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[网络应用]hsCADCreator [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2019-11-08 22:14:31

hsCADCreator | 42.41 Mb

Create, edit, view, & print 2D/3D CAD drawings easily w/ drag and drop block libraries and context sensitive help. Building on the rock-solid DWG/DXF/DWF support of the Open Design Alliance, hsCADCreator provides professional design and editing features. Browse our product site for complete capibilities, or experience them first-hand through our free trial. See how our intuitive tools can facilitate a new user while still providing the depth and freedom sought by advanced designers.

Real-time instruction and contextual help guide you through tool use, and an extensive online manual provides insight into our advanced features. Group and site licenses are simplified with sitewide deployment tools, and volume discounts are available. Experience our value as you outfit an entire team on the budget of a single drafter. Features :

Create new drawings and edit existing (even legacy) drawings
Open, Import, and Save drawings in industry-standard file formats: dwg, dxf, dxb, dwf
Export drawings to: pdf, bmp, svg
Print/Plot drawings
Access Application defaults and settings
Auto Save / Auto Recover ability
Context sensitive help window
Design in 2D and 3D:
Powerful support of 2D editing
Support of 3D editing through UCS draw planes and 3D Viewing

Rendering Tools and Modes :
View 2D Wireframe
View 3D Wireframe
View Hidden Lines
View Flat Shaded
View Gouraud Shaded
View Flat Shaded with Edges
View Gouraud Shaded with Edges

Measure Tools :
Measure Distance
Measure Area
Measure Angle

Coordinate System Tools :
Preset User Coordinate System (UCS) View Snaps
Rotate UCS
Translate UCS
Align UCS to Entities
Align UCS to WCS

Library Tools :
Manage All Libraries
Manage Blocks
Manage Colors
Manage Dimension Styles
Manage External References
Manage Hatch styles
Manage Image Definitions
Manage Layers
Manage Layouts
Manage Linetypes
Manage Multiline Styles
Manage Named Views
Manage Plot Settings
Manage Text Styles
Manage User Coordinate Systems
Manage Viewports

Home Page:http://apps.hachisoft.com/

Language: English

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