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- 2025-02-20
Belkasoft Evidence Center 2020 version 9.9800 | 1.2 Gb The Belkasoft product team is pleased to announce the availability of Belkasoft Evidence Center 2020 version 9.8 is an all-in-one forensic solution for acquiring, locating, extracting, and analyzing digital evidence stored inside computers and mobile devices, RAM and cloud. Belkasoft Evidence Center 2020破解版使调查人员可以轻松获取,搜索,分析,存储和共享在计算机和移动设备,RAM和云中发现的数字证据。该工具包将通过分析硬盘驱动器,驱动器映像,云,内存转储,iOS,Blackberry和Android备份,GrayKey,UFED,OFB,Elcomsoft,TWRP映像,JTAG和碎片转储来快速从多个来源提取数字证据。中心将自动分析数据源,并布置最具有法律意义的重要文物,供调查人员检查,更仔细地检查或添加到报告中。 Belkasoft证据中心2020版本9.9800中的新增功能Belkasoft产品团队已启动Belkasoft证据中心2020版本9.9800.4829。此版本中支持基于Checkm8的采集。 Belkasoft证据中心通过Bootrom Exploit提供法医声音iOS提取 Belkasoft Evidence Center的新版本通过硬编码的,不可修补的Bootrom漏洞,对精选的iOS设备进行了法医,无越狱的提取,引入了法医学。兼容的设备包括一系列由Apple的A7到A11 SoC供电的iPhone和iPad设备(从iPhone X到iPhone 5s以及相应的iPad设备)。 9.9800版-数据:2020年2月 iPhone采集和分析 Belkasoft证据中心利用了所有基于A7至A11 SoC的Apple设备中存在的硬编码漏洞。 Apple无法修补利用此漏洞的checkm8漏洞,因为该漏洞本身存在于设备内存的受硬件保护的只读区域中。 越狱社区基于此漏洞发布了公共越狱。 Linux和macOS用户可以使用checkra1n越狱。但是,在要分析的设备上安装越狱程序是一个复杂,不安全且不太合理的过程。 Belkasoft证据中心无需越狱即可直接访问受影响设备的文件系统。直接访问文件系统可在整个受支持的iOS设备范围内取证声音提取。该功能在Windows 10上可用。移动取证-大大改进了GrayKey图像分析并加快了速度-无需越狱即可在iOS采集方面进行更多改进-改进了基于ADB的Android设备采集- 改进了基于Agent的Android设备采集-支持或更新了Android应用。Android OneDrive支持更新至v。5.40.4。支持Android Google文档。Android Google Maps进行了改进。支持Android Google翻译-支持或更新了iOS应用。iOS Yahoo Mail应用程序得到了改进。改进了iOS Evernote应用程序的文本提取。现在可以正确提取iOS Evernote的附件。分析iTunes备份时从Facebook个人资料中提取的联系人。支持iOS Hangouts Messenger(包括地理位置数据提取)计算机取证-显着提高了雕刻性能-大大改进了基于Zip的数据源分析-不再将雕刻数据存储在数据库中,这也将为每种情况节省大量空间-病毒固定的总分析-改进了Windows的Puffin浏览器分析- 继续改进了LNK文件分析-显着改善了LNK雕刻和雕刻LNK文件的分析-改进了LNK工件的报告-提取了Mail 163 Windows应用程序邮箱的文件夹名称-Windows OneDrive应用支持已更新-修复了为密码暴力破解创建密钥字典时的问题- 已修复了针对跳转列表和LNK文件显示十六进制的问题-已针对文档修复了“具有嵌入式文件”的不正确过滤条件修复了事件调查-清除了OpenSavePdl工件-针对计划任务工件修复了作者字段提取-更好地显示了预取文件,Shim缓存和Windows Power Shell工件-填充了预取文件的原始路径-将来为计划任务工件提取了数据-已修复-支持Windows RDP相关事件日志分析远程获取-通过GPO进行了部署。现在有三种部署类型:本地(使用Thumbdrive或网络共享),通过WMI,通过GPO-当服务器和代理使用不同版本的SQLite Viewer时,改进了远程代理的稳定性-刻印的SQLite未分配数据现在始终显示在SQLite Viewer的相应页面上(以前在某些情况下为空白)-SQLite加载可以更快地在不同版本之间切换工件列表-已修复从SQLite Viewer创建报表的问题-正确地在每个SQLite表的底部显示了WAL记录的计数其他改进-Windows Google Drive数据提取得到了改进。现在显示了Google云端硬盘工件的偏移量。十六进制现在可以正确地突出显示它们-改进了面部,皮肤等的视频关键帧分析-改进了Windows上OneDrive工件的长度提取-修复了Google云端硬盘和Gmail云下载的Google同意页-呈现关键帧时概述中图片的计数不正确-修复-概述中的视频不适用于“复制文件”选项-修复了-用BEC的先前版本未显示在“搜索结果”选项卡上-已修复What's New in Belkasoft Evidence Center 2020 Version 9.7 Belkasoft Evidence Center 2020 version 9.7 (or, in short, BEC) is an all-in-one forensic solution, combining mobile and computer forensics as well as memory, cloud and remote forensics, and incident investigations in a single tool. Given its affordable price, it is one of the best choices among other available products on the market. In version 9.7, Belkasoft significantly expanded BEC support of various mobile data sources and improved its Remote Forensics module. Among major features included in BEC 2020 version 9.7 there are: - Acquisition of MTK based devices- Acquisition via MTP/PTP protocols- iOS 13 support- Support for Xiaomi and Huawei backups- F2FS file system parsing and analysis- CarPlay analysis- Major improvements of Remote Forensics (macOS support; WMI deployment)- Connection Graph revamped- Numerous improvements in Artificial Neural Network analysis of photos- The search of Japanese texts improved- Numerous updates to artifact extractionOther improvements- Search of Japanese improved. Basing on the feedback from our Japanese customers, we tuned our new search engine built on ElasticSearch, to better search hieroglyphic terms.- Application names in registry data are decoded per ROT13- Better JPG carving- Support for EML messages carving- Search of words from file fails (issue fixed)- Dates are not extracted from PDF documents (issue fixed)- JBIG2 decoding supported for pictures embedded into PDF documents- DMG images analysis improved- Correct time extraction (UTC/Local) for MIME emails- Incorrectly detected recipient/sender at device with two SIM-cards (issue fixed)- and about 180 other improvements made Belkasoft Evidence Center —an easy-to-use, integrated solution for collecting and analyzing digital evidence from mobile and computer devices. Customers in law enforcement, police, military, business, intelligence agencies, and forensic laboratories in 130+ countries worldwide use Belkasoft products to fight homicide, crimes against children, drug trafficking, data leakage, fraud, and other online and offline crimes. In this video, we will review how to analyze memory dump, extract processes - whether alive or dead, review their memory in HexViewer, detect malware, and extract some useful forensic artifacts, such as browser history or pictures using Belkasoft Evidence Center. Founded in 2002, Belkasoft is a global leader in digital forensics technology, known for their sound and comprehensive forensic tools. With a team of professionals in digital forensics, data recovery and reverse engineering, Belkasoft focuses on creating technologically advanced yet easy-to-use products for investigators and forensic experts to make their work easier, faster, and more effective.Product: Belkasoft Evidence Center Version: 2020 version 9.9800.4829 Supported Architectures: x64 Website Home Page : https://belkasoft.com/ Language: english System Requirements: PC * Supported Operating Systems: * Size: 1.5 Gb
* System Requirements:Recommended hardware
The software has been tested on multiple configurations and works well even on older laptops, but the best affordable configuration is as follows:
- Windows 7 or Windows 10 - 4-core i7 processor with hyperthreading - 16 Gb of RAM (per each instance of the product) - SSD drive as a system disk and big magnetic drive for case data (1Tb or larger)
The more processors/cores/RAM/disk storage, naturally the better.购买后,将显示帖子中所有出售内容。 若发现会员采用欺骗的方法获取财富,请立刻举报,我们会对会员处以2-N倍的罚金,严重者封掉ID! 此段为出售的内容,购买后显示 关于激活1、软件安装完成后,运行Spoon Studio Extractor.exe,在安装目录下找到Evidence Center App.exe默认C:\Program Files\1Belkasoft Evidence Center x64\Evidence Center App.exe拖动Evidence Center App.exe到Spoon Studio Extractor.exe,点击Extract Files按钮抽取文件~2、抽取完成后会在出现一个Export Files文件夹,复制BelkasoftFixer.exe到Export Files文件夹双击下运行运行后会生成一个@PROFILECOMMON@文件夹3、抽取完成后会在出现一个Export Files文件夹,复制BelkasoftFixer.exe到Export Files文件夹双击下运行运行后会生成一个@PROFILECOMMON@文件夹4、复制@PROFILECOMMON@文件夹内所有文件到软件安装目录下替换文件默认路径C:\Program Files\Belkasoft Evidence Center x64复制Crack文件夹里的Belkasoft.CManager.dll、Evidence Center.exe、license.xml到软件安装目录下替换文件。5、完成激活 完成激活教程:https://www.sdbeta.com/wg/2019/1214/232917.html