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- 2024-11-06
The software developer Chaos Czech a.s., is part of Chaos Group, is pleased to announce the availability of Corona Renderer 9 for Autodesk 3ds Max with Material Library. With Clearcoat and Sheen in the new Physical Material, easy and fast aerial perspective in the Corona Sky, faster rendering, and many more updates, this release will give you better results, all while making your 3D work easier and speedier. Corona Renderer 9 for 3ds Max - what's new - The New Physical Material Three words that bring a world of benefits to you, including Clearcoat, Sheen, 35 presets, improved glass, and more!- Updated Corona Sky The PRG Clear Sky model (previously the "Improved" sky) brings you an easy and fast-rendering Volume Effect (aerial perspective), control over the Altitude of the scene, the ability to adjust how clear or overcast the sky is with Turbidity, and the choice to artistically change the Horizon Blur- Updated Material Library A new Masonry category, and updates to several categories to take advantage of the new Physical Material- Faster Rendering from 5 to 50% thanks to several rendering speedups- Updated Corona Converter to eaisly convert to the new Physical Material- And more! Bug fixes Crash Fixes - Fixed crash when Falloff Map with Fresnel type and World-Z axis direction is applied to refraction - Fixed DR being stuck when rendering second frame of an animation - Fixed crashes on the second rendering of a scene with some specific material configurations - Fixed issue where having Norwegian locale lead to 3ds Max crashing at startup - Fixed bug in light solver precomputation that caused a crash in IR - Fixed crash in IR when deleting an object that is being instanced by Corona Scatter - Fixed possible crashes in Corona Scatter when some scattered instances get scaled to zero while using collision avoidance. - Fixed crash in the Aperture dialog of Bloom&Glare when it is destroyed and update is still running - Fixed crash relating to using map hierarchy with multiple Falloff textures connected to each other - Fixed Corona Scatter crash in cases of spline scattering with zero frequency set to models - Fixed Bad Allocation exception/crash in 2.5D Displacement for an extreme number of vertices - Fixed occasional crashes when rendering the Corona Layered material - Fixed crash caused by memory overflow when rendering media - Fixed crashes in some cases when bump map is evaluated to NaNs - Fixed crash during scene parsing when using the Pro Optimizer modifier - Fixed rare crash caused by rounding errors when evaluating a texture map for a given pixel - Fixed crash when the Corona Improved Color Picker is launched from the maxscript colorPickerDlg function - Fixed crash when a Falloff map in Fresnel mode is connected to an IOR slot of any material through another map (NOTE: Falloff maps in Fresnel mode are not supported in the IOR slot by Corona, and doing this will trigger a warning and the material will be rendered as if nothing was connected to the IOR slot) - Fixed crash during 3ds Max startup when a Corona licensing log file cannot be opened for some reason - Fixed possible crashes occurring when a VRayBitmap is plugged in as a density map to Corona Scatter Scatter Fixes - Fixed Scatter missing an update in IR, causing “popping” while scrubbing on the timeline - Fixed object list spinners in Corona Scatter to show correct values in cases where they are animated and time on the timeline changes - Fixed Corona Scatter not to cause repetitive restarting of V-Ray GPU IPR when a scatter object gets disabled. General Fixes - Fixed scene parsing taking longer for each frame in an animation (note: does not fix prolonged geometry parsing, this will be addressed in the future) - Fixed Alpha channel being saved as black when Sharpening/Blurring is enabled (PNG, TIF, TGA) - Fixed artifacts in the bloom & glare effect in some cases with very bright lights - Fixed an issue in the CoronaDisplacementMod where the displacement map was not taken from the material even if it was requested - Fixed bug where displacement was removed even if override material was off, and added preservation of displacement from layered material - Fixed freeze when removing items from Distance maps - Fixed NaNs in certain scenes by enforcing minimal focal distance in camera - Fixed the image texture cache, which improves memory usage when the same image is referenced multiple times using different file paths (e.g. when symlinks are involved) - Corona Standalone now gives a more relevant error message when trying to load a file from an unsupported version - Fixed Falloff map built-in color mixing - Fixed CIE to correctly apply Bloom&Glare in cubemap panoramic renders - Fixed rare issue where Bloom&Glare might not be updated in the VFB - Fixed LEGION_STOP in a scene with falloff + RGB multiply maps combination - Fixed “No sockets could be bound” DR failure - Fixed memory leak when rendering hair - Fixed “Reset to Default” button in the pop-up window that warned users that not all logical cores were used during rendering – until now it did not work as expected during Interactive Rendering - Fixed possible NaNs rendering Skin and Hair materials - Fixed problems with NaNs caused by some scenes containing a degenerated matrix (e.g. an object that has been scaled to have zero scale in at least one axis) - Improved the CoronaNormal tooltip for the “Add gamma to input” checkbox - Fixed “connection failed” issue when using “search on LAN” after “search LAN” in Distributed Rendering - Corona Converter & Proxy Exporter scripts are now saved to Program Files/Corona to make sure we do not mix scripts from different versions when using multiloaders – read more - Fixed environment mapping type being changed when converting from CoronaBitmap to 3ds Max Bitmap - Fixed DRServer in command line mode ignoring output being redirected to a file - Fixed some rendering artefacts caused by infinite values in textures (e.g. EXR) - Fixed some entries in viewport right click menu being disabled the first time this menu is opened in a 3ds Max session - Added a tooltip to the randomization mode of the MultiMap and UVWRandomizer mode, explaining that the “Instance” randomization is based on the node name and will change when the node is renamed - Added warning when a Corona Proxy contains corrupted normals which cause it to render differently depending on whether the “Keep in RAM” checkbox is enabled - Updated EULA (both in installer & pdf in daily builds folder) to version XV – Only cosmetic changes, saying explicitly that we’re part of the Chaos Group Corona Renderer功能列表 渲染引擎 有偏和无偏的解决方案 路径跟踪:无偏解决方案 UHD高速缓存:更快的内饰偏置缓存解决方案 去噪减少获取无噪声图像所需的通过次数,渲染时间减少50%至70% 用户可以自行决定是否使用基于NVIDIA AI GPU的降噪功能进行最终渲染(需要兼容的NVIDIA GPU) 英特尔AI降噪可用于最终渲染。仅适用于CPU,并且可与任何CPU(不仅是Intel)配合使用 互动金额调整 复选框以启用/禁用VFB中的结果 快速焦散求解器易于使用,渲染速度快 包括反射,折射和色散引起的焦散(将光分解为单独的颜色) 启用或禁用特定光源 与LightMix一起使用 单独的渲染元素可用于在后期处理中合成焦散,以实现更大的控制 与运动模糊一起正常使用 自适应图像采样平衡图像上的渲染计算,以将更多处理能力集中在棘手的区域 高质量的图像过滤,使噪点看起来更自然,“ CGI更少”,从而使眼睛不太明显 渐进式渲染 最大样品强度(MSI):自动去除萤火虫– 精度/渲染速度的权衡 自豪地基于CPU 互动式LightMix 在渲染期间和之后调整灯光的颜色和强度 单击设置(按实例,组或单个灯,并报告内存需求) 从一个渲染器支持一天中不同时间的多个太阳和多个环境 手动设置(如果需要) 由VFB控制 结果可以推到现场 无需重新渲染即可用于从微妙的调整到将白天变成黑夜的任何事物 每个光选择通道都可以独立去噪(可以在自动设置期间启用) 可以将LightMix结果保存到CXR文件中,然后在Corona图像编辑器中进行调整,或者保存以在其他后处理软件中进行合成 可以从LightMix选项卡中选择场景中的灯光 后处理效果 通过渲染设置,Corona相机或VFB控制 渲染期间/之后所有设置均可调节 图像实时更新 绽放与眩光两者均独立控制 阈 颜色强度和移位以调整颜色 眩光射线计数,模糊和旋转 曝光和色彩映射 通过渲染设置,Corona相机或VFB控制 渲染期间/之后所有设置均可调节 图像实时更新 两种曝光控制模式摄影曝光:快门速度+ ISO +光圈 简单曝光:单一EV值 其他设置对比 高光压缩 电影集锦 电影阴影 颜色色彩 饱和 白平衡 绿色至洋红色 具有不透明度调整的LUT 自定义曲线以实现整体亮度以及单个RGB 锐化/模糊处理(可以同时使用,以减少“像素完美”的噪点) 电晕图像编辑器 在任何3D软件之外运行 Corona VFB中所有熟悉的控件 使用全部LightMix控件(在Corona EXR上)调整渲染器图像中的照明 应用降噪(在Corona EXR上) 应用所有Corona后处理选项(在任何EXR上) 保存和加载后处理配置,并与Corona VFB和Corona相机之间进行交换 保存和加载LightMix配置,并与Corona VFB交换配置 Bloom&Glare虚拟元素,可以单独查看或保存 保存到EXR,PNG,JPG和BMP 灯火 日冕独立对象或3ds Max日光组合件的一部分 使用最新的Hošek&Wilkie排放模型 允许非物理属性(更改大小,颜色,禁用反射可见性,...) 电晕灯形状:球形,矩形,圆盘形,圆柱体 IES的个人资料 方向性 纹理发射器 物理单位 颜色(RGB输入,开氏温度,texmap) 非物理设置:禁用阴影,包括/排除,禁用反射可见性,防止具有方向性的灯光出现黑色外观 电晕灯材料将任何物体变成灯光 与使用CoronaLight相比,渲染时间没有差异 3ds Max本机灯光 环境 将任何纹理拖放到3ds Max环境插槽中 无需圆顶物体 重要采样加快渲染速度 直接/反射/折射替代 整体材质(用于体积效果–雾) 材料库 超过430种即用型高质量材料 从库中拖放到视口,Slate材质编辑器和Compact材质编辑器 尽可能使用真实世界比例或三面映射,以减少平铺并给出预期的比例 按类别组织的材料 设置“收藏夹”和“仅显示收藏夹”选项 按名称,收藏夹或最常用的排序 选择场景中所有使用特定材质的对象 可调整大小的材质预览 打开独立的大型预览窗口以获取材料 用料 电晕漫射,半透明,反射,折射,光泽度,不透明 GGX BRDF具有完整的光泽度范围 与Allegorithmic的Substance Painter和Quixel的Megascans等第三方工具兼容 玻璃,宝石等的分散体 自适应位移,内存需求低 向量位移 凹凸贴图 SSS模式适用于不使用折射或半透明性的蜡,大理石和其他材料 雾,薄雾以及有色玻璃,液体和其他使用折射或半透明材料的体积散射和吸收模式 自发光 菲涅耳反射,各向异性反射 电晕皮肤皮肤专用材料 三个独立的地下散射层 两个独立的反射层 电晕头发毛发和毛皮的专用材料 有色和无色反射层 通过 功能介绍 使用方便可用性是我们最强大的武器。渲染设置实际上非常简单,只需按“渲染”即可。大多数新用户将在一天之内学习Corona,并在接下来的几天内爱上它。 渲染质量Corona Renderer可提供可预测,可靠且物理上合理的结果,而不会影响质量。您可以直接使用逼真的照明和材料(包括焦散),我们的论坛和画廊部分提供了很好的示例…… 速度与互动可用的渲染器必须始终尽可能快地交付最终结果,并在瞬间对用户的动作做出反应。这就是我们一直在寻找的…… 负担能力作为一家年轻的公司,我们拥有从一开始就可以做不同事情的奢侈。我们不仅在开发中,而且在创建许可方案时都采用了不同的方法…… 强大的工作流程工具输出质量和速度并不是制作出色渲染器的唯一条件。因此,Corona进行了许多“小”工作流程调整,使您的生活更加轻松…… 灵活性Corona Renderer非常灵活。我们知道能够“弯曲”物理定律以提供客户期望的结果是多么重要。因此,Corona支持众多现实黑客,可让您精确获得所需的效果…… 灯火灯光创建的整个过程旨在让艺术家对场景进行完全控制,同时又快速又直观。没有采样乘数,使用轻质物体和材料之间也没有区别…… 用料我们针对电晕材料的设计目标是使它们基于物理,但直观,灵活且易于设置。 分布式渲染对于任何实际生产而言,一次渲染多台计算机都是必不可少的。Corona通过多种方式促进了这一过程–例如,它拥有自己的分布式渲染系统,并且与Backburner和Thinkbox的Deadline渲染场管理系统兼容…… 自豪地基于CPUCorona Renderer不需要任何特殊硬件即可运行。它使用CPU,您可以在过去十年中从Intel或AMD发行的任何处理器上运行它。 Product: Corona RendererVersion: 9 for Autodesk 3ds Max with Material LibrarySupported Architectures: x64Website Home Page : https://corona-renderer.com/Languages Supported: englishSystem Requirements: PC *Software Prerequisites: Autodesk 3ds Max 2016-2024Size: 4.0 Gb 本部分内容设定了隐藏,需要回复后才能看到