving the visibility of enabled licenses, as well as adding a server-side and client-side system variable that reports the detected license number, enabling the addition of the license serial number as a variable that can be used in a project
- GO-Global software sessions are now licensed as remote desktop sessions
- Added the concept of unlimited license on number of tags (limited by the hardware)
Improved project troubleshooting
- Improved comparison function between periods on Data Analysis objects to compare the same variable in different periods
Easier implementation of PACEdge solutions
- Created a shared data bus to simplify data exchange of tag data within the PACEdge development environment, reducing the time of connecting internal solutions

Strengthening Communications

- Improved connectivity functionality by adding ‘test connection’ for communication drivers
- Within driver channel settings, communication could be tested to define if any problems exist
- Enabled management of %W memory areas for the Emerson Ethernet driver
- Accelerated server startup by using the last valid aggregation file
- Optimized the reading of the S7TCP driver
- Increased communication availability when simultaneous drivers are needed.
- In applications that require simultaneous drivers, one of the drivers can have low quality (a communication error will be generated), and the other driver will continue communicating
- Added support for messages in RAW format for exchanging string type tags on MQTT driver, making it possible to manage any MQTT payload format using an ad-hoc script
- Addition of MTConnect and SIMOTION drivers

Increasing Performance

- Optimization of WebHMI screen loading and Movicon.NExT opening of screens
- Added new flat objects (display, slider, combo box, checkbox, button, knob) to the toolbox for applications with high HMI performance

Amplified Augmented Reality
- Enabled zoom in camera view to provide access to difficult to reach assets by using Android devices, optimizing operations on site and making maintenance faster and more efficient
- New QR code management support simplifies and speeds AR projects

Expanded Productivity

Easier Navigation
- With the implementation of the new three-tier facility, users can get shift and day OEE data grouped by plant and department, making it easier to navigate OEE metrics

The scheduler now allows you, even at runtime, to define exclusion days (i.e. holidays). This way it is possible to exclude the scheduled event in specific days of the year, such as religious holidays (that are automatically planned) or customized days or periods.
Alarm Dispatcher:
A new plug-in has been introduced for the notification of events of “Push” type, using Telegram, the instant messaging service. The alarms or events of the plant can be now notified, not only by voice call, email or SMS, but also towards groups or single chats thanks to Telegram, a free app available for Android, iOS and PC. To use this plugin the plant must have internet access.
Trend Graphic Objects:
In the new version 3.4, new graphic visualization objects of historical trends are available, and others have been updated.
Data Analysis object now allows both the visualization and analysis of historical data and the real-time update, with the possibility to pause and restart to visualize the real-time trend of connected tags.
The real-time trend object now is not connected to Historian and Datalogger anymore, it simply allows the visualization of the real-time trend of one or more connected tags. It is fully compatible with the projects developed with the previous versions.
Speech Synthesis and Voice Commands:
Movicon.NExT 3.4 extends the concept of human-machine interface thanks to speech synthesis and voice commands. The new command “Text to Speech” allows you to vocally synthesize a text string. This way an event or an alarm could generate a voice message for the operator.
Voice commands are available as both system commands and object commands. The voice system commands, configurable in project properties, allow, for example, browsing the projects pages or the zoom of the screen. The voice object commands allow to associate a vocal command and to execute the command associated to the object. For example, a button command could also be executed at the same time with a related voice command pronounced by the operator.
IT connectivity with the new SQL Driver:
To simplify the Industry 4.0 applications, it has been introduced the new communication driver that joins to the “Basic Pack”, and it can connect to a SQL database that supports TCP/IP protocol, maintaining the values of the referral table synchronized with the values of the tags in the I/O Data Server of the project.
Thanks to this new driver, the exchange of the data based on database tables is simplified, so far that the use of visual basic script has been necessarily required.
Drivers – Several News and Updates:
“S7 TCP” and “S7 TIA Portal (Symbolic)” Siemens drivers have been updated to manage tag imports from TIA Portal v15 (*.ap15) projects, allowing also the import of structures of structures. OPC UA Client driver and the relating importer have been updated to allow the support to IEC 61131 PLC OPEN data model, such as on the data structures of new OPC UA devices of B&R and Omron and many others.
The Mitsubishi Melsec Q Ethernet driver and the relating importer have been updated with the support to string-type variables, allowing the communication with the recent family iQ-R PLCs.
It has been realized a native driver I/O for B&R PVI. It has been introduced the support to Micrologix 800.
Web Client App:
The Movicon.NExT App for mobile devices has been updated to version 3.4 on the App Store, Google Play and Microsoft Store.
For the iOS and Android devices, there has been the introduction of 2 functionalities that significantly improve the usability: pinch-to-zoom and feedback to the touch.
Now it will be possible to zoom the project pages and to have a feedback through vibration (or acoustic if the vibration is not available) to notify that a sensitive area has been touched, such as a button that executes a command.
For Microsoft devices on the other hand, there has been the introduction of 2 functionalities to extend the usability of the app with HoloLens wearable devices: vocal commands and transparency.
It will be possible to set the transparency of the pages background for a more immersive experience of augmented reality and there will be the possibility to execute the vocal commands as it happens on the client desktop of Movicon.NExT.
Editor – Extension of the Cross Reference to the Scripts:
In version 3.4, the Cross-Reference option has been improved by both extending resource analysis (scripts, receipts, report parameters and alarm thresholds) and in performance, allowing the analysis of the project quicker

About Movicon.NExT. This modular and open platform will empower automation professionals as the perfect solution for Supervision, HMI, Control, Historian, MES and industrial Analysis. The Movicon.NExT project has been engineered to overcome the restricted use of conventional SCADA/HMI technology. Based on the most modern technological solutions, it creates the foundation for a long-term investment without compromise. They offer openness and integration that has never been seen before in the world of automation and SUPERVISION.

Brief description of Movicon.NExT technology, a software platform architecture designed for building the foundations of modern automation software.
About Progea group. The Progea group, with HQ in Modena, have been producing SCADA/HMI platforms for industrial SUPERVISION for over 25 years with a constant increase in yearly turnover and profits. They have gained a stronghold on the international market with exponential growth worldwide. Today, the Progea group has a Team of 40 employees operating throughout their Italian offices in Modena, Milano and Padova, and branches in Germany, USA and Switzerland where their international distribution is coordinated.

Product: Movicon.NExT
Version: 2023
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.progea.com
Language: English, Italiano, Deutsch
System Requirements: PC *
Size: 1.0 Gb


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