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[图形图像]Assimilate Scratch 9.2.1034 (x64) [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2019-10-25 21:52:51
Buy and learn one tool to use, from on-set throughout the entire post-production pipeline. SCRATCH covers all bases and can be the foundation of your workflow while still integrating with other dailies- and editorial-system or specialized post-tools.
Assimilate Scratch 9.1.1028是一款专业的视频电影调色软件,是用于2K电影、高清、标清实时调色的数字中间片解决方案。世界上最快、最互动的创意平台。 Scratch从2004年开始,让艺术家和艺术界的技术为实时的日报, 颜色校正调色, 合成和渲染输出的工作流程。支持任何格式和分辨率,如高清、3D、VR、2k、4k、8k等。Windows或Mac。桌面或笔记本。一个艺术家的调色板,为技术人员提供一个灵活的平台。现在有了先进的HDR和ACES工作流程。
- Format support - SCRATCH supports almost all professional media formats around from RAW, to traditional intermediates dpx, EXR, QuickTime, etc. to compressed like XAVC and other H264 variants.
- Live View - ingest the SDI signal of a camera directly to manage on-set looks or green-screen testing.
- Flexible transcoding to any (intermediate) format - MXF, ProRes (also on Windows!), H264, etc. - in multiple resolutions in one go, including grades and burn-in titling.
- Manage looks, import and export CDL or LUT and use the match-functions to ensure looks created on-set can be easily used further down the pipeline.
- Fully customizable reporting in html or directly online, including proxy images and all shot meta data.
On-Set Dailies

- SCRATCH has its own online editor but can also import a timeline from your favorite offline editor.
- Flexible conform options to assemble your timeline from Final Cut, Media Composer or Premiere.
- Navigate through your Multi Layered timeline and easily navigate your tracks down to any composite element of your shots.

- Primary- and secondary grading: qualifiers, curves, vectors, unlimited grading layers and masks in any (free form) shape.
- Flexible and fully automated Color space management covering all major color spaces, including ACES. Support for a wide variety of LUT formats.
- Versioning: easily create, manage, compare and switch between versions of shots.
- Full support for grading panels and surfaces.

- Shape tracking and animation of any effect, grade and layer geometry.
- Support for third party OpenFX plug-ins. SCRATCH standard comes with a paint module, a text module, bicubic layers to warp any surface.
- Easily navigate and view complex composite trees while in the context to the full timeline.
- Nest and cache a node to preserve realtime playback with complex composites.
- Manage your Stereo 3D project almost just as easy as any standard 2D production with automated convergence.

- Create and manage complex output trees / templates for all deliverables.
- Multiple resolutions, formats and framerates - QuickTime, MXF, dpx, EXR, DCI compatible J2k, and more - all in one go.
- Add subtitles, logo's or deliverable specific grades.
- Publish directly to YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook or SCRATCH Web.

- Easily manage thousands and thousands of shots in a single project.
- Import/export, search, edit all available shot meta data.
- XML Scripting to integrate the power of SCRATCH into your (automated) pipeline and link it to other tools.

- SCRATCH Remote; connect multiple SCRATCH systems from all around the world for a creative grading session.
- Store your user settings online - grades, gallery items, panels settings in the cloud so you can take place behind any

- Playback: Single view, split-view, A/B view, Reference monitor or projector, SDI output - SCRATCH offers it all.
- Playback revisited: smooth while grading or compositing - instant response when adjusting any grade parameters.
- Handle any image resolution - no need to stop at 4k.
- Widest hardware support for graphic cards, grading panels and video-IO industry wide.
- Our support team - always available to guide you and help out with any issue you might encounter.

System Requirements:
- SCRATCH is optimized for Windows 7 or higher , 64-bit operating system.
- Processor: Single Xeon i5 or i7 is minimum spec. Recommend dual.
Home Page - https://www.assimilateinc.com/


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