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[图形图像]Blender Market – Plug-ins Collection 2019.9.2 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2019-09-07 14:21:53
Blender Market – Plug-ins Collection 2 Sept 2019
Smart Select v1.x for Blender 2.7-2.8

Smart select makes selecting things in Blender much more easy. with just one click you can select things that Blender by default can’t handle.
NEW! Paint select tool, work like Blenders default “circle select” tool but without the the size cursor and on the fly. can easy be combined with all other selections as well.
You can also fill an object and using your previous selection as a frame!
Delimit function has been added to all commands on Smart Fill.
Alt+MMB will change Delimit option.

Loop select works on everything from a simple box to complex shapes, use Alt+MMB to grow selection.
Work in all modes, In face mode select linked flat faces will be activated, in edge and vert mode a loop will be selected.
Change all shortcuts easy.
Get graphical feedback on the screen what angle you are using, you
can also customize: color,placement,duration,size etc.

Set what angle you want the addon to use by default.
True Terrain v2.x [2.8] updates as of Sept 2019
True-Terrain Plugin for Blender v2.79-2.8 | True-Terrain is an ‘All-in-one’ product. A product with a series of Custom Shaders, models and particle systems, that will allow you to create a fully believable, and photo-realistic environment using just blenders own internal tool-set.
Curves To Mesh
Now exclusively for Blender 2.8!
Create and configure mesh surfaces from bezier curves.
Theme Editor
Edit your UI theme colors by groups (every matching color) instead of one by one.
Highlight the currently selected UI elements, for easier searching and discovery.
Filter by color, so you can simply click on the UI element you want to change to edit it.
Filter by name, in case you are looking for something specific.


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